This is a SUPER basic skeleton of my NS, just to have something done to justify my claim, LOTS more of detail will be added soon. [b]Name of Nation:[/b] Kistune [img][/img] Demonym of Nation: Kistu Race Name: Kistu [hider=Race Description] [img][/img] [img][/img] The Kistu are a rather unique race within the Punk world. A strange mixture of fox-like traits and elvish attributes, they are often called the "The Elves of the Eastern World" which is otherwise devoid of elf-like species. An extremely lithe and athletic race, the obvious feature that is most noticeable of the race is the pair of fox ears and fox tails that protrude from their head and rear respectively. The other most interesting aspect is the fact that the species has multiple tails, ranging from 1 to 9 depending on the age of the Kistu. This race is also known for its slightly thinner eyes, shimmering hair and fur and their overall beauty. As stated, the Kistu race as a whole is very graceful and agile. With extraordinary balance thanks to their tails and natural agility they are formidable foes when faced in a battle of speed. However, this great speed and agility come at a price. While fast and agile, they are weaker than even humans (which at best can be considered the average race for strength) and are easily taken down in one or two hard hits. This weakness and frailty is often only enhanced by the fact that to enhance their speed, Kistu soldiers and rogues usually only wear armour enough to block small caliber rounds. Still, despite their lack of strength, they are capable close-combat fighters, especially when aided by their retractable finger and toe claws. Additionally, the Kistu race, by virtue of their fox traits, have enhanced senses in the field of smell, sound and sight at night. While not as spectacular as their wild fox brethren, the Kistu have far superior senses to that of humans and even elves. But like many animals, this makes them susceptible to extreme stimulation such as a bombardment of horrid odors who high pitch noises. The Kistu are considered by many other races besides themselves to be one of the more attractive of the "civilized" races in the world. The beauty of the Kistu has often be described as mystical and seductive. At night, especially under the full moon, the Kistu seem to have a subtle glow emanating off of them. Some Kistu try to abuse this seductive allure for nefarious purposes, especially on the weak minded. However, this is has limited use in the world, as most important people have far more than enough control and will power and training to overcome such powers. Even certain untrained, dare-to-say commoners, have the sheer natural talent to overcome the Kistu's seduction. Kistu, however, do not rely solely on such shallow tactics as force and seduction to achieve their goals. A naturally cunning race, they are very capable on most intellectual fields. Their intelligence ranges match most of the ranges of other species, though as an entire species they pride intelligence there are fewer "dumb" Kistu simply due to pressures of society. But despite this intelligence, the Kistu are a proud and emotional species, and are much more akin to humans and dwarves when it comes to handling these emotions. Prone to taking offense and offending others, they may not always make the most graceful of negotiates, but at the very least there is never any implied meanings to weed through when dealing with their business leaders and politicians and even their average people. As far as society goes, the Kistu are very focused on aesthetics stemming from their own natural beauty. They are also lovers of the finer things and luxury. Arts, culture and economics is the strength of this nation. Preferring monetary power over military - and even technological to some extent, though they do not underestimate the necessity of that - they promote strong economic prowess, especially as the only established "civilized" power in Eastern Continent. This is mentality is taken to even greater heights as they strongly speak out against economic and colonial expansions of other nations into the less tame worlds of the East.[/hider] [hider=List of Race Perks and Nerfs] Perks: - Natural Acrobats (Enhanced speed, agility, balance, etc) - Sharp Claws (retractable on hands and feet) - Cunning/Smart - Very Attractive (Seductive) - Strong senses (smell and hearing mainly, slightly enhanced vision in dark) Nerfs: - Weaker than even humans - Frail (they take hits much worse than others) - Swayed by emotions (not the best negotiators) - Superior senses susceptible to overload - "Attractiveness" can be overcome by those with training or a natural will/talent [/hider] [hider=Nation Location] [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Description of Nation] Kistune, despite its apparently large size, is not as populated as nations of similar size. