They had almost reached the edge of the forest when Wolf had paused to take a call. She didnt mind it and she paused, kneeling to tie her boot. Suddenly she felt the curiosity filled aura of Flynn, and she stood back up, crossing her arms. From the corner of her eye she noticed Wolf had a wierd glow in his eyes, and it took everything in her not to make it seem like she saw. Instead she took a few steps to his fallen phone and said a fixing spell before slowly standing and smiling. "Wow, you have good luck. Not a scratch on here. My iPhone on the other hand, im afraid to use it unless im laying down. I love that i got it in green though." she said, handing him his. "And, it seems our little friend is back." she added before continuing into the forest on a small dirt path. "You may join us if you wish Flynn. I imagine all your questions will be answered if you do." They made quick time to her house. Normally it would be an hour or so walk, but they managed to get there in about half that time. As they approached her house, the door was covered in vines. Acting as replacement for a lock, only those with powers of the Earth could get past them. That, and a protection spell surrounding the house like an invisible ball made it impervious to almost anything. Almost. Stepping up to the door, she turned to Wolf. "So i suppose this is when i get your payment. Tell no one of my secrets, and yours will be safe with me as well. She was hinting at the fact that she'd seen his eyes, and knew he was something other than human. Giving a nice smile, she turned back and waved her hand over the door. A pale light glow illuminated her palm and fingers, and soon after, the entire house made a creaking sound as if waking up from sleep and, coming alive. The vines receded from the door and opened for them. "Welcome to my paradise."