[hider=Aoife Abbot]Name: Aoife Abbot (Aoife is pronounced ee-va for anyone who doesn't know!) Appearance: [img= http://hungergamesfandom.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/jackie-emerson.jpg?w=584] --- Age: 17 Grade: 11th grade Social Class: Elite Social Class Explanation: Aoife is the only child of the infamous Richard Abbot, spearhead of BlackTide, a private military corporation that currently holds the nineteenth spot for richest company in the world. Due to this; wealthy doesn't even begin to describe how rich they are. However that doesn't mean she's a spoiled little brat, in fact she's very far from it. Instead Aoife craves power above all else. Her talents in martial arts and vast knowledge of strategy and history shifted her up from the normal wealthy to an elite member of the school. --- Personality: Aoife's early years really had quite an affect on her life. Her mother passed away when she was young and her father's string of girlfriends weren't much of a motherly role in her life. Her father was always a steady figure in her life even though it hurt him to even look at the child due to the similarities between her and her mother. His busy schedule usually weighed him down but he regularly made time for his daughter. Aoife was constantly being whisked from one country to another so with her father serving as the only constant in her life, much of her personality is based off him. Basing it off him probably wasn't the best idea. Although he was kind, loving and caring there was always a darker side to her father. His training in the Recces (South African Special Forces) had made him a hard man and even harder to please. Although he loved her, Aoife couldn't help but feel he always desired more from her. That's possibly why she began dabbling in combat. Initially it was just signing up for her private school's Taekwondo classes but due to her vast swathes of money she could expand out into other sports. When she began to grow a little she moved onto historical literature, her favourites detailing conquests and wars. Aoife's intelligence also increased to the point were she was easily out-smarting most of her class mates. Her days became laced with daily chess games with her father as she began to fashion an idea of what she wanted to be. She knew that to truly make her father proud she would have to take his company and make it into something greater; no matter how much it took. Aoife didn't have a lot of friends in these private schools. This was probably because most children were convinced that befriending the daughter of a man famous for sending mercenaries to kill people wasn't a very good idea. Aoife became lost in her isolation, neither desiring friendship or needing it. Her only real contact with the others in her classes was when she did something in return for a favour, a system she found to work quite well. Surprisingly though, she got on the best with males, whom she discovered to be a lot less judging than females. Even though she knew she wasn't that bad looking, any advances from possible suitors were quickly dealt with. She isn't much for getting good grades, her father's company will pass to her nevertheless but she tries occasionally, usually when she's pressed to. Possibly her new life at Caelbury Academy would change her for the better but the large range of sports would suit her a lot better than their reputation for intellectual excellency. Aoife has some serious anger issues that range from generally losing her head at people to throwing punches at them - punches that you probably wouldn't want to be on the other side of. She's also irritatingly stubborn and won't admit she's wrong, even if she knows she is. This can usually get on the nerves of people so she keeps to herself a lot. Her irritation at her father is usually the cause of this anger and she lashes out at her fellow students on a regular basis. --- History: Her parents were a curious coupling indeed. On one side you had a father who was specially trained to kill people and on the other you had a mother who worked in a hospital. Initially they met when he was deployed in the Central African Republic and she was a young doctor on an aid mission out to the war-torn area. Their conflicting ideologies and careers almost drew them together as they fell deeply in love with one another. He quit the special forces and married her before setting up BlackTide, using his contacts in the military to create a new private military organisation. His wife was disapproving but it brought them in a lot of money and helped them to make a stable environment for their newly-born daughter. Their happy little family was ripped apart when Aoife was only four. Her mother was killed by a bullet that was meant for her father. The incident caused him to harden. He abandoned South Africa, trying to escape his grief and find somewhere safe for his young daughter. All this time, BlackTide was growing into one of the largest mercenary corporations in the world. During this time they travelled from country to country, not staying in one place for too long. When Aoife was twelve they finally settled down in Germany. Her father was now a billionaire in every right, this allowed him to afford every demand of his daughter. She didn't ask for much really, just some attention and a little praise. He praised her but she knew it wasn't from the heart; so in her stubbornness she set about trying to gain some well-deserved praise. She signed up for various martial arts and sports, bending her body to the limit on multiple occasions. This was uprooted again as he decided it was best for her to grow up with her grandparents in Ireland. Her father travelled to the US and began to set up his company and life there. She tracked his progress through the internet, his infrequent calls not enough. She learned of his multiple girlfriends, ranging from models to actresses and back to models again. She travelled back and forward between the two countries but preferred the company of her mother's parents. Although they were slightly disapproving of her military-styled training they still supported her and loved her. Aoife used her father's money rather sparingly, only spending with it so she could go abroad. Her father kept a steady stream of gifts coming to her, such as the latest technology and even a horse when he tried to steer her away from the military. By the time