Avatar of canaryrose


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1 yr ago
Current tbh a death threat was not on my 2023 bingo
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1 yr ago
man if you’re just gonna fucking admit it what’s the point. go touch grass. don’t kill your roommate.
1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
holy shit roommate murder guy went off
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1 yr ago
announcing intent to murder is pretty juicy, tbh


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Mission: On Cloud Nine Location: Castleburg Bullet N-Train Interacting: Blitz (@Ascendant), Dawnbreaker(@Jumbus), Dead Man (@Duoya)

Marcie stood, still disoriented and unsteady on her feet after the sonic blast. The world still felt like it was spinning and it was all she could do not to drop right back to the ground. Luckily, freezing their weapons had worked- the pirates trying to fire at her shouted, confused at finding their weapons suddenly unusable and themselves unable to move. Travis and Blitz (the latter of whom she embarrassingly hadn’t noticed) then did what she couldn’t do and took down the glued-down pirates with… various methods. She had to look away as Blitz impaled the pirates on his own arms. Disgusting. Behavior like that couldn’t be ethical, but at least it got the job done. The majority of their assailants were incapacitated, dead, or mutilated.

A deafening whirring sound penetrated the room only some seconds after she stood up. The blades of a chainsaw peeked through the wall, making that horrible sound as they quickly formed another hole in the wall. Shit. More? She ducked behind a box with her hands held out, gathering molecules to freeze. The villain- clearly not a lackey- stepped through the hole and immediately tore open the guts of Viper with his energy chainsaw.

Marcie shrieked as the guts of a man she hardly knew sprayed across the train car and shrieked louder when Chainsawyer started running at her. Unable to get away because of the box she had hid behind, she threw her hands up in an attempt to freeze something before he ripped her in half, too.

Ice had just begun to spread over his feet when an unknown hero entered the train car and set him off balance. Less than a second after that, a decapitated head collided against the crazed villain’s chest and knocked him over. Unfortunately, Marcie was close enough that blood from the head splattered onto her. She spat, heart pounding with terror. She had been seconds away from being cut in half. It showed on her face- she was slack-jawed and wide-eyed.

She raised her hands and let ice cover the chainsaw man’s extremities and weapons, (hopefully) cementing him down, all the while listening to Dawnbreaker’s crazy speech.What? This guy was clearly out of it, but it wasn’t her place to judge after he had just saved her life. She did give him a strange look, though.

But there was a more urgent job. Travis was standing over the chainsaw man and he shouted at her to “freecee te whol”, whatever that meant. It took Marcie a second or two of staring to figure it out. It probably didn’t help that she was most likely concussed, and her brain was moving slower than usual. However, she raised her hands and ice creeped over the new hole before it let anyone else in, and, within a moment, it was sealed shut.

Marcie hid behind the boxes again, still using her powers to cover Chainsawyer and his signature chainsaw with ice. Hopefully he wouldn’t get up again. For now, there was still the problem of the other few pirates. She peered out from her hiding place, watching pirates fire on Blitz. He could handle them. What was important to her was ensuring that Chainsawyer didn’t get up again. She gave Travis a pointed look, trying to communicate that she wanted him to stop aiming the damn gun at the frozen man and shoot the pirates. Hopefully he got that.

Location: Kobra HQ Computer Room Interacting with: Squad A (@Mistress Dizzy, @Courtaud, @Crimson Flame)

The alarm went off like a bomb in the computer room. Suddenly they had more to worry about than what was going on outside- whatever was happening, they were in the most immediate danger. Alisa’s worries about Daphne mostly dissipated as her head snapped to the screaming, flashing red alarm in the corner of the room. If spy movies were right, things were about to get bad fast. “Oh, shit,” she whispered, devoid of any other response. Her mind flipped through the possibilities of what could’ve gone wrong. They must’ve made a mistake, somewhere, but she couldn’t figure it out.

