[center][b]The Goblin Family of New York[/b] [i]As always, Mr. Spade, you are free to negotiate on the details. Otherwise, you can forgettaboutit. Capish?[/i][/center] [center]Goblins are among the most homogeneous species alive today mostly likely due to their grotesque appearance and refusal to completely assimilate into modern day societal norms. However, few cultures exist in complete isolation, and it is all but inevitable that a society will be impacted by other groups, either by trade, religious missions, conquest, or some other form of communication. In the case of Goblins, it is rumored to have started when copy of Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" ended up being washed down a storm grate. [/center] [hider=Appearance] [center][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/027/2/7/goblin_orc_2_by_boularis-d5sw5tv.jpg][/center] [/hider] [hider=Culture] [b]An Overview of the Underground[/b] Unlike Giants, Trolls, Banshees, and most of the vicious Orc sub-types, Goblins have managed to survive and even thrive in spite of human attempts at eradication. They've adapted by developing a tight knit secretive societies underground called 'Families'. The State of New York is home to one of the largest Goblin communities in the United States. Texas being the largest overall. [center][img=http://www.teamcrowbar.com/blogpics/108.jpg][/center] [u]Italian American Roots[/u] [indent]It wasn't until the early 1970s that Goblins of New York found anything of interest to do with human culture or ways of life. There was a large language gap and discrimination perpetuated from both sides. That all changed when copies of The Godfather began to circulate among the population. The phenomenon spurred an entire cultural revolution and as tribes became united and organized as the years when by.Today, Goblins speak broken Italian-English aside from their own garbled native tongue, enjoy Italian food, and styled their own government after the mafia template. [/indent] [u]Drug Economy[/u] [indent] Because of relatively pure bloodlines and strong tendencies to exclude outsiders, Goblin magic is said to be among the most potent of the modern day Folk. However as a drawback to their dependency, their technology is several decades behind. With limited skills in all areas to make their society functional they have turned to making and distributing drugs laced with trace amounts of magic. The revenue received in turn is used for items like clothing and food etc. and redistributed equally among them through the Goblin Mafia. [/indent] [u]Politics[/u] [indent]While largely indifferent to political views and ideology outside of their own, it is said that their support of Avan and ties with The Ulrich Monarchy are the only real political motivators. This is largely in part why the state of New York is hesitant to grant voting rights to Fae. If inclined the entire Goblin population will vote united one way. There are whispers of unrest within the mob. Seeds of doubt planted from an outside source...though no one seems to know anything about nothin' when confronted. There have been several accusations of Goblins being used as hitmen on Fae and even in line with the murder of Avan. The Don is currently investigating the matter quietly while delivering a swift and speedy hit on whoever dares accuse him outright.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Clan Hierarchy] [b]Goblin Mafia Overview[/b] [indent]A clan is led by a "Don" (Boss or Hoss), who is aided by and supervised by one or more advisers (consigliere). Under his command are groups (decina) of about fifty to a thousand "soldiers" (pack or troop). According to a rough census, there is one main Goblin Family in the state of New York with a total of at least half a million to a million full members. The boss of a clan is typically elected by the rank-and-file soldiers (though violent successions do happen). A Don's tenure is also frequently short: elections are yearly, and he might be deposed sooner for misconduct or incompetence. The underboss is usually appointed by the boss. He is the boss' most trusted right-hand man and second-in-command. If the boss is killed or imprisoned, he takes over as leader. The consigliere ("counselor") of the clan is also elected on a yearly basis. One of his jobs is to supervise the actions of the boss and his immediate underlings, particularly in financial matters (e.g. preventing embezzlement or internal fraud). He also serves as an impartial adviser to the boss and mediator in internal disputes. To fulfill this role, the consigliere must be impartial, devoid of conflict of interest and ambition. Other than its members, The Goblin Mafia makes extensive use of "associates". These are people who work for or aid a 'Family' but are not treated as true members. These include corrupt officials and various other street thugs. An associate is considered by the mob nothing more than a tool, someone that they can "use", or "nothing mixed with nil."[/indent][/hider] [hider=Modern Traditions] [b]Most Notable and Continuing Practices[/b] [indent][u]Blood Vows[/u] Goblins are known for their stringent views on heritage and family ties. Blood is incorporated into most aspects of rites and ceremonies and most specifically the concept of respect. A blood pact is made when parties involve make small or large (depending on the importance or meaning of the pact) cuts on the hands and exchange blood through and open wound. Violation of a Blood Vow is considered the highest form of disrespect and is usually seen as act of war. [u]Goblin Lake[/u] An underground body of water that acts as a place of ceremonial execution. Whether the lake is poisonous, magical, cursed, or otherwise-- one this is for certain: Whatever goes into the lake, doesn't come out. Water taken from the lake, however is said to be used in the making of drugs (The Don will neither confirm nor deny this fact) [u]Testing for 'Respect Points'[/u] This tradition draws upon older tribal eras where Goblins often fought to the death in order to pick a chief. Today however it is used much more often as a means of initiation or to win an audience with The Don. Goblins will hold a test (usually one that targets a specific area of skill such as, Speed, Strength, Agility, or Spiritual Awareness) for outsiders and insiders. However these contests are most often rigged or stacked against outsiders resulting in a number of harsh consequences. It is most often agreed that should one consider entering into a Goblin challenge, to negotiate details beforehand. Otherwise, by tradition the winner may demand the loser's execution. [/indent][/hider]