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2 yrs ago
Current Smarty Jones... Just... Consider removing the 'Smarty' part of your name if you're going to try and kick up a side-argument here, there's no reason for that. Otherwise, let's just move on.
2 yrs ago
People don't tend to think about rules when in disputes. Instead, just point out that whoever stops arguing first gets to see the other make a fool of themselves if they going after it all stopped.
2 yrs ago
The best part about being on the Guild this long is that nowadays, I can sit back and chuckle as the newcomers try to start a fight an instead get all the old hands ganging up on them. Popcorn for me.
3 yrs ago
Got my first covid vaccination today. I was terrified, but the staff there were very well trained and things went well.
3 yrs ago
Every few minutes playing Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, I tear up from the memories. It's not often you get a game that truly pulls at the same heartstrings as your childhood playthrough's once did.



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Holly Farstel and White Rabbit

Written by @datadogie and @GingerBoi123

It took a while before Holly was ready to let go of Rabbit, but she only did it when she was sure she was rid of her emotions for the moment. She never liked the idea of halting an emotional wave just for it to come back moments later and the whole cycle to start over again - she just found it frustrating. She was used to seeing gruesome and horrible things, many times having to walk past some of it as it happened right before her. It was the idea of those things happening to her that gave her the shudders.

Holly signalled the completion of her upsetedness by removing her arms from around the Rabbit. She sucked in a shaky breath through her teeth, and took a moment to stare at Rabbit. She still didn’t like him, nor did she really trust him. A side of her wanted him to go away, to leave her alone. Another part of her knew that he was, at least until she got another weapon of some sort, her only form of protection now. Holly was almost forced into having to stay with him, but she put a footnote in her head that she could ditch him at any time. She knew she wouldn’t feel any remorse over such an action.

Even so, there was a little bit of hesitation in Holly’s next set of words. She knew what she wanted to do, but she didn’t know if she could do it with him tagging along. Rabbit was to conspicious for not only the alleys and sewers but for the streets, too. Holly also had no doubt in her mind that Rabbit had his own enemies, and probably plenty more had made him an enemy in return, too. She asked, in a shaky voice nonetheless. “What now?”

Rabbit slowly stood up, turning away for a second to affix his white tie back to his neck before turning back to the young girl. You’ve really fucked it up now Rabbit… It’s not like he could just leave her like that, even though she probably wanted to never see him again. On the other hand, what else could they do? The Hitman sighed and offered a hand to Holly, offering to help her up off of the floor. ”I dunno… Maybe we should… try starting from the right foot this time?” He nervously chuckled. ”I’m the White Rabbit… or just Rabbit usually…”

Whilst a part of her mind told her not to take the hand he offered to her, Holly did it anyways - she didn’t like him, but that didn’t mean she had to be too rude. As selfish as it was, and as little as it was, a helping hand up benefitted her by getting her off of the ground, and so she’d accept it. She knew others that wouldn’t even do that, and to be fair to them, to strangers she would sometimes not do that, either.

“Well Rabbit, you already know my name,” Holly replies, trying to keep the venom out of her voice. She gave her clothes a little bit of a dusting off now that she was back on her feet. “And starting anew is a fake concept. I appreciate the gesture of starting again, but nobody ever truly forgets the past.”

Ouch. That certainly was one way to put it. Rabbit’s robotic ears drooped down a little as he rubbed the back of his neck. ”Well… guess I tried at least…” He awkwardly chuckled as he began to check either side of the alley. ”I think we lost those guys.” Rabbit noted as he began to look down at his now bloodied clothes. Well, that’s certainly going to be an issue (as if his outfit wasn’t garish enough). Rabbit then looked down into his pocket, remembering that he still got the credits for that job. The man pulled out the pack, beginning to count them up before his ears perked back up. ”Wanna spend this?” He suggested, waving the credits.

As she saw the credits, Holly became a little bit confused with herself. At first, she wanted to say yes, to indeed agree that she wanted to spend the credits and perhaps have some fun with them - she could probably even use them to buy a cheap little pistol somewhere if it was around the regular for a kidnapping, though she had no idea how much Rabbit usually charged. Even a crappy homemade pistol would be enough to ward off most people, however; nobody liked getting shot.

