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14 days ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
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15 days ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
15 days ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
3 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
4 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

Most Recent Posts

I don’t want to interrupt your feels but Nensu might have to go fight the last match before crying more
Is it just me or will there be even more injuries in this ship
Midoriya flinched when he saw tears grow in Nensu’s eyes. He was attempting to pull the words’I’m fine’ out of his throat when she finally burst into tears, collapsing against the infirmary bed and soaking its clean white mattress wet with her tears. To the sobbing girl, Midoriya stretched out a slightly trembling, but firm hand. His fingers ran down her soft strands of hair as he gave her a soothing pat on her head.
“At least you stopped her in the end. You won. She was weaker than you.”
He told her. Nensu overcame Loma, what Endeavor left in her mind that bothered her for so long. For him that was what mattered rather than the fact that Loma rose in such an event and almost caused a disastrous scene in front of and to everyone present.
“And I’m fine, trust me.”
He added.
Recovery Girl gave her a reassuring smile. She knew that Nensu was someone far from Loma, someone who was more gentle and caring. Someone who wanted, and deserved to be a hero that could save the day. For a moment she was tempted to make a joke about it, but she knew it'd frighten her good(which wasn't her real intention).
"Don't worry, he'll be fine. It's a miracle he could stand that much hits, but I guess miracles do happen,"
She said. Meanwhile a groan came out of the bed Midoriya was lying on. The old hero's eyes turned to the bed following the sound, and opened the curtains to see the green haired boy sitting up on the bed. He took the time to muster up the strength to talk again and moved his gaze to Nensu from Recovery Girl.
He said.

MIdoriya thought of something that would help her feel assured, but quit as he felt the fatigue and the lingering pain overwhelm him. After all they've won(though he knew he didn't win the tournament, to be accurate). Nensu seemed like she was worried about him, and somehow, maybe through his past experience of the short moments he shot his quirk and broke his fingers mercilessly he knew no words from him would reassure her no matter what.


"Man, I hope MIdoriya's alright. He seemed pretty beaten up."
Kirishima said. There was another match going on, but 1-A's interest on the matchs got weaker as their concern for Midoriya grew after they saw Loma's arrival. All they saw was Nensu carrying Midoriya back to the infirmary, and nothing after that. Some of them were eager to check the infirmary, but were also afraid they'd see Midoriya in a total mess.
Time skip to the infirmary.
I have no idea what to do after this
Midoriya grunted awkwardly as he followed Nensu's gaze to the visitors' seats to see Endeavor standing at the fence to keep the audience from falling to the stadium. He couldn't see his expressions correctly, but to him it seemed like the hero merely smirked to Nensu's hateful gaze at him. The green haired boy turned back to Nensu, and a hiccup escaped from his mouth. She was holding him up close against her- her face was less than a palm away from his. He hurriedly hid his face with his hands as he felt blood rush up to it. Did she have to treat him like he was a little baby all the time?
"N.. Nensu-san? I think we should take a trip to the infirmary quick..."
He pointed out.
The robots waiting beside the two guided them to the infirmary, where Recovery Girl helped Midoriya start healing his wounds. Then she turned to Nensu, who she had wait at the chair away from the infirmary beds. The old lady let out a short sigh and climbed up the chair and spun to face the girl. She didn't seem mad-only a bit startled, but also a bit relieved. It took a few seconds before she finally opened her mouth.
"It's a miracle it ended with such damage. All Might paid a visit a bit ago. Told me what happened."
She pulled a handful of gummy and offered it to Nensu.
One more day.

First day of exam done,now three days left...

Not sure if math on first day was something to cheer for or not
Alrighty then!
What do you say? Do the Sports Festival a bit more or skip to the aftermath or job experience?
Well, the suppression of Loma has finally happened...
What do we do next? A bit of an epilogue of the Sports Festival with more fluffy dates and window trespassing?
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