Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Man, group roleplaying has been great.
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

Jezebel rolled her eyes. “Like, totally. No other way we could have been poisoned. We did eat anything else.”

Ice looked to Alice. “That means that the pill bottle was placed beside Jezebel! At the time, we thought that she had overdosed, but that clearly isn’t the case…”

Emily’s eyebrow raised. “Tape on the door? Jam?” She looked around the room. “Did anyone get a closer look at that?”

“I did!” Bliss spoke up. “Um, the tape was pretty thin. It was wrapped in an oval, sticky side out, and placed on the bottom of the door. Kind of like how you would stick one of those fake bows to a Christmas present. It was just a small piece maybe an inch or so wide. I only noticed it because there was some hay stuck to it. I don’t think it would have jammed the door, the gap was too big.”

Cyrus removed his glasses. “There was a gap under the door?”

Bliss nodded. “It was pretty narrow. I can’t even fit my finger through.”
@Majoras End@Mateotis@FamishedPants

Some courtroom drama for today.
Lucy shook her head to Henry’s suggestion about Faith. “That’s a very dangerous assumption to make. It is true that Faith didn’t like Jezebel much towards the end, but they were friends in the past. It’s possible she entered the room to talk things out. Barring that, she could have entered her room with the intent to kill her. There are plenty of reasons Faith could have willingly entered Jezebel’s room. We should be focusing on what the physical evidence tells us.” Lucy was more accepting of Henry’s next statement. “I did not notice her either. So it’s possible she had already swapped with Jezebel at that time.”

Henry then tried to get Jezebel and Zachary to say something.

“I remember like… Talking with Zachary.” Jezebel was still dressed up as faith. “We were totally having coffee just like we do every morning. We were just talking and junk, and like, I woke up under my bed dressed in Faith’s clothes. This totally feels like a dream.”

Meanwhile, things on the other side of the court room were heating up. Ice gave Daimyon a nod. “See?” He looked back at Emily. “Even the poet knows you are the only one who could have done it! You used the handbook to get out of the room, drag faith in, swapped their outfits, and committed murder!”

“Mph!” Emily took a deep breath. “Well, I didn’t expect Daimyon to metaphorically roll over on me so fast. But considering I nearly killed him after doing that literall-”

“So you set the trap too!”

Emily’s face turned red. “No! I did no such thing! I was talking about the time I almost landed on him!” She groaned. “Look. The handbook was left in the room, just like Daimyon said. It was in the exact same spot when we returned. Because like I said, I left the room without it, locking me and everyone else out of the room! I was only able to open the door because for whatever reason, it can be opened from the inside without the handbook!

Ice scoffed. “Or so you claim, pitchfork! There’s nothing proving everything you say isn’t a lie!”

The sound of Cyrus’s glasses cracking caused Ice to flinch. “…But we should not overlook any possibilities.” The politician folded his arms. “It is possible that this entire crime was orchestrated by Emily, But then why did she change their clothes? Why kill someone in a room only she had access to? We should consider all possibilities, because there are a lot of items in that room that don’t make sense yet.” Cyrus addressed everyone present. “Can anyone think of any other way the door might have been opened?”

Max was scrolling through his own handbook when he looked up. “Oh.” He stood up. “Does anyone know what the murder weapon was yet?”

Lucy winced. “I would guess some fine wire was used to strangle her, looking at the bruising. But we didn’t find anything in Jezebel’s room. But their was hay all over the floor, which made finding something like that difficult.”

“That’s what I thought. Just making sure.” Max continued to browse.
T e t r a d

” The many must lose so that the few may win.”

— Tetrad

(Earlier in the talent show)

When it was Tetrad’s turn, she stepped out onto stage wearing a white hooded robe over her beach outfit, paired with sunglasses and lots of other #SWAG.

”I'm a pastor, I'm a priest,
Dropping beats like a beast,

Take your scrawny hide and turn you into a feast!

I'm a judge holding hammer attending Sunday mass,

And I’m about to pass judgement on your lily ass!”

We interrupt this broadcast due to time restraints and a stronger desire to get this shit on the road.

! E X C E L S I O R !

