Tala nodded in response to the man as she began to tune into the conversation outside. While she had no loyalty to any faction - NCR or the Underground - information was a rather lucrative object of interest to those looking for it. Most of the conversation was slave-related talk. While entertaining, it contained nothing of value that could be sold off to the highest bidder. Moments that felt like hours finally passed when the voices began to drift farther and farther away. Tala breathed a sigh of relief as she relaxed slightly. Her attention focused on the slave smuggler her was focused equally on her. What was to be done she wondered. "Now, I think it would serve us all to move a bit further in, away from the door. And to put the guns down. You're both clearly slave-shuttlers, and we all need some shuttling now." Tala agreed entirely with the man's statement as she looked to the other occupant in the small cave entrance. "Be a good sport and listen to the man. His idea isn't half bad, no?" The smuggler scoffed as she made her way further into the cave. "I have a caravan with me," she said. "You'll have to wait until the Legion moves on. Not sure when. The extra passage [i]was[/i] an option, but the Legion will probably be at its side as well." Tala watched the slaver go as she turned back to the person she saved. "We'll be here for a bit then," she said moving towards the interior of the cave. "Just from circumstance, you're either a prisoner or slave. Caesar taking prisoners is unlikely though. Particularly NCR ... unless you were the great Aaron Kimble himself however. That'd be a different conversation altogether now wouldn't it? So, my guess is that you're a slave. Great job pissing the Legion off. You have a name?"