But on the other hand, those credits were the very cause of everything that had happened. She would have been in no danger if those credits had not been promised to the very man in front of her. She would have pawned off her stolen phones - which still rested within her backpack - for a usual fee, and continued on her days as normal; perhaps use the credits on a hotel room for the night to have a comfortable bed to sleep in, perhaps gotten herself a decent meal.

Holly eyed the credits for a few moments longer, before shaking her head. If Rabbit hadn’t changed his mind at the last moment, those credits would have resulted in her being locked away in a cage for a few nights and then transportation to the place that she would not have wanted to go, she knew that. It was the only reason she would have been picked out as a target when there were many other girls like her out there. It made her wonder how exactly she had been picked out as the target, and primarily, who ratted her out and if it was their fault.

“No,” Holly half-heartedly responded. “I don’t want anything to do with those credits. You can keep them, don’t throw them away or anything, that would make me feel worse. I don’t care if you spend them on me as long as I don’t know about it. Just don’t give them to me.” She rolled her shoulders a little, trying to relax herself a little bit. “I’m fine.”

Rabbit tilted his head before shrugging and slipping the credits away. ”Suit yourself, I guess… Offer’s there if you change your mind.” Rabbit added before leaning against the wall behind him. Well, he wasn’t going to not respect her wishes after everything he put her through but damn this felt even more difficult than getting her in the first place. ”Sooo…. What’s your thing?” He inquired, awkwardly, only then realising that he should probably be more specific. ”I mean… you’re a Para, right? Only reason they’d give you to Lorne anyways.”

“You mean you weren’t told?” Holly asks, tilting her head a little. She spoke her next thoughts aloud, “I’m surprised they wouldn’t have told you as part of your, I don’t know, tasking or whatever.” She half-expected what she said was true, and that perhaps they did tell him and it was just another attempt at conversation. She indulged in it, however, giving up at least partially on her ignorant behaviour. She needed something to take her mind off of the recent happenings, anyhow.

“I can slow everything down. At least, for me. I can boost my reaction times a lot, and see things a lot slower than everyone else because my brain computes it faster. Something like that,” Holly explained, her fingers coming up to tap at her chin as she tried to think of an example. “Oh, like your sword. It’s a high frequency one, right? I could tell because when I was looking at it when we first met, I could see it wiggling a little as it vibrated, going slowly. Was probably wiggling very quickly for you, because it’s vibrating, but I could see it as it buzzed.” She moved her hand from her chin, making it do a slow vibrating motion as a visual representation of her example. “I call it Pausing, because I kind of have to stop to use it. My reaction times are super fast when I’m Paused, but that doesn’t mean I’m fast. I’m just as fast as I normally am.”

Rabbit listened intently. His now ex employers didn’t choose to disclose this information, maybe not thinking it was necessary. He glanced down at his blade when Holly recognised its function before nodding and smirking behind the helmet. ”That’s right. It’s pretty good too. My friend made it for me, and this too.” Rabbit explained, tapping the side of his mask. Something like this Pause would be pretty useful in a lot of the situations Rabbit ends up in, which is usually because of his own ego clouding his judgement. Rabbit then unsheathed his Ninjato, twisting it around in his hand. ”This one has a High Frequency mode too. Ever used a sword?” He asked, offering the handle to Holly to let her get a closer look.

“A knife, but not a sword,” Holly replies, taking the handle and lifting the sword to get a look at it. It was lighter than she expected, but still was unfamiliar in her hands. She was far more used to a knife or a gun, something that she could easily hide or conceal, than a large sword. She knew how to use both of those that she was familiar with, too, despite not having to use them a lot. The sword was, however, past her knowledge of use. Rabbit clearly knew how to use it well, but it just seemed too big for her. Plus, if anyone else came running out with a sword, they’d be shot. They couldn’t just dash straight to their target like Rabbit could.

She voiced her thoughts to Rabbit; “Though I think a sword is a bit large and obvious if you can’t dash at your target. Plus, people’ll know you’re armed. Without dashing, the second you go for this thing or run at someone, you get shot. It’s a little useless outside of, say, a subway train or bus.” Holly tried to imagine someone using the weapon in either of those situations, and couldn’t help but think a wrong swing would probably hit a lot more people than just your target. She nodded to herself in agreement with her own assessment as she handed the handle back to Rabbit.

