Welcome to The Battle Toyale, Christmas Rumble Edition!

The Battle Toyale is a portmanteau of the phrase "battle royale" and the word "toy", and the best way to summarise it is: an all vs all tournament of characters that were turned into toys. A being known only as 'The Toymaster' arranges for this yearley tournament to decide which type of toy breaks the sales figures for the next year.Okay, what are the rules?
- Show Basic Decency
This should be self explanatory. We're all here to literally smack toys together and have a good time, don't forget that there's people on the other end of the screen. I have a zero-tolerence policy when it comes to this, be reasonable or you will be thrown out. - Your Character Scales to Toyversal
Your character's strengths and their abilities should be things that would be features on a toy, even if said features might violate health and safety on multiple levels. Your character will not be able to demolish the toy store unless they do something profundly stupid, like shoot a fire extinguisher. Think Small Soldiers! - Your Character Does Not Come Here Of Their Own Free Will
This is a fight for survival, and while you the player might be willingly joining, your character will not. 'I am so powerful I could escape this easily but decided to play along' is fucking CRINGE. - This is PVPVE
Trying to cooperate to escape the store will get you killed. Peace is not an option.
I'm interested, how do I sign up?
Post a character in the character tab! If you want to include an image, it does not need to be of them as a toy, but that'd be cool if you can. Include a summary of their character and what they can do as their toy, the more exact you are then the better things turn out should there be an OOC disagreement.I'm not sure, when do sign ups end?
Sign-ups offically end on December 1st, but I will give leeway depending on the circumstances.INFORMATION
The Store
The toy store is approximately 4645 square meters in size, or 50,000 square feet. The store is stocked to the brim with toys, and begins in a pristine state at the beginning of the fight. There are no humans or other animals in the store in the time of the fight, but there are rumours of monstrosities hidden in the nooks and crannies of the store. Don't let that discourage you!
The Artifacts

In a change of pace, The Toymaster has opted to introduce artifacts into the mix of this round. These legendary items will grant powerful bonuses to those who wield them, but the user must fight to secure their grip on the artifact — lest it be ripped from their fingers by another. It is not clear what these artifacts are, but their appearance and nature will become apparent when you get close to the marked spots on the map.
Toy Stats
The make of a toy can influence its stats. I have made a few examples below, and this is more of a ballpark estimation than anything, but if you have any specific materials you want me to vet, then please by all means ask!
- Cloth: The lightest of materials, it grants a major speed boost and a medium resistance to fire (thanks asbestos!) But overall its defences are the lowest of the listed materials. The speed boost is lowered in water. Cloth toys can also 'heal' via re-acquiring their stuffing and putting it back into their body.
- Plastic: The second lightest of materials, it grants a minor speed boost. It also has the second worst overall defences, including a vulnerability to fire. Plastic toys are the fastest in water, and can 'heal' by attaching limbs of other plastic toys to themselves, although this is not a foolproof process.
- Ceramic: The second heaviest of materials, this also puts it in the second slowest catergory and slowest in water. Ceramic has the second best defence in all regards, but in exchange their ability to repair damage is limited to the usage of glue.
- Metal: The heaviest of the material, metal has the best and offense compared to all the other materials, but this comes with two major caveats. Metal toys are unable to repair any damage without the use of an artifact, and they cannot swim outright.
The round order is 'Semi-Flexible': People can post in any order they wish, but they can only post once per 'round'. At the end of the round I will act as GM to introduce environmental changes and new hazards. I will update the map each turn, not only to reflect player positins, but reveal things such as artifacts and new hazards.