”Dan?” Su smiled. ”I’m grateful that you ran the vacation for as long as you did. I’ve been grieving for a very long time, and I feel like coming here did a lot to accelerate my recovery. I’ve learned a lot about myself, including the direction I wish to take my life. I don’t think that would have happened under the twin’s rule.” She squeezed Helga’s hand. Su’s face relaxed as she continued, with her smile vanishing entirely. ”However, this world will never be perfect. My patron likely wishes to know where I am. He and Penrose are without their protectors. Even if all of the magical girls are here, there are still monsters that could attack Penrose at any moment. I am ready to leave this place.”

“I’m not really all about sitting on a beach. I mean it was fun and everything, but I’ve got a sore to settle with Feral.”

“Who’s that?”

“Uhhhh…” Lupa looked away from Mika. “A-a bad dude!” Lupa recovered. “This was a blast, but sometimes you can’t fully unwind when you know there’s an ass that needs kickin’, you know what I mean?”

”I have more banners than you. Get rekt normie.”

— Tetrad

Tetrad chuckled. ”It’s been fun, Dan.” She placed her hands on her hips. ”I never thought beating up a bunch of lesbians with my tits would be so rewarding. I mean participation was a gold coin alone!” She examined one of her gloved hands and flexed her fingers. ”But as great as that competition was, it had losers, and a lot of them. Few people enjoy losing.” Tetrad chuckled. ”Can you really say this place is free of pain? For a dolphin that feeds on a steady diet of happiness and good feelings, you enjoy watching us suffer for a victory.” Her finger shot out and pointed at Dan. ”Well that’s fine, But I don’t want to suffer in your game any more. I want to suffer on my own terms! The greatest risks for the greatest rewards! Oh, and I guess saving the world is pretty rewarding too. Don’t want to come across as a bad role model or anything.”

Veronica scoffed. “You’re a fool if you thought you could keep me here forever. Discarding the lamp the way you did was just sloppy. It was only a matter of time before someone found it.” She placed a hand on her hip. “It is by choice that I did not take action against you. This space provided me with ample opportunities, so I left you alone. But the circumstances have changed and there is no longer a reason for me to linger here.” Veronica fixed her gaze on Dan. “Release us at once. I might not have the power to make the world disappear, but making things like you disappear is my specialty.”

Betty blushed. ”I-it was nice to see Binky again. That made me very happy.” She looked at Dan. ”But the way everyone is talking, this place is just another prison. Out of the fryer and into the freezer.” She drew her weapon and stood like a samurai ready to fight. ”Binky deserves true freedom! I’ll fight ‘till my last breath if that’s what it takes!”

"I’m having lots of fun bonding with everyone!" After getting a glare from everyone from Beacon, she sighed. "Okay, yea, this kind of sucks. I wanna return to the real world now."

Abigail let out a jovial laugh. "I’m not going to let some creepy, squeaky dolphin control my life!" She folded her arms. "This really isn’t that different from mind control. You’ve created an environment where we are forced to do your bidding. You’re certainly a lot cuter than the last person who did this to me, and you’re not trying to destroy the world. On those two counts, I will show you mercy." Her grin widened. "If you let us leave right now, you won’t have to learn if it’s possible for a dolphin to survive passing through a gravitational singularity."

”I feel so broke up, I wanna go home.”

As the rejections started to pile up, it became more and more apparent to Dan that he would have to get serious in order to keep the fantasy world together. So he lifted his fins into the air and-

“Wait, You can’t end the world yet! I need to do my performance!” Mika Stumbled onto the stage. Her outfit was very similar to her magical girl outfit. Something fit for an Arabian entertainer. Before she came to a stop, she started to play her flute. The one that allowed her to control dolphins.

The Music caused Dan to stop whatever it was that he was doing. The sweat drop on the side of his head got bigger, but he could not fight the urge to move to Mika’s song. He spun and danced his way over to Mika, even performing a flip before landing on stage. That was when Mika lowered her flute and looked into his eyes.

