Avatar of Balthazar007


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2 yrs ago
Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
5 yrs ago
Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
5 yrs ago


This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

Most Recent Posts


Can I use moves like Razor Leaf to cut?? I want to take the seedy path!!

Sorry, Nope. You have enough TP to by the HM CUT at the Pokemart though. You can come back after you use it.
Liz traveled down route twenty seven, enjoying the crisp morning air. She knew there were a couple landmarks nearby she wanted to check out. Her team was working well together, but she was still lacking on some balance. She still hadn't found her favorite Pokemon line yet, but she kept her hopes high. She came upon a river and a bridge, Liz stopped halfway over and looked over the edge. A few Luvdiscs saw the trainer and took off down the stream before she could even begin to think of catching them. As she stood to continue her journey a glimmer caught her eye, she looked over and she couldn't believe her luck. A golden nugget sat on the bank of the river, she ran over to the item and plucked it up and placed it in her bag. Extra excited now she headed along the way hunting for those landmarks.

With her nugget safely put away, Liz pressed on.
It was noon already when Liz came across a small opening in the forest. To her right there was a sign covered by overgrown brush which read, "Route 28 West". On the left, a much better kept sign read, "Route 28 East". A sign immediately next to her read, "Route 27 North". And a sign just up ahead read, "Route 27 South".

As Liz stood, taking in her surroundings, a wild Nuzzleaf, called out from above. "Nuzz! Nuzz! Nuzz!" It was hard to tell what the little Pokemon wanted, but he sure was being sassy about it.

Maybe he was acting as the gatekeeper to the area? Would Liz have to battle him to move on?

Hey there. You were one number off in the RNG machine from having a Legendary Pokemon encounter just now... Thought you'd like to know. LOL
"Girafa . . .?" Gerseti asked apprehensive. He didn't really have much battle experience, perfering to run away rather than engage, so he hoped that could properly restrain himself without prior practice.

"Let's go for Astonish one more time, bud. Knock its socks off," Rin added with a goading wink. Looking back between his Trainer and the Bonsly one last tims, Gerseti reared up for another attack . . .

Gerseti was already in close range as he prepared to try again, but it all happened so fast. The little Bonsly slid through both of Gerseti's legs on the right side with a surprising Low Kick. This swiped Gerseti off balance, sending him tumbling to the ground. He bumped his head in the fall and passed out.

The little bonsai Pokemon looked back like, "Oops!" then ran away. Under the cover of tall dry grass, he made his escape.

Result: Gerseti Goes Down


Liz woke slowly, she quietly packed up and decided it was time to use her Rare Candy. She summoned Hephaestus and looked down at him.

"Hey buddy, got a little snack for you to eat." She handed him the candy which he gobbled quickly. He looked stronger already and excited Liz and Hephaestus left the wayward pine and excitedly took off down the path, never seeing the hidden Electrike.

It was a pretty uneventful morning for Liz as she walk southward on Route 27. She passed through the trees and crossed over the hills, not a Pokemon in sight. Sure, the grass shook every now and then, but that's it. Perhaps it was too early?

Liz was now coming upon a small river with sturdy wooden bridge across it. The water was clear. Liz could see no Pokemon in the water, just rocks. On the river bank, on the other side of the bridge, there was a very special "rock". In actuality, it was a gold nugget, worth a pretty penny at the Poke Marts.

But one question remained: Would Liz notice the nugget or pass on by?

I've slept on the whole Stat move thing and I'm now going to make an adjustment.

Like you insinuated, stat moves themselves shouldn't get a 50% boost. They are meant to support the next move. So this is the new system for stat moves:

Stat moves no longer gain a 50% boost on their roll. Instead (if they are effective) the next roll for that Pokemon will be boosted by 50%. Also, all "damage" that a stat would do is transferred over to the next roll (if the next roll is favorable).

So basically, everything stays the same as before, except the 50% boost is pushed to the next turn, not the stat move's turn.

This will be the new system going forward. All past rolls still stand.
Oh okay, I understand the typing now.

I still don't get though why Fake Tears would be guaranteed to deal 8 Damage... wait, when you said this:
<Snipped quote>
You meant that whatever favorable roll result they get is added all added to their next move if it's favorable? So there's no modifier or anything, it's just a double attack in a way?
I don't want it to sound like I'm whining, but I am genuinely curious then why Stat moves get a bonus just for being used? I thought it was to make them sort of a gamble. Like: you can have a higher chance of winning this roll, but do you really think you can win the next roll too, and do you think it's worth risking you wasting two turns for a +50% modifier?
Either way, I'm cool with it. I think I'll definitely be using them more in the future though ;D

Yes, it's to make them a gamble, just like you said there. You got it.

Long, exhausting, productive day today. I'll post in the morning. :)
Uh... 1) Why did the Bonsly get a +100% modifier? 2) Why has Fake Tears become aN automatic 2-Hit K.O.?


Your Girafarig is weak to Dark type moves. (+50%)
Fake tears is a stat effecting move (+50%)

Since Fake Tears is a stat effecting move, it will only have effect against your pokemon's power level IF Bonsly wins the next roll as well.

Questions answered?
Hey, sorry for the absence. My power had been knocked out from the weather so I hadn't been able to go online for a while

Wow. That sucks. Glad to see ya. I've been slow to post for reasons much less compelling, so much respect. lol
"You're cool too, Geri, don't worry about the fight," Rin comforted the Long Neck Pokémon's increasing worry lines as he look between his Trainer and his opponent. "You don't even have to beat this little guy up, just show him how cool you are with Astonish." With an encouraging smile, Rin had a good feeling that their first fight with Gerseti would go well.

Girafarig did as he was told and attacked with Astonish. He charged forward make a loud uproar, designed to startle the little Bonsly.

In all honesty, Bonsly wasn't scared at all. He thought they were just playing. Nevertheless, his baby Pokemon instincts kicked in. He started making little peeps. Tear drops fell from his face. Girafarig stopped dead in his tracks, concerned. He'd fallen for Bonsly's Fake Tears: hook, line, and sinker.

Result: Poor Defenseless Creature...

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