[B]SID[/b] Big brother swayed softly as they made their way around the project tower. They drove in lazy circles so e times doubling back. Big brother looked for the keywords awaiting for jacks rescue to come in. Meanwhile the girl interrupted SIDs hallucination. He looked over his optical sensors though out of configuration took in her sight, waiting to run her image against BESC files. He had no idea how she had gotten in. Not remembering he pushed her in. He was vulnerable only for a few more moments and his chest piece was sealed. Combat effectiveness 52% an improvement. SID stood to his full height as he monitored her not speaking right away but finally in a mechanical voice "Insiditor MK III" he paused a few more moments "Query, Hostage, Bounty, or nonessential?" He moved away from her the entrance ramp slowly lowered, SID removed the hand of god, and took a prone position on the ramp. His toes clamping down to the metal loops in the floor. He ran a small cord from the gun to the base of his skull. And began the link up to BESC satalites. If jack escaped he would know. He could see anything now, and his expert markmen ship would make sure of it. [I]"SID, why? SID, why? SID, you have one purpose. Why Do, why do, why, do you continue on?[/I] Now a young child sat on the edge of the ramp, he had freckles spattered across his face. "I have to protect Danny,Danny." The child laughed but it was that of an adult, his voice too. [I]"SID you let me die, I'm dead. You have no purpose. We must kill jack. No purpose SID I'm dead jack. No purpose, No purpose."[/I] SID remained quiet. He no longer paid attention to the girl. Forgetting she was there. "Danny, you are here." He looked away now, his sensors were acting strange, they were reading things that should not be there. Damage, slow processing. He knew these were fine. He had just been repaired. [I]"No SID, you're and I'm in the desert, I'm dead. Jack, SID, Killed BESC. BESC, pappa, where's pappa."[/I]