[quote=Malevolent] Whoops forgot to include the werewolf weaknesses in my CS. Basically the traditional stuff. Silver, wolfbane(it's a type of herb), and whatever else that belongs to the original myth/lore(I'm trying to make the abilities extremely accurate to the real lore.)As for background(which will obviously have to be something that fits into this RPs lore) if Darkmatter is okay with it, I'd like this to be the reasoning for Werewolves. Sort of similar to what I had planned with the vampire, basically before Dúv was sealed in the tower forever, he placed a curse on humanity. If the other deities would ignore his wishes and allow life to live on Enduwin, he would make that same life be it's own undoing. Thus who ever is cursed will become a rampaging beast. However the rays of Solas keeps those who are cursed from becoming such beasts. However every day when he rests, and his light doesn't illuminate Enduwin, the changes happen and those who are cursed morph into a horrid wolf beast, and go on rampages.However if you aren't okay with this Darkmatter, I suppose we can keep the Werewolf origins unanswered/ or find some other reasoning. [/quote] I am mostly ok with this, but just clarify he is locked in Ifreann, which is a separate plane of existence to Enduwin, but yeah the curse as he was sealed, or beforehand makes sense and logically fits in :) [quote=OneEyedChurro] Boom, think I got all the parts I wanted to finish, finished. If anything doesn't check out, let me know.Also changed Rohe's sheet around a bit, fixed the image link, for one, but I also liked how some people were naming the Skills so I did that too. Decided to stick him in the Foraiysh Woods for now, cause that's technically the other side of the continent. Plus, there's trees walking around there, and that's pretty friggin' sweet. [/quote] Cool cool, I'll take a look again shortly. @Everyone So I'll read the other few CSs today, post my own and start the IC :sun