Avatar of BlueSky44


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4 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
5 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's I'm Apart Of:

Other Places of Interest

Most Recent Posts


So... Necromantics weren't really a term until the year 2016 in the timeline. The term Mutants was though for sure, so you can change that to "Muties" or something, since that term wasn't used to reference things like that until just 4 years before the RP takes place.

Okay, so a few things...
One is you need a character image for your character. It doesn't have to be exact with how she looks, AKA, close enough is good enough. It just helps to know more of what this character looks like.
You didn't fill out the tattoos/scars/piercings.
You are missing one thing under anything else.
Also, care to enlighten me on what a Necro is? Since I have no idea.

Theresa Sparks

Location: The Quantum Realm
Skills: N/A

"W-W-What are you doing here?" Sparky asked the woman, turning around to see who it was that had helped her, though her distraction from Raynor was only minimal. She turned back to look at him, before she finally managed to make her way over to him, panicking. "Ray? Are you okay?" she asked him, freaking out slightly, seeing the blood there. Knowing that she had to do something, she tried to cauterize the injuries using her powers, but only managed to zap him, causing him to twitch.

Scared that she might have hurt him even more, she took a breath before trying again, managing to stop the bleeding coming from some of his injuries. Though it was better than nothing, she knew that he likely could still bleed out, and she turned to look at the Wasp. "P-P-Please, can you do anything for him? Help him? I-I-I don't know what to do..." she said, freaking out slightly as she spoke, managing to not stammer too much as she spoke to her.

Frederick Flynn

Location: The Playground
Skills: N/A

Flynn just shook his head, not sure what to say exactly. Not like he really knew much about Kennedy, but from the sounds of it, this was coming as a bit of a surprise to the others. So, Kennedy had been a trusted member of the group? That wasn't too surprising, no one really wanted to believe that someone they had trusted was in reality working against you and likely trying to kill you. He just listened to what the others were saying about Kennedy, and suggestions on what to do now. That was always the question wasn't it? What do they do now?

Cass' suggestion of scanning everyone was a bit of an annoyance. Wouldn't that take up time that they didn't have to do that? And didn't Tinley just try and scan everyone mentally? He had no idea what they were even really going on about, but they really need to get on with taking out HYDRA completely. "What do you mean if Kennedy was the mole?" he said, noticing the way Cass had worded that sentence, "Barton just said that he was... And shouldn't we hurry up and get away from here? Since as Barton pointed out, HYDRA likely knows where we are."
Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

She listened to Jasper speak to Creme, figuring that the woman could probably handle herself, well, more of handle the job of potentially getting bandages for the man who had gotten injured. That was a simple job really, so hopefully she didn't mess it up too badly. The other man, the one who had offered to help, he went on ahead, but they had never told him where it was that they were actually going. Though it shouldn't be too difficult, the room they were heading for was just on the other side of the room he had entered, so even though they hadn't told him, he could probably find his way.

Still, she decided to follow after him anyway, perhaps he would walk right by the one in need of assistance, it wasn't very likely, but still, it was possible. "If I might be of some assistance, I do not believe that we had told you where to go, or where assistance was potentially required. Well, it is rather simple really, doubt you'd have missed him, it is simply in the next room over," she said, giving him a smile as she walked over.

Antonije glanced at Sylvi and shrugged a bit. Way too many people up there, дове. Marya was zipping around the room, before she decided to sit down and play with the strange device Myth had been commenting over earlier. From the basement, they could hear what was going on upstairs and Antonije shoved his hands into his pockets. He paced back and forth a bit, clearly planning something and simultaneously looking like a caged animal plotting its escape.

"I can understand that..." she said softly, wondering what it was that was going through his head. He was planning on something, that much was obvious, but what exactly that was was anyone's guess. Sylvi knew that there were ways to get him to talk, but decided to ask him nicely first. "...What's going through your head Tate?"

"Nothing, Silvija. Don't worry about it."

She hadn't expected him to tell her, and what she was thinking of doing, it made her feel really bad about even considering it. However she didn't feel like she had much of a choice, he wasn't going to tell her the truth. With a slight sigh, she started singing softly, choosing to use her bardic music to hopefully do something. "Tell me what is going on Tate, what are you thinking?"

