| Vancouver, British Columbia - A Few Weeks from Now
“Hey, Dream Girl, how’s your day going?”
Aurora’s eyes instantly went wide as she beheld the sorry state that Lorcán was in, his eye practically swollen shut underneath the now dripping ice pack held over it. She didn’t hesitate to drop her tray on an empty table and rush over, her expression shifting from surprise to concern as she reached for his face, fingers hovering just above the skin starting to bruise.
“Oh my god,” She looked over her shoulder at one of her coworkers behind the counter, a sweet older woman with hair the color of moonlight. “Deb, can you get some ice for this, please? There should be some plastic bags in the back.” The redhead sat down at the barstool next to her boyfriend and inspected him for any other bumps or bruises- it may have been busy, but her tables could wait.
“What the hell happened?”
Behind Lorcán the drone of a TV echoed through the diner.
“... the wreckage of a civilian craft was discovered today along with the bodies of several identified Hyperhumans. The Coast Guard is working alongside the RCMP to account for the bodies and the wreckage. At this time, foul play is suspected and police are pursuing leads into a motivated hate crime.”
Lorcán turned his attention back to Aurora who was waiting on bated breath for a reply.
“Oh, just the usual.” He smiled, trying to hide the wince caused by the movement of his face muscles. “Just someone thought I was a Hype and didn’t take no for an answer.” Lorcán rubbed his eyes, dropping his voice before whispering to Aurora.
“Though I’d kill to be able to take these contacts out.” He smiled as he sat back up, rubbing his faux baby blues again.
“I think when I didn’t fight back, he’s satisfied for now, but I’m going to have to be careful…” His voice trailed off as his eyes suddenly widened at the television screen.
“... are alive today thanks to the heroics of one local firefighter…”
Lorcán’s cheeks went beet-red as all eyes in the diner were first drawn to the television set and then to the pair at the counter. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, downplaying the applause before weakly smiling at Aurora.
“Really careful.”
The redhead sighed.
“I wouldn’t exactly call running into a burning building being careful, Lor,” She said under her breath, knowing that they still held the attention of those around them.
“Here you go, honey.” Deb reappeared from the back with the makeshift ice pack wrapped in a paper towel and passed it over the counter, “I’ll cover your tables, give you two a few minutes,” She offered a warm smile on her aging face, “Seems you’ve got quite the hero on your hands.”
Aurora’s eyes shifted back to her boyfriend, and her face softened as she met his gaze.
“Sure do,” She concurred, a small half smile pulling her lips upwards and a warmth blooming in her chest. “Thanks, Deb.” As the older woman walked away to take care of her section, Aurora took the ice pack and held it up to Lorcán’s swollen eye gingerly, not wanting to cause him any additional discomfort.
“Look, it goes without saying that I’m proud of you, you saved those people,” She began to tell him, her tone genuine, “But you can’t be so reckless like that, next time you might not be as lucky.” Aurora leaned in closer, her voice dropping into a whisper, “And I’m not just talking about keeping a low profile, I don’t know how you did that without going into Hype-Psy, it’s dangerous.” She lifted the ice pack for a moment, examining the injury, wincing at how painful it looked.
“Who did this to you? Someone at the station?”
“It was more passive anyways,” Lorcán replied dismissively, opting to negate mentioning his earlier bloody nose. He gave Aurora enough reasons to worry, she shouldn’t have to worry about hyperpsychosis on top of it all.
“And yeah, just a guy from the station. Nothing to worry about, just typical guys being guys. Probably was some more hazing.” He continued to downplay. He knew Aurora, he knew she’d want to give Miller an earful. There was something about Miller’s tattoo that still didn’t sit right with him, he needed to check with his Dad, maybe it was something he had told Lorcán about previously.
“I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to stop those dudes from taking a razor to my hair.” He laughed, pressing the paper towel-wrapped ice to his face and discarding his old one.