Rabbit considered her argument, which was true if you tried to fight people head on, but that is something that he tried to avoid as much as possible. Sure, Vector Dashing made that a hell of a lot easier but if he didn’t see the shot coming then it wouldn’t matter much. He took the Ninjato carefully and sheathed it back into its scabbard. ”That’s why I try not to get spotted in the first place.” Rabbit retorted. ”And I like the reach it gives me…” He added with a shrug. For someone so young, she had a pretty smart head about combat and stuff like that. ”You got a good judgement about those kind of things, though I guess judgement comes pretty easy with your ability, huh?”

Holly shrugs her shoulders. “Well, when Paused, I’ve noticed I become a little smarter, I look at things a bit more, I calculate my routes and my chances of actually completing a route without failing or being interrupted. I guess even though I’m not as smart as I am when Paused, some of that knowledge I get from being Paused stays.” She raised her eyebrows suddenly. “Then again, in calling myself smart, I think I’m kind of an idiot.”

She slips her backpack off of her shoulders, placing it on the ground. The four phone boxes that she had taken before were removed from her backpack, and she opened one up, moving a bit of packaging out of the way so that she could get the phone out. Holly was moving with a little bit of urgency, as she realised that she had made a mistake. “I forgot to remove the EID chip in these before I stole them. They’ll probably be tracking these as stolen since I just ran straight out the front doors and didn’t get rid of the chips afterward.”

Rabbit chuckled at what Holly said about herself before noting what she said about the chips. This kind of thing was nothing new for Rabbit. He stole plenty of phones back when he was a kid, but usually they were pickpocketed rather than straight out of a store. Rabbit crouched down and took one of the other phones, unpackaging it fairly quickly and taking out the phone. ”Well, we better get a move on.” He commented as he began to look for any crevices to pull the back casing off.

By the time Rabbit was looking for a way to pull the casing off of his phone, Holly was already in her phone. She removed the battery, and then the phone’s motherboard, flipping it over so that she could get to the other side of it there was a tiny little pin that she was looking for that stuck up slightly, and after scrutinising the motherboard a little, she looked around for a tension wrench that she usually used to pry the thing gently out of the motherboard.

It took her a moment to realise that she hadn’t actually taken out any of her tools and they were still in her pockets. With a disassembled phone in her hands, she couldn’t put down any of the exposed parts without possibly damaging them. It wasn’t something that she wasn’t used to, however; she could pry the EID chip out with her nail, it was just a little more finicky. In a couple of moments, she had the pin out, and put it on the ground - she’d step on it once they were all in a nice pile to break. She began assembling the phone again, putting together the pieces she had taken apart, and then got to work on the next phone.

Rabbit glanced over, noticing what Holly had done and tried to imitate it as best as possible. Although he managed to get to the motherboard too, the piece started becoming more finicky for himself and his larger hand. He almost got the chip out before the phone began to slip out of his hand. Luckily he managed to catch it before anything touched the floor but it was close, the motherboard itself only a millimetre away from being ruined. He nervously chuckled as he finally managed to get the chip out and place it beside the first one and began to put it back together. ”Man, I never was good with this tech shit.” He muttered idly as he slipped the phone away into Holly’s backpack.

“I don’t think I am either,” Holly replies, placing the third chip next to the other two, slipping the third phone into her bag and then starting quick work on the last phone. Speaking as she worked, she says, “I just know enough to get the job done. I pay someone to show me how to do it right, that guy gets some cash, I get myself a source of sustainable income. I sort of know how these things work, like what lots of the parts of the motherboard do, but you won’t find me in a plant manufacturing them.”

She slips the final phone into her bag, placing the final chip next to the rest. Climbing onto her feet, she slams the heel of her shoe down on the chips, crushing them all, and then twisting her foot so that she crushed them even more. Holly looks back up at Rabbit with an almost innocent shrug. “It’s how I survive. Stuff I don’t know, I can be taught, and a lot better than any school or university. Not that I’ve been to a university, or spent a lot of time in school.”