It was as if he had fallen under a spell. His sisters were too busy playing their games to notice. Antonije blinked rapidly, his eyes having a slight pink hue to them as he stared at Sylvi. His pupils were dilated to an extreme as well and his pulse had quickened with need and anticipation. "...I'm going to rob the Manuscriptorium..." he whispered, as if he were talking in his sleep, and he reached out, feeling Sylvi's hair.

"...Why?" she immediately asked, though she didn't like the whole thing idea of controlling him. Once she got the info she wanted, she'd let him go. But still, it made her feel horrible for doing this sort of thing. Using Bardic suggestion like this was not something that she had wanted to happen, she hated using her music like that, but there wasn't any other way to get him to tell her the truth.

He kept touching her hair, completely underneath her spell. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, no matter how much Antonije tried. All of his defenses were useless, including the telepathic ones. "...They have every written record known to the Castle... And some that they keep secret..." he mumbled, moving closer to Sylvi until he was just inches away from her, enchanted.

"...Why would you need anything for that? I mean... Why would you need the stuff that they keep secret?" she said softly, a little taken aback by him coming so close to her. It wasn't exactly her trying, all she was wanting to do was get some info from him that he wouldn't admit to her.

Antonije was about to answer when Marya zipped over, standing next to Sylvi. She crossed her arms, her icy blue eyes and silver hair making her look fierce - as if she was the bastard offspring of a mutant and a Frost Giant. "What are you doing to my brother?" she asked, her voice heavily accented. She hated speaking Myde English. Antonije was looking entirely dazed still, just playing with Sylvi's hair.

Medea noticed what was going on, and pushed Sylvi back slightly, farther away from Tate now."I'm not doing anything Marya, Medea..." she said softly, before looking at Tate again. "What are you wanting to steal from the Manuscriptorium?"

"You are definitely doing something!" Marya snapped. She then moved in between Sylvi and Antonije. Antonije blinked slightly, like he was waking up from a trance, and his head hurt slightly as he looked forward. He frowned, realizing what Sylvi had done to him. His eyes watered slightly. "Хипнотисала ме је," he told his siblings quietly. Marya's eyes narrowed as she looked at Sylvi.

"I-I-I'm sorry... But y-y-you weren't t-t-telling me the truth..." Sylvi said, there were a few tears in her eyes now before she went to the corner of the room to stand off by herself, feeling really bad about what had happened. This sort of thing was not something she liked to do, she hated controlling people like that, it was the one thing she hated most about being back home. Her family had tried to control her after all, it was something she hated, and one of the reasons why she had left.

Antonije stepped out from behind his siblings, looking at Sylvi. He was really hurt by her actions... but he knew that it didn't change the way he felt about her. She was the person he disliked the least in the world. Silvija...

What is it? she responded mentally, looking at the floor where she was standing. She wasn't exactly too thrilled about what had happened, and likely would still be beating herself up over the whole thing for a while.

He didn't know how to express what he was feeling with words, so he merely shared his emotions with her. He shared how he loved her - but also how much she had hurt him by trying to control him. He didn't really know what to say to her or do. Antonije remained standing in the middle of the basement, letting her be by herself in the corner.

Sylvi didn't know what all to say to him, as she felt the rush of emotions. She glanced up at him, her eyes watering before she started crying. It was useless for her to try and fight back the tears, they just kept coming whether she wanted them to or not. Sylvi put her head in her hands, crying.

"...That's how I feel about you..." Marya made a gagging noise behind him.

"...I'm sorry for doing that Tate..." she said softly.

He knew that she was telling the truth, having read her mind. It was perhaps hypocritical for him to invade her privacy like that, but he didn't see it that way. "I know you are."

She just nodded, falling silent and looking away again, staring back down at the floor. There wasn't much else she really could say about the situation, especially considering the fact that Tate had probably read her mind to determine if she was telling the truth. She had gotten used to that though, and said nothing about it.

"I didn't want to tell you, Silvija, because I don't want you involved in that sort of thing. Imagine if the Land of Long Night's long lost princess was caught robbing the Manuscriptorium? With a boy with mental issues from the Eastern SnowPlains? I'm not really one for politics but...I don't think that would end well."

"...You still could have told me... And I don't care Tate, I haven't exactly been the princess for a long time, never really cared what anyone else thought ever..."

