Being a spy is one of the several ways one can serve one's country. Ignoring the dangers and risks of being one to do what others could not. But, when a spy is burned, then that is a different story.
For a small group of American spies, this is the case for whatever reason. They are burned spies and now have nothing. No assets, no support, no nothing. Now, they find themselves in the city of New Orleans and discover that if they try to leave the city, then they will be hunted down and arrested. But, if they stay in the city, then they can live free to an extent. The only thing that they know about how they got burned is that someone powerful wanted them on ice.
Now, this group has little choice. They try to survive in New Orleans while figuring out who burned them and get their lives back. It will not be easy, either for revenge or another motive. They will try regardless, and time will tell if these former spies can get their lives back. Anything can happen in the Big Easy.
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Hello, and welcome to the RP. This rp is based on the show Burn Notice. In this rp, you will be playing as American burnt spies who have lost everything and now find themselves in the city of New Orleans, unable to leave or risk getting hunted down and arrested. They now try to figure out who burned them and get their lives back while surviving in the city.
So that is the plot, and the plot will switch between doing jobs for people and surviving in the city to planning and figuring out who burned the group and getting their lives back. Also, I am open to ideas for jobs for the group to do and the jobs will vary on what they are.
I am looking for 3-4 players, though I can run the rp with less if needed. That and for your character's pic, it should be a real-life face claim and not a drawn or anime pic.
Now that is currently it, and I am looking for a Co-Gm if anyone is interested and if anyone has any questions, then just say something.
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Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
New York City has fallen and the rest of the United States may follow suit. The undead, or zombies as they are called, have appeared in New York City despite the efforts of the local police and government. The city has been overrun by the undead, which is now spreading across the East Coast and further inland.
Now, where do you find yourselves in the middle of this apocalypse? You were in New York City at the time and managed to escape before the undead overrun the city. You and others have found themselves in upstate New York. Currently ahead of the undead, but for how much longer is the question.
For now, they are safe in the city of Binghamton, New York, and they plan their next move here. Will these survivors
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The Sentinels, a organization that has only existed for fifty years and yet is one of the more important groups that reside within the United Earth and Systems space. But that was not always the case.
For one hundred and fifty years ago, the then United Nations of Earth after decades of reckless expansion, the UNE had grown too big to properly manage. Plus,
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Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Another day of surviving in this world of ours. Where the dead roam the streets and fields, looking for the next meal in the form of human flesh. No one really expected this to happen, but when our world failed to contain the undead in 2025, it was a matter of time before governments would collapse as the undead and its virus spread across the world. Those who were left had to rely on either themselves or each other to survive in this new world.
For three years, it has been like this, where the living fought with the undead and each other in the name of survival. However, for one group of survivors, things would change for them, and just surviving would not be enough for them. For one reason or another, they got bitten and did not have a way to kill themselves before they would turn. Which they would later collapse and dreaded what their undead selves would do.
Only, when they next woke up, they were still them. But, feeling different, with their bite mark showing signs it was healing. When they find a mirror, they discover that they look different. Looking not quite dead but not quite alive either. Like a strange mix of life and death.
Now, these survivors want answers to their current condition. What does it mean? What happened to them? Could a cure be made from their blood? Many questions, but one thing is certain. They are changed now, and things will not be the same going forward. Time for them to discover what they really are now.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Hello, and welcome to the rp. In this rp, you will be playing as survivors who have been bitten by the undead and while your character did not turn into a zombie. They did turn into something else. Something between being alive and being undead. The rp is about finding out what this new state means and if it could lead to a cure while also trying to survive in this new state.
So, in regards to the state the player characters have. While they have a semi zombie like appearance, it will make an observer second guess themselves if they are undead or not. They are still alive, have a heartbeat, and can heal from wounds, just at a slower rate. Along with still needing food and water to survive. But no cravings for raw or human flesh or anything like that. Plus, zombies will still come after them and try to eat their flesh. However, if there is a normal human and your character, the zombies will go after the normal human rather than yours.
While not at first, they will feel a connection to the undead and will develop abilities related to their current state as the rp progresses. A not alot but a few abilities, but I will say when your character has developed the ability and list it below what it does.
