[B]"Kriffing pacifist,"[/B] Ruusaan muttered in her helmet. The Mandalorian was irritated that the Nabooian was dragging her around.[b]"I'm here because my karking, double-crossing partner framed me for stealing; and when I find that Trandoshan son-of-a-bantha, I'm going to kill him!"[/b] she vowed smiling behind her tinted T-shaped helmet view-plate. She thought about physically beating the osik out of Trex in her rage and how good she would feel once accomplished. [B]"I'm on Sektor's side, killing is a necessity in this life. Certainly any attempt to reach your ship will be thwarted. Better plan is to hijack a ship that is less defended,"[/B] the huntress took charge before having a gut feeling that someone was watching her. Allowing her reflexes to kick like a wild predator she spun around drawing her blaster in the process ending with her pistol's muzzle pressed against the head of an old man, and stopped short of pulling the trigger. The smuggler was watching, and for some reason she kept fighting the urge to act natural. Ruusaan is an aggressively violent woman, [i]a Mandalorian female for-destroyer-god's-sake![/i] And, a member of the Death Watch - who had their own fierce reputation among the clans of Mandalore. This man is lucky to be alive, if it weren't for her own selfish desires, she would have put a bolt through his head. [b]"Please, I mean you no harm!"[/b] The man cowered. [b]"Give me a reason not to kill you, and I might let you live,"[/b] she scowled in her own anger. The silence that follows is broken by slow, unamused brittle little laugh that was more of a nervous response. [B]"I guess you're folks who need to get off the planet in a hurry. The good news for you is that I happen to know that there's a freighter in Landing Bay Aurek right now. The bad news bad news is that its captain, Trex, is an associate of the Hutt's and won't just let you on. The other bad news is that the reason I know this it's still in the landing bay is that it has a broken hypermatter reactor igniter and it won't be flying anywhere until it gets a new one installed. I bet Vorn over at the junk shop has one."[/B] Ruusaan's blood boiled at the mention of Trex's name, but after hearing the old man out this was fantastic news for her ears. [i]I can finally get my revenge, and make that Trandoshan wish he had never hatched.[/i] She turned to the others holstering her pistol back at her side. [B]"Alright, I'm going to that junk shop, you can follow me or not; but its our best bet off this rock."[/B] She began searching for the junk shop. Driven with anger and vengeance she stormed off ready to start a killing spree. The junk shop was immediately obvious by the scrap-yard adjoining the low pour-stone building. As Ruusaan stepped inside, she saw a hunched old human male lurking behind a low counter covered with disassembled droid and machine parts. The man glances up at the visitors, then turns to a garbage can-shaped R5 and shrieks [B]"You're supposed to tell me when I have customers, you bucket of bolts! Go outside and finish stripping that speeder bike wreck."[/B] The droid trundles off with a surly "boooop" and the man turns to the guests. [B]"Welcome, customers! As you can see,"[/B] he points at the racks and shelves and enormous buckets full of scrap metal and parts, [B]"I have anything you could want... for the right price."[/B] [B]"Hypermatter reactor igniter, do you have one?"[/B] she rudely cut the merchant off. [B]"No, I only have one, and it's already promised to Captain Trex of the Krayt Fang."[/B] Without hesitating from the amount of anger rising in her, Ruusaan quickly drew her blaster and aimed it at the merchant, [B]'You will give me what I want or I will blow your miserable head off and take what I came for."[/B] [B]"Alright, look I meant no trouble. I'll get what you want, just don't shoot me,"[/B] Vorn said with an innocent posture as he walked over to where he kept hidden his hold out blaster, he picked it up and spun around, but the bounty huntress was too quick for the old man. Ruusaan shot first. A single bolt between the old man's eyes sent the merchant tumbling backward misfiring a shot at the shelf wall which unhinged a whole shelf sending scrap and machine parts crashing into each other. [B]"So does any one know what a hypermatter reactor igniter looks like?"[/B] Ruusaan admitted to the others. The huntress didn't notice the hidden holo-camera behind her, recording the whole scene.