[b]Region Number: 6[/b] [b]Nation Name: Kingdom of Torfas[/b] [b]Nation Leader/Name of Nation's Parliament: High King Cryoss Soulfell VI[/b] [b]Nation Banner: White Flame in middle of Black Flag[/b] [b]Race: High Orc[/b] [b]Custom Race Description[/b]: [indent]- Name: High Orc - Life Span: 100-150 Years - Appearance: Like normal orc, but less barbar and more civilized. wear a propper clothes. - General Traits: Civilized, Smarter than normal orc, Still love to go to war if needed.[/indent] [b]Capital City: Maradur Fortress[/b] (Name) [b]Other Major Settlements: Gromodor Fort, Kalaros City, The Holy Anvil[/b] [b]Gross Population: 200.000[/b] [b]Exports: Iron and Bronze[/b] [b]Brief Nation History: Kingdom of Torfas is officially announced as a nation after they took a rebellion war against Kingdom of Obana long time ago and win it, isolated from the outside world, the news of the fall of Kingdom of Obana is not reach the outworld, as Kingdom of Torfas started to grow strong. [/b] ----------------------------- Nation Status Card [b][i]Kingdom of Torfas[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government: High King Cryoss Soulfell/Monarch[/b] [b]Settlements Owned: 4[/b]# [b]Provinces Owned: 1[/b]# [b]Population: 200.000[/b]# [b]Standing Army: [/b] [indent] - /<100>/<100 %> - /<2.000>/<1.000 in Maradur Fortress, 1.000 in Gromodor Fort>/<100 %> - /<1.000>/<750 in Maradur Fortress, 250 in Gromodor Fort><100 %>[/indent] [b]Standing Navy:[/b] [indent]-/<# 40>/<# 8>/<# 4>//<95 %>[/indent] [b]Population Happiness: 80 %[/b] [b]Imports:[/b] [b]Exports: Iron and Bronze[/b] [b]Wealth: Average[/b] [b]Alliances:[/b] [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] [b]Cease Fires:[/b] [/hider]