Also, for your char looks, you do not have to use a pic that makes them look semi zombie-like. Just a normal picture will work, and use a real-life face claim. Like what they looked like before getting bitten and turning into this strange state.
Otherwise, expect to travel around the former eastern US during the characters' quest to figure out what has happened to them and if a cure could be made from their blood.
That is it for now and if anyone has any questions then just ask.
Unknown State
Here is where I will be listing what abilities and other things the player characters will experience in their current state. Right now, it is empty, but it will be filled in as the RP progresses and the player characters gain new abilities related to their unknown state.
The supernatural, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and more. Everyone knows about them in some way, and most consider them myths and legends, nothing more. For how could these beings exist in modern times without anyone knowing they exist? Let alone having actually seen or met one and having people actually believe it. There has to be a logical explanation for the sightings and is all made up.
Well, for one family, the Russells, mainly their children. They will discover not just that the supernatural exists but their family's role in it after they learn that their parents have gone missing. Gathering in their parents' home at the request of their uncle after being questioned by the police and soon discover their parents' legacy and embark on a quest to not only save their parents but take up their mantle of being hunters of the supernatural. Awakening what powers lie in their blood and traveling America to hunt those that seek harm to humanity and to save it from those that seek to dominate them.
It will not be an easy task, and the road will be a long one. But they say that a family that fights together stays together. So starts their mission, and time will tell if they will prove to be up to the task. For both new and old threats are on the horizon and one, in particular, has plans for the Russells.
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Hello and welcome to the rp. The rp is set in 2010, and the rp is about a family of former hunters that are forced into action after the family's parents go missing. After learning about it and being questioned by the police about it. The family's uncle asks them to come to their parents' house to discuss things. There they will learn about their family's secret, that they are hunters of the supernatural. But not just any hunters but ones gifted with abilities to give them an edge against the supernatural. Soon they discover the reason for their parents' going missing and not only start to rescue them but, in the process, become hunters in their own right and start hunting down hostile supernaturals and protect humanity from those supernaturals that seek to either harm or dominate humans. Traveling America while doing so.
Now while there will be an overarching plot and story arcs for it. There will be a monster of the week style arcs in between the story arcs. Which I will be open to suggestions if anyone happens to have an idea they want to do.
So with the focus being on a family of hunters, that means there will be limited slots. I am thinking at the moment about 3 main family chars and 2 cousins. However, due to story reasons. The cousins would have been brought up with the main family after said aunt and uncle were killed in mysterious circumstances. So a big household growing up and the cousins would be older than the main family kids. As for ages, the children should be. Generally, somewhere in their twenties, no one above thirty. Also, the kids grew up in Columbus, Nebraska, and this is where their parents' home is located.
Also, the main family parents would be Richard and Joan, and the cousins from Richard's older sister, Emily, and her husband, Owen. There is a third, Russell, the younger brother of Richard and Emily. Victor, who has kids but is divorced and said kids are busy being hunters in Europe. Victor is a retired hunter who had little contact with Richard and his family due to a falling out they had after a hunt years ago.
For the ages of the chars, the main family should be 20-25, cousins 26-29 for reference.
For what abilities the Russells family has, here is it. Enhanced strength, enhanced agility/speed/reflexes, enhanced durability, enhanced healing, resistance to foreign influence, and innate fighting skills. Now, how strong these abilities are, here it is.
For how strong a Russells is? One can lift an adult human up easily and throw them. They can hold their own against Vampires and others of similar range.
How durable? They can handle being hit by a car with minor injuries and are resistant to blunt-force trauma. They are, however, not bulletproof or resistant to bladed weapons though they can take hits that would hinder normal humans.
How fast? About beyond the speed/agility and reflexes of a normal human, and can move at great speeds but cannot outrun a car. An example of how fast the reflexed and speed, a Russell can step on a bear trap and react fast enough and be fast enough not to get caught in it.
How good is their healing? One can heal all minor injuries in an instant, and it takes more time to heal the more severe the injury. The healing has its limits and can not regrow severed limbs. Bearing the most extreme of injuries like a bullet to the brain, decapitation, or severed limbs. The body will heal itself at a fast rate, and it just takes time. Also, enhanced healing does nothing with disease resistance, so the Russells are still affected by normal diseases.
