Breena raised a brow. It was not like she could tell him that, in relation to her age, he [i]was[/i] in fact a child. Beard or not. She was slightly surprised he had heard and recognized the incantation she had spoken a few moments prior. "It is not too uncommon. Many...beings who worship the spirits of the Earth would recognize them." And that was all she said about that. Though she had no problem following the man to his so called friends, she wanted to get home and rest. Handing nim the basket of cookies she said. "For you and your friends. I must be going and could make more at home if i wished." she looked to Wolf who had stayed quiet the whole time. "Also, this is the first time i've had a guest in two..." she cought herself before she said hundred, only the sound of the h was spoken. "Years." she finished. Smiling, she stepped past the man and took a few steps before stopping. "Oh, i nearly forgot. My name is Breena. Should you ever want to come back and get some cookies for you and your friends, you are very welcome to do so."