[b]Name:[/b] Dylan Moore [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Position:[/b] Variant [b]Personality:[/b] Dylan is a pretty strange guy. He tend to stay to himself when around other variants, perhaps still retaining a little sanity in his shaggy head.There are a few that he seems to be on good terms with, but he spends most of his time hiding and creeping around. He's civil enough when given the opportunity; maybe just a little lonely. When threatened, however, he doesn't hesitate to fuck shit up. He's gotten to the point where murdering another variant, or even a regular person, is about as emotionally easy as squishing a fly. As an overall personality, he seems sort of...blank. Like he's just a shell of what he once was. He shambles around in the dark with an emotionless expression on his face, impossible to read, and take small comfort in the company of those who won't try to kill him. [b]Other:[/b] Dylan was diagnosed with schizophrenia before being admitted to the asylum. He doesn't speak very often, and when he does, it's kind of hard to understand. Most of the time, he communicates with gestures or single words. He often grunts, makes little gurgling noises, or just drools out of his half missing lips. He sounds similar to a Minecraft zombie, if not a bit more realistic. For a guy his size, he is surprisingly strong. This is mostly due to the experiments performed on him. He may come off as a slow minded, whimsical goof, but he's actually one of the more intelligent variants. He prides himself on his memory. Being schizophrenic, his memory was never the greatest. However, after some experimentation, he found that his memory became almost photographic. It was one of the only good things they ever did for him. Dylan could tell you how to get anywhere in the hospital, who to avoid, how to avoid them, which secret passages to take, and so forth. He knows every inch of the asylum (save for the restricted areas) like the back of his hand. He knows where each and every violent variant resides, which paths they prefer to take, what time they prefer to take them, and how to perfectly avoid them if spotted. His memory is one of the only reasons he's still alive, and has earned him the nickname "Pathfinder". [b]Appearance:[/b] Dylan is tall and bony. He stands at 6'6" with an emaciated frame. His skin looks although it was was a dark tan, but now pale and sickly. He's covered in several scars, the most noticeable being those on his face. Half of his lips are missing, making talking a bit difficult. His nose is, for the most part, missing. He has curly, messy brown hair and one, brown eye. He wears a pair of tan pants, but seems to have misplaced his shirt and shoes. He wears a shackle on one wrist, suggesting that he may have been held in restraints at one time and broke himself free. He's a pretty frightening looking guy. [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/30269a7e8e67d1a32d3792670b326154/tumblr_mt4eawIVTG1r5x0g1o1_1280.png[/img] [b]History:[/b] Dylan was always sort of strange guy. After being diagnosed with schizophrenia, his family sort of forsakened him. He was arrested at age 18 after breaking into one his neighbors' homes and trashing the place. He claimed he was trying to stop aliens from getting them. The court decided to have him locked up at Mount Massive Asylum for the Criminally Insane, for his and the community's sake. Of course, Dylan didn't like it there. There were always scientists there, performing their illegal experiments on the patients. Dylan learned to both hate and fear them. When the Murkoff Corporation took over, the asylum went to hell in a hand basket. Patients roamed the halls freely, doing as they pleased. Dylan learned to make himself scarce. He's had several opportunities to escape, but never has. He's just as afraid of the outside world as he is the asylum, but at least he [i]knows[/i] the asylum.