Two soldiers had joined Sinclair on his run towards the hanger apparently been on a bathroom break when the attack broke out. They joined the two in haste towards the run towards the hanger. Already problems were occuring as when they got near an exit a dead ORB soldier lay splattered against the exit blood seeping through the metal catwalk. "Can anyone hear this!? There are GINNS with the logo of the Somalian High Warlords incoming from the coast! It's a raid!" came a voice over the communications device from a nearby dead soldier near Sinclair. The dead soldier was situated near the exit towards the hanger. It was from one of the ORB units whom had been stationed there to guard the suits. "Second squad is dead! They're all gone god damn it! Why are there pirates so far out here!?" shouted the voice from over the communicator. "I repeat there is a raid on the coast we've lost the second mobile division to RPG fire and there's enemy GINNs here too!" came the voice once more before the communicator cut out. "Sir! What about Mr. Stone? He's probably a target orders?" asked an OMNI soldier as he kicked a soldier. "Are these ZAFT guys or what!? The message is making me unsure and they're not wearing red uniforms either! Damn whoever it is!" said another soldier as he looked around nervously. "We brought this here we gotta do something about it you come with me! Doctor you....THERE'S a compromised position over by the airport! Alert signal from the other hanger! the Astray prototypes' hanger is under attack! Damn it kid keep calm!" stated the first soldier who hid behind a corner as a rifle went off near his head. "But isn't Red Astray in that hanger too along with Buster!?" asked the younger soldier who breathed in heavily. "I'll cover you on the way to the suit go and get in the mobile suit! I can't pilot one with no experience doing so and I ain't no mechanic! Kid I need you to guard the other guy Good luck." The older soldier with grin as he grabbed his assault rifle and charged down the stairs and shouted before opening fire on the invaders. === "Bastards!" shouted Lyon as he opened fire upon the handful of soldiers whom survived the surprise attack. He had intended to rush Duel gundam as fast as possible but unfortunately they had already taken one or two loses he couldn't tell if the pilot for Buster was still with them or not. The split up between Carson's squad had gone rocky almost immediately and they were lucky they didn't lose the element of surprise. They booked it through a secret passage way that was practically crumbling in on itself from some ancient war back in the day. It had taken them directly to the base underneath the rocky terrain and had been able to bypass the longer route that was via the road. Lyon shot at the boy in the pilot suit with his hand cannon twice before having to duck down when suddenly a man with an assault rifle opened fire upon him. The man killed the soldier next to him before Lyon could say get down. "Damn it! It seems we hadn't gotten all of the pilots! Rosie should have gotten'em all!" He commented sourly as he opened fire blindly up towards the shooter. "Damn it!" Lyon complained. ==== "Looks like we'll be taking your suits now have a nice day. Hehehehe..." a calm and velvety voice said to Milya as the communicator was shut off abruptly. Tyber looked around and frowned, "It seems we won't be able to get towards the hanger with the two suits it....however Carson's team was already down there so he had it covered. However he tapped the communicator from the next squad that was coming to reinforce the hanger bay apparently. He changed his voice to a rugged and deep voice to mask himself. He told his men to slit the doctors' throats for good measure and the guards as well. "Sir this is Private Conrad! Enemy soldiers are going towards the civilian hangers if you don't hurry they will be slaughtered!" he said to the squad as almost immediately the squad captain turned his astray around and flew towards the other side of the airfield with half of his squad leaving only two astrays left. It wasn't ideal....but it was better than before. Tyber feigned static before shooting the consoles in the control center the doctors had been in. "Well I'm going to go and take the astrays boys follow me!" He said raising his hand in triumph which followed with a loud hurrah and salute by the soldiers. === Richard looked around and noticed that there astray pilots coming when a communications soldier told the commanding officer of the guards that eighth squad was moving into assist. Command may have been disrupted but the squads knew their jobs. One of them noticed Richard however and pulled him close. "Hey aren't you that top shot pilot!? We got astray suits inside that hanger bay! Go get one and get moving! They're covered in tarp but they still work fine!" He said before ordering his men to provide covering fire. Richard didn't even need to ask any questions he had a job to do and a directive now! Push back the invaders! Richard opened fire with a pistol he had been given and made a mad run towards the hanger but he got nicked in the soldier but luckily it barely scratched him with another bullet going past his ear and waist as he ran towards the hanger. However he was lucky because the covering fire had been disrupted because the enemy soldiers had the same idea that his group did. "Damn them!" He shouted as he shot at them from behind cover as watched as one of his fellow soldiers got his skull blown clear in half by a rifle round. He nearly puked but he held his guts in a bit longer. He was shot at by another enemy soldier as he ran up the walk way. The nearest suit was close by but his run was slowed to a crawl as he was opened fire upon by someone on the other side of the catwalk. "Damn it!" Richard said returning fire causing the person to duck in cover as the two raced towards the suits. === "SELENA MOVE IT I'LL COVER YOU!" Carson said as he opened fire upon the enemy forces hiding behind loading trucks and conveniently placed cover that surrounded the hanger. The group had been split up but they had still had the element of surprise on the enemy. After gunning down the gate guards the group jumped over the gate and made a run for it while one half of the group made their way towards the middle of