"Ти си ужасна принцеза," Marya chimed in with a smirk. Antonije shot her a bit of a look before he returned his attention to Syliv. "...If you're sure...The plan is to get everything on elixirs and stuff... Any sort of locked up healing remedies. I know they have to exist... And once we have the information, I can create whatever we need to save my sisters."

"Alright, that makes sense... Let me help you Tate, you aren't alone... Also do I want to know what your sister said and why she smirked at me like that?"

"...Oh, she said you're a terrible princess."

"...I have to agree with her on that one, I am."

"Yeah, well, so is she," Antonije said with a shrug. He then looked at his sisters. "Can you two um....can you give us some space for a bit? Like an hour or two?"

Medea stared at Tate for a moment, a bit annoyed at him for wanting to kick them out of the room. "Стварно? Желиш да нас избациш из собе баш тако? Непристојан!" she said, before looking over at her sister.

"Морам на тренутак да разговарам са Силви..."

"Фино!" she said, a bit annoyed, before racing off. Marya ran off with her.


About an hour later, Antonije was getting his clothes back on. He then looked at Sylvi with a smile. That had been a nice way to wake up. He kissed her forehead and then got her a glass of water, figuring she'd want something to drink. Thankfully, no one upstairs had come to borrow him. He then reached out to his sisters letting them know they could come back in five minutes.

Sylvi gave him a bit of a smile, putting her own clothes back. Now she didn't know what to do, especially since she didn't know really what his plan was in breaking into the Manuscriptorium. It did surprise her slightly, that she had agreed to help with that in the first place, but now she was finding that she didn't really care too much about that. She was willing to help him out, and that was all that mattered as she took the glass of water from him.

"You know, you don't need to sing a song to get me to like you..." Antonije pointed out, as his sisters sped back into the room.

"...Actually I don't know if the song was even supposed to do that, I never use it for a reason... It was really weird..." she mumbled.

"...It made me feel things..."

"...I could kind of tell..."

"You two are disgusting," Marya said, shaking her head.

Medea nodded her head in agreement at that. Sylvi looked away, once more staring at the floor, not really wanting to talk too much to the twins about things. She knew that Tate cared about his sisters, but in her mind the twins could be a little bit irritating. Hey, my sisters are cute, not annoying damn it!

S-S-Sorry... she mumbled mentally in response, still staring at the ground.

I was teasing you. But they are cute!

How about we agree to disagree on that one.

Nope, my sisters are adorable!

Yeah no. Not going to agree with you on that one.

They are 100% adorable!

Sylvi just rolled her eyes at him now, having looked over at him again. She definitely did not have to agree with him about his sisters.

Antonije was giving her a dead serious stare.

"You are ridiculous Tate," she said with a small laugh.

"How am I?" His sisters had gone off and were playing on their devices again.

"You just are."

Antonije rolled his eyes at her. "You're the ridiculous one who can't even pronounce my name."

"What makes you say I can't?"

"Say my name then."

"Antonije," she said simply, pronouncing his name correctly.

"Why do you call me Tate then?"

"...It is shorter and easier to say... Does it annoy you? I could call you Antonije if you want me to..."

He shook his head. "No, I'm just curious..."


"So....Do you still want to go to the wedding later?"

"Uh, yeah, sure... I'd be fine with still going..."

Antonije nodded, grabbing the bag with their nice clothes inside of it. They probably should consider getting them on at some point, since they then need to head on over to Wizard Tower and just generally be helpful to Myth and all with getting things ready for the ceremony. Plus, Antonije had heard things about the floor there that really caught his attention.

Sylvi just gave him a smile. It would be interesting to attend the wedding, at least in her mind, though she had one slight problem with the venue choice. That damn Floor of the actual Tower was annoying, and she didn't really want to walk across it if she didn't have to.


Antonije was wearing his finest formal wear - it was a hand-me-down from Bruce and was probably made on Asgard. Antonije felt a little ridiculous in the nice clothing. His sisters had already run to Wizard Tower and had stated the password for the day, allowing them inside. It was a temporary password they had been given in order to access things for the wedding. "So... the Floor..."

Sylvi was wearing a nice dress of sorts, different from her normal attire, that was for sure. However, she just stared at the entrance, letting out a small sigh, "I hate the damn floor... But guess there is no avoiding it, at least hopefully there shouldn't be too many people here at the moment, or they hopefully are all to distracted by something else. Let's get going then."