she was sixteen she was as close as a sixteen year old girl could be to a battle-hardened leader. Although she was only five foot four, she used her lithe frame to her advantage and had mastered four martial arts, even testing herself in the hard combat of Krav Maga. Her logic had increased to the point were she was decently proud of herself. Anyone who dared to face her across the chess-board quickly lost. Finally, just after her sixteenth birthday, her father informed her that she would be moving out to the US. He wanted her close when she was beginning to emerge into adulthood but his successful relationship with some actress had caused him to want to keep her a little distant at the same time. He found her to be a different girl from the attention-desiring daughter he left her as. In it's place was a daughter who wanted a father to be there all the time; not just some of the time. Try as he might have, he couldn't bring her around to love him like she used to and finally his new girlfriend convinced him to have her enrolled in some high-class school. He thought it would be good for her to be around people who were like her so he signed her up, much to her protests. --- Extracurricular Activities: She hasn't joined yet but I imagine her to join: MJCROTC Swimming Fencing Soccer Miscellaneous: She's fluent in Irish and knows a little German. Has a serious addiction to tea. Hasn't took a drink or smoked in her life. Similarly, she has never been in a relationship and has yet to sleep with someone. Is shy except when she's angry.[/hider] [hider=RS]Jacob Rockwell: "Who? Oh, that guy! Sorry, still kinda new around here. He's the commanding officer in MCJROTC right? Yeah I'm right. Well it really speaks lengths about that junior officers training program thing if that guy got the job. I thought commanding officers were meant to bark orders at you and look like a steroid-pumped action hero. This guy's kind of afraid of his own shadow. Quite obviously I don't talk to him much, I don't talk to a lot of people, but he doesn't seem to be bad as a person. My dad thought it would be fun if I joined JROTC so he enrolled me himself. Obviously replace the fun with, 'teach me a little discipline' and you probably have the reasoning behind my father signing me up. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind wearing the uniform and all that but it shouldn't be some scrawny guy leading that program. Like who in God's name needs etiquette? Yawn." If Aoife had any regard for this so called hierarchy then she might not really care about him, maybe even get on well with him. Aoife however doesn't have any regard for hierarchy and she'd be just as willing to walk over you no matter who you are. This constant lack of respect towards authoritarian figures probably stems from her idea that she should lead herself, not be led by someone else. This will probably earn her a good few enemies in the program but she simply doesn't care; how is she meant to fear punishment from someone she could beat to unconsciousness in five seconds? --- Catherine "Wren" Sinclair: "I'd put her down as 'that bimbo on the cheer squad' but apparently she's actually decently smart. Not to the level of others around the school of course but she can apparently pull her weight. Now as for her career - well let's just say that my dad's girlfriend has made me slightly intolerant of actresses. Like come on, all these false lives and dating and... I just don't like them much. Not only that but everyone seems to orbit around her like she's some sort of national treasure." Aoife can be quick to judge when it comes to others - very quick to judge. It isn't necessarily her fault she has such an opinion on Wren, she generally doesn't like people who are friends with everyone. It just makes it so much easier to discover the fact that these people live two lives. That probably also annoys her - being one person in front of some people and another person in front of others. --- Acacia Hawthorne: "Introducing Miss Super Massive object number two. Seriously, how can you have that many friends? Not only that but they're the type of friends that would hang on the edge of her tongue; they take every word that flows from her pretty little mouth as gospel. Why? It's kind of obvious - she oozes a sense of perfection but I know better. It's all a large act, carefully wrought so that only a select few can see who she truly is. Why? I have no idea and I probably will never raise the subject but it's interesting to know." Some might ask exactly how Aoife saw through her so easily. Well it's because at one point she was quite like Acacia Hawthorne. She was young and she just wanted friends - so she led another life, tried to show herself as someone perfect and not just the daughter of some mercenary corporation. Leading another life got tiresome though so she quickly dropped it, no longer really caring about what people thought of her. --- Alena Rurik: "Have you seen the size of that girl? I also heard she's an Olympic level athlete in weight lifting. I wonder if she'd like to fight? Anyway I think the Russian is actually the closest person to me. We're not actually friends but I don't hate her with a complete loathing, in fact I quite like her. A little strange you might add but she looks like someone who could get things done. I would of course be the brains behind our bonding and she could be the main muscle but together we could bring Caelbury to heel. Now wouldn't that be interesting?" The main reason Aoife seems to break the trend of generally hating everyone for the Russian girl is because she can empathise with her quite a lot. She knows the girl has a history in the military and although Aoife will never want to join the army she does need to start building up connections. The girl seems to be quite open about things though, that's one thing Aoife dislikes. It's too much of a weakness to betray your feelings to anyone and everyone that walks past you. --- Alex Harrowling: "Who? Like seriously, who the hell is that? Oh, that guy. Yeah... I don't know him. I don't think anyone really does, he seems really quiet and prefers books to people. Which I totally agree with, books are so much better than people. So yeah... not much to say about him. I heard someone say that his parents were cinematographers. I wonder if dad would let me run background checks on everyone? Probably." Aoife really