Avatar of BlueSky44


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4 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
5 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
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I thought I had missed someone, sorry about that. You are so don't worry.

Don't worry about it, I still need to finish my CS too.

Shooting to start IC posts on Sunday.

@melissahart Wanted to know if you were still interested in the RP
@Peridot Day 6

Elissa Isley

Location: Tortuga

Elissa glared at Septima. The woman was clearly mad, but that did not stop what she herself was thinking. She was a crazy woman who only thought of herself, not any others, and she was blaming them for everything that had happened. The woman had some nerves blaming them, and she was pissed. "Du blöde Kuh!" she shouted at the woman. This was getting ridiculous, and she was very close to trying to punch the woman in the face. "Du hast wohl nicht alle Tassen im Schrank! Verdammte Hurentochter!"

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down a little bit. She was not in a good mood, and Septima's attitude towards them was not helping. The truth was, if they hadn't already been dead, Elissa would have tried to kill the woman already. "Vat Anasdazia zaid, can ve get our ovn bodies pack". This was something that made her curious, since she wasn't too sure how the flask worked. Unfortunately, the only one who did was Septima, so there wasn't much she could do to harm the woman, yet anyway. Elissa looked back out towards everyone else, away from the group, when she saw someone in the distance. A person who looked awfully familiar to her. "Araffis?" she said, confused as to why her friend would show up.
@Peridot You are on Day 5.

They will become background characters, until either someone dies and wants to claim one, or I might let other people create them if they feel comfortable with controlling another character.
@FantasyChic You are on day 7, you need to get your post in
@FantasyChic Your on Day 6
Daphne Pender

Location: Lady Luck

Well, that was not what she had expected to happen. The only thing she meant was that she'd suggest it to Fitz, since odds were he wasn't going to ask himself. The thing she had been avoiding the entire time was getting Anisa even more pissed off at her, and now it seems that she has failed at doing so. Her head was a little dizzy, either from being thrown onto the ground or from the drinks, though her bet was on the latter. She needed to come up with a way to at least try and calm Anisa down, without getting shot. Her sister probably was not too thrilled about the situation, but there wasn't much she could do about it now.

Looking up at the gun that was pointed at her, Daphne thought about what she could do to fix this. Apologizing was probably the best option, but she felt like that still might end with her being shot. There was nothing that she could think of, that would calm the situation, and she probably was going to get killed. The best that she could do, was apologize and give a compliment or something, to try and make things better.

"Look, Captain, I'm sorry. I respect you and everything, but at the rate the conversation was going, I didn't think Fitz would ask if he could, so I made a suggestion. I probably shouldn't have, and I'm sorry," she said. It was all she could do. Daphne felt horrible for the way this had gone, and there probably was a better way to have phrased what she had said to Fitz, that much was clear. There was no way she'd be able to pull a gun on Anisa fast enough either, and her sister probably would never speak to her again even if she was able to get a shot off. She didn't even want to pull a gun on her. Daphne still respected Anisa as both an individual and her Captain, she wasn't lying about that. Moments like this, well, it made her think about how she's been acting since they merged with the crew of the Retribution, and it made her wish that she could redo it all again.
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