[quote=Endless Echo] Well being a husband is one thing; but he very much could of had a life before hand so I suppose the better question is "what kind of character do you want the husband to be" would be a better answer. - As for era that is entirely open for adjustment; but keep in mind I don't really care for modern themes. Though the fact that it's an arranged marriage should be a hint of how far back it may or may not be. - If you like demons can be common knowledge - however it would be clear that the demoness in question has fooled the human's family into believing she was human.The only other thing I could see needing to be ironed out is exactly why she choose him. which would be entirely up to you. [/quote] A non modern setting is just fine for me. The more I think about it, the more a medieval/feudal setting would fit better with the whole arranged marriage thing (marry them young and without their input). As for what the husband is like;...I'm leaning towards a more scholarly type of guy. Also, Demons being common knowledge [i]would[/i] lead to a bigger 'oh shit' moment when the husband finds out just what his new wife really is. However the last part has me a little baffled; you're letting [i]me[/i] decided what your character's motivation is?