Ami was shocked at the name Xerox threw out. "Psyche Doc? You?" She was baffled momentarily, before regaining her composure. A fight suddenly broke out, it was short and quick. A inmate who was hit by a great blow by the guard came over to ask if he could sit with them. Xerox had allowed him to and introduced himself along with Ami. The inmate explained he had killed a couple of people who were abusing a women by creating a massive sinkhole. She was thinking about if these two were lying, and if she should lie about why she was in here. However, she figured there was no reason to lie, for any of them. Another man came by who was referred to as Cy by this inmate, who was called Josh by the other. "How can you eat that so much of that stuff?" She ended up asking. She was shocked to see anyone who could eat as much of this .... disgusting slop. --- Josh seemed to know Xerox was interested in the details of why he was imprisoned. He thought, [i]his not such a bad guy, just went a little overboard, chivalrous. Interesting.[/i] And suddenly Cyrus Bane came to sit down. He was rather well known as well. Cyrus and Josh were well know amongst a lot of the inmates, it was hard to find someone who didn't know them unless they were new, or some of the ones who stayed in their cells way too much, like Aeris was known to be. Xerox tended to like information about people, it would be helpful in his judgement, and planning phases. However, for now, it was to get to know people better. Upon hearing Josh cracking his knuckles, and seeing Cyrus eating so much food, he had heard there was a reason he ate so much. Xerox did not know Cyrus personally, so he didn't call him his name, instead calling him by what Josh referred to him as to make acquaintance with him. He didn't want to seem like the guy with all the information, because he didn't have all of the information for one, and he didn't want to bring attention to himself too much. "Hey ... um.. Cy... was it?" Suddenly Ami's question came out to interrupt him. Well, either way that would get him his answer. But it was probably the more rude way. Upon this question being asked, it was Gerald approaching their table, with an empty can to throw away in the trash near their table. Xerox knew some information about Gerald, through the memories he scanned through before/during his capture. The biggest thing that came up was his caffeine addiction. Other information included his awards and the number he had suppressed. Xerox noticed some of the guards straightening up. He was very much a commanding officer. Xerox somewhat ignored him, to keep going with the conversation, as long as all Gerald did was throw away his garbage and all Josh did was continue to talk, it would all have been fine. "So, Josh, what's [i]the box[/i] like? I haven't been in there myself, nor have I heard anything from the others so far." Xerox studied Josh a little more. He believed it would be good to align himself with Josh. Josh seemed like a good guy. He also went with the same ripped sleeve look as himself, so he thought they had a similar thought pattern.