syrax sighed. "I'm not your typical guy, and anyway, what do you have against guys?" he stretched and jumped down a row to make his way out. "I'll see you girls outside the dorms in say fifteen minutes?" he suggested, laughing at the commented about the UK he shrugged. "it rains, yes, but it as some of the most amazing scenery you can picture, there's a place I used to go to on holiday mountains so tall that even a dragon couldn't fly over them, and all the way up the side were huge green oak trees older than the town at the base of the hills." he sighed " and when it rained you could race under the trees and hide from the rain in the shadow of oak tree so old your grandparents can remember climbing it as children." he shrugged, and smiled. "look at me, day dreaming about home already," he shook his head, then his eyes lit up "And then there's the storms...." he grinned, "no rain, or wind, just this...feeling of immense pressure and power, as if the havens themselves are about to ride down and shatter earth, and then BOOM." he jumped forward a little, hopeing to make them jump. "it starts to drop lightning as if they were raindrops, thunder rattling like a almighty drum. its the sort of thing that makes you realise that against some things your just as weak as a human."