While Mirage and Zatara started to make their escape route, Alisa rushed back to the computers, her eyes furiously flicking over information. When Talon asked his question, she furrowed her brow but continued reading. “No.” The answer was closer to I don’t know, but they had limited time for her to explain. “I’m an artificial intelligence, not a flash drive. And even if I could, I wouldn’t. Essentially…” She wracked her mind for a simple computer analogy, unsure that a more complex explanation would make sense. “If a flash drive plugs into a computer, the flash drive can install data… and so can the computer from the flash drive. I really don’t want Kobra inside my head.” Her words were rushed, a note of anxiety in them, but she hoped Talon got the message. Not a good idea. Abort! She had a distinct feeling that those computers had some sort of malicious safeguard, and she wasn’t made to be a particularly secure system.

“I do have a photographic memory, though, so just give me a few minutes and I’ll be able to recall and play back all the files here later.” Her fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard as pages upon pages of data ran past her laser-focused eyes. They were under a time crunch now, and she felt it. The bioweapon files would have to come first. Surely that was more important than the serum? If everything went right, she’d get everything.

Mission: On Cloud Nine Location: Castleburg Bullet N-Train Interacting: Pandora (@Zoey Boey), Dead Man (@Duoya)

Marcie took her seat across from Pandora and slouched into it. At least they were going to play a game and not sit here and small-talk for the next hour. She raised her hand in a small wave to Travis and sat forward, ready to receive cards. As a result of being raised among superheroes, Marcie had seen tons of weird shit. She didn’t really flinch when Pandora pulled the table out of thin air. Her power could’ve been a number of things- pocket dimensions, matter alteration… It didn’t matter much. Hopefully, she just wouldn’t use it to cheat.

Luckily for Marcie, she already knew how to play Blackjack. Her uncle had taught her years ago and it had stuck. Mostly because he had promptly beaten her and taken all her cake. One of the biggest injustices since the U.S.A.’s ban on Kinder Surprise eggs, honestly.

Marcie sat mutely as Pandora shuffled the cards and half-listened to Travis’s chatting. God how she loved being near chatty people. It meant she didn’t have to do nearly as much talking. His energy was suffocating, but fun. She liked him already. She liked him even more when he mentioned going to the aquarium. She sat up straighter. She had to wait a moment to jump in- such a dumb thing to have to do- but when she did, her words come out fast and rushed.

“Ooh ooh, did you see the whale shark exhibit I love that one did you know that whale sharks aren’t actually whales, they’re just sharks, it’s really confusing and I think that they should be called something else I mean they’re not whales, whales are really cool though, did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal ever on Earth, way bigger than even dinosaurs, that’s SO COOL right-”

Before Marcie could finish her incredibly long sentence, a sudden bang and an upheaval of the train below her threw her from her seat and right into the one in front of her. She moaned for a brief moment, having hit her head, but raised it within an instant. They were here.

It was time to fight, then. Travis was already running out the door and Pandora was sitting, complacent in her seat. Marcie stared curiously at her for a moment and then took off running after Travis. That woman was weird. And that came from her. The other guy seemed to be running at top speeds towards the back of the train. Smart. Marcie could see other heroes running towards the passengers to assist them. Also smart- but someone needed to defend the nuke. That would be them, she guessed.

She entered the room after him. Nine pirates had already propelled themselves through the small hole, and more were coming. Marcie could fix that. With a motion of her hands, water molecules crystallized, covering the hole in a thick, hard layer of ice. It also trapped the entire lower body and left hand of a pirate who had been climbing in in its grasps. His screams could be heard from inside. She reinforced the ice around his body and froze over some of his legs for good measure. That would make it harder to break if anything.

Just as she froze over the hole, several of the pirates not swarming Travis (was that Travis? It looked like a horrifying roach monster) turned and fired their sonic guns. She threw herself to the ground, but one managed to take out her leg and one her hand. Ow ow ow ow… Despite herself, she yelped. Motherfucker, that had hurt. But she couldn’t go down. Marcie fought through the pain on the ground and reached her good hand out to freeze the feet of four men in her line of sight to the ground.