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, the large northern segment of the country, which makes up most of Kistune's land, is made up over 75% arid rocky desert and wastelands devoid of any arable land and any heavy metals. This area, known as the Mortenda Desert, is constantly ravaged by storms and filled with creatures ranging from the desert fox, hair, and camel to monsters such as the land shark packs, it is a area of the country completely unfit for civilized life. Few tribes of Kistu, or any species, can live out there. However, rumour has it that some of the elite soldiers of Kistune are trained there... though that is only rumour. The only protection for the settlements south of the Mortenda Desert is the large Barma Mountains, which absorb the brunt of the dry winds and sandy storms, allowing greenery to grow. However, the sheer harshness of the desert leads to the question of why Kistune would bother to maintain such a large track of seemingly useless land. It is because found in the depths of this merciless land is a resource more valuable than any precious metal. It is a substance called Groal, a strange substance that grows like a plant in deep underground sand beds, but has unmistakably mineral properties, most similar to that of coal. The Groal is used much in the same way that coal is, but it is different in that it is lighter than coal while providing 1.578 times the combustible power, allowing for greater power for less load. It is also renewable as well as being a "greener" option for countries. However, it is limited in that while renewable, its growth is not fully understood and its harvesting, which must be done by large sand trawlers, is very susceptible to fluctuations. Some years the harvest is bountiful, while other countries who rely on these exports find themselves in an energy crises. Mining it is also very dangerous, as not only does the Mortenda Desert's climate make it extremely difficult for equipment to last, but that during the mining process it is guaranteed that a land shark pack arrives to attack the machines. Extermination efforts on the land sharks only show to damage the Groal growth, as for some reason sand sharks are permanently connected to the continued growth of the Groal. The Barma mountains, one of the highest mountain ranges in the world, expands the length of the southern and eastern boarders of the Mortenda Desert from the west coast of the continent all the way to the northern sea. These mountains send a myriad of rivers and streams down through the southern hills, making that region a decent area for water-powered factories. Beneath the Barma mountains is an expanse of sloping mountainous and hilly terrain with many rivers flowing through it from the melting snow atop the Barma Mountains. This land, while not necessarily fertile, is significant in that it is filled with terrace farming regions. Many are used for wheat, rice and barley, however some sections are also used for vineyards where some of the finest wine is produced. However, apart from a few moderately large port-cities, this region is sparsely populated as well. There is one section, the peninsula on the west, that does have a very sizable and growing population however. Below the southern section of the mainland holding is the Kistune Archipelago, where the bulk of the Kistune population is found. These islands, while very devoid of resources, especially after the urban and population booms scene throughout most civilized countries, are filled with large cities and suburbs. However, despite this and their reliance on the external sources for support, they are well protected from storms, waves and even external attacks. The final southern section of the country is also very populated, though far less reliant on external support. Natural expansion though is hindered by the small arid desert to the south, which is speculated to have more sources of Groal in it, and is directly in the sights of the government for acquisition.[/hider] [hider=Government of Nation] Constitutional Monarchy - Broken up into 3 branches - The Monarchy: Established as a birthright, the Monarch of Kistune is the head of state of the Kistune, commander in chief and chief diplomat. However, becoming the most powerful Kistu in Kistune is not simply by being the eldest in the current ruling family. The candidate must be deemed worthy by the Ruling Council. If the candidate is not deemed worthy, their claim to the throne will be revoked and passed to the next in line. Though the claim to the throne can be challenged if the Parliament makes a motion to do so. - The Parliament:: The elected section of the government. They are in charge of creating legislation, taxes, declaring war and other such functions. Each member serves 4 years and then is up for re-election. The Parliament also has oversight function on the other two branches to ensure they are not abusing their power. - The Ruling Council: The judicial section of the government. It is comprised if 7 members, 4 nominated by the Monarch and approved by the Parliament and 3 directly elected by the citizens of Kistune, who have a 7 year term before re-election and can only serve for 2 consecutive terms. However, to ensure the non-elected members, who have a lifetime service, do not overrun the elected members, the weight of elected votes is 2 while the weight of non-elected votes is 1. The Ruling Council, apart from approving the Monarch candidate, also approve all legislation passed is constitutional through a direct receiving of legislation. They also serve as the lands Supreme Court. [/hider] Capital of Nation: Vulpess Population of Nation: 72,316,012 [hider=Economy of Nation] Mercantilist-Capitalist hybrid - While the Kistune government believes in healthy free trade, they do also try to promote a balanced trade, trying to import at worst roughly equal amounts as they export. However, they do realize that the true power in a nations economy lies in its ability to produce goods that sell and resources, and therefore