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Morning, folks. How goes?

Chokuro Akimichi"You don't get nothin' if y'don't do nothin'."
Chokuro had decided to go swimming. The water was cool but not freezing and in the afternoon sun, it was perfect. Best of both worlds! While he had earlier been trying to perfect his cannonball, he'd been scolded for making too much noise on a shinobi mission, so he was content now to just float around sunning himself and relaxing. They'd been on the march a long while and, for as good of shape that Chokuro was, he wasn't well suited for traveling long distances on foot and by the time they'd reached camp, he was ready to sit and replenish himself.

Since he was just floating along in the lake anyway, he packed on his stomach a cotton table cloth, a bento box (with his mom's saba shioyaki, various pickles, a hunk of stewed beef, and rice), various onigiri, and jelly donuts. He felt like a floating picnic. He liked picnics. Who didn't like a picnic on a warm day like this one? He called over to his friends on the shore, "Come on in, the water's great! The donuts are on me! Hah!"

He slapped a part of his belly that wasn't covered in food and laughed a bit at his own dumb joke, but then remembered he was probably supposed to be a bit quieter and tried to choke down laughing by eating a few onigiri. It was tough! The atmosphere was so friendly and he was just so relieved not to be marching and to be able to kick up his feet that his good mood was irrepressible.

He felt a small fish nibble at his toe and he wiggled it a bit.

Yeah, it was true that a lot of the others were worried about what was to come, it was their first big mission, but Chokuro wasn't phased too much. Why worry? His jounin had trained them and they thought they could handle the mission, so that was that. He trusted them, so there wasn't anything to think about. Besides, it's not like he was going to think up some plan that his jounin hadn't already thought of first... he didn't even want to. That was a job for someone else. When the time came, he'd punch however was putting the village in danger. He was good at that, better than a lot of other ninja.

But for now, there was nothing to punch... and plenty to munch... so he would munch!

Or so he expected. Unfortunately, his munching came to a premature end when Kenshiro-sensei suddenly appeared on the scene and startled Chokuro when he began addressing all of them with a message. He missed the first part of the message, having turned without thinking and ruining his steady float, dropping his picnic into the water and, as he tried to save what he could, ended up losing the whole of it and floundering about for a few moments.

"While we have no confir-gurblegurblegurble", he made out, "might be going-gurblegurblegurble.

"It's possible they have chosen one as a place to meet. Any questions?", was the last thing he heard when he emerged on the shore soaking wet and clutching his mom's bento box and tablecloth. He'd lost everything else, but she'd be so upset if he came home and lost those.

"Are we marching again", he called out, not having heard whether or not this question had been answered already. He shook his head, sending droplets of water everywhere. His mom called him a big shaggy ninken whenever he did that and it amused him to bother her that way.

Chokuro Akimichi"You don't get nothin' if y'don't do nothin'."
Chokuro had decided to go swimming. The water was cool but not freezing and in the afternoon sun, it was perfect. Best of both worlds! While he had earlier been trying to perfect his cannonball, he'd been scolded for making too much noise on a shinobi mission, so he was content now to just float around sunning himself and relaxing. They'd been on the march a long while and, for as good of shape that Chokuro was, he wasn't well suited for traveling long distances on foot and by the time they'd reached camp, he was ready to sit and replenish himself.

Since he was just floating along in the lake anyway, he packed on his stomach a cotton table cloth, a bento box (with his mom's saba shioyaki, various pickles, a hunk of stewed beef, and rice), various onigiri, and jelly donuts. He felt like a floating picnic. He liked picnics. Who didn't like a picnic on a warm day like this one? He called over to his friends on the shore, "Come on in, the water's great! The donuts are on me! Hah!"

He slapped a part of his belly that wasn't covered in food and laughed a bit at his own dumb joke, but then remembered he was probably supposed to be a bit quieter and tried to choke down laughing by eating a few onigiri. It was tough! The atmosphere was so friendly and he was just so relieved not to be marching and to be able to kick up his feet that his good mood was irrepressible.

He felt a small fish nibble at his toe and he wiggled it a bit.