Resistance to foreign influence? Meaning that a Russell is resistant to mind control, suggestion, and other mind-altering effects and drugs. Their resistance is very high though it is possible for a powerful drug or user to influence or controls a Russell. It is rare that this happens.
Innate fighting skills? Each Russell has innate fighting skills in both armed and unarmed combat. But though the skills are innate, they require little training to get used to and can rely on instincts to fight. Though in regards to armed combat, weapons such as swords or maces and other melee weapons is what a Russell can use instinctively. This does not extend to range weapons such as firearms though it has not stopped others like the Russells from using guns in their hunts.
But the Russells' main family made efforts to stop their children and Emily's children from getting their abilities so they could be normal and live a normal life. A method only a few know of, and thus their abilities are dormant. But they will be activated soon into the rp.
So that is it and if anyone has any questions, just say something. Also, I am looking for a co-op so if you are interested. Again just say something. Plus, I will be reserving a cousin spot so I will be accepting 1 more cousin spot.
2025, the year it went to hell. No one living knows exactly where the Chimera Parasites came from. Whether from space by a meteor, frozen in Antarctica and was freed when the ice containing it melted, or maybe even a government bioweapon got wrong. Only they showed up in India, and from there, They spread to the rest of the world like cancer. Infecting and transforming their hosts into cannibalistic mutants. At first, the infested was limited to zombie-like beings, and there was still a sense of order as governments tried to contain the infected and find any way to counteract the Chimera Parasites. Nothing worked, as the world was desperate for a cure.
Two months after the appearance of the parasites and before the world collapsed. A special organization created by the United Nations called the Asclepius Initiative. An organization meant to study the Chimera Parasite and find a cure, and contain the infected. Asclepius set up bases around the world, and for a time, there was hope. But as if by command, the parasites started to change their hosts further. While the "zombie' form remained the default type, the parasites changed their hosts into new and more powerful forms that caught the world and Asclepius off guard. Ranging from mutant forms that were barely human to large monsters that were the size of a small building. Unable to handle these new kinds of infected, the world would collapse despite the best efforts from Asclepius.
Now, five years later, those still living are often found in fortified settlements and despite the fall of the world. Asclepius is still around but in a scattered and reduced state. Still, the remaining members of Asclepius are committed to finding a cure and saving humanity from the Chimera Parasites. One such Asclepius base located in Germany, while surviving would come across something that could be cure for Chimera Parasites and save humanity.
So begins a journey that will take them across the world and the fate of humanity lies with them. Whether or not they can succeed is solely in their hands.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Hello and welcome to the rp. The year is 2030 and in this rp, you will be playing as members of the Asclepius Initiative who live in a Asclepius base in Germany. Where they have been working to survive while trying to find a cure to the Chimera Parasites and save what is left of humanity.
Chimera Parasites
A Chimera Parasite is a black beetle looking parasite about the size of a apple. While easy to kill by most standards, its speed and often attacking in number usual causes a person to be overwhelm though it only takes one parasite to infest a person. By climbing on their back and attaching themselves to the spine. Specifically the top of the thoracic part of the spine. From there they quickly take control of the host and are able to mutant the host to the specific deigns of the parasite. Which while most parasites have a default desire by turning their host into a mutant cannibal akin to a zombie. It has been identified that their are stains or different variants of the Chimera Parasite that make their hosts mutant into specific forms.
Variants that have been identified so far.
Default: The zombie, the default form of the infested. While looking like the undead or just wrong. The Chimera zombie is worse than zombies we know of in human lore. For while they main method of attack is their hands and teeth like traditional zombies. They can climb, open doors and are otherwise more dangerous than expected.
Arthur Montgomery is a man known among the scientific and archaeologist community as a polarizing individual. While many would reflect positively on Arthur's dedication to discovering the truth about the past, most would negatively remark on his behavior in his later years. Seemly obsessed to prove his fringe theories about history that left him shunned from the scientific and archaeologist community. Labelling him as a conspiracy theorist and disapproving of anything that went against accepted knowledge about the past.
Did this deter Arthur? No, this only strengthened his resolve for Arthur is not crazy. He did discover something that suggested something else, a lost past, but the relic that indicated this was shattered into pieces and left useless after Arthur spent some time studying it. So, he used what was left of his family's fortune to uncover the truth.