“Just the reality of this new life.” He stated before looking down at his phone. The chances of Gil actually reaching out at this point felt slim, Gil had been on a warpath his last night at P.R.C.U. and while Lorcán earnestly wanted to help, he could only imagine that if it was Aurora in Amma’s position, he’d charge in headfirst by himself too.
“He’ll call,” Lorcán said more to himself than towards Aurora before placing his phone face down on the counter.
“I’m famished, have you had a meal yet today?”
Aurora frowned. Lorcán’s words still incited worry even though he was attempting to do the opposite. She’d been to the station once or twice since he started working there and had met a few of the guys - they seemed welcoming and kind, not the type to pick a fight for fun - so her hunch told her that this was more than just a standard initiation ritual. But she didn’t want to come off as overbearing, so she simply nodded and bit her tongue, choosing not to push the issue further. Her sapphire eyes watched as her boyfriend checked his phone, again, a tic that had become frequent over the last few weeks.
“Give him time, Lor,” She reassured, knowing who he was referring to without him needing to explain. The redhead sincerely hoped Gil would reach out, but part of her wondered if he ever would.
“I had a little snack earlier, so I’m not that hungry.” Aurora replied, “But I’ll ask James to make you something, what do you want?” She inclined her head towards the kitchen, where the fry cook worked diligently on the orders that continued to come in.
“Burger, fries, orange soda,” Lorcán beamed, rhyming off his usual while James echoed the words from behind the counter, the fry cook having heard Aurora ask.
“And no-”
“Mustard, I know,” James smiled, “Good burgers don’t need mustard.”
“So he can be taught,” Lorcán wiggled his eyebrows at Aurora while James rolled his eyes.
“Careful, or you’ll be cooking your own food!” James shouted back as Lorcán flashed a wry smile.
“Have you heard from any of Blac-, uh, our friends lately?” Lorcán asked Aurora before shoving his phone back in his pocket to avoid checking it again.
The redhead couldn’t help but laugh to herself at the exchange, but upon hearing his next question, her expression fell once more. She shook her head.
“No,” Aurora replied, pulling out her own phone to find no new notifications since she started her shift. Her lock screen image was her and Lorcán, but when she swiped up, the image changed to one of her and Harper, taken at the end of the previous year. “I’ve sent a few texts but… haven’t heard anything back.”
“Guess everyone really did move on then,” Lorcán replied, doing his best to control his facial expressions. He felt a little defeated after spending so many years with the others that none of them had reached out or even replied. It made Lorcán wonder if perhaps he hadn’t been as good of a friend as he could have been.
Maybe he should have been more supportive of Haven and Rory, maybe he should have tried to encourage Cass more with Harper. He knew he had drawn the line in the sand with Katja, but they all had. There was no trusting her after the truth had come out. Calliope was dead, Amma was also dead and Gil was off who knows where. Lorcán had never taken the opportunity to get to know Cleo, Lucas or Manny.
And that was everyone that he could think of.
Part of him had considered reaching out to Ryan, seeing where she ended up. But he honestly could see her using her connections to Priest Jr. to land a teaching gig with the Foundation. Ryan always had a way of landing on her feet, probably the only positive trait passed along by her father.
He barely registered his food being placed in front of him. His hand brushed against the cold glass before he took a long solemn sip.
“Eh, probably better that they can focus on the Foundation I guess.” He muttered before taking a bite of his burger. His usual zeal for food seemed absent as he slowly chewed the mouthful of meat and bun.
Aurora placed her hand on Lorcán’s shoulder comfortingly, seeing how visibly disappointed he was about how things had ended up. They both were. There were times throughout her years at P.R.C.U. that she definitely took their group for granted, rolled her eyes at their antics, but now, she wished for just one more chaotic adventure with her friends.
Rising to her feet, she looked down at Lorcán lovingly before pressing a kiss to his head.
“I should get back to work,” The redhead found Deb across the diner and waved, signaling she’d take over her tables again. “I’ll be done in an hour or so, I don’t have to close tonight.” She reached into her pocket and grabbed her pad of paper and pen.