“Dan.” Mika held the flute in front of her mouth, but wasn’t blowing into it. “I had mixed feelings about this place. It’s possible to have a lot of fun, but I don’t really feel like the barriers around us have really dropped. Everyone can be friends, but they will always stay closest to their respective groups.” Mika sighed. “Maybe it’s because I’m not very smart, but I don’t think there’s a way to change that. When you give everyone what they want, there isn’t really a reason to make new friends. People only need to cooperate when there’s a struggle. What happened at the graveyard was terrible, but we all came together to stop it. I made some friends when that happened. But here, I have made none.” Mika’s tail was wagging side to side. “While I want to leave this place with everyone else, our being together has given me the ability to make another friend.” Mika wrapped her arms around Dan. “Even if it wasn’t perfect, this was the best vacation I ever had! And knowing that you were here the entire time, hosting tournaments, watching us, making sure we didn’t fight…” She kissed Dan on the side of his bill. “I really like you Dan. I think you should come with us to Penrose. I know just where you could live!” Tears streak down the sides of Dan's head as he shivered in her embrace.

Su’s eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head. This wasn’t unexpected behavior from Mika, but she wasn’t about to let a magical talking dolphin stay at the Golden Trove. Magical ghost twins were one thing, but Boteg didn’t like to be around things with even the smallest amount of magical energy. If Dan could manage an entire dimension like this, he would not be a welcome guest.

”Just one more.”

— Tonya “Mac” Murphy

Welp, it looked like things were wrapping up.

Mac hadn't gotten a lot done, but she'd be lying if she expected to. The goal was just to elude everyone until the vacation ended, and she did pretty good with that. She even had some fun in the process!

But Mac also knew what was in store for the future. This was a respite before a great despair, but it was one that her patron had put into motion. All she could do was continue ensuring the string of fate accurately foretold the future.

When it suited her at least.
Just got two things to add to this discussion:

One is that I "walked" into a thread that was clearly marked 18+, clearly involved sexual themes, and I pmed the roleplayer anyway. I told them I was interested in the RP but wanted to know if it was okay if we didn't do sex n' stuff. Plot twist: they were okay with it.

Second thing is just my own personal experience. I've tried to start 1x1 RPs at least ten times, and half of them never turn into RPs before my partner ghosts on me. The other half never make it to the second page! I've even tried to do RPs with people who I talk to on a regular basis. Yes @FamishedPants, I'm talking about you in the Roleplay discussion thread again. Come at me bro! But yea, group roleplays aren't as "intimate" as 1x1 stuff, but they are usually easier to join because the GMs aren't as picky. There's way less 18+ content, no sex stuff, etc. If you're half way decent at writing, aren't an asshole, and are more interesting than a potato, you'll do fine in casual.

That Goth Asian girl

Su had told Helga that she needed to use a restroom before leaving the Keijo arena, and to tell her what happened when she got back. But in truth Su wasn’t really interested in the competition. Having been both a competitor and a spectator, she could safely say there was nothing about the ‘sport’ that interested her. It only served to degrade everyone involved. Su had also fibbed about her intended destination. She had left to go sit on the beach and watch the waves roll in. This made for a much better atmosphere for thinking.

The past few hours had been quite the ride. It was her relationship with Helga. Helga seemed to be in high spirits, but Su was having doubts. She knew she loved Helga, but she was worried about how much her life was going to change on account of letting her know. Would Helga grow tired of Su as the years turned to centuries? What if she really was cursed and Helga died during the vacation? Would they start sleeping in the same room now, and would Helga’s body heat make it too hard to sleep at night? But before this post could delve into the kind of debauchery expected of BP’s posts, she got a visitor.

“Something troubling you?”

Su closed her eyes. ”I really don’t feel like talking right now.”

“That’s fine, I can be the one who talks. So long as you listen.”

Su didn’t look, but she could hear the sand shuffle under Veronica before she sat down. With a sigh, she turned her head away. ”Aren’t you worried about someone figuring out the connection between us?”

“I think that’s probably one of the worst kept secrets in Penrose.” Veronica sighed and leaned back onto her elbows. “Have you been enjoying your vacation? ”

Su looked at Veronica out of the corner of her eye. She was wearing the same swimsuit she came to the island in. ”I’m concerned for Penrose, Boteg in particular.” She looked back out at the ocean. ”But I’m starting to become accustom to my surroundings. I haven’t seen Mika much, but she seems happy. Lupa seems like she’s enjoying herself as well.”

“And Helga is happy too, right?”