"...Wow, the Floor really is quite loud and colorful," Antonije said, shifting a bit awkwardly. A lot of people in his life had claimed to be his parent. Constance had called herself his mother. Bruce called himself his father. Neither of them really were his parents. He smiled slightly at the Floor's greeting. It understood him.

"Yes, yes it is... It is also very annoying and I really really don't like it..."

Antonije glared a bit at the Floor. "Hey, knock it off, that's my girlfriend damn it!" He then tried to telepathically attack the Floor, only to be hit back telepathically and he fell to the ground on his butt. "Hey!"

"Calm down Tate, okay?" she said, before she helped him to his feet.

Antonije looked pretty angry. "The Floor is hitting on you!"

"...Calm down, okay? Please Tate, it'll be alright, don't worry about it..."

"That's it!" Antonije snapped, getting down on his knees and he started to aggressively punch the Floor, but it was like punching sand. The words still remained in their cheerful and flashing bright colors, as if mocking him.

"Tate stop it! You can't punch the floor!" Sylvi said, trying to pull him away from it.

"Yes I can!" Antonije shouted, continuing to try and beat up the floor. There were a few wizards nearby - four in total. None of them had gotten to the Floor yet of the entrance way. A few of them were on the moving staircase heading down, while another had just come out of the Great Hall and was heading down the corridor towards them.

The weird message just made Antonije angrier, his fists were getting bloody.

"Tate please stop it!" she said, trying to beg him and pull away, before she looked at the ground again. "Can you both stop this please?"

Antonije spit on the ground, and somehow, the Floor managed to throw the spit back in his face. He was completely and utterly pissed at it. "I'm gonna kill it!" he growled. The wizards were over there now and looking on at the scene in confusion. The Floor wasn't displaying any messages about Sylvi being the Princess at least.

"Behave yourself, you two!" a wizard scolded. "This is a mystic place! Not some wrestling arena!"

"I am sorry... Come on Tate, please, we should see about helping out a bit... Uh... Floor? Mind being a bit nicer please? I will beg you if I have to..." she said, saying the last part somewhat softly. She didn't like the fact that she was talking to the ground, but if she could at least get it to back off, then maybe Tate would leave it alone.

"...Princess?" a wizard asked, looking up at Sylvi with discerning eyes. "Did Queen Meliscente, may she rest in peace, have another bastard we don't know about?"

"...Yes. This is Princess Sylvi of the Castle," Antonije said. "You may bow."

"Tate, don't pretend, no, I'm not from the Castle," Sylvi said simply, before she grabbed Tate's arm and started dragging him away.

Hikaru and Ryuu

"There is a small village, not too far from here, it should be enough of a place for us to hopefully get some help and potentially get some new clothes. We can't keep wandering around in these prison uniforms after all... We'd draw too much attention to ourselves," Ryuu said as a few more Fire Nation guards came after them. "We need to move, now!" he added, before he made sure that he had a tight grip on Hikaru, the Air Bender wasn't too heavy, and he started heading in a direction away from the prison.

She wasn't too thrilled at the idea of someone basically carrying her around, but she didn't exactly have much of a choice. Without her glider, she was practically useless when it came to walking at the moment. It was making her really miss her staff, and she wondered if she could ever get another one. Maybe she could try to make one? Who knew, as it literally was the only way she could at least sort of fly, sure she can jump around, but she couldn't control it that way! There wasn't much she could do about anything though, basically stuck with what was going on, and stuck having to wait.

Suddenly, Ryuu had a bit of a thought, and looked at Hikaru, "Mind if you ride on my back? If you held on it would mean that my hands would be free," he asked her as flames shot at the group once more.

"N-N-No, I don't mind it at all," she stammered out, before he quickly moved her so that she was riding piggy back style, her arms wrapped tightly around him as Ryuu pulled out the sword that he had stolen. The flames that the guards were shooting off at them were not something to mess with, but Ryuu managed to make it so that they didn't hit him, swinging his sword around so that the flames dispersed before they even had the chance.

One of the guards got a lucky shot on Yumiko, blasting her with fire right in the stomach. Enough force to send her falling backwards, and leaving her with severe burns on her body. The shot aimed at Jia Li missed, barely though, the heat of the flames just shooting by her head. Rila lucked out as well, not being hit by anything from the remaining guards. Hiroyuki on the other hand was blasted by flames, but it wasn't as bad for him as it was for Yumiko. He lucked out and only wound up with several burns on his left arm.

