Kaitiaki HQ, New Zealand
Skye Rosalind Lyons
The Briefing
With a click of the slide, the presentation started, Skye knowing it was a little bit of an exposition at this point, but it was time to go from the top, one more time, over how they were hitting this place.
"Okay, so we know the score.""Here's the plan. All of us, bar Xan are up top with invites. We arrive separately, and keep a low profile, apart from me and Freya. Recommend you use your alternate names throughout, first names can stay if you haven't been too naughty. Xan, just for the Uzbek whiskey, I got you onto a catering detail...because I need someone behind a bar to help us lubricate the social situation." The slide clicked, as Skye turned to the team, the blue hue of the AR display lighting her up as well, framing her freckled and worn features.
"Here's the plan. All of us, bar Xan are up top with invites. We arrive separately, and keep a low profile, apart from me and Freya. Recommend you use your alternate names throughout, first names can stay if you haven't been too naughty. Xan, just for the Uzbek whiskey, I got you onto a catering detail...because I need someone behind a bar to help us lubricate the social situation.""Once we get through, Sam, Xan, Michelle, I need you downstairs to start work on the server farms, and Pavel's PC. I want whatever intel you can get off it- likely it'll be encrypted so you won't know what it is straight away, but get what you can and don't raise any alarms. Be incredibly careful- intel from Mateo and Raph suggests they've got guard details, motion cameras and all sorts of tech that will hamper you, so take it steady, drop guards lethal or non-lethal, and don't get caught. We get compromised, the op goes under. I'll get my time with Pavel, and we can learn what we might be up against. Because believe me, we still have plenty to learn.""Plans came through from Raph and Mateo, so cheers for that. It is a 70 storey skyscraper, right in central Singapore - there's an office below the top two decks, which are a bar and a company breakout room. Guy is running his place like Google, but with the frat parties that come with it. Expect a lot of high life, and . The office is on the storeys below- lot of high modernist infrastructure, and open offices, mixed in with a few technical server rooms and compartments. Filled with halide gas if there's any fire too, and expected to be incredibly secure. So not something you can hit so easy. If you even trip anything, they're gonna gas you out- so be ready with respirators once you're infiltrating. If that happens, there will be an alarm and a lockdown, so moment you trip it, we're all gonna be evacuating. That might work for me, come to think of it, but hold until I'm near him.""Extraction is back the way we came, via the lift. In an emergency, there's a trailer parked on the adjacent street with an airbag inside it. It's a rough landing, but a fast way down if you have to get out. Sam, Michelle, I believe you've got wingsuits to use for your way out. Make a scene if you have to, but those things will get you out of there quick if you need it." "Everyone clear?" Skye rounded the presentation out, the AR screens giving a highlight of the setup, the tower, and entry points. The team had plenty to digest, and it was certainly a lot more to take in. The rest of the team had a chance to show off their bits too, as part of the briefing- tools, equipment or sub-routes they were taking.
Tsai Wen Tower, Singapore
Behind the Vale
2000 Hours, Two Weeks Later

The night sky was lit up with the skyscrapers, so numerous that they were almost alike the stars in the sky if you squinted, such were city lights that seemed to trance and weave through on the small south-east Asian island port among the background of Singapore's metallic "trees" and Marina Bay Sands.
Singapore was a city of money, and while it wasn't Dubai, there was this underlying feeling of banks, money and just everything being clean beyond measure like it was some sort of sterilisation chamber. It was a place for Vale Systems to base one of their many offices, and the party was quite the event, attracting many from near and far. They didn't own the whole building, but a serious part of it belonged to them, and it was their own.
And in the midst of it on the tower that stood among the urban high rise jungle,
the lift doors opened. Out into the open, the hubub could be seen, the high life and classical piano music playing, yet this was no pleasure- this was only business for Raven Squad.
In it stood Freya and Skye, the red dress wearing bodyguard wearing a fetching pair of black tight gloves to complement her dashing red and black dress, her red hair tied into a simple bun and the Scot almost a mirror image to the larger girl next to her. A little makeup to hide her freckles and some jewelery too, all of which had sleekly got through security- containing comms, and a few other gadgets.
It was almost comical, the way Skye walked in front of Freya, like a miniature almost, a sideshow to the large and far more famous redhead. But they were here now, and only had security to go through. A concierge check, manned by two men, one of whom brashly spotted the pair like the least-incognito couple they were. A standard check, given well, even despite the metal detectors downstairs, this was the last point at which any interlopers could get in.