“Stay and eat though, then we’ll go home, okay?”
“Sounds good, Dream Girl,” Lorcán smiled, “I’ll be right here.”
His mind, on the other hand, was anywhere but.
Aurora’s eyes instantly went wide as she beheld the sorry state that Lorcán was in, his eye practically swollen shut underneath the now dripping ice pack held over it. She didn’t hesitate to drop her tray on an empty table and rush over, her expression shifting from surprise to concern as she reached for his face, fingers hovering just above the skin starting to bruise.
“Oh my god,” She looked over her shoulder at one of her coworkers behind the counter, a sweet older woman with hair the color of moonlight. “Deb, can you get some ice for this, please? There should be some plastic bags in the back.” The redhead sat down at the barstool next to her boyfriend and inspected him for any other bumps or bruises- it may have been busy, but her tables could wait.
“What the hell happened?”
Behind Lorcán the drone of a TV echoed through the diner.
“... the wreckage of a civilian craft was discovered today along with the bodies of several identified Hyperhumans. The Coast Guard is working alongside the RCMP to account for the bodies and the wreckage. At this time, foul play is suspected and police are pursuing leads into a motivated hate crime.”
Lorcán turned his attention back to Aurora who was waiting on bated breath for a reply.
“Oh, just the usual.” He smiled, trying to hide the wince caused by the movement of his face muscles. “Just someone thought I was a Hype and didn’t take no for an answer.” Lorcán rubbed his eyes, dropping his voice before whispering to Aurora.
“Though I’d kill to be able to take these contacts out.” He smiled as he sat back up, rubbing his faux baby blues again.
“I think when I didn’t fight back, he’s satisfied for now, but I’m going to have to be careful…” His voice trailed off as his eyes suddenly widened at the television screen.
“... are alive today thanks to the heroics of one local firefighter…”
Lorcán’s cheeks went beet-red as all eyes in the diner were first drawn to the television set and then to the pair at the counter. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, downplaying the applause before weakly smiling at Aurora.
“Really careful.”
The redhead sighed.
“I wouldn’t exactly call running into a burning building being careful, Lor,” She said under her breath, knowing that they still held the attention of those around them.
“Here you go, honey.” Deb reappeared from the back with the makeshift ice pack wrapped in a paper towel and passed it over the counter, “I’ll cover your tables, give you two a few minutes,” She offered a warm smile on her aging face, “Seems you’ve got quite the hero on your hands.”
Aurora’s eyes shifted back to her boyfriend, and her face softened as she met his gaze.
“Sure do,” She concurred, a small half smile pulling her lips upwards and a warmth blooming in her chest. “Thanks, Deb.” As the older woman walked away to take care of her section, Aurora took the ice pack and held it up to Lorcán’s swollen eye gingerly, not wanting to cause him any additional discomfort.
“Look, it goes without saying that I’m proud of you, you saved those people,” She began to tell him, her tone genuine, “But you can’t be so reckless like that, next time you might not be as lucky.” Aurora leaned in closer, her voice dropping into a whisper, “And I’m not just talking about keeping a low profile, I don’t know how you did that without going into Hype-Psy, it’s dangerous.” She lifted the ice pack for a moment, examining the injury, wincing at how painful it looked.
“Who did this to you? Someone at the station?”
“It was more passive anyways,” Lorcán replied dismissively, opting to negate mentioning his earlier bloody nose. He gave Aurora enough reasons to worry, she shouldn’t have to worry about hyperpsychosis on top of it all.
“And yeah, just a guy from the station. Nothing to worry about, just typical guys being guys. Probably was some more hazing.” He continued to downplay. He knew Aurora, he knew she’d want to give Miller an earful. There was something about Miller’s tattoo that still didn’t sit right with him, he needed to check with his Dad, maybe it was something he had told Lorcán about previously.
