[indent][u]Character #3:[/u][/indent] Name: Lazlo Czartes 30534 Age: 24 Gender: Male Occupation: Combat Engineer/Tactician Alignment: Chaotic Good Appearance: Similar to this guy facially, but more stockily built. [img=http://www.flickfilosopher.com/wptest/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/rise.jpg] Bios: Journal Entries - [hider= CommonYear-7, 09/24] ”Hello, Journal. Oh, for the sake of Pluto why am I doing this? It's only been, what, three days? Oh, right, because I'll eventually lose my...never mind. I just joined the academy today. I'm an official combat-cadet for the Federation Militia Initiative! Everyone else is bragging about their skills in combat, how they already know so many techniques, how well they can aim, and all this goodie-garbage. The second I get in the stimulation tomorrow, I'm going to run. ***mn parents never taught me a single skill, and that stupid Harvey guy only knew upper-body strikes. If I can pass through the stimulation, I'm on my way to greatness!”[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-7 - 09/26] ”My memory is hazy, to say the least, but I got somewhere. I passed, by whatever black magic I pulled off, but only just. Now I'm going to get to learn all the special techniques I need to put these snobby brats in their place! H**L YEAH! But first, recovery. From what they told me, I put physical strain on my body from all the running I did in the stimulation. I'll have to keep that in mind for later, otherwise I could overwork myself as I did ten years ago..."[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-7 - 12/25] ”Training is going superbly! I have to hide this journal now, but it isn't electronic, so they won't be able to scan for it or magnetize the memory away. Phew. Whoever the guy in the big chair is, he really dislikes us. I have the feeling that this isn't going to work out for me in the end, but I'll keep training. Two months from now I'll be learning the short staff along with hand to hand combat, and eventually, I'll be learning firearms, or even HVM weaponry! Gosh, this is so exciting, and the strategery tests aren't even boring! The other kids act like it's grueling, but they have a lot to learn!"[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-7 - 12/29] ”I made a huge mistake today, I mean, HUGE!! I didn't mean to, I really didn't! Okay, calm down, Lazlo, just stay calm. S-Sheesh. My hand won't stop shaking. Alright, sorry. In HTH today, I didn't pull a punchc against Steve. I didn't even dislike him, I just all-out hit him! I knew he couldn't block, but I just didn't stop! I'm worried I might be facing a court-martial soon, so I'm going to learn ahead as much as I can!”[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-6 - 01/19] ”Alright, I made it past the incident without a hitch. Steve didn't take permanent damage to anything except his pride. I started studying ahead, so now these tests are a breeze. People are calling me a genius! I know it's not true, the second you give me a history report to do I'm screwed, but I can definitely plan out more steps than I could beforehand! In that skirmish with Johnson and Clyde today, I coordinated an attack on the other three and we wiped them out synchronously, terminating the simulation. All these skills are coming handy, but I'm not nearly done yet! I still have three more years!”[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-6 - 01/20] ”CR**! The authorities nearly found my journal today! It was really close too, They called a surprise inspection as I was fishing it out, so I had to fit it into my shoe. Luckily, my feet aren't unbarably stinky. Hah ha ha! As if! Anyways, I'm going to relax on the journals for awhile, until I get some more intel on the schedule for these surprise inspections.”[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-5 - 05/29] ”I graduate tomorrow. I don't know how I made it this far, but I'm at the top of the school for tactical and physical prowess. I still can't make snap-decisions, but I'll work on it, because my next step: Spec Ops Corps! No journals for awhile, again. I can't afford to make one while transferring, or they might find it."[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-5 - 06/10] ”It was a TRAP! A TRAP! The man next to me dead, three others up front! This could be it, unarmed, laser and tesla fire opposing! The only option I have is to dive for one, but I have to do it! They're depending on me! If I fall asleep, know that my gun is held for the Federation!"[/hider] ... [hider= CommonYear-2 - 01/01] ”I...survived! These years could not possibly have been worse. As my last fifty or so entries show, I got from the transfer station to FDRY776, jumping from system to system, by any means necessary. I killed more than was necessary, and it'll undoubtedly come back to haunt me, but the important thing is that I survived. I can start over again. The life I knew, it's over! Done! HAh! HAHAHAH!! I'm ashamed...this paper cannot possibly comprehend the brilliance of my laughter! Or of my wonderful voice. Ahem, my apologies, journal. I need to start a new life here on, what is it, Syrae? It's the perfect place for a new start: no one asks me where I'm from or who taught me my techniques! Plus, I can learn styles from the rebels AND from the foreigners! It's the perfect place to practice disguising myself. I won't fail this time. Damn it Marie..." (note: drop-stains marked on paper) [/hider] ... [hider= CommonYear-1 - 03/21] ”Just a quick update on my progress with the Heimlich Mission: the target fell from the roof, but the kill was unconfirmed. I needed to retreat to avoid being detected, but I lost most of my stealth capability, and there's no way I could fake being one of the guards. Unfortunately, my lack of quick judgement has thinned out my options once again. I can still complete the mission by tonight, but it will take a great deal of effort...or blood. I'd prefer the former, but I'll do anything to keep my position here. This planet is my New HOME! I will NEVER GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN! Wait, no. What if I have to, later, just to survive? What if that...event...repeats itself? No. NO! I won't believe it, not today, not ever! Oh dear, I'm being emotional again. Thanks for listening to my rants, once again, my beloved journal." (note: a blueprint drawing of a building was made on the page next to the entry, complete with all necessary markings. A bloodstained thumb-print is marked next to the drawing with the inscription, "To my Beloved.")[/hider] [hider= CommonYear-1 - 12/05] ”I cannot believe this is happening, but I'm going to stick with it. I've gone through too much to lose it now. I need to use my best disguise and find a way off this planet peacefully. I just need to start anew. Quickly, I need it done quickly, but I cannot afford to let them know my talents. I already erased my name, and my identity, and even wiped my childhood! I'm not even in the identity database genetically anymore! But, Lazlo is. I am hereby Lazlo Czartes, combat engineer. All I need now is a ship and a small crew..."[/hider]