"Hey, welcome to the party. IDs and invites, please." One of the men asked, as Skye reluctantly showed hers, the guard looking down at Freya's, then at Skye's, the invites and paperwork all in order, as it should be. This was an ultra-exclusive event after all, and well, security was tight. It felt like it, the sunglasses wearing, sharp-dressed American accented guard looking down at Skye, taller than her yet towered over by Freya nonetheless. The invites were of note- the guard noting that they had a warning to look out for Freya's guest, given what had happened last time.
"Miss....Caldwell? Interesting. Hmm.....may I have a word? In private?" "What's wrong, the dress too revealing? Oh please, you're not the first one to hit on me. We don't need any distractions." Skye seemed arrogant, but well, in this society, you acted your part. Confident, arrogant, asshole. Like the man on the other side.
"No, it's a security check. I need you to come with me. Alone." "I don't leave my client. I'm here to guard her, after all. Don't take me as stupid, my client is important and needs to go through, so do I." Skye barbed back, knowing it was out of turn now, but this was, frankly, bullshit.
"She can come with us then. If she can't defend herself, that is." "Sure. Sorry, Freya. My paperwork is in order...I'm sure it won't take more than a minute." Skye feined an apology to keep cover, as they walked over, Skye this time around joined by Freya- it was rather a sight to see but the guard carried on, not backing down. He couldn't here, and was in control of the situation. So much so he told the other guard to stay, he could handle this. He was armed, they weren't, and they weren't stupid. So he thought.
Following, Skye would have been easily able to be worried they were off to a dark room and compromised. But in some fucked up way, oh, this was perfect.
A Caged Bird
Sitting down in the dark windowed room after heading downstairs from the roof suite into the office and as part of a wider security network, Skye looked across the table, as the security man took a seat, eyeing her up, pistol at side after leading past a couple of other guards. The security room was a bad start to the evening, but things were what they were. It helped knowing the layout, and some of the guard detail. Like the man who had told them to sit looking across.
"So, I did my work into who was attending. And your name, it doesn't come up. See, I know everyone in the VIP protection game. Everyone." "You're a ghost, Skye Caldwell. Question is, why are you protecting Freya Kantaario? What, you think she needs it? Do you even understand what kind of a social event this is? And what she did to Pavel? There aren't plus ones here. This isn't a bring your friends gathering. Your client may be lucky enough to get an invite, but she knows, this isn't how it works. A guard for her isn't on the cards. This is a chance for her to be civil. And the invite is a courtesy, so after happened to just pretend it's all fine to have anyone here ain't gonna work for my boss. So what the fuck are you doing here, pretty girl? Here to cause another incident? Some tagalong? The man coolly said, his anger palpable in the soundproof office.
The mistake he'd made was already becoming a bit evident by the second, Skye putting her sheepish face on, and lying through her absolute teeth.
"Well....I'm doing my job, because my client wants me here? Check my paperwork." Skye looked over her shoulder at the towering hulk, and could only smirk. Oh, Freya could do something. But she knew Skye well enough. Well enough to know this was Skye's game, it was the look in her eyes. Play dumb, and play him out to see what happened next.
"Really. I highly doubt that you are, because finding reference for you, hell, even CCTV footage is hard. Anyway, I think you ain't got shit to protect. Pavel wants no trouble. You look like it, because this don't add up. And I'll offend the great Freya Kaantario to do so, because my client comes first." The man laid his pistol on the desk, a nicely ornimental RSh-12 revolver, and the size of the fucking thing said it all- his mannerisms, his brashness, his sigh as he looked into Skye's eyes, knowing he had her on the ropes. Or so he thought, because well, Skye was leaning into this exactly like she wanted. The way only she could.
"I bet Freya hasn't realised she's hired a ghost. Tried to walk in here, thinking we don't care about last time. And given the man I look after wants no trouble....this stinks.""Och...uhhh, yeah, you're right!" Skye responded straight, as the man bolted upright.
"What?" It was too good from him because he was leaning in, and the fire that burned just burned in all the wrong places.
With that, Skye launched quicker than he could react forwards and towards the revolver, throwing her left arm at his windpipe and right onto the sidearm, using him as weight she went hurling herself over the table and yanking him down, grinning as they both carted onto the floor. He tried to push back, but there was no stopping a surprise, as she jabbed hard into his lungs, quickly neutralising him as he tried to throw her back off him.