“I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve had to stop those dudes from taking a razor to my hair.” He laughed, pressing the paper towel-wrapped ice to his face and discarding his old one.
“Just the reality of this new life.” He stated before looking down at his phone. The chances of Gil actually reaching out at this point felt slim, Gil had been on a warpath his last night at P.R.C.U. and while Lorcán earnestly wanted to help, he could only imagine that if it was Aurora in Amma’s position, he’d charge in headfirst by himself too.
“He’ll call,” Lorcán said more to himself than towards Aurora before placing his phone face down on the counter.
“I’m famished, have you had a meal yet today?”
Aurora frowned. Lorcán’s words still incited worry even though he was attempting to do the opposite. She’d been to the station once or twice since he started working there and had met a few of the guys - they seemed welcoming and kind, not the type to pick a fight for fun - so her hunch told her that this was more than just a standard initiation ritual. But she didn’t want to come off as overbearing, so she simply nodded and bit her tongue, choosing not to push the issue further. Her sapphire eyes watched as her boyfriend checked his phone, again, a tic that had become frequent over the last few weeks.
“Give him time, Lor,” She reassured, knowing who he was referring to without him needing to explain. The redhead sincerely hoped Gil would reach out, but part of her wondered if he ever would.
“I had a little snack earlier, so I’m not that hungry.” Aurora replied, “But I’ll ask James to make you something, what do you want?” She inclined her head towards the kitchen, where the fry cook worked diligently on the orders that continued to come in.
“Burger, fries, orange soda,” Lorcán beamed, rhyming off his usual while James echoed the words from behind the counter, the fry cook having heard Aurora ask.
“And no-”
“Mustard, I know,” James smiled, “Good burgers don’t need mustard.”
“So he can be taught,” Lorcán wiggled his eyebrows at Aurora while James rolled his eyes.
“Careful, or you’ll be cooking your own food!” James shouted back as Lorcán flashed a wry smile.
“Have you heard from any of Blac-, uh, our friends lately?” Lorcán asked Aurora before shoving his phone back in his pocket to avoid checking it again.
The redhead couldn’t help but laugh to herself at the exchange, but upon hearing his next question, her expression fell once more. She shook her head.
“No,” Aurora replied, pulling out her own phone to find no new notifications since she started her shift. Her lock screen image was her and Lorcán, but when she swiped up, the image changed to one of her and Harper, taken at the end of the previous year. “I’ve sent a few texts but… haven’t heard anything back.”
“Guess everyone really did move on then,” Lorcán replied, doing his best to control his facial expressions. He felt a little defeated after spending so many years with the others that none of them had reached out or even replied. It made Lorcán wonder if perhaps he hadn’t been as good of a friend as he could have been.
Maybe he should have been more supportive of Haven and Rory, maybe he should have tried to encourage Cass more with Harper. He knew he had drawn the line in the sand with Katja, but they all had. There was no trusting her after the truth had come out. Calliope was dead, Amma was also dead and Gil was off who knows where. Lorcán had never taken the opportunity to get to know Cleo, Lucas or Manny.
And that was everyone that he could think of.
Part of him had considered reaching out to Ryan, seeing where she ended up. But he honestly could see her using her connections to Priest Jr. to land a teaching gig with the Foundation. Ryan always had a way of landing on her feet, probably the only positive trait passed along by her father.
He barely registered his food being placed in front of him. His hand brushed against the cold glass before he took a long solemn sip.
“Eh, probably better that they can focus on the Foundation I guess.” He muttered before taking a bite of his burger. His usual zeal for food seemed absent as he slowly chewed the mouthful of meat and bun.
Aurora placed her hand on Lorcán’s shoulder comfortingly, seeing how visibly disappointed he was about how things had ended up. They both were. There were times throughout her years at P.R.C.U. that she definitely took their group for granted, rolled her eyes at their antics, but now, she wished for just one more chaotic adventure with her friends.
Rising to her feet, she looked down at Lorcán lovingly before pressing a kiss to his head.