don't always adhere strictly to their balancing tendencies. They do, however, regulate certain sections of the economy, namely the production and exporting of Groal. They also provide a large amount of services for other countries to make up for their lack of resources overall. Their largest service industry being transportation, as the largest and third largest shipping companies in the world are a Kistune Corporation (the gap between 1 and 3 is quite large, with 1 being leagues ahead of most other competitors, with a monopoly in certain regions of the world. Though in certain regions, especially landlocked ones, competition does persist). Nation's Major Exports: Goods Transportation, Merchant Vessels, Groal, Rice, Wine, Grapes, Services of all sorts, Civilian Technology Nation's Major Imports: Lighter-than-air gasses, Iron/Steel, Certain Weapons, Military Technology, Livestock Meats, Other Foods[/hider] [hider=Nation's Military] 1.75% of nation's population (1,265,531) Overview: The Kistune Military is not the largest in the world nor is it the most heavily armed. However, it prides itself on being one of the most mobile and most readily deployable in a pinch. Coinciding with the Kistu species itself, who are an agile and speedy lot and achieve victory through speed and finesse, the military too operates on a similar mentality. Striking enemy week points with lightning fast strikes and then retreating to safety. Conquering militarily is almost never in the Kistune Government's agenda, instead preferring natural expansion by eager settlers and population growth or buying their way to new lands. Army: 30% of the Military (379,660) The land branch of the military. By virtue of being the sole power on a continent surrounded by oceans, this branch serves often as a patrol and defense branch, especially in Mortenda Desert where the mining bases need constant protection from the inevitable sand shark raids. However, due to being on nearly semi-constant active deployment due to the needs of patrolling the borders and defending key interests it is a force full of veterans and tried and tested battle tactics. Below are the standard weapons in the infantry personnel's arsenal [url=] 1. Very reliable fully automatic assault rifle. However, it is more expensive to produce. 2. Bolt action rifle that is very reliable and can be used for a wide assortment of tasks. Also comes in a less used semi-auto and a very often used carbine version. The most common weapon used in the military. 3. Small, semi and fully automatic submachinegun. Is prone to jamming. Newer models are in progress of being made that are more reliable. 4. Dedicated sniper rifle and comes in a higher calibre version for anti-armour purposes. 5. Normal side-arm, the ever reliable pistol. 6. The mounted machine gun, useful for fortified positions. Artillery: [url=] The standard artillery for the Kistune Army. While not particularly prevalent due to being a more offensive weapon, there are enough of them to be useful. The sizes range from the one depicted above, but they tend to have the same general design, the only difference being size and man power requirements. There is also development going into a type of rocket artillery. Cavalry: [url=] The cavalry of the Kistune Army. Thanks to the harshness of the Mortenda Desert the camels who thrive there are especially strong and powerful. While horses can be found scattered about, it is mostly consists of camels, which also hold the advantage of intimidating opposing horses. They often come equipped with the more reliable fully assault rifles or the multi-purpose guns. Armour: [url=] The Moving Fortress: The largest armored vehicle in the Kistune Army, it has a top speed of 5 mph and requires at minimum of 3 steam engines to move, with most using 4 or 5 to move. It serves not only as a massive moving to barrage well fortified cities, but also as a deployment point for nearly 1000 troops, and another 200 that are required to man it. While it has very strong armour on nearly all sides, its slow speed makes it extremely susceptible to air strikes by airships (its armour can withstand strikes from most standard ornithopters). There are only 3 in the Kistune Army, with no plans to build anymore. [url=] The Light Tank: The smallest and least armoured of the three kinds of tanks in the Kistune Army, is makes up for its size with speed. With a top speed of 20.5 mph, it is one of the fastest tanks around. However, because it is so poorly armoured it takes hits terribly. But because it lacks armour, it allows it to carry a larger cannon than its counterparts in most other nations. [url=] The Medium Tank: The "inbetween" tank of the Kistune Army. It has more armour and heavier fire power than its predecessor, but is slower. However, like many tanks in the Kistune Army, its armour is smaller but its speed and cannon are greater than compared to similar tanks. It has a max speed of 17.75 mph. [url=] The Heavy Tank: The largest tank with the most fire power and armour in the Kistune Army. However, "most armour" is a relative term, as the Kistune believe in speed over armour, and therefore, its armour is still less than most other heavy tanks. However, it carries a much larger cannon than many other similar tanks, as well as having slightly more speed and agility, boasting a top speed of 14 mph. [url=] Mobile Mortar: Around the size of the light tank, this is used as an anti-infantry weapon. However, it