Holly begins walking, and after a moment of hesitation, waves for him to walk with her. She had no idea where she was actually going, but didn’t want to stay in the last spot that the chips were active. “In case you end up staying around me longer, if you ever want to know when I am clueless, have no plan or don’t know what to do, I’ll just be walking. Or pacing.”
On the wiki, a compliment section always talks about the naval personnel count unless specified elsewhere. So, a Marathon would have 1000 crew. Marines would probably be about a company sized on a Marathon due to the type of ship it is, so about 130-250.
The sewers were a disgusting place to most people, but to people like Holly, it was a home. The only members of the police that came down to the sewers were drones, both because of the smell and because it was too dangerous for them. Holly snorted to herself at the thought; any normal guy or girl that walked the sewers would be greeted by the friendliest of criminals; so long as you didn't mess with them, they didn't mess with you. If you helped them, they helped you. The homeless in the sewers were given phones and made to be lookouts for food. If a drone came down, they'd call up, and those upstream would hide until it passed. The only time they really had to move is if they had to knock out a drone, because other units then poured into that section of the sewers to find out what happened to their precious drone. A part of the sewer was unsettled by the criminal underworld, and purposefully so; it was a hunting ground. Drones were hunted for sport and parts simultaneously. A few times, the pigs had tricked the hunters by having patrols a safe distance behind the drone, so as soon as it was knocked out the culprit would be caught, but it was irregular: even the police were smart enough to know if they pulled that trick with every drone, they'd stop catching people because they'd stop hunting drones.

Holly was getting ready to leave one of the sewer hideouts, patting herself down to make sure she had everything on her. Withdrawing her phone, she was just getting ready to take a skim of the local news when the screen changed.
"You are not alone."
Chaos ensued. Lookouts were calling to the main hideout that they had similar messages play on their phones. Someone was smashing their own phone, and someone else was walking around with a hammer, demanding everyone hand over their phones to be smashed. It was clear that they all thought they were found out. Holly wasn't sticking around, and she wasn't smashing her phone either. She slipped her phone into her pocket and quickly made her way out of the hideout and into the sewer tunnels, scrambling up the ladder to the surface. Whatever that message was, she wasn't sticking around for someone to track her down. She was going to break her phone, but before she did that she needed to find the hotspots, the places that the police currently were and weren't. Then, she was going to go phone shopping; it looked to her that there would be a market for that soon in the criminal underworld if that was happening to mobile devices.

However, it became obvious to Holly as she walked through the alleys that it wasn't the police that sent the message. There was no reason for them to do so, to give warning of an attack that they were going to perform on a criminal hideout. It could have been another fellow criminal, warning them of an attack to come soon, but they would have said more than just you are not alone. That, and if it was a fellow criminal, he would be regarded as a friend to some, but an enemy to others, to the smarter ones. A lot of people had things they didn't want to share, some of which were on their devices. If someone managed to get in like that, they would be regarded as a breach, a target to get rid of before they spread secrets. That meant it was someone else, an unknown.

Someone that Holly didn't care about. If even the homeless lookouts had gotten the message, then it clearly wasn't some special message. It wasn't for her directly, and she wasn't affiliated with that hideout gang, just stopped by every so often to give them stolen goods in exchange for cash or other tools or just to rest. It didn't effect her, so it didn't worry. To her, it looked like another justice junkie. Well, he was going to be found and arrested like the rest. And then his home, with a now arrested owner, would get broken into and his possessions looted, the rest thrown out by the landlord.

It wasn't long before Holly got an update. Police were apparently investigating a crime scene at a house somewhere not too far, but far enough for Holly to sweep a nearby small electronics store. Quickly confirming that the store was closed, she slipped her phone back into her pocket and walked her way to the electronics store. It was a store connected to a larger mall building, so all she had to do was pretend she owned the place and she'd be able to get into the back areas. The best part was that nobody would know because there were plenty of other stores attached and until she got into the back of the store she was targeting everybody would think she just came from a different store. It was easy enough unless there was an overzealous security guard standing around.

Once she arrived, everything went to plan. She carefully trailed someone that was in a staff uniform for one of the shops in the main mall area until the reached one of the doors leading into the back areas. When the employee opened the door, Holly walked in with her. "Thanks," Holly says, making it all the more seem like she was meant to be there, and closed the door behind her. "Saves me taking out my card."

"Sure thing, these cards don't work half the time anyway. Had to try my card twice there before it actually opened," the employee says, before walking off. Holly went her own way, giving friendly smiles to whoever she walked past. Holly had been to the electronics shop once before, and she knew it was either the grey door or the door next to it that lead to the back. This was where the problem was going to begin; both doors were alarmed, and if she didn't scan her nonexistent card the alarms would go off a few seconds after she opened the door. Most people didn't pay attention to the first few moments of an alarm, they were always going off as employees fumbled with their alarm fobs, it was when the alarm didn't stop that suspicions would arise.