“I should get back to work,” The redhead found Deb across the diner and waved, signaling she’d take over her tables again. “I’ll be done in an hour or so, I don’t have to close tonight.” She reached into her pocket and grabbed her pad of paper and pen.
“Stay and eat though, then we’ll go home, okay?”
“Sounds good, Dream Girl,” Lorcán smiled, “I’ll be right here.”
His mind, on the other hand, was anywhere but.

Location: Crestwood Hollow - New Hampshire
Human #5.027: Starting Over
| Present Day
The cab from Portsmouth felt unusually long as Lorcán and Aurora watched the foreign yet somehow familiar Eastern Coastline fly by as the car made its way into Crestwood Hollow. The flight from Vancouver to Portsmouth had gone smoothly. Lorcán had opted to put on costume contact lenses to disguise his eyes, while the pair had managed to go undetected as Hyperhumans and avoid any incidents.
He couldn’t abide the thought of being forced to wear a dampener let alone an inhibitor. Though his wandering mind suddenly likened it to a chastity belt, a shiver travelled Lorcán’s spine as he realized there were Hyperhumans out there that probably used the devices for their indulgences.
As the cab entered the Orlaith Valley, Lorcán felt like he was coming home. He had been to Crestwood Hollow more times than anywhere else on the mainland, and the smell of the orchards in fall was one of his favourite scents. The dense forests of oak and maple beyond the valley were turning colour and decorated the horizon in beautiful hues of orange, red and yellow.
Crestwood Hollow was divided across its North and South into two sections by train tracks, the Beau to the North, the rough side of the city while the Southern half was known as the Belle. His father had grown up in the Beau but his Aunt lived in the Belle while the infamous Mather Memorial basically straddled the line allowing for a mingling of students from all over the city.
It’s how a Roth had fallen for a Bordeaux.
As the cab came to a stop, Lorcán held the door for Aurora, helping her out before moving to the trunk to fetch the luggage while Aurora took care of paying the driver. His parents had entrusted their funds with Aurora as opposed to Lorcán for entirely justified reasons.
Standing in front of the house of his Aunt and Uncle, Lorcán flashed a smile at Aurora.
“Ready to see where Cass and Ripley grew up?”
The redhead had been quiet for most of the cab ride, in fact, for the majority of their journey she’d been wrapped in her own thoughts, lost in a steady churn of feelings she didn’t know how to voice. Starting in Vancouver had been one thing- she’d been a handful of times throughout her years and it felt familiar enough- but traveling across the country to a town she’d never step foot in was entirely another. Each mile that took them further from P.R.C.U. left her feeling untethered, like she was leaving something behind.
It was only when they reached the Orlaith Valley, the dense clusters of trees with their changing leaves pressing close to the winding roads, that she felt the faintest glimmer of something other than grief. She’d never seen a fall like this before, the reds and oranges were so vibrant they almost looked unreal. On the Island the seasons shifted more subtly, a quiet transition from warm to cool, but here, fall was loud and brilliant, blazing with colors that seemed to set the landscape on fire.
Aurora took a deep breath as she got out of the car, her eyes sweeping over the three-story home that lay before them, painted a light blue-toned grey with white trim. The house exuded character, the front porch scattered with autumn leaves that had drifted down from the towering oak in the front yard.
“Yeah,” She nodded, still taking it all in, “Ready.”
He couldn’t abide the thought of being forced to wear a dampener let alone an inhibitor. Though his wandering mind suddenly likened it to a chastity belt, a shiver travelled Lorcán’s spine as he realized there were Hyperhumans out there that probably used the devices for their indulgences.
As the cab entered the Orlaith Valley, Lorcán felt like he was coming home. He had been to Crestwood Hollow more times than anywhere else on the mainland, and the smell of the orchards in fall was one of his favourite scents. The dense forests of oak and maple beyond the valley were turning colour and decorated the horizon in beautiful hues of orange, red and yellow.
