Ruby: Of course! Tully. I thought I smelled something fishy. So you see, there are three Great Houses still up for grabs. [quote=dreamshell] This is what A Wiki of Ice and Fire says about the Starks around this time; "Around 213AC, House Stark faced a difficult succession. Several Lords of Winterfell had perished fighting wars in the North against rebellious Skagosi, the wildling king Raymun Redbeard and other threats, leaving Beron Stark as the lord of the house. As he too lay slowly succumbing to wounds he received fighting Dagon Greyjoy and his ironborn, his wife and four other recent Stark widows struggled over who would succeed him. There were a number of potential heirs, with some ten Stark children about." So if we're playing a few years prior, it seems the Starks are probably in the thick of some Skagosi-stompin' and dealing with another King-Beyond-the-Wall. But with ten or more potential heirs to Lord Beron, it's certainly possible a few are spread out. [/quote] You would be correct. So that indeed means Beron Stark would be Lord, with a lot of Starks around. If they're in the North or not, would be up to anyone interested in playing them. Raymun Redbeard's invasion was longer ago, 25 years if I'm right (184 AL), so less important than the Blackfyre Rebellion. Then again, Daemon Blackfyre's plight was less important in the North than the Wildling invasion or Skagosi plague, I wager.