"THX-1138" It was like someone took an ice pick, and plunged it into his brain. He gasped loudly, as if he had been asleep his whole life, and only now awoken. Jaskan's feet betrayed him, and he fell to his knees. He gripped his head in agony, a multitude of events unfolded themselves in his mind. A thousand moments unveiled in the blink of an eye. ----------------------------------------- Jaskan Voth was one of many sleeper agents that had been inserted into the jedi order by the Hutt. Extensive shock therapy, mind games and hypnosis had been inflicted upon them as children to hide their true purpose beneath layers upon layers of subconciousness. The force was thus unable to detect their nefarious allegiance, simply on merit of themselves being completely unaware of it. A group of highly trained jedi were unknowingly an enemy of their brothers and sisters, and they would never find out until a moment in time when the Hutt decided to make use of his assets. This was such a moment. Master Oabre had been digging too close to the truth about one of the Hutt's operations. Whether she was looking for it, or even understood it's implications, was of no importance. She, and everyone she was affiliated with had to be eliminated. Master Harken, Jaskan's master, was assassinated for this purpose. It was through his death, that Jaskan Voth, the Hutt's sleeper agent, joined master Oabre and her padawan. Sending the bounty hunters onto their location, was the last stage of the plan. They were there to activate the sleeper agent, and if capable; eliminate the padawan. The Hutt did not take chances. He knew that the best weapon against a jedi, was a jedi. One of the mercenaries, Bloodshot, had been informed that Jaskan Voth was on a payroll, that he had been bought. Once acquired, he was to eliminate his fellow hunter, and together with the traitor jedi, take out master Oabre and whoever she was there with. The padawan should, if possible, be captured, to find out just how close master Oabre came to finding out about the Hutt's scheme. ------------------------------------------ Jaskan took a single step, and appeared in the doorway. "Hello, Nima." He said. She had joined the order five years after him, and he regarded her as little threat to him. They both practiced the Ataru form, but he was far superior at it. "I will leave you with this man." He took a deep breath. "I am going to kill your master." - And with that, he turned and walked out. There was a purpose behind his words, it wasn't just banter. A jedi relied heavily on the force to guide them, but it required focus. Serenity. The words he had spoken was an attack in itself, designed to disrupt Nima's focus. The longer his absence, the bigger the concern for her master's safety. He was equal to a jedi knight, for all intents and purposes, after all. Master Oabre would find no easy opponent in him. ------------------------------------------------------ Once again he came walking down the hallway. This time with a clear purpose, a driving force. Every step brought him closer to it. Closer, and closer, until he was standing in front of the barrier, face to face with master Oabre, a smug smile on his face. He didn't say a word, drawing his lightsaber and turning it on spoke for itself. A moment later, the barrier faded. The Hutt's plans had come to fruition.