"Travis! Take them down!" It was the loudest she had spoken since they had met

Hopefully, that would do something. A thought occurred to her. Would their sonic weapons freeze? She might as well try. From her place struggling off of the ground with goons still coming at her, she tried to freeze the guts of one.
If anybody has issues searching for a diverse range of face claims, I'd recommend this directory. It has hundreds of face claims and allows you to sort by race, age, gender, hair color, and eye color. It also identifies nearly every photographed person, which is pretty helpful. I use it frequently in my own games.

Location: Kobra HQ Computer Room Interacting with: Squad A (@Mistress Dizzy, @Courtaud, @Crimson Flame)

Alisa clambered down the vent behind the others while trying her hardest not to make any more loud sounds. Lucky for her, Kassy had deafened the sound of the ripping vent- but she couldn’t rely on anyone else to fix stuff for her. Maybe she did need a swiss knife hand. Certainly something to consider. Awesome. More time in the lab. It was thought sarcastically, but schematics and plans and equations started to run through her head. A technological mind never stopped running.

She jumped down from the vent after Zatara and followed the rest of them into the room once they had neutralized the guards. She didn’t watch, but she did see the bodies as she walked in. A pained look flashed across her face before vanishing.

Along with Mirage, Alisa started to flip through the files on the computer and desk, although at a much faster pace. Lines of data and words flickered past her eyes, searing themselves into her hard-drive. If they needed her to, she'd easily be able to recall this later or bring it up on her memory drive.

There was disturbing information on this hard drive. Very disturbing. And Talon was just willing to leave it all behind? Alisa pursed her lips, conflicted. They had gotten the information they came for, but were they heroes if they left it? She knew they should at least comply with the mission directives a little bit, but there had to be something they could do. Her urge to contradict overpowered her. She wasn’t built to follow orders.

“Destroying the Kobra venom would be a big mistake, but… there has to be something we can do to make it a bit harder for them. Like disabling the firing systems for that bioweapon. It’s not as covert, but it's something we can do...” she trailed off, expecting a snappish response from their team leader.

His exclamation about Daphne made her eyes widen. Her comms weren’t connected to the network, so she had no idea what was going on. “What?! What’s wrong with Nymph? Are they under attack? Is something wrong?”

Location: Kobra HQ Rooftop Interacting with: Squad A (@Mistress Dizzy, @Courtaud, @Crimson Flame)

Alisa squatted down next to the vent, considering her problem with a drawn face. How do you remove a vent quietly? She certainly didn’t have a screwdriver on her (just one more reason she needed a swiss-knife hand), and Talon had almost exclusively been referring to her brute strength so far. That implied he wanted her to rip it off. Unfortunately, the rending of metal was the opposite of quiet, which left her in a conundrum.

“I don’t have a screwdriver,” she whispered. “I’ll try, but this is not going to be quiet.”

She set her hands on the vent and thought about the best way to go about this. Tearing it off brute-force style would be too loud but would take the least time. She could try jiggling it? Alisa started to jiggle the vent around on its screws, trying to weaken it. It took a minute, but she eventually got it loosened. Then, with crossed fingers and a grimace, she ripped it off its hinges.

It still made a distinctly not-quiet rending noise as it was ripped off the roof, but less than it would’ve been. She quietly set down the vent on the roof and grimaced. Hopefully no one had heard that. “... Sorry," whispered Alisa, who then gestured to the vent for Kassy to step in. She then headed to the back of the group. Her position in the back had been inspired by her physical strength, whatever that meant. Talon was seeming to forget her lack of combat skills as well as her intelligence, which was a valuable asset. That irked her a tiny bit, but she would do what was asked of her.

Mission: On Cloud Nine Location: Castleburg Bullet N-Train Interacting: Pandora (@Zoey Boey), Dead Man (@Duoya)

Wasn’t this job supposed to be exciting?