Crestwood Hollow was divided across its North and South into two sections by train tracks, the Beau to the North, the rough side of the city while the Southern half was known as the Belle. His father had grown up in the Beau but his Aunt lived in the Belle while the infamous Mather Memorial basically straddled the line allowing for a mingling of students from all over the city.
It’s how a Roth had fallen for a Bordeaux.
As the cab came to a stop, Lorcán held the door for Aurora, helping her out before moving to the trunk to fetch the luggage while Aurora took care of paying the driver. His parents had entrusted their funds with Aurora as opposed to Lorcán for entirely justified reasons.
Standing in front of the house of his Aunt and Uncle, Lorcán flashed a smile at Aurora.
“Ready to see where Cass and Ripley grew up?”
The redhead had been quiet for most of the cab ride, in fact, for the majority of their journey she’d been wrapped in her own thoughts, lost in a steady churn of feelings she didn’t know how to voice. Starting in Vancouver had been one thing- she’d been a handful of times throughout her years and it felt familiar enough- but traveling across the country to a town she’d never step foot in was entirely another. Each mile that took them further from P.R.C.U. left her feeling untethered, like she was leaving something behind.
It was only when they reached the Orlaith Valley, the dense clusters of trees with their changing leaves pressing close to the winding roads, that she felt the faintest glimmer of something other than grief. She’d never seen a fall like this before, the reds and oranges were so vibrant they almost looked unreal. On the Island the seasons shifted more subtly, a quiet transition from warm to cool, but here, fall was loud and brilliant, blazing with colors that seemed to set the landscape on fire.
Aurora took a deep breath as she got out of the car, her eyes sweeping over the three-story home that lay before them, painted a light blue-toned grey with white trim. The house exuded character, the front porch scattered with autumn leaves that had drifted down from the towering oak in the front yard.
“Yeah,” She nodded, still taking it all in, “Ready.”
| The Black Forest, Germany - Several Weeks from Now
The room was lit only by the warm hues of the flickering candlelight.
A fragrant incense burned in the corner, masking the smell of freshly spilled blood. The source of the blood sat on a simple wooden stool whilst drawing a thread made by binding together five long hairs from atop her head. The veiled maiden then took the hair and slowly tied it around a thin needle that had been painstakingly carved from the bones of her pre-deceased predecessors.
Copper hair spilled over the shoulders of the younger woman sitting directly across from the one carrying out a sacred and ancient duty. From beside Aurora, Lorcán gently squeezed the redhead’s right hand reassuringly, as the pair watched the woman drag the newly woven thread through the untainted crimson ichor.
“Breathe, this next part will hurt.” She instructed and Lorcán squeezed a little harder as the needle penetrated the first few layers of Aurora’s palm.
Aurora inhaled deeply as directed, trying to remain calm, but her exhale quickly turned into a loud shriek.
The pain was sharp and intense, unlike anything she had ever felt before, and her grip on her boyfriend’s hand became crushing as the maiden navigated the needle through her skin, each movement hurting more than the last.
“Ow, ow!” She exclaimed, sapphire eyes watering as the agonizing sensation radiated from her palm up her arm.
“I will finish sooner if you remain still.” The veiled woman stated as Lorcán did his best to steady Aurora, his other hand balling into a fist at his girlfriend’s pain. He hated that she had to be subjected to this, but if Ellara was right, without this ward their souls would be ripped to shreds.
“Is there no way to like, numb the pain?” Lorcán pleaded.
“No, the pain is part of the Path.”
The redhead took a shuddering breath, nodding before clamping her eyes tightly shut as tears trailed down her cheeks. It was excruciating, the stabbing evolving into something that felt akin to burning, but she knew it was necessary if they were to continue on their journey. Another breath, and she directed all her focus to cease the trembling in her hand and arm, trying to remain still as instructed.
She bit down on the inside of her cheek as the veiled woman continued, a metallic taste coating her tongue as she attempted to quiet her whimpers of pain.
