He really did not like these killers. All up on their high speeders. Acting like murdering people who were just doing their jobs was the noble thing to do. "Why am I not surprised. I kill people. It's just that brutally murdering people is tasteless. Sorry if I was raised better than that. " He shot back not going to be bothered or pushed around by his companions. He was tougher than that. He followed her as she got the information from the man. Poor guy. " No. Our best bet is to avoid that hunk of junk freighter and get a ship that can really fly. But no! Let's go steal a ship that is broken more than it is fixed." Cor grumbled as he followed his companions. He was not enjoying this. He watched her yell at the old man. As she did he started digging around the shop. "Hey. Wait!" He yelled a little too late. He watched the old guy die. The murder count keeps on climbing. Cor looked at her with a shake of his head. "Really? You could have wounded him. Now we have to find the part on our own. Luckily for you two, I know what part we need." Cor said grabbing a part about as long as his arm. It looked beaten up. "It's from an old liner starship. Did I mention the Krayt Fang is a worthless ship. I mean we should not even try to use to get put of this planet. Maybe flee to Mos Eisley. I've got friends there. Here is the part though. It's gonna take a bit to put it in. But I can do it. " Cor said hefting the piece over his shoulder. He was useful it appeared.