Marcie paged through a book on her holo-reader as the train zoomed past the clustered, gleaming skyscrapers of Castleburg. So far, nothing had happened, which was just fine with her. Maybe nothing would happen, and she would get paid for sitting on a train reading her favorite book. Now that would be a good day. But, unfortunately, that was unlikely. She’d take the peace and quiet she could get. In fact, she had set herself up for getting the maximum time alone- she had taken the smallest passenger car and locked the door.

The girl hadn’t bothered with bringing her costume. Instead, a too-large blue zip-up hoodie, a pair of jeans, noise-cancelling headphones, and sneakers were her armor. Her dark-brown hair was messy and shoulder-length. She chewed on the string of her hoodie absent-mindedly as she read. It was her first mission without Rory - her sister - and her brain hadn't quite registered that fact. Much like someone might obsessively check a pocket, hoping for their missing phone to miraculously reappear, Marcie kept glancing over her shoulder towards where her absent sister should be sitting. They were both going to be just fine without each other; they had trained for this and were more than ready to be their own heroes. She knew that, but their bond provided a social safety blanket not unlike a phone might, and she found herself missing it just as acutely. Her sister had desperately wanted to go on the mission to Lighthouse Island today to talk to some delinquents, and Marcie’s aversion to meaningless socialization and cheer had far outweighed her desire to stick with her sister. Additionally, this mission had been full, so even Marcie’s begging wouldn’t get her sister to go with her. So here she was: alone in a train, waiting for sky pirates to jetpack down and try to kill her.

She slumped down in her seat and exited her holo-book. Maybe there was a cool movie she could watch again? She busied herself with scrolling through Netflix No, no, not that, ugh, maybe, that’s terrible, no, NO… Pirates of the Caribbean was old as rocks, but it would’ve been fitting. Maybe?

Thankfully, the agony of selecting a movie was interrupted by a voice over her ear-piece. Marcie sat up straight as she heard the voice of the Assistant Director. Storage room. Quieter, maybe? Unlikely. From what she knew of her mothers’ friends, heroes tended to be loud and ostentatious. Being in an enclosed room with her coworkers would suck. But she had to sigh and bear it. Marcie would go to the storage room, then.

She approached the door behind someone else- Trent, maybe? She was bad with names. Trent-or-something decided not to go in and turned around. Alright. Maybe he didn’t like smene inside. Then, she herself opened the door, and…

Chaos. Cloyingly sweet and sticky strawberry vape smoke wafted from the mouth of who she knew as Blitz, making her gag, and a pale boy was pointing a glowing sword at a pretty blonde woman. Marcie stood in the doorway with a deer-in-the-headlights look, staring at the scene. “Nope. I’m not doing this.”

Like “Trent”, she let the door close behind her and walked away. Any sort of smoke had always irritated her- cigarettes were the worst, although scented vapes blowing straight into your face were a close second. Additionally, she had zero desire to deal with inter-colleague fighting today.

Despite a desire to return to the peace and quiet of her train car, Marcie knew she should probably remain around her colleagues for any eventual fight. She walked for a bit until she found a train car with “Trent” and another woman. She could’ve sworn she had seen her earlier when they were getting on the train- definitely another hero. So, she opened the door.

“Hi.” Her eyes flitted from man to woman. “Europa. Or Marcie,” she mumbled. She stood in the doorway awkwardly. “Can I sit down?”
@Rabidporcupine yesss, fallen pop star

I like the concept, but there needs to be more elaboration in the appearance section as well as the powers section. You say 'fireworks manipulation' but fireworks are manmade explosives. Does she carry around fireworks with her to manipulate, or is it more a power like Jubilee's in Marvel? You could add some concrete limitations and elaboration in the ability sections too. Additionally, you need to clean up the grammar in this sheet.


Here is my app! (finally)

In truth I do need help deciding a ranking for him, so under that category I made note of what I am initially thinking of giving him. I finished this app rather late at night so I also hope I got the general rating system right. ^^;

Regardless, if anything needs to be fixed or such just say the word and I'll do it! :D

Accepted! I think he should be A Tier.


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