Avatar of Crimson Paladin


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3 yrs ago
If you want to play both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I'd recommend trying out A Tale of Two Wastelands.
3 yrs ago
You're a rock star
3 yrs ago
Unless the problem is in the air.
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3 yrs ago
If they at least have the decency to say that they're leaving instead of simply ghosting the RP, that's good enough to me.


I originally got into forum roleplaying on the official Bethesda Game Studios Forums in 2007 or 2008. When the forums were replaced with Bethesda.net, I was one of several close-knit Fallout RPers who came here.

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"I do not remember this area being this heavily wooded either," Aerarius replied to Byron. "I am not too alarmed by the appearance of a village, or the absence of anyone to greet us, but trees do not spring up overnight. At least not naturally. I wouldn't assume a worst-case scenario, though. We weren't discovered and destroyed while slumbering nor ambushed upon emerging, thus we have evaded the worst possible outcomes."

His face didn't show it- indeed it really couldn't show it- but Aerarius was a little concerned. Judging by the growth of this forest, they could have been in there for over a century. Was the Empire still around? Was it still a threat? Did anything remain of the Alliance and the civilizations that they meant to preserve, or have they changed so much as to be unrecognizable? If the enemy they fought against and the cause they once fought for no longer existed, perhaps he be better off just settling down and starting up a magitech workshop for as long as his automaton body continued to function.

The half-elf was having regrets over being sealed away. Unlike most of the group, he was a mercenary by Aerarius' understanding, a foreign refugee that had gotten caught up in the war and had evidently gotten far more involved than would be reasonable for a hired sword. Aerarius did not know what the lifespan for half-elves were, but judging by the growth of these trees, it was quite possible that if Malachi had any loved ones, they'd be long dead by now.

Izel was concerned about making first contact with the village, and it was a sentiment that Aerarius shared. None of the party was exactly inconspicuous, and some were downright alien. Until they knew more of the situation, they needed to keep a low profile

"I would suggest Byron be the one to enter the village," he spoke to Izel, his head swiveling like that of an owl to meet her eyes. "You and I are not exactly human anymore. The demigoddess and the sage have the appearance of children. And the half-elf is a foreigner. Assuming his race was not wiped out in the war, the beastman ought to draw the least attention."

Aerarius turned to Esfander. "Of course, Great Sage. Take all the time you need, can be difficult adjusting to a new body." Truth be told, Aerarius was eager to get out of there as soon as possible. There was so much that he wanted to find out- what the world looked like now, what magical advancements have been made, and just how many years they had been flung ahead. And if the Volstanian Empire still existed, it was their duty to cut out its black heart.

I'm almost starting to sound like Sylphie. Maybe I did absorb some of her mana in the coffin after all, he jested to himself, glancing at the goddess who was now rambling about fighting bandits. While he didn't worship her, instead being a devotee of the deity of knowledge, Aerarius felt that Sylphie's bloodthirst and moral compass would both be a boon in the coming days.

He looked over the rest of his companions. He knew little of the Great Sage's past other than that she was formerly an elderly man with a reputation for being a disaster magnet, yet wise and charitable. Unable to cast spells in a conventional sense, but able to manipulate mana to an incredible degree. Aerarius wasn't sure of the exact mechanism by which a centuries-old man had gained the body of a little girl, but might be worth looking into, if only for curiosity's sake.

The mage named Izel was an enigma to him. She was well known as the "Grand Magus of Unira" before the war, centuries old and the founder of a once great academy and library, one one of Unira's greatest patrons of the advancement and collection of magical knowledge. Until, of course, the Volstanians destroyed it, just like they destroyed the Royal Institute of Magical Technology of Aerarius' own homeland. She might be a kindred spirit, but perhaps she was simply too alien to Aerarius to be considered such. Not just due to her age, but because something was off about her. She looked outwardly human, but when viewed through the automaton's mana sensors, it became clear that not only was she not human, she was unlike anything living, artificial, or supernatural that he had ever seen. Were her thoughts equally incomprehensible to human understanding? Or was she simply a human who, like Aerarius, had given up her humanity for power?

The beastman was the youngest of the group, but even in his youth he was an experienced veteran of the war. He was a shapeshifter, capable of taking the form of a massive cat, and like Aerarius, he had lost his home to the Volstanians' aggression. The last companion, Malachi, was mostly unknown to the automaton. He knew that the half-elf was a foreigner haling from somewhere outside of the Alliance, but knew little else, other than that he had proven himself fighting against the Volstanians.