has less use than normal artillery and mortars as it is more expensive and when seen on the battlefield is often a target by the enemy. Navy: 30% of Military (379,660 Bodies) The Kistune Navy, like the Army, serves as a defensive arm for Kistune especially for its Archipelago region and its vast trading routes (though that is less necessary, as Kistune Merchant Vessels are allowed to arm themselves). The navy has more speedy and defensive craft than other nations while lacking some of the larger ships. However, unlike the Army, the Navy tends to keep its armour to speed and fire power ratios more in line with that of other nations, though speed and agility are still slightly emphasized. [url=] Friagte: The smallest of the warships in the Kistune Navy, these ships are very good at escort duty for anti-surface opponents and against ornithopter raids. However, their cannons struggle to do large damage on the heavier naval and air vessels. They require 100 men to crew and there 40 of these ships in service. [url=] Destroyer: The destroyer is the most numerous of all the ships in the Kistune Navy. Very versatile, their cannons have superb maneuverability allowing them to serve very well as anti-air and anti-surface escorts for other ships, especially merchant convoys in higher risk locations. 175 men are utilized to crew them and there are 52 ships in service. [url=] Cruiser: Larger than the destroyer, but not as agile, these large ships make for good middlemen and first responders. With powerful cannons and rather effective anti-air weapons they can do some very intense damage to approaching airship and naval fleets. There are 33 of them in service and require 250 men to crew. [url=] Battleship: The largest and most powerful of the Kistune Naval vessels, these 9 behemoths of the sea, manned by 400 men, can level defenses with only a few shells. However, large and not greatly agile, as well as extremely expensive, they are not used unless completely necessary. The Kistune government does not have plans to make more until any significant need or technological breakthrough requires it. [url=] Thopter Carrier: A strange invention in a world dominated by airships and short range aircraft, the thopter carrier was designed as a cheaper alternative to transporting large raids of ornithopters to enemy territory. However, the idea never really seemed to catch on, and therefore only one has been made, but there are plans forming to increase the carrier fleet. It requires 350 men to operate and holds 33 ornithopters. [url=] Cargo Ship: The modest and most vital ship in all of Kistune. While not serving its country with weapons or even solely in the service of the navy, with Kistune's vast trading networks, both government owned and private owned, these ships bring in vast revenue to Kistune. Many of these ships, as Kistune does not boast a large military, are often armed with a fair amount of weapons to defend themselves on the long voyages. Air Force: 40% of Military (506,211 fliers) The Air Force is the largest branch of the Kistune Military, though in actuality, due to the cost of maintaining a strong fleet, it is around the same size as the other branches, and considerably smaller than the fleets of other more militarized nations. However, like much of the other aspects of the Kistune Military, the Air Force focuses on speed, mobilization and fire power rather than armor. Many of Kistune battle tactics involve using the natural camouflage of the sky to ravage opponents. [img=] Frigate: Much like frigates of the Navy, these frigates of the sky are speedy ships often equipped with bombs and anti-ornithopter guns and one to three armour penetrating cannons. However, they are extremely poor when taking on larger ships in a "fair" fight, and prefer instead to fight through clouds, where they can use their superior agility to outmaneuver the opposing ships and rain bombs down from above. They also are very useful for defending trade routes on both sea and sky. There are 26 of these in the fleet and each is manned by 100 men. [img=] Destroyer: Similar to the destroyers found in the Navy, these air destroyers are the backbone of the fleet. The first responders to any issues and capable of taking on ships of all sizes thanks to their mixture of maneuverability and fire power, they keep the skies and trade routes of Kistune safe. There are 42 in the fleet each manned by 125 men. Cruiser: Slightly larger than the Destroyer, these airships are the more hefty of the more populous airships in the fleet. While not quite as agile as destroyers, they are capable of carrying bigger payloads of bombs and guns and can take hits a little better (though still not like other nations, though their speed makes up for it slightly). They are manned by 250 troops and there are 31 of them in fleet. Battleship: The biggest of all the ships in the skies above Kistune, these ships are used as the heavy hitters when a large battle or threat comes knocking on Kistune's door. While not as agile as other ships, their speed and agility is comparable to that of cruisers of other nations, and boasting similar fire power to battleships of other nations (sometimes even more), their armour, like most other aspects of the Kistune Military, is less, making them struggle to take hits. However, as Kistune usually does not want direct combat, it is not an insurmountable obstacle. It is manned by 350 men and 6 in the fleet Thopter Carrier: [/hider]