[quote=Kaga] Someone is putting significant amounts of effort into organizing a collaborative effort to "restore" Spam.I'm not sure if I should be filled with feelings of "oh wow this is really impressive and kind of heartfelt" or "oh god this is sad why do you even bother". But if I may help, I'm fairly certain my oldGuild Spam persona was that one person who always tried to be in charge of everything and take on a million projects at once and act more mature than people her age should and all that jazz. I've been trying to loosen up lately, but said looseness has made me feel like more of a bum in that time, sooo if you wanna give me a specific job in your grand plan then I'll see what I can do. [/quote] ........ I hope you understand that entire post took me a grand total of 10 minutes to put up. A bunch of random bullshit, a few quick google image searches and blam. It was not meant in seriousness at all and was in fact satire. Perhaps I conducted myself poorly. Perhaps my tag line at the bottom would have been better received and understood this was a satire piece. My apologies Kaga. : | However, if you would like me to give you a job... I would be more than happy to assign one for you :brow [b]I DUB THEE... ATTENTION WHORE![/b] Nah, but in all seriousness. Just do what you do, girl. *thumbs up*