Grace’s chest heaved up and down slightly as she tried to catch her breath again, her eyes, blurred from the tears she was [i]not[/i]crying, looking around for the wolf until she spotted it moving closer to her growling. As much as she wanted to get up and start running for her life again the lack of breath made that impossible right now. When got closer to her though, it’s ears perked up and stopped growling at her as she watched it, it looked like it was thinking and for just a second she thought it was going to let her go. She had mat the same made a simple mistake, if the beast was smart enough to know why she was crying, it had to understand that right? The beast loomed over her however, pinning arms down, which even though it hesitated made Grace cry even harder, her eyes showing total fear. [i]No, no please don’t kill me![/i] She mouthed the words though no words came out of her mouth. At least not until the beast finally bit down into her flesh, the pain making her catch her breath again. She screamed out in pain, tears rolling down her face now as she went into full panic mode. She was trying to beg for the wolf to let her go, but her words came out mumbled from the loud pain filled crying. At the same time she moved her hands trying to push the beast’s paws off her arms, her knees pulling up under it to try and push the thing off of her. If she was going to be killed in the forest, by something that shouldn’t be real, she wasn’t going do so easily. She would make sure if the beast had a heart that it would feel regret for killing her. As she tried to protect herself in the end.