Yeah, it was true that a lot of the others were worried about what was to come, it was their first big mission, but Chokuro wasn't phased too much. Why worry? His jounin had trained them and they thought they could handle the mission, so that was that. He trusted them, so there wasn't anything to think about. Besides, it's not like he was going to think up some plan that his jounin hadn't already thought of first... he didn't even want to. That was a job for someone else. When the time came, he'd punch however was putting the village in danger. He was good at that, better than a lot of other ninja.

But for now, there was nothing to punch... and plenty to munch... so he would munch!

Or so he expected. Unfortunately, his munching came to a premature end when Kenshiro-sensei suddenly appeared on the scene and startled Chokuro when he began addressing all of them with a message. He missed the first part of the message, having turned without thinking and ruining his steady float, dropping his picnic into the water and, as he tried to save what he could, ended up losing the whole of it and floundering about for a few moments.

"While we have no confir-gurblegurblegurble", he made out, "might be going-gurblegurblegurble.

"It's possible they have chosen one as a place to meet. Any questions?", was the last thing he heard when he emerged on the shore soaking wet and clutching his mom's bento box and tablecloth. He'd lost everything else, but she'd be so upset if he came home and lost those.

"Are we marching again", he called out, not having heard whether or not this question had been answered already. He shook his head, sending droplets of water everywhere. His mom called him a big shaggy ninken whenever he did that and it amused him to bother her that way.

Miho Senju"Yeah, maybe you're good... BUT I'M THE BEST!"
Miho was in the middle of roasting a few small fish she'd managed to spear in the nearby river when Kenshiro-sensei began debriefing them.

"The Sand and Mist continue to converge towards each other. We don't know exactly where they are headed, but it is becoming increasingly clear that they are moving into the same area. We should expect that some sort of alliance is being formed, but be ready for all possibilities you can", Kenshiro-sensei announced. Miho nodded in agreement while lifting her skewer and blowing a bit and fanning her puny fire which, because of how damp her kindling had been, threatened to snuff itself out.

"It's gonna be smokey...", she thought with a frown. When they'd arrived at the site earlier, she'd been eyeing the river with a very wide grin and had declared herself the world's greatest fisherman after constructing a makeshift rod with a stick and a piece of string... but it seemed that actually fishing in the normal way was really quite boring! And besides, she wasn't about to fish the way those old men fished. She was Miho, the best! And being the best meant doing things differently. Simply spearing the fish with what had been her fishing rod seemed much more effective and exciting. She'd had moderately more success with this most expert style. Though she'd hoped to have had a feast for the whole battalion, in the end, she ended up with only a few fish... enough to feed herself and perhaps a friend or two. She'd chalked this up to the river being relatively fish-less (she thought she'd read that the fish migrated elsewhere at this time of the year) and her having wasted so much time doing the "old man method", as she'd dubbed it. It was a complete victory.

"While we have no confirmation on this", Kenshiro-sensei continued, "I have some ideas on where they might be going. There are multiple abandoned small towns and villages in this area. They never recovered after the Juubi's rampage. It's possible they have chosen one as a place to meet. Any questions?"

Miho nodded again and fanned her flames, this time furrowing her brow. That's right. This place had been devastated by the Juubi. When she was younger, her parents used to, on occasion, visit these old sites... ghost towns... Her parents had fought against the Juubi back then and it was almost a pilgrimage, traveling from ghost town to ghost town relating stories of heroism of companions long dead and saying prayers for villagers they'd failed to save. Even back then Miho could feel the weight her parents carried, even if she couldn't comprehend it. It was... and Miho searched her mind for the right word... fitting? No... Destiny that this would be her first major mission. There was without a doubt a touch of destiny to this, that the illustrious career of Miho Senju would begin somewhere so filled with meaning. Maybe the stars had aligned or somethi-

Unfortunately, her fish caught fire, breaking her from her pleasant day dream with an insuppressable yelp. She tried to blow it out, but that only made it larger, so she stuck her skewer (that was once a spear that was once a fishing rod) and the fish into her fish bucket, dousing it completely. A moment later, Miho held the burned fish to her face, shrugged, and tossed it over her shoulder before replacing it with the next one in her bucket. This one would be better, she thought. The first time, she hadn't counted on how good she was at starting fires.