For now, Aerarius' concerns would be focused on more immediate matters. The automaton strode up to the exit, behind the demigoddess, half-elf, and beastman, and looked into the dark cavern before them. "I don't suppose any of you have a light?" he asked. "I doubt there could be anything in here that could threaten us, but I would rather not stumble around in the darkness."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y@Lugubrious

Aerarius slowly regained consciousness as the sealing spell wore off. As mana coursed through his body, his auditory sensors were filled with the soft humming of his internal mechanisms as they started back up. For a minute he lay there as clarity slowly returned to his mind and his body regained its strength. He wasn't sure if it was by design that the sensation of waking up as an automaton would be so similar to that of when he was human, but he was grateful for it all the same.

Why can't I see anything? This isn't a charging station. Oh yes, that's why, he thought to himself as his mind became clearer. He extended his hand and felt the coffin's stone lid, as he recalled the events that led to this.

They sealed us away. Wanted us to strike a blow at the enemy when they became complacent and believed themselves victorious. We must have awakened, he concluded. He had clearly been shut down for a while- his joints had an uncharacteristic amount of friction within them, and a few were even entirely stuck, his half-awakened body unable to produce the force to move them.

Above the ambient noise of his own body, Aerarius discerned sounds from outside the coffin. The most likely conclusion was that the others had awakened as well. He waited another minute or two, patiently allowing his body to regain its strength. He exercised his joints in his arms and dislodged those that had become stuck, at least as far as he could inside the cramped coffin. When he was satisfied with the lack of resistance in his joints and the strength in his arms, he opted to emerge. He put his hands on the lid and pushed, flinging it open, completely ignoring that it was meant to open on its own.

Did I force it took hard? It's no matter. We're never using these things again, he thought as he climbed out. His legs were still stiff, but they possessed enough power to push through the resistance. He glanced around, looking at the others that had awakened. So far, the young beast-man, the petite demigoddess, the Grand Magus, and the towering half-elf had emerged.

"It appears the sealing spell was successful," he vocally noted, producing a human but slightly distorted voice. He couldn't be sure what sort of side effects the spell could yield. Such was not uncommon when dealing with untested magics.

In fact, he didn't need to look far to find an unforeseen "side effect". Emerging from Efander's coffin, and draped in his clothing, was what appeared to be a young girl. She appeared to possess the Great Sage's unique mana absorption, leading Aerarius to conclude that she must be Efander, somehow shifted into another form. Taking into account his own mana absorption ability, which he assumed was deactivated while he was sealed, he instinctively glanced down at his own body. To his relief, his brass frame was the same size and shape as it had been when he had been sealed.

"It looks like the spell has had some unforeseen effects, however."
Here's my CS

Fleuri Jodeau

As Fleuri drew closer to the burning tree, a warcry sounded nearby. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bandit rushing at him with a mace held high, nearly blindsiding the knight with the speed and abruptness of the attack. He narrowly dodged the powerful blow, its great momentum preventing the bandit from adjusting the trajectory of the swing. Fleuri then leapt away from his attacker, putting some distance between the two. Behind the first bandit, another approached, brandishing a handaxe.

It looks like a few have broken out of the encirclement, Fleuri assessed. He wasn't the only knight that had rushed to aid Fanilly- he had seen Tyaethe rush to the Captain's aid, and Gerard was right behind Fleuri, with the same intention. While it wasn't a reasonable assumption that the survival of the captain and the death of the Bandit King were the most important objectives, the fact remained that they couldn't let anyone escape. None of these murderers could be allowed to evade justice, and they certainly couldn't be allowed to share their firsthand knowledge of Iron Rose tactics with other brigands. He couldn't be sure if these bandits were simply trying to escape by going through him, or if they held some loyalty for their bandit king, but either way, someone was needed to take care of them and make sure nobody else breaks out.

"Gerard, go on ahead," he told his companion as he released his left hand from his greatsword and drew his dagger. "I'll take care of these bandits and make sure none escape." He immediately rushed at the bandits, swinging both weapons in succession. The bandits easily evaded his aggressive swings, but the immediate goal of this assault was not to kill them, but to drive them back and keep them on the defensive so that they could not bar Gerard's way.

Reon, please let this be the right choice.