Skye was exactly where she wanted to be. Right on top with her legs pinning his gut, and with a hard swipe at his throat to hit his windpipe, he wasn't going anywhere, Skye keeping her gloved hand tight against his neck, able to push a little harder and end it all here and now. Maybe she didn't have his strength. But she had something more, and that was an experience of dealing with bigger bastards than him. It was no short reminder that Skye wasn't some princess, she was fierce, and hiding it rather well up until that moment.
"Make a move and play hero, it doesn't end well for you......oh, Jim Wickers, Ex-FBI, strong ex- in fact. You're pretty good as his Senior Security Liason....so far, ey?" Skye started, taking control of this situation, knowing that right now, any dumb looks were gone.
"What that means is I can really embarrass you to your boss. I'll find him and tell him Freya right there is coming to beat his 'wee heed into a fucking pulp. Your worst fear. And you know, she just might. Or maybe she won't and she'll grab a vodka and leave. She is really elusive like that. You're a smart cookie. Problem is, your little warning didn't figure me out all the way." Skye chuckled as her resolve tightened, looking dead into his eyes, revolver pushed aside, the man choking out as he sprawled, frankly embarrassed by what Skye had gone and done. It was a classic move, but they never saw it coming.
Nobody ever did.
"And you'll do nothing but watch on those cameras on that wall no matter what. You think that works as a successful evening?" Skye retorted to him, very, very much aware that he was no doubt in shock, and the fact he was barely conscious added to it. Skye's physique didn't scream what Freya's did- sure it was beaten but it looked more like a runner's, more than someone capable of the damage she was.
"Don't worry. If I was here to kill him, he'd already be dead. I'm just not interested in security staff causing me hassle tonight. So, I'll going to tell you to reconsider before I think about moving onto you. Understood?" "Shit.....ok, ok. You realise I ain't it, huh? You think you can just waltz in? I ain't telling you shit, anyways, you're both fucking dead if you try and get out....fuck you! His whimpered yell was something, as he knew there were no good options, and well, he had reason for that given the position he was now in. Play it long, and wait this out.
Skye chuckled in response, looking to Freya, looking him dead in the eyes, Jim choking as Skye pushed down on his throat again, pushing hard as he tried to recoil, then easing up, putting his head straight against his.
"Shhh.....you hear that? Nah, me neither. That's because you took us into a soundproof room. Thank you for that. And nobody is coming for you in the next twenty. Remember, you got it wrong...I'm protecting you from her, not vice versa. If we did it her way, she'd be scalping you alive. I've seen her bench a fucking jeep, not even glue would put you back together if she did. And that would be far better than the entertainment up there." Skye gently sat by his side, putting her hand to his throat, aware she could push on his damaged windpipe and just make it hurt so, so much more once again.
"Whatever he's paying you, your ex-wife and two kids are worth a bit more than what might happen next. Oh yeah, the ones you didn't tell Pavel about so you could get his clearance. I know, which I guess makes me more important than your client right now. So do tell me something, Jim, because it'll save you a lot of hassle. Where's Pavel, and how many guards are around him? Lie, and Freya here, she comes back and opens you like a tin of sardines." His face changed quickly, that very second, because the threats went from violence, enough to get most, to something else altogether.
It was a situation he had no energy to react to, but then again, he had no reason to doubt it. You did Carrot, and you did Stick. Sometimes, you did both at the same time. Same place. And when you got your hands dirty in this game, you did bad things. Nothing bad would come to his family of course given Skye had no idea where they were, but she'd made sure to keep it in mind as a weak point from her reading of the security detail they did know about. His weak point wasn't his strength or ability, it was in blood. Sometimes, social engineering worked a hell of a lot more than violence. Right now, that approach was about to pay dividends.
"You piece of shit...don't do shit to them, y'all hear?""Temper, temper. Nothing is going to happen to them. Just start talking and you'll stay employed, and if you're lucky, might even get a pay raise. Try and focus on positives, Jim, and you might live. Talk to me." Skye's voice was back to reassurance, backed by almost that same spirit that made her the team mum, yet somehow, inexplicably, underlined with threat.
"Alright...they're on the top floor. He's got more guards, ten more. You ain't got a hope in hell. He's got a giant in the team after last time with Freya. Big dude. Like I said, big mistake. You won't stand a chance, whatever you're doing. You fucking do anything, I'll kill you....you can rot in hell!" Skye looked to Freya, then back at him as he tried to yell, Skye throwing her hand against his mouth, his other one against his throat.