Miho was, after all, the best in the world.

Miho Senju"Yeah, maybe you're good... BUT I'M THE BEST!"
"Oi, Senju, they're meant to grilled, not flambéd!"

Miho looked up from her fanning for a moment to see Mekakushi-sensei spear one of the fish in her bucket and flambéd it himself! She didn't have time to point out his very important contradiction before he spirited himself away in a puff of leaves, the wind of his movement causing her fire to flicker. She pursed her lips and got to fanning it in the right direction! She'd surmised that the problem was constant even fanning and she'd even had the sudden jolt of inspiration to throw spices into the fire, since it was so smokey anyway, to help flavor the the fish! Sure, she hadn't had the best start, but now she was well on her way to making a fantastic-

"You know Miho, I've got to admit, your cooking technique is flawless, you could probably use that fish as charcoal for your fire... Absolutely genius", said a voice that Miho recognized before she even had to look. It was, of course, Juzo, one of her many admirers. He was always trying to impress her, even if he obviously could never quite beat her. He'd at least try, and that was something that Miho couldn't help but admire and try to encourage! After all, even if he did fail to shoot to her moon, he could at least sit among the stars, right?

Unfortunately, he'd come at a bad time. She was fanning with one hand and pouring white pepper with the other and, in looking up at him, accidentally poured a bit too much, resulting in a huge cloud of smokey white pepper and a very large sneeze right into the fire pit. The burning spiced ash exploded outward setting fire to the nearby grass and expelling pepper into the wind. Panicked, Miho kept to the fanning, but tried to stomp out the fire around her little pit with her feet! She could only hope it wouldn't affect the fish too much!

"Juzo! Don't just stand around", she demanded, occasionally blowing on the flame pit to keep the fire strong and aiming an annoyed kick at Juzo's feet, "this is your fault, baka!"

While she tried to keep everything under control, the delicious smell of smoked white pepper fish wafted through the camp. The fish was coming out just perfectly.
@Helios J Mears
Sounds good to me!
Hello folks! How goes?

Anyone wanna talk characters, plot, etc?
Glad to see you!
Excellent! I shall be working on profiles, then!


✖ ‖ N a m e
Chokuro Akimichi

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
12 / January 19

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
"I'm big and strong"

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
Akimichi: The long respected Akimichi are part of the trio "Ino, Shika, Cho". Well known for their ability to convert calories to chakra and for their multisize technique, these guys have power and are well regarded for a reason.

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Chochino
Mother: Haia Akimichi

✖ ‖ R a n k
Genin/Battalion 1

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
"Big Guy"
"Blue Bomber"
"Blue Blur"

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Friendly, simple, and consistent, this Akimichi isn't one to mess around with anything too complicated. Though not terribly bright, he's smart enough to know that he's not very good at planning and prefers to be told where to stand and who to punch than to have to figure that out on his own. He's pretty easy to please, so long as you aren't condescending to him. He's got very little tolerance to being pushed around or for others to be pushed around. Chokuro is known to be a gym rat with many physical hobbies. He spends a lot of time lifting weights, playing drums, and break-dancing. He's got an interest in urban pop and likes a good beat. He's not a fan of standing around and doing nothing when there's something to be done and keeps himself busy.

✖ ‖ L i k e s

- All food is good food. Don't waste it!
- Working out.
- Cute girls.
- Dancing
- Music
- Drums
- Beat-boxing

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s

- Boring things.
- Having to think up plans.
- Condescending people.
- Overly complicated plots.

✖ ‖ N i n d o
Being strong is a way of life!

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Chokuro began life pretty happy and very well-fed. Constantly with some kind of candy or pastry, he went about his early childhood eating and playing with his best friend Shikaro, whose parents were good friends of his. This changed somewhat when he entered the academy. Always a fan of flashy and louder colors, when he met the other kids, candy in hand, looking candy-colored himself, he was subject to a lot of bullying.