”Yea.” Su didn’t doubt the claim. She was sure Veronica had heard everything she told Helga. It wasn’t like she was trying to keep it a secret. That didn’t mean she was comfortable talking about it. ”I trust you were able to make the vacation worth your while somehow?”

“Oh yes.” Veronica grinned. “No one has an idea what a boon this has been to me. Without the Mint to bar my progress, I’ve established connections in days which would have taken me months if not years.” She turned to Su. “I’ve been able to learn a lot about everyone here, and am aware of what my next action should be once we get back to Penrose.”

”Good for you.” Su stretched out her legs and laid her hands in the sand. ”Was there something in particular you wanted to tell me? ”

“Nothing important.” Veronica’s smile only grew as she gazed into the infinite blue. “Someone got me thinking about twenty years ago.” Veronica took one of her hands and stroked her cheek. It was on the side that Chloe had kissed her on.

”I see. ” Su lifted her fingers to her lips. ”Me too, actually.” Su thought back to her Keijo match. She had kissed Chloe on the cheek before retreating. ”By any chance, did you start thinking about it because of Chl-”

“Who it was isn’t important.” Now it was Veronica who was refusing to make eye contact. “The important part is that it has caused me to reevaluate a fundamental law of our world.” Veronica continued to caress her cheek. “Love is not a myth, it may yet exist.”

”I would hope so.” Su couldn’t help but chuckle. ”I won’t lie, I half expected you to just come over here and tell me how foolish I was for telling Helga I loved her.”

Veronica remained silent for a moment before speaking again. “I should warn you love is rare. Very rare.” She turned her head to face Su. “People who wander for what they search for are quick to misidentify their quarry.” She dropped her brow. “Kimble thinks she loves Alicia, but that’s simple infatuation born from a desire to please the person who saved their life. Penny thought that she loved Thalia, but that was just a depressing duet between two narcissists who didn’t want to be alone. I would pity Chloe if she took her romantic pursuits seriously. I’m not convinced what Alexander and Lily has is anything more than a shallow high school romance. Need I even mention Mika’s ‘love’ octagon? I refuse to speak of Regina and Annabelle. That barely counts as friendship.”

Su closed her eyes and sighed. She hardly expected a motivational speech from Veronica. Was that wine on her breath? Best to just play along. ”I’ll be honest, I was unaware there was so much misplaced emotion on this island.” Su opened her eyes. ”I noticed you left Helga and I out of your rant.”

“If I had, would it have swayed your mind?” Veronica rose to her feet. “The existence of love does not invalidate what I’ve been saying all these years. I still think the best thing one can do is form a series of relationships which are mutually beneficial regardless of what happens. If your love is part of a mutually beneficial bond, I see nothing wrong with it.” She folded her arms behind her back. “But thinking that you can share in someone’s emotions so deeply that you can feel what they feel is dangerous. The fact that love exists isn’t wonderful, it’s frightening, particularly that you might have it.”

Su remained in her spot in the sand. ”Um.” She nodded. ”Right, well, thank you for the warning. I’ll make sure Helga and I have a mutually beneficial relationship.”


Su blinked as Veronica walked out of sight. She had heard about Veronica being on the island, but had never expected the former coin broker to approach her least of all to offer a warning. But the more Su thought about it, the more sense it made. Who else would try to scare you out of your newest relationship other than a former girlfriend?
@Majoras End In that case, let's forego the collab and just start posting. Makes things feel more active that way at any rate.
“Alright guys, I’ve got a bit of a secret for ya.” Monokuma was shifting side to side on his throne. “Word on the street is, if you can figure out who the killer is, only they will be punished. On the flipside, if you aren’t able to figure it out, everyone else will be punished, and the blackened will be discharged from the hospital with a clean bill of health!” Monokuma sighed. “This is the fourth trial right? I bet it feels like you’ve been doing this for years now. And this is just one of many, many killing games.” He hugged himself. “It’s been a long time since a game has had a fourth trial, and I can count on one paw the number of games that went beyond that. I wonder how you’ll do this time.

Emily made a noizy coughing sound. “Well, I think we should start talking about the room. I mean.” Emily looked down at her hands. “This feels like a classic locked room mystery…”

“Wait a flabbin’ minute!” Ice pointed at Emily. “Weren’t you the last one in the room?”