Only Arthur is dead, he died of a heart attack, and now his work lies incomplete. But, in his will, he leaves his estate and what is leave of his fortune not to his remaining family but to five people once they complete a task. These five people are those that Arthur took under his wing and had a good relationship with. The hope that Arthur has if he dies before he can unveil the truth that he was desperately seeking. That these five people can continue what he started and do what he could not.
Starting within his estate and dealing with an artifact that he was studying.
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Hello and welcome to the rp. The rp is about a group of five, maybe six people who have opted to continue Arthur Montgomery's work and discover the lost past of the world. A lost history that few know about. So the rp will explore both real-world myths and homebrew custom ones. I should say that the rp is inspired by Indiana Jones, Uncharted and Tomb Raider.
Now, Arthur's estate will act as the base and home for the group and will be the place where the characters will spend their time in between treks and it is located in the United Kingdom, specifically in Bristol. Plus, this will be the place where the group's artifacts will be stored after a trek. As you will discover, Arthur before he died, installed an expensive security system at his home estate that would make any potential burglars think twice about trying to break in.
But as to your character's reason for continuing Arthur's mission. In the first arc, there will be an event that happens that will prove that Arthur's theories had some merit, and they can come up with their own reasons for wanting to continue Arthur's mission after that.
Plus, while it is required that your character had a good relationship with Arthur and had been taken under his wing at some point in order to warrant him trusting your character with his mission. You can decide what exactly that means, as in how Arthur helped your character and what he did to make your character have a good relationship with him despite his reputation. Basically, why did he choose you to be in his will and think you could continue his mission.
Also, for your character's picture, go with a real-life face claim. No anime or drawn pictures.
That is it, and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask.
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Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
The Emperor of Mankind a mysterious figure who appeared one day on the old world of Terra and united it under his banner. From there, he would make an agreement with the Cult Mechanicum and secure their support for the Emperor's ambitions to create a human empire with Terra as its capital, and he would venture out to unite the shattered remnants of humanity.
But he was missing one important thing, his children, his Primarchs. Twenty superhuman individuals who were created from the Emperor's genes, his personal project that these individuals would aid him during the unification of humanity. Only for the ruinous powers of Chaos to ruin his plans and send his primarchs across space and to other worlds in the galaxy.
Despite this setback, the Emperor continued his plans, and once the empire was able to expand outside of the Sol system. Did the hunt for the missing primarchs begin, and one after one, the missing primarchs were discovered and returned to the imperial fold. All except for one that, despite searches, has yet to be found. Still, this did not stop the Emperor of Mankind from going forward with the Great Crusade and uniting humanity under the Emperor's rule.
Which, in the closing days of the Great Crusade, this was accomplished and now the Imperium of Man was officially the only voice of humanity in the galaxy. However, a question still remained. Where is the last primarch and why has they not been found yet? A question that their legion, the twentieth legion or otherwise known as the Star Raptors, are eager to find and unite with their missing primarch.
Still, with the Great Crusade coming to an end and a victory celebration to be held in the world of Talos. Rumors say that the Emperor plans on choosing one of the Primarchs to be the Warmaster. To most, it seems like a golden age under the Emperor of Mankind is at hand with humanity untied and with most threats to the Imperium vanquished at the moment. None would suspect the coming storm that would start with the sudden return of the last primarch and the chaos that would come with it.
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Hello and welcome to the rp. So, in this rp, you will be playing as one of the original nineteen Primarchs who were spirited away by Chaos and ended up on a human world where they would grow up and later come into contact with the Imperium and the Emperor of Mankind. Joining them and after fighting in the Great Crusade. They are now expected to attend a victory celebration in the world of Talos celebrating the success of the Great Crusade, and this is where the rp will begin. The year is somewhere in the 31st Millennium.
Now you are free to make up what world and how your character was brought up, only that they had to join up with the Imperium and the Emperor of Mankind and become the leader of your space marine legion. Which you are free to make and customize to your liking. As long as it does not conflict with another, mainly in how your legion conducts warfare.