After being pushed around and humiliated, he came home crying one day and sought comfort from his parents. He was so mad at the other kids, so frustrated with the way that they treated him. Why were they so mean? It was at this time that Chochino, in an effort to comfort him, told him that they would not be like this forever, that the kids would get older and mature. Chokuro did not like this response. He would just have to endure it? Why? They would just get better later? But why should he have to deal with them now? Angry at his father, he ran away from home after raiding the refrigerator.

Unfortunately, he did not get very far. A jar of pickles burst open in his backpack leaving him and the rest of his food stinking of pickles. Alone, scared, hungry, and with nowhere to go, he wandered into the market district hoping to find someone to give him some food. Unfortunately, his terrible pickle stink scared away most. Sitting on the sidewalk, he balled his fists and started to cry. That is... until... a man carrying a rather large box asked him to please move out of the way. He wiped his eyes with his fists and his snotty nose on his sleeves and moved out of the way, hanging his head as little drips of transparent goo fell from various facial orifices, frustrating all his efforts to remove them. In defeat, he planned to return home. But as he turned to leave, the man with the box from earlier approached from behind and placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "Hey kid. What are you doing around-"

Alarmed, Chokuro began to yell!

But the giant man stepped back and began to laugh.

"Sorry, kid", he said seemingly taken aback himself, "You've got some good muscles under that fat."

This did not seem to stop Chokuro from yelling and it was beginning to attract attention.

"Look, I run a personal training class at the gym and-"

But by this time, there a crowd was beginning to form, so the man waved his hands at Chokuro and left. When he returned home, his mother showered him with treats to cheer him up and then showered him with water to remove the pickle stench. Chokuro, for his part, said nothing to his father, who stayed in his room. The next day, Chokuro set off to the gym to meet the box man that wished to train him.

It happened that lifting was a perfect fit. Not only did he feel stronger and more confident, but he found that he was much better able to deal with his own feelings. His anger dulled when he could just go to the gym and pump iron. The other kid, sensing his confidence and finding him harder to push around, also started leaving him alone. This pleased Chokuro immensely. See? His dad WAS wrong. He didn't have to just wait for things to get better. He could change them on his own.

Over time, as his confidence grew and he did too, he found himself clashing more and more with his dad's more passive ways of solving problems. He seemed... lazy to him. If he could do something, why didn't he? Though his mom would try to settle the disputes with good food, love, and affection, and despite his father not seeming to hold Chokuro's acting out against him, it was clear that there was a growing rift between the two. Chokuro began to spend more time out of the house, taking up break dancing and drumming, spending even more time at the gym... But he'd always come home for dinner.

In school, Chokuro seemed to be well-liked. His friendly and simple nature coupled with a complete lack of pretension and self-consciousness earned him many friends. He still preferred his moody childhood friend Shikaro to anyone else, but he was a social kid. When he finally graduated and was placed on the First Battalion, his mother threw a giant buffet party and invited the entire class, a party which was a moderate success.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
-Break dancing
-weight lifting
-hand to hand combat
-Cooking (though sometimes the food doesn't last to the end of the cooking)

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Lighting Release: Blue Blur Spin Dash - A variation on the Akimichi's usual human bullet tank, Chokuro charges himself with lightning and flings himself at his opponent with incredible speed. Multisize Technique is not necessary to use this jutsu, but does improve it's damage potential.

Lightning Release: Blue Bomber Heavy Impact - Chokuro leaps in the air and charges himself with lightning while spinning and then dashes towards the ground (or target) hitting with enough force to leave a small crater.

Lighting Release: Breaking Blue Electric Boogaloo - Chokuro charges himself with lightning allowing himself to evade quickly using his trademark break dancing techniques and sweet moves.

Multi-Size Technique: An Akimichi hiden which allows the user to increase their entire body size. Generally, Chokuro uses this in combination with his other moves in order to do even greater damage, though uses it sparingly because of its great chakra cost.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Aside from your standard shinobi kit...
-Three color pills.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Chokuro, as you might expect, uses a power style which takes full advantage of his great size and strength. He is remarkably agile and quick with his hands for his size, however, and also uses somewhat more flourishy ground-based break-dancing moves to take his opponent by surprise or build momentum. Though his style is still pretty rough, currently, he's working on changing that.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g
(Will choose later)

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
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