Emily’s body tensed up. “Y-yes? No!? Apparently not?”

Max fret his brow. “It was curious to see you outside the room, being that you said you were going to remain with Jezebel.”

“I-I was, but that noise.”

Bliss placed a finger on the side of her chin. “The trap right? I was a little startled when it went off, but none of us dared leave Zachary alone.”

Emily cleared her throat again. “Yes, it was the trap. I left the room and managed to do so without Jezebel’s e-handbook. I didn’t realize what had happened until later, when we were all trying to get back into the room.”

Ice squinted his eyes. “That sounds pretty fishy.”

Cyrus pounded his podium. When Ice looked at him, he simply adjusted his glasses, and refrained from looking at anyone. “It’s too early to point the finger at anyone. Let’s focus on the nature of the mystery and work on suspects when we have more to work with.” Cyrus looked at Emily. “That was not Faith that was carried into Jezebel’s room, correct?” Emily nodded. “Then Faith was taken in, their clothes swapped…” Cyrus shook his head. “One mystery at a time. Faith was present when their bodies were discovered, so she was moved in or willingly entered Jezebel’s room.” Cyrus looked to everyone. “Any ideas how that’s possible?”

Bliss turned to look at Zachary. “Um, so if you don’t mind me asking. What happened to you two?”
@Mateotis is doing tests and stuff, and I do not have your discord contact information anymore, @Majoras End. I had wanted to discuss things via discord, but I guess I'll get the ball rolling on this.
That Tiny Police Woman
The Retarded Cat Girl

”Fun Fun Fun!” Mika was bouncing up and down on the beach. Just a few feet away from her was a table with a half eaten sunday, with Rina sitting opposite of it. ”Hey Rina!” She ran up behind the girl and placed her hands on her shoulders. ”What did you wanna do next?”

She honestly didn't know what she expected, letting Mika have this much sugar. A few thoughts of 'adorable' and 'how the hell does she have this much energy.' came to mind. She herself, had opted for a fancy milkshake loaded with enough chocolate, whipped cream, and cherries to kill a small animal.

“Mmm...” She pulled the straw out of her mouth. She should think of something they could do together again, right? Something with a little less, uh, keijo. Mika was a sporty sort, right? She should be fine with physical activity, but then at the same time that seemed selfish to do something that only she'd have fun with. She was thinking to hard, wasn't she? “Probably just go back to my surfing or the jet-ski.”

”We should do that!” Mika was about to lean away when she froze. ”Wait, it sound like you’ve already done that a bit.” She snorted. ”Well alright, but if we’re going to do that, then how about we make it more interesting?” Mika slid her arms around Rina’s shoulders and hugged her. ”Surfing… With water guns!”

“Water guns?” Rina nodded, trying to ignore the cat hugging her. That wasn't actually a bad idea. “Huh...you know, that don't sound like a bad idea.” Surfing normally required a bit of finesse and paying attention to the water. Trying to balance that with a water gun contest of some sort would be interesting, to say the least.

“Alright!” Hopping up from her seat and stretching. ”So, we need water guns, and you need a surfboard.”

”I think I can get most of that stuff from the shop.” Mika released Rina and sprinted off towards the boutique. ”I’ll be back sooooooooooooon!” Her voice trailed off as she vanished from sight.

Rina watched Mika run off, slightly worried about what the cat might do, but ultimately decided worrying about it was gonna be bad for her health. So she got back in her seat, kicked back and finished her Milkshake.

When Mika returned, she was covered in shopping bags, and was carrying a surf board under each arm. There was also a plush of Dan the Dolphin emerging from the key hole in her swimsuit. ”Sorry I took so long! There was a lot of stuff!” Mika let the bags slide off of her arms and began pulling out the squirt guns one at a time.

The first item was a squirt gun. It didn’t look particularly special, but this was a magical island with a talking dolphin on it, so who knew what it was capable of. It did look like it had an impressive caliber for its size. Then there was a pump-action rifle, which was bigger still. Next one looked like a shotgun, only it was clearly made out of plastic and had bright, neon colors. The next one looked like a sniper rifle, complete with a long barrel and scope. The next two guns were so big Mika had to carry them on her back. It was a Gatling gun and a water balloon launcher. Both of which looked much more like their real world counterparts than the other water guns.

