Reni Sehl
SpeciesGenderAgeAppearanceReni stands at 6'0, with lean, sinewy muscle typical of Mirialans. Her light green skin is dotted with various tribal tattoos, most of her own making. She is also the proud owner of numerous scars, the most notable two being a lightsaber burn stretching diagonally from hip to mid-torso and a ragged circular scar on her right shoulder from a blaster bolt. Reni favors the standard Jedi robes, with no particular flair. She's just happy to wear them.
RankPersonalityLightsaberReni wields a simple, single-bladed lightsaber composed of a light metal alloy, with the grip partially wrapped in leather. The crystal is standard green, chosen because she claims it matches her complexion. Nothing too fancy for this Padawan.
SkillsForm III:WIP
EquipmentReni doesn't have much in the way of worldly possessions, and she prefers it that way. She held on to a pair of macrobinoculars from her time with the 1st Batallion, keeps a comlink on hand, and has a tribal tattoo kit stashed away somewhere, but that's the extent of her personal belongings.
WeaknessTechnophobe: WIP
Background Reni was born on the planet Mirial, a cold, desert-like planet largely ignored by the rest of the galaxy. Reni's people were a nomadic, semi-primitive tribe, constantly on the move to find new pastures for their livestock and to avoid Imperial eyes. Mirialans had a higher number of Force-sensitive offspring than many species, and this often drew the attention of Sith lords seeking new apprentices. Rumors spread of cloaked figures snatching Mirialan children in the night, almost to the point of superstition among the tribes. It was best, they determined, to keep a low profile.
Life on the desert planet was difficult, but Reni's childhood was made easier by her tribe. Entirely communal in nature, children were raised by the collective. Thus, Reni had not two parents, but many, and more brothers and sisters than she could count. Like many tribal Mirialans, they practiced a primitive religion that combined nature-centered animism with the Force. As such, Reni knew from a young age that she was Force-sensitive, and was taught to hide this from outsiders at all costs. It was said the Empire had servants even among other tribes.
As a youth, Reni was taught by her elders herding, leather tanning, tracking, and even marksmanship. However, among these practical skills, Reni also learned how to live. Dancing, singing, storytelling, comradery, and a love for all things natural. She was also instructed in the ways of the Force in the tribe's rudimentary ways, and Reni discovered she had an affinity for healing. She earned her first tattoo, a series of diamonds across her cheek and nose, after healing one of her brothers when he was gored by a rampaging Bukund bull.
The tribe made rare, but necessary trips into the cities that dotted Mirial, trading hides and meat for goods they couldn't produce. It was in these marketplaces that the young Reni met her first love, a human named Linac. Months or years would pass before they could reunite, but the young lovers remained faithful to eachother. Ultimately, it was the Galactic Civil War that tore the two apart. Linac joined the Rebel Alliance the first chance they could, and that was the last time Reni saw them. Perhaps Linac died fighting, or perhaps they'd simply forgotten Reni. She hoped it was the latter.
Reni's sorrow eventually faded, but the memory of Linac did not. Reni came of age, and it was time for her to leave the tribe, for a time. A rite of passage to earn their place among the elders, to achieve great deeds, and maybe earn some new tattoos along the way. She could only think of one path to take. The New Republic Army. Reni told herself it was a way to pay back the Republic, where she no longer had to hide her powers, and children weren't stolen in the night by Sith. She also remembered how Linac had spoken of the Rebel Alliance; swaggering, rugged freedom fighters finding adventure all over the galaxy, bathed in glory. She signed up.
Life in the New Republic Army wasn't quite what Reni expected. The culture shock alone could have killed her, going from the primitive, tribal life to sleek starships and light speed. However, her background proved useful to the Republic, and she found herself embedded with the 1st Reconnaissance Batallion, a fighting force that specialized in scouting rugged terrain on inhospitable planets. Swift, silent, and dangerous. Reni continued to hide her Force sensitivity, unable to shake the outdated cultural norm, but proved herself in other ways during training. She was an excellent scout, able to move in complete silence, and able to read terrain like none other.
The fighting 1st deployed throughout the galaxy, rooting out Imperial holdouts hiding in jungles, mountains, and deserts on Republic planets. It was hard work, but not particularly dangerous; the holdouts were typically so depleted of supplies that they willingly surrendered. If not, the 1st Batallion simply called in the big guns, another Republic Army force meant for brute force battles. Two years into her military career, and Reni felt like she'd found a new tribe. She'd also treated herself to a couple of new tattoos. Then, the Siege of Veldont.
The Outer Rim planet was a tree-cloaked backwater, but it was Republic territory and the natives had reported some Imperial activity deep in the forest. This far out from the Imperial core, they didn't expect much resistance from the starved-out soldiers.
The intel must have been wrong.
Instead, the nimble 1st Reconnaissance Batallion stumbled across a veritable fortress, far beyond anything they'd encountered before. It must have been a trap, because the Imperials opened fire on the soldiers almost the second they laid eyes on it. Unable to extract, they called for backup and dug in. Thus began five months of brutal trench warfare, as Republic soldiers continued to drop into the planet and get chewed up by the well-supplied Imperial soldiers. Reni watched her closest friends ripped apart by blaster fire, trying to heal those she could, but most died. Then their replacements arrived, and they died. Rather than surrender, the Imperials made a final counterattack, revealing what they'd been so desperate to defend. A legion of Sith apprentices. Despite their inexperience, the Sith cut through the Republic forces, almost routing them before they were finally surrounded and put down after several days of fighting. The 1st Recon suffered an 83% casualty rate.
After the siege, Reni, along with most of the other survivors in the battalion, quietly deserted, and the Republic Army didn't try too hard to find them. Reni spent most of her savings traveling through the galaxy's backwaters, drinking, gambling, and trying to forget. It wasn't until a fight broke out in a cantina that things changed. A young Zabrak had been shot through the chest over cards, and Reni knocked the gunman out cold before desperately laying her hands on the dying woman to revive her. After bringing herself to the point of exhaustion, Reni brought the Zabrak back from the brink. A man in flowing robes pulled Reni aside. He was a Jedi knight, and told Reni that her skills were being wasted here; he extended an invitation to the New Jedi Order, and Reni eagerly accepted. Perhaps she'd earn some new tattoos.