doesn't know much about him and she's really quite content with that. Although she gets on better with guys; she's used to the loud, brash male that does anything to garner the attention of nearby females. So this guy is a bit of a welcome change, he isn't loud and he certainly isn't brash. He just likes books, which Aoife can respect. She does, however, still put him under the typical Caelbury student rank and he'll be treated no differently than the rest. --- Julie Scott: "My father had me get in contact with her through email just before I arrived. Something about her being the international committee leader? She can speak a load of languages can't she? Yeah well apart from that, that's all I know." Aoife will probably need quite a hand for getting used to life at Caelbury. Her idiot of a father had took her over to America when the school term was only starting so she didn't have time to adjust to how things worked over in the USA. The schooling system is definitely a lot more different and maybe the Scott girl would come in handy? --- Max Wallenberg: "He's kind of cute I guess. But not in the 'oh he's super cute way' but in the 'oh look a hot guy from another country' sort of way. It's pretty obvious he tries to look intimidating and foreboding but that just annoys me. You should only look intimidating if you actually are and that guy is definitely not scary. Apparently though he's quite smart and owns quite a lot of books. Maybe I could borrow some? Assuming they're good of course... and he isn't an asshole... which he probably is." Aoife is what one would call a late-bloomer; she never had times for boys or girls or any of that. She hasn't even properly kissed someone yet. Nor is she interested really but it's hard to ignore a body full of raging hormones. She seriously dislikes hormones, like come on - even her own body is trying to go up against her. She has somehow avoided them getting her into some pesky situations though. --- Tomika Marias: "Another one of these silent ones - I know I'm silent but I have a perfectly logical reason: I simply don't want to talk to anyone. I don't know what to think of her, most times she seems silent and won't say a word to you - like me. Other times she'll be incredibly loud. That is mildly annoying. Anyway I think she's like some sort of fencing buff, her gear looks pretty cool I guess. So yeah... not much to say." --- Malicia Palistar: "I don't know these people well enough to create an informed decision on them but she makes me a little curious. No! Not in that way you idiots. She just seems to be different from the rest, a little like me I suppose. I have no idea what I'm rambling on about but it just seems like there's a lot more behind her. Like everyone else here is either perfect or uses perfection to cover something up but not her." Aoife doesn't really care when people hold themselves above others; she probably does it herself. But when people hold themselves above Aoife she starts to get a little annoyed. She's physically fit, is trained in various martial arts and she has a stunningly acute mind. So for someone to put themselves above her? She doesn't particularly enjoy the experience. --- Aoife Abbot: "There's not much to flaw her really. She's extremely beautiful, a complete genius and has a near equal level of training to that of the special forces. Like seriously, how everyone isn't falling to their knees in respect is a profound mystery to me." --- Eliza Herring: "Hmm? Oh yes she's the girl that's practically glued to the Hawthorne girl. Unlike her one million other friends this girl- Eliza, actually seems rather close to her. I don't know if she's just using her as she seems to leech off her popularity. Speaking of which it's actually a large surprise to me on just how much power the popular people have around here. It's fruit for thought, as my grandmother would say." Aoife is practically addicted to power; she runs on the stuff. So when she found out just how much power the popular people can garner- well... let's just say a few wheels began to turn in her head. --- Connor MacQuarrie: "If anyone has ever been pumped on steroids then it's him. Have you seen him? Like seriously, he looks like a wall of muscle. I'd still fancy my chances against him though, he's probably too bulky and has sacrificed speed. Not only that but he's a total asshole jock. He's loud and he thinks everyone wants to hear his jokes so he shouts them. That annoys me to the point of breaking. Yeah he's hot but that doesn't mean he gets a right to do what he likes. Did I just call him hot? Ugh, hormones. Cut that bit out." Even though some would call Aoife a jock, after all she doesn't care much about her academics and is rather focused on her physical state, however she isn't. Jocks in her opinion had a base IQ of about 50 and she was a lot smarter than that, she just didn't show it a lot. So she probably won't get along with Connor at all. --- Jack Riley: "I'm starting to notice a trend in good-looking male students around my age. And let's just get something straight - it's not amusing. Not only that but the guy is a total prick. I know I'm rather selfish but at least I keep to myself. He holds himself up like he's God's gift to women. Ugh, he seriously needs someone to slap him silly. Preferably someone who can slap his stupidity away. Also his phone is practically always in his hands. Like I love my phone but I can keep it out of my way for a while." Aoife doesn't just dislike him like she does for the rest of the students at Caelbury. She doesn't know why but he just gives her the creeps; she isn't afraid of him of course but she just has a bad feeling about him. So it doesn't help when she finds herself quite literally staring at him. Even if she is an evil little bitch she's still a seventeen year old girl. Quite easy to forget that sometimes though. --- Silas Albert Eberhardt "Ok, this guy I don't really mind. He's quiet and all, doesn't bother anyone. Not only that but he's apparently a big star when it comes to classical music. I don't know much about him but apparently he's quite good. My dad knows him, strangely enough, and it must of sealed the deal in his head that this was a school for the most gifted and privileged in our society. So I guess I have a him to blame a little but I honestly could not be bothered. At the end of the day, it's my father's fault I'm here." --- [/hider]