Holy gee willikers! You're fast Knotteray, you know that? -------- [center][b]Name:[/b] Alexandér Banniir [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Position:[/b] Free man [b]Personality:[/b] A very happy and joyful character, sometimes unhandy but clever, Alexandér is better in making (and repairing) weapons than using them. In his village, he's known for his hospitality and kindness towards the people he knows and loves.Though, he's selfish and won't hold back if somebody does something Alexandér specifically said not to do. Alexandér is a man of science and law, other people's made-up rules are of no interest to Alexandér, but he will follow them when it isn't worth to disobey them. [b]Looks:[/b] [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6maq0qDhf1rtv5zoo1_500.jpg]Here[/url]! [b]History:[/b] Born in a family as the youngest in a line of sisters, Alexandér spend most of his days helping his father around the shop. Learning at a young age how most weapons, ships, armor and many other things were build, maintained and used. At the age of 16, he got the opportunity to work for Smilnat, the best smith in Orinfil. He accepted. Years went by where nothing happened until he had to flee Orinfil. Being a man of science, he wanted to travel the world and that's why he joined the crew. (or so Alexandér says) Where they lived: Early years: A little town just outside Orinfil. Common. Teen age years: Orinfil. Rich. [b]Skills:[/b] Repair (& maintenance), knowledge of a wide variety of weapons and ships, trade skills, trap expert. [b]Reasons for joining the crew:[/b] 'Knowledge is power and I'm here to seek power.' [b]Extra details:[/b] 2 scars on his right arm, just above his hand due to an accident with Mittens, his sister's cat.[/center]