the city to attack a police station to draw city ORB soldiers and police officers to them in a feint their group was making their move towards the hanger. She only hoped Kai and Lyon were all right....however she can't be allowed to think about them just yet as they inched closer and closer to the hanger. Carson however had grabbed her tightly by the shoulder and pulled her down just as a bullet nearly cracked her in the side of the head. "But sir the enemy! I can't leave you!" she said to him but Carson shook his head, "You're a red coat Selena! GET MOVING! I'll be right behind you I promise." Carson said reassuringly to her through the gun fire as Selena took a deep breath, the scent of gunpowder was heavy in the air at this point which slightly disoriented her, and then made a break for it. Just as suddenly the enemy release a hail of covering fire. towards them. Carson blind fired and took another soldier took an enemy in the head along with one on the edge of the line. However Cody Browns was killed on her side unknown to Selena as she had made a mad dash towards the hanger only to find someone had gone up with her on the other side of the hanger. She shot at him but the bullets missed. She cursed her shaky hands before dodging the return fire using her enhanced reflexes to help do so. Her training pulled through and she managed to get to the top but so did the other one. She went to make a run for it but stopped when the enemy's allies shot at her taking her in the abdomen. She clutched at her wound but ignored it because it had missed anything and had only went through meat. She would be able to clean up her wound in a minute or so when the suit would need to be booted up. She had been assigned to Forbidden and that's what she intended on taking for herself and ZAFT today. However suddenly the boy made a mad dash towards one of the other suits, not a prototype but the shape of it, and that alarmed her greatly. Ignoring the pain she made a dash for not the Forbidden suit but the boy. Carson fired at him and growled in annoyance as the boy managed to get to the suit. "I won't let you!" ==== Richard frowned deeply as he dashed forwards at a feverish pace and leap forward taking a shot just above his left side near the arm pit but it was once again a skimming shot. The assault rifle fire that suddenly came from a ZAFT pilot below troubled him because he knew then more of his men must have died. "I'll avenge you all!" he said as he entered the astray unit and quickly went to start up the suit with the pace of a man whom had done it so many times before. He needed to get this thing moving! "Damn you work!" He shouted when suddenly was grabbed from behind and pulled out and slammed into a wall. He felt blood and the smell of fresh blood emanating from the hands of the enemy pilot. Definitely a coordinator by the fact that he noticed the woman had breasts underneath her coat made him even more sure of that since women weren't normally strong enough to hoist a man like Richard out so easily. "You son of a bi-" She shouted in his face as suddenly when he went to look into the eyes of his killer he saw the woman's eyes open...widely....and then. "Ri-Richard?" the woman said shivering and backing away from him slowly almost dropping the gun. "Is that you Richard?" she said to him suddenly looking at him in complete shock. Richard's sight was a bit blurry and he was jarred...but he'd recognize that voice anywhere....only one person he knew had blue eyes with yellow hair and a voice as hard yet soft as that, "Selena!? Is that yo-" he didn't get a chance to reply Selena broke full sprint backwards towards the other suits and before he knew it he was under fire once more. Richard's body acted on it's own before he dashed towards the other suit. The enemy had gotten to close for him to risk trying to get back into that astray suit he was in. Richard dashed towards the other suit opposite to the one Selena was in. "NO damn it! I WON'T LET YOU TOUCH THAT SUIT!" Came the man below but he was shot in the leg by one of his allies who told the kid to make a run for it quick. Putting Selena out of his mind, he knew it had to be her there was no doubt about it. Even with not seeing her in so he had to put his mind off her she was an enemy at the moment....but she spared his life. Why? That was Richard's thoughts before making a dash towards the other suit. === Toyo, Yuri, and Satsuki had all been driving towards the base when the explosive blast had happened and right then and there Satsuki went into overdrive mode. She didn't stop to gawk at that she went right into action. Directive 22....she remembered Sendo telling her about it back in the day she first became lieutenant but now....she wasn't so sure she'd ever used it until now. It was the directive that was to be used in an emergency outbreak. However she noticed an explosive blast up ahead when suddenly she knew that this was no simple attack. Satsuki pulled over and told Yuri to get his ass moving and chase whoever it was that was over there and move it. She gave him her spare pistol before driving away towards the burnt car. "Hey you are you....COMMANDER SENDO!" Satsuki said as she drove up quickly towards the man whom she recalled as Ace, stupid name be damned, she got and told Toyo to move it before she and Ace got the commander into the back of the car and removed the metal from his back quickly. They made sure they did what they could to cover his wounds before driving full blast towards the station. "Hold up there cowboy I'm coming with you. Toyo stay with Sendo for now and guard him with your life!" Satsuki said as she left the private with her commanding officer. Toyo was inexperienced and he would only hinder her at this point. "And don't argue with me!" Satsuki told Ace before running off with him . "There's a hanger nearby...unfortunately for us apparently they're top secret we may be court marshaled for going there but the astray suits are located on the other side of the field. The port is too far away to meet up with the dock commander! We have to-damn!" she shouted before stopping and capping an enemy in the face not before taking a bullet in the shoulder. "I'm fine let's keep moving." She said insistently before pointing out the direction of the hanger they were to go to.