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace

"...You do not seem well Arya..." Valda said, looking at the ExtraOrdinary Wizard with some concern. She felt a little guilty, as Arya had fallen unconscious in an attempt to help Myrus, an attempt she had made because Valda had asked her to. It made her feel bad, knowing that she hadn't exactly hesitated to do it, and now she was really wishing she could reverse what had happened and take it back. Sure, her family was everything to her at the moment, but she was concerned about other people as well.

Hearing Luna's words made her stop, thinking about what it was she was actually saying. History of mental illness was in their family? That was definitely not something that she had expected at all to hear. Worst of all her sister was hearing strange voices? That was definitely a really BAD thing. Valda felt powerless, knowing that she might have been partially to blame for what had happened to Luna, as if it wasn't for her being a Wendron Witch, the Port Witches might never have gone after Luna, and she might never have started hearing voices.

Sylvi the Bard and Bruce Banner

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Sylvi was starting to wonder what exactly Tate was up to... He was planning something, that was for sure, but what it was exactly she couldn't say. It made her curious enough to follow after him towards the basement, giving the assembled group a slight wave before following after him. "Tate? Is something wrong?" she asked him as she headed down into the basement, looking over at him, a little worried about what is going on.

Bruce rolled his eyes slightly as Tate left with the twins and his apparent girlfriend of sorts. Though he couldn't help but agree slightly with what it was that he had said about there being way too many people. It was getting just a bit crowded in the room, but that couldn't be helped. Sad thing was there were still a few members of his family missing from this little gathering, most notably his youngest sister Nova. Made him wonder where the girl had gotten off to.

"Okay, not sure if I should be glad or concerned that it isn't a niffler... Please tell me it isn't some other weird creature that you found?" Bruce said with a slight smile at his younger sister. Sure, he knew that Astrid meant well, but he still remembered the whole 101 dalmatians incident from when they were younger. Yes, he liked dogs, sure, but still, that was definitely way too many puppies in their home. "And Myth? A niffler is that little thing she's got with her and they tend to go towards anything shiny, gold, treasure, that sort of thing."

Lance nodded slightly at Myth, before turning his attention back to Runa. "Are you sure that you are okay? You need to be careful about how much energy you use up Runa... Trust me on that one, just don't wear yourself out okay?" he said, giving her a smile as he took in the group in the room. He had expected that Astrid would be the last one to show up, but apparently that sort of honor went to the youngest today. Where in the whole universe was Nova right now?


Location: Mutant Underground D.C. Station
Skills N/A

"Yeah, so not sorry for that, sorry Havok, but you totally deserved it," she said with a smirk in his direction. He totally did deserve it in her mind, and the guy needed to learn not to get on her nerves. Sapphire ended up shooting a glare at him when he called her a name, the man really needed to learn that some people thought his nicknames were idiotic and he really needed to grow up. She almost sent another blast of cold at him for it, but decided against it, figuring that Veil would make her stay behind if she did.

Of course, she couldn't help but snicker slightly as Veil tripped Havok, seeing her friend have a bit of fun was definitely a good thing. Once getting to the car, she rolled her eyes slightly, seeing that she'd have to get into the back with Spark Plug and Havok. She was fine having to sit next to Spark Plug, it was more of Havok that she had the problem with. In her mind, he needed to stay far away from her right now. Sapphire wasn't letting her powers down though, the air around her was still slightly cold as she got into the car.

@LadyRunic Richard would run into a young girl, and I do mean literally run into. The girl falls to the ground, but is easily back up on her feet again as a pair of fairy wings appear on her back. "Hey? Who are you? What are you doing? Why'd you run into me? Are you doing anything cool?" she asked, talking really quickly as she started flying around him like an annoying bug, or fairy or something.

Marygold Isley

Location: Parlor - First Floor -> Outside

Mary let out a sigh, before she turned to look at Ayita, seeing her shift animals. "Seriously Ayita? You need to actually watch what you say, since otherwise everyone will hate you, and this may seem funny to you, but things like death and killing people are actually sensitive subjects, so you need to get your act together!" she snapped at her, getting annoyed slightly at the girl. Hearing Allison enter the room, she glanced over at her. "Yeah yeah, everything is fine aside from Ayita terrifying Dean for no good reason."