"That's better. But a bit rich coming from you. You really are such a lucky boy for someone who treats a so called, 'pretty girl' so poorly. I thought we really could have something, might even let you stay awake but you really are foul. Please do me a favour and don't remember my face. I'll try and forget yours pretty quick." Skye grimaced as she peeled back off him, as she drew her handbag from across the room from off the table, and flipping the perfume bottle, rammed the top of it straight into his nose, spraying a full, if not over-dose of the sleeping agent, the fast-acting tool taking the dazed guard out, as Skye looked almost deflated. She expected more.
"That was eventful. Bloody awful, even. Is my makeup still ok? Because we have this guy to move, and not gonna lie, he is fatter than the file said he would be. He's like fucking Steven Seagal." She asked, knowing the disapproval would be on Freya's face, yet in some ways, she'd be entertained. Skye didn't like parties a lot, so this must have made for a little bit of change.
Skye was that kind of character- she had learned how to be a spy and be a ghost, a spectre and an asset that blended in, turned into something else, someone else when she had to be. But beneath that, she never forgot she was capable of these things. Capable of doing what was needed to get it over the line, and beyond guns and firepower, she had learned how to use their ability against them. Right now, that was what had done it- and while it didn't always go smoothly, this one had to- otherwise, their operation was compromised. Skye would have been held for longer and if more security joined, they'd be shit out of luck. Then there was no talk, and no chance of finding out what they needed. No server farm check, and that was that.
After hiding Jim's knocked out body in a nearby cupboard, out cold for at least the next half an hour, Skye had the chance to get the rest of her equipment set up, instead of in some toilet probably full of old coke lines on the toilet seat. And enough to spy an IP address, on a CCTV system, among a few other things. By being in a secure room, Skye knew they were off camera. It was almost as if gambling on his confidence had payed dividends. She adjusted the frequency on her phone, linked to her ear-ring, a beautiful pearl piece that concealed a mic and earpiece that gave nothing away beyond its user- to activate the mic all she had to do was push on a signet ring on her hand, and it felt as fluent as anything, while the earpiece used a oscillatory segment in her piercing to allow her to silently listen to the team, and so far, it was coming through crystal.
"Team, me and Valkyrie are in. Security is tight here, but we dropped one. Gave us a goldmine though, we got into a security booth. Glitch, Chaos, I'm pinging you an IP address for CCTV and their admin server network. Careful around it because likely it's protected. Everyone, get to work, get to know some faces, and do our jobs. You know the score. Infiltrators, when ready, make your way down and get your gear recovered." Skye's tone was authoritative, sometimes harsh but in this environment, it had to be. Plus, she'd only gone and knocked out a guy at the party when she tried to be more incognito than raiding a beached cargo ship.
Within five minutes.
With that last communication through her earpiece built into her earring, Skye and Freya emerged back out of the small booth and out of the mostly quiet security complex without further hastle, heading through the corridors and back up the stairs out of the top floor of the offices onto the veranda, the skyline once again visible as the party raged on, suits and dresses everywhere, eyes beckoning on Freya, and less so on Skye, who strutted her stuff with confidence. No more bullshit, as they were on the other side of the fence, and well, the other guards hadn't seen them. They were unlikely to get any more attention, until they realised that Jim had gone for too long of a break, and by that point, things might get spicy.
They knew where he was. They knew what to do. And Skye, Freya and the team going into the party had that to enjoy. The Scot craned her head up to the giantess by her side, knowing she had thoughts on her mind after that, and no doubt, plenty of thoughts of what the update on security meant for them.
"Keep an eye on that giant. Try not to fuck him either, because when he sees you he's gonna be like Casanova. But if you can keep him away, that helps me plenty. We are gonna need to play it cool around Pavel, and our guy on the inside of the bar staff isn't fucking up my drinks order this time either...." Skye wryly commented to Freya, knowing that the situation was gonna escalate with one of them around- but having Xan on the inside, well, that could change things quickly...
In the interim, the rest of the team were no doubt making their way in, to significantly and likely less drama than they were. It would be a bit of time to get into the party and get used to it, but they had a crowd to mingle with on the upmarket cocktail-bar, come wine-bar, come rooftop piano session that was a high society party at a tech firm.