Alluria walked down the street, passing the last of the stalls "that's odd" she looked back then down at Baxter "didn't see it, guess we can't have it tonight" Baxter let out a whine. "don't start acting domestic now" Alluria chided "it doesn't become you, come on, we'll look one more time" a woman at a nearby stall said "are you looking for something in particularly?" "arrowroot, i use it in a bunch of my recipes" "it is a nice herb, i don't have nay though" the woman said "try mold Hattie though, i'm sure she has some, even if it's not out" "i will, thank you," she smiled at the woman and turned to the wolf "come on" and he followed her down the lane to the oldest stall in the market place, old Hattie had been there since before she was born. Alluria smiled graciously at the older woman, giving her a slight curtsy. "thank you, dear, at least some of you younger folk still have some respect for your elders, do you need anything?" "i was wondering if you have some arrowroot?" Alluria asked. "i just might, let me check" she dipped rather slowly to a box beside her. "need any help?" "i'm alright dear but thank you" Hattie said, she sifted through the box then brought out a small bag "would this be enough?" "yes, thanks you Ms. Hattie" Alluria said. "your welcome dear" she handed her the bag, "whatever do you need it for?" "cooking, i season Baxter's favorite meal with it, and it's a special day so i figured i'd make him something special today" "what's today?" Hattie asked, "it's the Anniversary of the day Baxter saved my life, it's been 3 years now believe it or not" the wolf leaned his large head against her leg, throwing her balance off a little. "that's wonderful, well i won't keep you, happy Anniversary Alluria" "Thank you Hattie" Alluria placed the bag in her basket and gently used her knee to push Baxter back into a sitting position "come on, time to go home"