"Ugh, if these sheets were any stiffer they'd break like glass," Shilah muttered under her breath as she stripped the bed in front of her of its linens. From behind her came Mrs. Cooper's signature bark of amusement. The old woman's laughter was as robust as she was, and her vigor could be seen from the way her broad hands wiped down the only table in the room table with determined strokes. Rooms at the hotel were cramped and creaky, but Mrs. Cooper made sure that they were [i]clean[/i], cramped rooms. Shilah was essentially the old housekeeper's minion, scrubbing what she was told to scrub, dusting what needed to be dusted, and dealing with the aftermath of the nightly exploits of drunken cowboys and tittering harlots. "I know they get all roostered up and don't know where they're aimin' but this is impressively bad." Shilah continued as she dumped an armful of bedclothes into the wicker basket by her feet. She knelt down to peer under the bed, and the drab gray dress and white apron that designated her position as a housekeeper crumpled under her knees. Shilah let out a [i]tsk[/i] of disappointment. "This one didn't leave anything interesting, And I found a ripped petticoat in the last room. This morning's been disappointing." "I don't want to think what'd happen if the boss knew what a li'l magpie you are...Well you got four other bedrooms to go, so you'd better get a wiggle on girl." Mrs. Cooper said sternly. Shilah sighed as she hoisted the linen basket to her waist. Though easily entertained, Mrs. Cooper was very rigid when it came to completing the housekeeping chores in a timely manner. It was around ten in the morning right then, so more guests would be shuffling out of their rooms soon, and their beds would need to be cleared too. And then she'd have to wash all the collected sheets. Shilah groaned inwardly at the thought. Her hands, once smooth and elegant, had started to get callused from all the time she spent with the washboard and lye. Shilah did not mind that too much, it was just the monotony of the work that got to her. Swaggering men and sashaying women were in and out of the inn every day, each on their own little adventure. Some led more sordid lives than others, this Shilah knew very well, but she always felt a little suffocated being stuck at the hotel, each of her days very similar to the one before. Lost in her thoughts, Shilah snapped back to her present reality just in time to scoot a little to the left and out of the way of a groggy and well-armed man who had just exited his room. She remembered him as the one who brought back a busty brunette with him sometime late last night. "I bet he's off to put one through an outlaw. Or he is an outlaw. Either way, guess I'd better get to tending to his bedsheets." Shilah mused dryly as she neared the door he had exited from.