"Flynn." He stated his name. He took the cookies and climbed on top of the building, running out of site. He went to the tent city and dropped the cookies amongst them, "Share, or I'll shoot you." He said, pointing at his arrows. Of coarse, he would never shoot an innocent, and they knew that it was an empty threat. He almost laughed and said "I have to go, I have some business to take care of, you guys play nice. I may come back after midnight." He then turned around and went back toward the bakery. It was a whole lot faster to travel via rooftop than on the sidewalk below. He caught back up with the magical girl and the dark haired boy. He was quiet as a mouse and stuck to the shadows so they couldn't see him. He followed them from above...why? Maybe he was just curious, he hadn't heard of someone knowing magic in quite awhile...much of it had become hush hush these days. Or maybe he was just nosey...either way, his curiosity had been struck and when that happens, it is hard to lose him. The wind blew hard and made good cover for what little noise he made, The shadows were dark on one side of all the buildings this close to the edge of the city...the cover was perfect. If only he could hear what they were saying below.