If you're going to argue about what kind of robot genre is better, I ask that you take it elsewhere. I plan on using both somewhat reasonably designed mechs as well as the typical anime-type unrealistic designs, though I don't plan on treating them too differently in the RP. I have [s]stolen[/s] acquired designs from shows like Gundam and Code Geass, so if that's a turn off, I suggest you either learn to deal with it or take your interest somewhere else. [s]Stolen[/s] Acquired designs include the following. [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091211210003/codegeass/images/d/d4/Type-10r.jpg]Burai[/url] (Code Geass) [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091113191936/codegeass/images/e/e3/Gekka_-_Line_Art.jpg]Gekka[/url] (Code Geass) [url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/votoms/atvotoms/atm-09-st.jpg]atm-09-st Scopedog[/url] (Votoms) [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110211030950/gundam/images/thumb/2/2e/Mser-04.jpg/300px-Mser-04.jpg]MSER-04 Anf[/url] (Gundam 00) [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120903212649/gundam/images/thumb/1/17/Tieren_Ground_Type_Front.jpg/300px-Tieren_Ground_Type_Front.jpg]MSJ-06II Tieren[/url] (Gundam 00) [url=https://www.playhawken.com/game-guide/mechs]Pretty much anything from Hawken[/url] Though pretty much all of these will be renamed for the RP. And I will be accepting similar looking mecha, as well as designs as colorful as [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ycI0hHlP_XI/Tx3BMkFexcI/AAAAAAAACkM/6iWtz70_QCI/s320/zambot_3_01.jpg]Zambot[/url] or as ridiculous as [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110211014501/gundam/images/9/9a/GNY-003_Gundam_Abulhool.jpg]Abulhool.[/url] But I pray to god that you won't choose these two. Really. Please. Grittiness is fine, but above all else, I want this to be an entertaining and dynamic world full of surprises.