After talking to Allison, she left the room, and was wondering where Dean had gone off to. She felt like she probably should talk to him about what had happened. A thought occurred to her, and she raced to her room for a moment, before racing outside after Dean. She was carrying a sort of project she had been working on, but hadn't been planning on giving these sorts of things yet. It was kind of an apology sort of thing for snapping at everyone during the incident with OMEN, but maybe it can help to calm Dean down now.

"Hey Dean!" she called, hurrying over to him. "...Sorry about what happened with Ayita, she went a bit too far with that, honestly I don't know why she'd even think it was okay for that... Anyway, wanted to give you something, hopefully to help make you feel better about things... Been working on a little project for the past few weeks, made something for just about everyone, wasn't planning on giving anything out yet, but you look liked you might need something to cheer you up..." Mary handed him a potted flower of sorts, except its coloring was strange. The petals of the flower were swirls of blue and pink, while the stem of the plant was a darker orange color of sorts. "Don't worry... It shouldn't ever wilt or anything..." she added, before glancing over at the aircraft that was there now.

"Well... Definitely did not expect her to be showing up..." Mary said, starting to smile as she saw the woman exiting the aircraft.

Lance Banner

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement

Lance was starting to wonder if Guin was okay, since odds of them both having an argument with their dads on the same day seemed a little slim to him. Not to mention she was acting a bit strange to him, but it didn't matter. He was currently a little more concerned with the pain in his hand from the cuts that were there. Giving Annie a slight smile before he used his free hand to start looking through what it was that was in the first aid kit. The cuts weren't too deep on his hand luckily, so he didn't need anything drastic in order to patch it up. "Uh, yeah, mind helping me out by grabbing the bandage roll and helping me wrap this up?" he asked Annie as he grabbed a paper towel and dried his hand off, there was still blood coming from his hand.

Hearing Bethany's comment made him think of several instances in his life where he'd been injured by glass, and unfortunately, it happened more often than he would care for. Lance was wondering whether or not to actually respond to that, but for once in his life he was perfectly fine with talking to other people. "...It seems to be that way for a good part of my life... Try being thrown or dragged through a window... And I'm not talking about an open window either..."

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Outside the mansion

She hadn't really explained to anyone why she had raced out to meet with the ship, having switched to her native language, but that didn't matter. Mira was happy to see it land as she recognized the ship as the ramp lowered, even before she saw the person who walked down towards them. She instantly crossed her arms over her chest and bowed slightly, and the woman who stepped out laughed seeing her. "No need for that Mirembe, I'm not Queen of Wakanda yet," Ororo Munroe said as she walked forward.

"I-I-I know that... It just seems a little weird to me not to..." she managed to stammer out ever so slightly. Mira remembered when she had met Storm, and the woman had always been kind to her. Not to mention when she had found out about what exactly had led to Mira ending up at the Institute, she had gone to go see what she could do. It was a little unexpected for her to end up engaged to marry King T'Challa, but apparently life was full of surprises. She owed a lot to Storm, the woman had made it so that should she choose to, she had nothing to fear in going back home.

There was a gust of wind as Pietro Maximoff appeared by them, wearing a hat that said Department of Defense on it. "Oh, hey there Storm, you beat me here! Then again I had to run across the ocean and back, and go talk to a few other people along the way. Seriously though, you're making me look bad!"

Storm laughed, hearing the speedster, "Well Mr. Maximoff, you may be one of the fastest people on the planet, but I'm sure there are even things out there that can outrun you."

"Yeah well... Never going to get me to admit that!"

Lance Banner

"Guin? How exactly am I supposed to fight him when he's down there? I can't fly! Guess off I go to climb the ladder down..." Lance said, but before he was able to walk too far away, there was a roar of sorts, and the next thing he new, there was a loud crash as Sterns had shifted into the being known as Madman. He stared at Sterns, wondering what the hell were they going to do? This guy literally just shifted, and now they were likely totally screwed! They couldn't exactly stand up to the guy now, but Lance knew that they had to do something.

"...Well we are totally screwed..." he said before he sent a blast of light at Sterns, but the light didn't seem to effect him at all, much like how Lance wasn't able to effect the Hulk too much unless he was right next to him. This was definitely not a good thing, not good at all! He edged backwards as Madman looked at Lance, and then at Guin, before laughing slightly at the two of them.

"You two have no idea what you are doing do you?"
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