”Take what you want to fight with, and then we’ll par-lay!” Mika pulled the Dan plush out of her swimsuit and looked at it. ”And you can watch us from the beach!” She flattened out one of the gift bags and placed Dan on top of it, careful to point him towards the ocean.

Rina, by now, hadn't expected her to come back with anything less than this. In fact, if she did, she'd have thought the cat was sick or something. The weapons seemed all pretty nice. In fact, a few already caught her attention. The sniper looking one and the gatling gun.

“Well, I'll take these,” Rina swiped the Gatling gun, the Sniper, and Squirt gun. Seemed like a decent loadout, yea? Gatling gun for well...awesome points. Gatling guns were cool, yea? The Sniper rifle, her specialty, and a squirt gun for backup. “Right then...” She turned to Mika with a smirk. “I'll try to go easy on ya so I won't beat ya too bad.”

Rina took three guns, which left three for Mika. She slung the water balloon launcher over her shoulder before taking the assault rifle with her hands and the shotgun with her tail. ”I feel pretty good about my chances, actually!” She looked out at the ocean. ”Now we just need a wave. I heard there are some pretty large ones beyond the islands.” She took a few steps towards the water before stopping. ”And rules, uh….” Mika looked at Rina. ”I’m fine as long as you aren’t shooting anything at me aside from water. Beyond that, whoever stays on their board the longest wins!” She hopped. ”Anything else you want to add?”

All the conditions sounded good, fairly standard stuff. Only thing in quest was how good Mika's surfing abilities were. Oh, and one last thing. A small bet always made things more interest.

“Hmm...how about the winner treats the other to dinner?”

Mika tipped her head back in thought, but shook her head. “The guns were pretty expensive. I don’t think I could afford dinner after all of that.” waded waded into the water. ”You look like you could eat a lot if you wanted to. Too risky.”

Rina let out a mildly disappointed sigh. Wasn't like she could complain too much when she already bought all the water gun stuff. Hm.

“Alright.” Rina shrugged. “Guess I'll just-hey! I don't eat a lot!” But Mika had already sped off to meet the waves, and the archer was quick to follow Mika out. Splashing into the water atop her board, Rina swam out after her, and soon a wave was quickly picking up.

”Alright! We’re about to start!” Mika held onto her surf board as the wave came in. Once the water was moving them along, the feline magical girl rose to her feet. ”Oh, this is nice! I’ve never done this before!” Mika attempted to weave side to side on the giant wave, and seemed to have good stability. ”This is really cool!”

Mika had never done this before, huh?

“Having fun then?” Rina lowered her body slightly, surfing alongside Mika. “Remember this is a competition though!” As she sped past Mika, Rina moved up the wave, reaching the crest of it and almost getting a bit of air before pulling out the squirt gun, aiming a few blasts at Mika.

Rina was a true marksman. Even if her standard loadout didn’t include a pistol, she was a former police officer. It might have been difficult to steady herself on her surfboard, but Mika had just as much difficulty outmaneuvering her shots. Each pull of the trigger fired a “high caliber squirt” that zoomed towards her target. Each hit caused Mika to cry ”Ouch!” and duck a little lower on her board. While the water pistol was a magical water pistol, it was still a light firearm for a squirt gun fight.

Mika tried to take aim with her tail, but the shotgun proved to be too far away to do much. She got a single shot off which was quickly lost in the waves. She was unable to reload with just her tail. With a grumble, Mika pumped up her assault rifle before firing on Rina’s position. The bullets were similar in size to the water pistol, but the rifle allowed Mika to fire more of them just by holding down the trigger.

She hit her mark, but Mika wasn't so easily done. It'd be boring if she was! Grinning, Rina turned her focus back to the board as she prepared for a counter attack. She rode the wave upwards, her board cresting the crown of the large wave as she reached for her sniper rifle launching herself into the air above the wave, getting pelted with only a few blasts of water, but remained mostly undeterred as she quickly found her target and fired a round from the sniper towards Mika mid air before landing.

