Wolf stayed silent during the whole encounter smirking a little and the man named Flynn's reaction to being called a child. After he was gone Wolf stuffed a cookie ungracefully into his mouth and addressed Breena "These.. Ahwer amwahing" Wolf smiled happily feeling more natural and disregarding the odd conversation he had just heard. Breena walked along the pavement and Wolf stayed close to her heel, he wasn't afraid and knew the streets well but he didn't want too loose the fantastic smell of cookies just yet. As he walked his phone began to buzz, at first he ignored it and the sighed unhappily when he realised he better take it. "Hell-" He began before being cut off by Marcus screaming at him down the phone going on about how he was useless and stupid and better get there right away and apologise. Wolf held the phone away from his ear cringing at the noise. He flashed and apologetic look at Breena and screamed back down the phone. "SHUT UP YOU *******" After that the phone went quiet and Wolf heard Marcus take a sharp breath before beginning to speak again. Without a second thought Wolf hung up the phone and threw it to the ground angrily. Anger boiled in his veins and he grabbed another cookie to calm himself. As he ate he realised his eyes were probably glowing like a neon sign and awkwardly placed his glasses back on futilely hoping Breena hadn't noticed...