So, to say this now, while the spare marines will be male only, the Primarchs can be of either gender. Plus, while there will be a civil war like the Horus Heresy in the rp, I am going to have it that there will be a third option for players that may seek it where they can form into a third faction that opposes both the Emperor and Chaos. This may be a harder route to do, but players can do it if they wish. Though as long as not too many people go for it.
Also, since I am not a 40k-30k lore master, if anyone wishes to help me with the rp and be a co-gm than say something.
That is all I have so far, and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask.
Primarch's Legion
I - II - III - IV - V - VI- VII - VIII - IX - X - @Theyra XI - XII- XIII - @Thayr XIV - XV - XVI - XVII- XVIII - XIX - XX - Filled
[b][u][color=white]Background[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] background here [/b][/color][/indent]
Name here
number here
domains here
Legion Appearance
legion appearance here
Combat Doctrine
combat doctrine here(A general sense and limit it to three words)
Legion Organization
legion organization here(In the general sense)
Special Units
special units here
Legion Equipment
legion equipment(In the general sense)
Legion Vehicles
legion vehicles here(In the general sense
Legion Fleet
legion fleet here(In the general sense
Legion Relics
legion relics here
background here
[hider= Space Marine Legion CS]
[center][b][u][color=white][h2] Name here [/h2][/color][/u][/b][/center]
[b][u][color=white]Number[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] number here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Domains[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] domains here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion appearance here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Combat Doctrine[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] combat doctrine here(A general sense and limit it to three words) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Organization [/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion organization here(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Special Units[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] special units here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Equipment [/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion equipment(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Vehicles[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion vehicles here(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Fleet[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion fleet here(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Relics[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion relics here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Background[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] background here [/b][/color][/indent]
Miztli Huitzilihuitl
Great Jaguar, Champion of Kalramia, Hidden One here
Cool-headed and collected, Miztli can be seen as rather distant from his fellow brothers and sisters. Preferring to spend time with his legion and is very much interested in astronomy. A strong warrior and expect tactician, Miztli leads from the first if possible. Miztli has a personal code of honor that he rarely deviates from and can be to stubborn on issues he deems important.
skills here
Obsidian Blade - Master Crafted Power Macuahuitl made by Miztli after taking command of the Tenth Legion, sharp enough to cut through most armor and was said to be unbreakable.
Long Whisper - Master-Crafted Instigator Bolt Carbine
Crown of the Vul, a feathered headpiece that contains a strong refactor shield generator.
Jaguar Armor - Artificer Armour that was custom made for Miztli that is both stronger and lighter than standard armor and contains a clocking generator.
background here
Obsidian Warriors
Kalramia and the rest of the system
Legion Appearance
Combat Doctrine
combat doctrine here
Legion Organization
Grand Tlatoani (Miztli Huitzilihuitl) Cihuacoatl (Lord Commander) Topileh (Wardens - two wardens each control half of the legion) Tlacateccatl (10 corps commanders) Otontin (Captain) Cuauhocelotl (Lieutenant) Papalotl (Sergeant) Cuextecatl (Marines) Tlamani (Fresh Marines)
Legion Special Units
Spectres - The elite unit of Obsidian Warriors that is made up of the best infiltrators, saboteurs, and scouts. The Spectres are normally armed with silent sniper rifles, explosives, melee weapons, and other tools. Often operating behind enemy lines to disrupt the enemy, such as sabotage and assassination. Considered to be among the best infiltrators in the Imperium.
Sun Guard - The elite bodyguards of the primarch, each Sun Guard is handpicked by Miztli and is given the best equipment and weapons the legion has.
Jaguars - Elite masters of close-combat, the Jaguars are made up of the best close combat fighters the legion has. Given power and relic weapons and strong refactor shields. The Jaguars are a force to be reckoned with when close up.
Legion Equipment
Standard wargear, though, with more close-quarter and silent weapons than normal.
Legion Vehicles
Standard but being more mobile and stealthy than normal.
Legion Fleet
Led by the Gloriana-class Battleship the Kalramia's Sword, the fleet includes six other battleships, eight battle barges along with many cruisers and escorts
Legion Relics
Spear of Thoria - A ancient Power Spear found in one of the ruins on Kalramia and is capable of discharging energy at a target
Maul of Kalramia - A master-crafted Power Maul that was given as a gift to Miztli and used frequently by him when not using his main weapon.