Even if it was just a squirt gun, the sniper rifle fired a high caliber, high speed projectile that few could hope to avoid. Certainly not Mika with her limited surfing experience. Her only recourse was to cover her head in a massive conch, courtesy of her beast magic. The shell helped diflect the water away from her head, but it still rocked the surfboard Mika was clinging to. ”Gotta get offensive!” The shell fell away from her head as mika stood up on the board. She took hold of the water balloon launcher and fired it directly into the wave. The seemingly growing wave would carry the balloons to Rina’s position, and detonate with incredible force. But would it be enough to take Rina down?

Quickly realizing what Mika was doing, Rina unfortunately could not do much except brace herself. The balloon exploded under water, exploding outwards and causing the wave to almost collapse. Rina sped right through it, the blast launching her unsteadily into the air – and sending her surfboard careening off into the ocean, out of reach! Thinking fast, Rina used her magic to compensate. In her hands she formed an almost comically large 'sword' in the rough shape of a surfboard, and light enough to float easily atop the water.

It hit the water, seemingly working for the most part, but it had knocked her down the wave a bit, causing Mika to have the high ground on the wave, and Rina could only take a few potshots towards Mika with her squirt gun in retaliation.

The shots might not have been much by themselves, but the splash caused by her landing was enough to throw the inexperienced feline off balance.She held onto her surf board with both hands as it tipped over and dumped her into the wave. By this point, the wave was starting to crash, and it was only Rina left on top of her surf board. She had won.

Once the waters had calmed down, Mika thrust her hand out of the ocean. In her outstretched hand was a remote with an antenna and a cartoonishly large button. Her thumb swiftly moved over it and gave the button a press before retreating into the depths. Once Mika had done this, it started to get darker. It was impossible to resist the urge to look up. It was easy to suspect something like an incoming storm, but that was not the case. The sky had opened up to a massive waterfall that was about to touchdown on top of Rina’s position.

Rina began confidently riding the rest of the wave down, and couldn't help but laughing from her victory. She wasn't one to really gloat over winning or something, but winning sure did feel nice...unfortunately victory was only sweet for a moment. She narrowed her eyes at the device Mika was holding, and took a few seconds to puzzle over it before the large shadow appeared overhead. Rina cautiously looked up.

“That's cheatin-” Before she could finish, the waterfall of water fell on her position, completely drenching her in water. The force of it sent her new surfboard flying off in the direction of the shoreline, launching both her and it into the water.

Then all was quiet. The orbital waterfall drop was massive, but in the end it was just water being added to a very large puddle. The waves continued to move about, as if the squirt gun fight had never transpired at all. Then two dolphins surfaced with Mika and Rina on their backs. Mika had a flute in her mouth. She wasn’t playing it very well, but the dolphins seemed to enjoy it. Before long, they were both carried to the sore line.

”That was really fun!” Mika hopped off of her dolphin and ran over to Rina. ”You’re not hurt right? I was told it wouldn’t be strong enough to hurt anyone.”

“Haaaah...” Rina placed her hands on her knees, coughing up some water. “I'm good, thanks.” She replied to Mika, before straightening up and stretching. “In fact, that was pretty great.” Rina grinned, placing a hand on her hip. “Dirty, but I guess there were no rules against dropping a waterfall on someone.”

Mika looked at the remote. ”I mean, you won and everything. I just wanted to try it out.” She shoved it back into her swimsuit, where it bulged out quite noticeably. ”But there was a lot of cool stuff! I even got this flute that lets you control dolphins! That’s how I got us back to shore!” She held out the flute for Rina to observe. ”So what were you going to do next?”

“Next, huh.” What was she gonna do next, indeed. “Dunno, think I'll just take It easy for a bit.” She reached out, patting Mika on the head. “I'm about tired of this vacation already honestly.”

Mika rolled the flute in her hand. ”Honestly, I kind of am too.” She lowered her head. ”I thought it would be fun to be friends with everyone. I think I found a few people I would be interested in getting closer to. But I dunno.” She shrugged. ”Even with all the rules in place, it seems like everyone’s held up on stuff that’s already happened.” With a sigh, she sat down in the sand. ”It’s like one of those beach episodes you see in anime a lot. Everyone’s in swimsuits and people seem to be forming relationships, but it’s the same relationships everyone went into the episode with. And then once the episode ends, any progress that was being made gets reversed anyway.” Mika groaned and hugged her knees. ”I hate filler episodes!”

