Flint awoke from a light sleep, the morning sun through the window hitting his face as a new day dawned. He sat up, stretching his arms out and yawning loudly before turning to dangle his legs off the edge of the bed and take in his surroundings. He was in a room that wasn't his own and as he stretched once again he remembered where he was. A hotel room at Fort Hadley, he had come here to play cards on his day off but he soon would be going back to his home town, where he was posted as one of the lawmen. Despite not being employed here he was known to help out local law enforcement in some of the towns he visited. Flint began to recall his memories from last night, he hadn't gotten drunk but he couldn't say he hadn't had a few drinks. Flint began to slip into his clothes, holstering his revolver and tipping his hat. Many people believed that Flints name suited him, because he was always starting fire fights. Just last week Flint and a "Mr Jones" got into a dispute over a game of cards. All anyone knows is that they went into an alley to settle their differences and six consecutive shots where heard. Followed by one dead Mr Jones and an unscathed Flint. Flint had told everyone Mr Jones had pulled a gun, and that he had no choice. But this was odd as Mrs Jones believed her husband had left his firearm at home. With little evidence to fight against Flint he was deemed innocent and wasn't charged. Just as always. Many people believed his actions would catch up to him one day. They even had a nickname for him. [i]The Outlaw With A Badge.[/I] Flint was soon out of the hotel and walking towards the saloon, hoping to maybe get a meal in before heading out. As he got to the counter and was about to order, someone else entered the saloon. He noticed the badge first, then recognised the face. He couldn't put a name to it though and so hoped it may come to him as he turned back to the bartender, who had already began serving someone else.