I'll try to get a post in today or tomorrow.
Fleuri Jodeau

Aria and the shielded knights surged past Fleuri through the breach, into the fray. I've done my part, I suppose, he thought as he watched his colleagues charge. No. An Iron Rose's work is never done, he rebuked himself. He was unsure what he could do, and how to make himself useful. He needed to see where he was needed, and he couldn't do that from where he was standing.

I need a better view of the battle, he contemplated as he looked around. His eyes came to a stop on a tree at the edge of the camp, possessing branches low enough to climb onto without difficulty and large enough to support the weight of an armored knight. From up there he'd have a relatively unobstructed view of the camp.

Somewhat reluctantly, he drove his greatsword into the ground, as it would impede climbing (and in his haste to join the battle he had neglected to take a sheath or sling for it), then drew his dagger and thrust into the tree trunk. Using the dagger as a step, he made his way up to a large branch. The limb shuddered as he climbed onto it, but to his relief it did not give. He remained uneasy at having disarmed himself to get up there, but was at the same time relieved to be able to see what was going on.

The bandits were surrounded on all sides. The initial attack, spearheaded by the captain herself, had driven the bandits back, right into the path of the three other groups. He looked closely for any sign of this so-called "bandit king" but none of the surrounded brigands looked like or fought like a bandit king. None of them looked or fought like real warriors, just raiders and ruffians. Certainly nobody capable of cutting through those Thaln soldiers. He continued looking, searching for any exposed flanks of either friend or foe, and for any spots where the bandits threatened to break out of the encirclement and escape.

He spotted one straggler, a crossbowman who had somehow avoided the encirclement. There was no need to go after him, however- the Captain herself rushed up to the shooter and handily dispatched him. Perhaps I should just join Tyaethe's group. No real use for me in Aria's shield wall...

He was about to climb down when he saw a burning tree fall near the Captain's location. He couldn't discern whether or not the tree struck her, but what was clear was that she had been cut off from her group. Whether it was a trap or not, the captain likely needed help. Without thinking twice, he jumped down from the tree and reclaimed his armaments from their impromptu sheaths, then rushed in the direction of the burning tree without delay.

If his hunch from earlier was correct- that the enemy leader would single out Fanilly, as a perceived weak link in in the Iron Roses and as a symbol of the kingdom he so brazenly opposed- it was quite possible that he was heading straight for the Bandit King.

Reon, whatever I face, I ask for your blessing that my sword strike true, and I ask for your protection that will I not fall.
honestly wishing we were ardougne but on the other hand i don't want to get locked in a house and pickpocketed until somebody gets a 99

Better that than be poisoned by hazmat suited elves and dragged off to be used as slave labor.
Fleuri Jodeau

As the knights assembled, Fleuri thought about what they were up against. The camp was fortified by stakes or spikes, and judging from what he had glimpsed of the camp, it probably held a good number of bandits. It appeared that they were still unaware of the trap closing in around them, but the knights would have to capitalize on it quickly, before somebody realized something was amiss. Were those sentries at the end of their shifts, or the start? I suppose it doesn't matter- they're already surrounded on four sides, he contemplated as he fiddled with his armor, ensuring everything was properly fastened.

As anticipation of the attack grew, Fleuri contemplated his role. His skills and armaments were of little use in a shield wall- he didn't carry a shield when on foot, and his greatsword required ample space to use effectively. Regardless, he was intent on doing whatever he could to ensure the success of the attack. He glanced at the fortifications ahead, and the answer slowly came to him. With a plan in mind, he approached the leader of the group, intent on coordinating it with her.

"Those stakes aren't much of a danger on foot, but they'll slow our charge," he spoke to Aria. "If you would allow me to take care of them before the flank pushes through, it would allow an easier advance."

When the signal to attack was given, in the form of magical flares that lit up the darkening sky, Fleuri was ready. As planned beforehand, he charged forward to the camp's spike fortifications ahead of the others. He swung his greatsword in a wide, low arc, cutting them down and sending the wooden stakes flying. With two swings, he managed to create a nearly ten foot wide gap in the fortifications, providing an unobstructed path to the camp- but also giving the bandit crossbowmen an unobstructed line of fire at Fleuri.

"The path is clear!" he shouted back at the knights behind him as he stepped back, trusting that they would advance forward and shield him from missile fire. He had done his part, and he knew better than to charge ahead blindly. It was now up to Aria, Elodie, and the others.

Reon, goddess of the sun, please let my trust in them not be misplaced, he silently prayed, uncomfortable at being exposed to enemy crossbow fire even for a moment.

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