“Pfft, ahahaha.” Rina began laughing, taking a seat next to Mika. “Well, I can understand. I think I made one or two new friends here though, but...I dunno I just wanna get back to Penrose and away from that dolphin.” Rina leaned lightly on the other girl. “Forcing people to get along is never going to end well.” She sighed, glancing at her empty hand. “Maybe its cynical of me to say it, but as much as I'd like otherwise, as soon as they get their freedom, they'd go right back to doing what they always do because both side refuses to accept change, or back down.”

Rina was now becoming very aware of how close she was to Mika. Ah boy she hadn't been this close to anyone in a looong time. This probably wasn't the time for that kind of talk.

“Ahem...uh, n-not that uh, well, not that it was a total waste or anything.” Rina replied mildly nervously, face turning a bit red. “In fact uh, if you weren't here I'd probably have had a lot less fun.”

Mika’s ears perked up, and she smiled. ”Oh! I’m glad to hear that! I guess I did have a lot of fun with some of the activities.“ She let go of her knees and turned to face Rina. ”But those friends you made, who are they?“

“A girl by the name of Regina. She's a member of beacon.” Rina saw no need to mention anything else about her. No need to do something like that and potentially muddy the waters. “Had a pretty fun volleyball match with Penny, and a girl name Mariette. And uh, there was a cat girl by the name of Kimble.”

Mika nodded along to Rina as she rattled off the names. Penny’s name caused her ears to flicker, but it wasn’t until she rattled off Kimble’s name that Mika chose to open her mouth. ”Oh, do you like her?“ Mika scratched the side of her head. ”I liked her, but she’s only interested in Alicia. I don’t really understand it.“ A pause, Mika smiled. ”I mean, Alicia has soft skin I guess.“ She shrugged. ”I think I was going to buy that Alicia plush so that Kimble would spend more time with me, but it seems kind of pointless now.“ She shrugged. ”We're both cat girls, so I thought we’d have more in common. Well, I guess she’s actually a nekomata. You know? The evil cat demons, which kind of makes sense.“ For just a moment, Mika seemed to grimace before smiling again. ”But Penny seems nice. You said you liked her?“ Mika leaned her head into Rina’s shoulder.

“Kimbles nice, but...” Rina shook her head. “I thiiink she's a bit much for me, heh. To be honest, I'm still kind of shocked Beacon lets monster girls in their ranks now, even if its only a few special ones.” She frowned a bit, not really noticing Mika leaning on her. “Penny's nice, and I definitely don't wanna end up on the end of one of her canons.” She grinned, laughing lightly. “But other than that, I think she's a good sort. A little...uncertain about what she's doing, but I think she'll do well in beacon.” Unconsciously, she leaned her own head on top of Mika's.

...wait a minute. Oh god. This was. This was a romance scene wasn't it? Rina's mouth clammed up as she realized the situation she found herself in. Uh, uh, what the heck. How did this happen. Not that she minded but, uh, she did like Mika but, uh...ah uh.

“...so uh, your ears are really soft.”

”Thank you!“ Mika nuzzled a bit closer. ”Your ears are kind of soft too.“ Her eyes closed to half mast. ”But yea, you really can’t beat cat ears.“ She picked her head up. ”Which is why I’m so conflicted about Kimble!“ With a huff, she stood up. ”I need some time to think.“ she walked over to the edge of the beach, where the dolphins had gathered with everything that had falling into the water. After seeing how large the pile of squirt guns were, Mika just shrugged and picked up her Dan plush. ”Thanks for playing with me Rina. I’ll see you later.“ without looking back, she made her way off the beach.

Rina watched Mika leave. Part of her wanted to say something, but in the end she just flopped back onto the sand and sighed before shaking her head and rolling over in the sand a few times.

“You're ears are soft?! Is that the best I got?! Letting out another sigh, Rina simply stared up at the sky for a few minutes, grumbling to herself. “Aaah, I'm an idiot...” Eventually, she'd stand up and dust herself off, before heading back to the main area.
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