Withdrawing the needle with the last pass, Lorcán’s eyes widened as he watched the rune begin to glow. He had just experienced it himself, he knew the next part was going to be the worst for Aurora and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, feeling the heat shoot through her body.
But not even Lorcán’s strong embrace could comfort her as the burning sensation overtook. Aurora leaned into him, burying her head into the crook of his neck and cried, desperate for any relief from this torment. Her body felt ablaze, like it was being set on fire from the inside.
And then as quickly as the pain had come on, it disappeared.
Breathing heavily and a sheen of sweat dotting her brow, Aurora cautiously sat upright and gazed down at her hand, at the coal-black symbol that now covered the fair skin of her palm. Swallowing, she looked between the veiled maiden and Lorcán, a few final stray tears slipping down her face.
“Is that the last of you now?”
“Yes,” Came Ellara’s reply as Gil waited anxiously nearby for the ritual to be completed, “Just the three of them, thank you again, Sister.”
“This is the Path I walk.”
A fragrant incense burned in the corner, masking the smell of freshly spilled blood. The source of the blood sat on a simple wooden stool whilst drawing a thread made by binding together five long hairs from atop her head. The veiled maiden then took the hair and slowly tied it around a thin needle that had been painstakingly carved from the bones of her pre-deceased predecessors.
Copper hair spilled over the shoulders of the younger woman sitting directly across from the one carrying out a sacred and ancient duty. From beside Aurora, Lorcán gently squeezed the redhead’s right hand reassuringly, as the pair watched the woman drag the newly woven thread through the untainted crimson ichor.
“Breathe, this next part will hurt.” She instructed and Lorcán squeezed a little harder as the needle penetrated the first few layers of Aurora’s palm.
Aurora inhaled deeply as directed, trying to remain calm, but her exhale quickly turned into a loud shriek.
The pain was sharp and intense, unlike anything she had ever felt before, and her grip on her boyfriend’s hand became crushing as the maiden navigated the needle through her skin, each movement hurting more than the last.
“Ow, ow!” She exclaimed, sapphire eyes watering as the agonizing sensation radiated from her palm up her arm.
“I will finish sooner if you remain still.” The veiled woman stated as Lorcán did his best to steady Aurora, his other hand balling into a fist at his girlfriend’s pain. He hated that she had to be subjected to this, but if Ellara was right, without this ward their souls would be ripped to shreds.
“Is there no way to like, numb the pain?” Lorcán pleaded.
“No, the pain is part of the Path.”
The redhead took a shuddering breath, nodding before clamping her eyes tightly shut as tears trailed down her cheeks. It was excruciating, the stabbing evolving into something that felt akin to burning, but she knew it was necessary if they were to continue on their journey. Another breath, and she directed all her focus to cease the trembling in her hand and arm, trying to remain still as instructed.
She bit down on the inside of her cheek as the veiled woman continued, a metallic taste coating her tongue as she attempted to quiet her whimpers of pain.
Withdrawing the needle with the last pass, Lorcán’s eyes widened as he watched the rune begin to glow. He had just experienced it himself, he knew the next part was going to be the worst for Aurora and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, feeling the heat shoot through her body.
But not even Lorcán’s strong embrace could comfort her as the burning sensation overtook. Aurora leaned into him, burying her head into the crook of his neck and cried, desperate for any relief from this torment. Her body felt ablaze, like it was being set on fire from the inside.
And then as quickly as the pain had come on, it disappeared.
Breathing heavily and a sheen of sweat dotting her brow, Aurora cautiously sat upright and gazed down at her hand, at the coal-black symbol that now covered the fair skin of her palm. Swallowing, she looked between the veiled maiden and Lorcán, a few final stray tears slipping down her face.
“Is that the last of you now?”
“Yes,” Came Ellara’s reply as Gil waited anxiously nearby for the ritual to be completed, “Just the three of them, thank you again, Sister.”
“This is the Path I walk.”