Green Death - A master-crafted silent Bolt Sniper Rifle that is used by the most gifted Spectre and is said to never miss once a target has been acquired
Stalker Armor - Artificer Armour contains advanced cloaking technology that renders an individual invisible to both sight and any sensor. Also lightweight and stronger than most power armor.
Earth in the twenty-first century is a world where every inch of land has been explored from the North and South Poles to the Himalayas and the Amazon. The only places left to explore are the Earth's massive oceans and space.
Most have accepted this, but one, explorer Wyatt Manning. He has yet to give up on this and thinks that there is still a place on Earth that lies undiscovered. What could this place be, you might ask. A place where his father, Konrad Manning, allegedly discovered years ago but has since gone missing after traveling there.
Now, Konrad Manning was a suspicious person when leaving for this undiscovered place. He made sure that all traces of his work were hidden or destroyed so no one else could claim his discovery as their own. But, Wyatt, after dutiful searching his father's home for years, discovers what he believes to be the missing piece to his father's research and knows where his father went. A place his father called the Lost World, and apparently, it was located in the Amazon.
So, with a small team, Wyatt would lead his expedition to this Lost World and discover a place unseen by the modern world and maybe find his father in the process.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, has been slain by Mace Windu's hands, and while this should be a celebration that at last, the master of the Sith has been killed. It only creates more problems. For Darth Sidious was actually Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and following Mace's idea after Palpatine was killed. The Jedi Council has taken control of the Senate in a move to ensure the peaceful transfer of power to a new Supreme Chancellor. A decision that was met with mixed opinions from the public, the senators, and the rest of the Jedi. While some have welcomed the idea, stand with the Jedi as protectors as they are. Others are against this and believe that the Jedi have gone too far and they need to relinquish their control of the Senate. Even within the Jedi, the issue divides them despite reassures from Mace and the other members of the Jedi Council that this is temporary.
Meanwhile, the Clone Wars still rages. Even after the deaths of Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Darth Sidious. The remaining Separatist leaders on Mustafar have elected to continue the war and without the leadership of the Sith. They are now able to lead the war their way, but what this means for the Republic's war effort is unclear as the war continues.
What is clear is that the Republic's future hangs in the balance, as it has been two months since the Jedi Council took over the Senate, and there is still no new Supreme Chancellor, with the Jedi Council making decisions for the Republic. This led to rumors among the populace of Coruscant that the Jedi Council's control over the Senate would not be so temporary.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph 6. No custom Species
Hello and welcome to the rp, so this rp is a what if, if Anakin let Mace kill Palpatine and followed Mace's plan of the Jedi Council taking over the Senate in order to ensure a peaceful transfer of power to a new Supreme Chancellor. However, after two months of control, the Jedi Council is still in control of the Senate, and so far, no new Supreme Chancellor. Causing tensions between the people of the Republic and the Jedi Order. Even within the Jedi Order, there is a divide developing between those who support the Jedi Council and those who do not. While the Clone Wars is still ongoing, there are rumors of a new leader emerging among Separatist forces.
The rp will about the growing tensions between the Jedi or the Jedi Council and the Republic as the Jedi Council under Mace Windu retain control of the Senate, and Mace's plan seems to be taking longer than thought. Putting the future of the Republic at stake. So while that is what the rp is about, there is room for people to do their own thing in the backdrop of the main conflict if they want. Also the rp will be using mainly Legends stuff and maybe some of the New Canon stuff.
About who you will be playing, I am allowing people to make a character sheet as both canon characters and custom characters. However, if you want to play as a canon character, there will be greater scrutiny, especially if you want to play as Mace or Yoda and if you do want to play a member on the Jedi Council or as Mace himself. Then, we need to be in contact to see your plans for the character to work and are not overpowered with the character. Besides that, if you go custom, then you can play what you want, a senator, a Jedi, a clone, or anything else. Though In regards to someone who wants to play a dark side user, none right now.
While other parts of the galaxy will be mentioned and discussed as the Clone Wars are still ongoing, the rp will be set entirely on Coruscant. Though I might change that depending on how the plot goes.
If anyone has any questions, just ask. Also I am looking for a Co-Gms if anyone if interested then just say something.