[centre][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/9pxkqb.png[/IMG][/centre] Kaden had a few days off work. The underground bar called the Underground he worked at had a good number of fighters at the moment. It gave him some time to heal with the bruises that covered his body. Two nights ago he had been in a fight with another fighter, they ended in a tie, but it was all good. They had been friends when he was still hunting. He had a nice shiner on his left with a little cut right under it, his lower lip was slightly swollen still, a little cut on it as well. His knuckles on both hands were a little banged up, but other than that the rest were covered by clothing. Having just left the Starbucks in town and now driving around, Kaden was wondering what to do. Kaden didn’t have much of a life outside the cage, and it was far too early to go drinking. He didn’t want to go home, it’d be too far depressing on this nice day of late spring. So he did what he always did when he was bored. Drive his amazing car until he found something to do. It wasn’t until about twenty minutes later that he passed a boat rental place. It was a stupid idea, Kaden never went in the water because he knew what lurked under the surface, but it wasn’t swimming right? He could get to some of the islands and act like a boy again. Climb some trees maybe find that hidden treasure. Laughing softly to himself as he pulled into the parking lot he locked the car, making sure to have his gun on him along with a few other things he could use for hunting. After all he didn’t know what else he could run into besides the merfolk. He didn’t really hate them as much as the land dwellers, but he still hated them. Evil little things, with looks of the gods. Could fool even the smartest of hunters at times. With that thought in mind he almost hesitated when he went to pay for the kayak. Slipping the life-jacket on over his t-shirt he looked at the waters. He was being paranoid, but he had good reasons to be. He just had to act like they weren’t there and everything would be fine? Ha, yeah right. Slipping his jean covered legs into the long kayak, he wiggled his body a little before it slipped from the sand and slowly started to drift into the open water. He couldn’t help but glance around in the water, just waiting for something to come up and attack him, but after a good minute, he finally started to paddle along. Another twenty minutes passed before he pulled up along the shore of an Island if he remembered right it was Gray Island or something like that. He didn’t think anything bad should happen but he pulled the kayak high out of the water and tied it to a tree with a hunter’s knot. Once happy that it wouldn’t be taken on him or something he slipped his life-jacket off and placed it in the opening before pushing his hands deep into his pockets, feeling the cool metal of his gun along his finger tips and palm. It wasn’t long when he crossed some of the Island. He wasn’t sure how much of it, but he was at the water again. Standing along the edge of the rocks and tree line he looked down the coast. It was really nice out here. Taking in a deep breath, only to see a slight sparkle in the corner of his eye. Quickly his gun was out, as he pointed at the lone mermaid on the shore. Her long tail still touching the water. “Your either one dumb bitch or your thinking I’m some stupid human.” He almost growled hating that he was acting like this and dealing with this in a manor he knew better. He should have just turned and left, but there was always the chance that she had been watching him the whole way to the Island, he wouldn’t be able to get back to land easily if she was tracking him. The hunter in him could never fully go away. [centre] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/kaeoutting/set?id=24429992]Outfit[/url] [/centre]