Before she tried anything, Holly activated Pause. Everything slowed, giving her some time to think, to try and remember which room it was. She visualised the room from the last time she had been in it. Most of the phones would be locked away, but there were always a few phone boxes left out; whether it was because employees were too lazy with their underpaid jobs to lock them away or they needed to be out in case phones in the front ran out and more were needed quickly, Holly didn't know. She just knew that it was an easy catch so long as someone wasn't walking about when she left the room. After a moment of thought and trying to remember where the phones were last time, she was farily sure it was the grey door. So, she opened the first, grey door.

Luck was on her side, as she recognised the interior immediately. Quickly stepping inside, she spied four rectangular boxes with various phone brands on them. She mentally counted seconds in her head as she slipped her bag off, opening the zip and quickly lifting each of the four boxes in one-by-one; The weight of each box confirmed there was a phone in each. As she was putting in the second phone she heard the door alarm. Shovelling in the two last phones, she closed the zipper and quickly walked out of the room. Nobody was there, but she knew that would change quickly.

Holly quickly walked back the way she had come, peeking over her shoulder behind her. Just as she rounded a corner, she heard someone calling out behind her. Taking no risks, Holly broke out into a run. She only stopped as soon as she was at the door, where she opened it and quickly blended into the crowds, walking to the exit as security swarmed. In no way did Holly know she was safe, or at least, safer, until she was outside of the building, and immediately trotted into the alleys to move in the safety of the darkness.
Here she is!

Here's the new baby girl.

As for ranks, Spartans use "Navy" ranks.

You probably want to put that in the first OOC post and make that official to clarify things up and have people fix their ranks if that's how you're doing things. If we're sticking to them having Navy ranks, then we want to have everyone have a navy rank. Having some as "Spartan", some as "Lieutenant" and "Commander" and others as the Spartan Equivalent to ranks is a bit shaky.

For example, some people have put their ranks as "Spartan", which is equivalent to a First Lieutenant (O-2) in the Marines (and other branches) and a Lieutenant Junior Grade in the navy, however you have me having the rank of Lieutenant (which is an unequivalent rank to the Spartan branch, as an O-3), and yourself having the rank of Commander (O-5), which is not a rank within the Spartan corps but instead is a position. The position of 'Spartan Commander' is equivalent to a navy Captain (O-6), which is the equivalent of a Colonel in the marines.

So yeah, as you can see, a bit of a mixmatch. You probably want to clarify if you want us all using navy ranks (and have those using 'Spartan' as a rank change it to an actual rank) or use Spartan Role-Positions.
Broodmother Kasira

The Broodmother listened carefully until the meeting had come to an end. The information that she was given would definitely come in useful, if she survives the oncoming days. Two pieces of information highlighted themselves above all else, however. The first was that she could definitely not trust anyone here. The Terrans from her universe had solidified the fact that there was going to be very little working-together with anyone by breaking any trust she had been granted. If he had not stated what the Zerg did during the war, Kasira could have spoken trust into the others. But now, she was just a six legged monstrosity to them. She wasn't sure if she expected to be shot in the back at any instant, however she still wasn't sure she could trust anyone's true intentions. She knew that most of them wanted to get rid of this Empire, but she didn't know their own agendas, their private goals.

The second important piece of information was navigational data. At least now she knew where she could go, and she was given some potential options by the Supreme Commander. Broodmother Kasira found it hard to pick which one she could go to, and so settled her thoughts; there was plenty of time to choose a destination. "I thank you for your hospitality. I will be in contact," the Broodmother says to the remains of the meeting, before turning to walk out of the room - two Zerglings in front, and two behind, all of which glared at whoever was near. Kasira felt immediate relief at leaving the room, but knew that her true relief would come when she arrives back at the Leviathan.

The Overlord and it's protection were all still waiting for her when the Broodmother arrived in the hangar. None even took a glance at her, they were all intent on protecting the transport, as per her will. Only did they climb inside once Kasira was in, and together they exited the hangar, making their way back to the Leviathan.
Wah! I'm a completely stupid person and forgot to move her into there!
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