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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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Once again Azura soared through the heavens after having fired herself out of Galbar’s atmosphere. Once again her target was a sun hanging high above it. This time however that sun was intact, shining brightly down on the world below. This time Azura had wanted to make sure that she would not inadvertently ram the active sun like she had the debris field of the dead one. As a result her approach was a cautious one, one intended to pass by the sun so she could scout out a safe landing site, if one where available, instead of simply aiming herself at it and hoping for the best. It was though this measure that she was one of the first people to actually be able take in Heliopolis at their own leisure rather than being in a rush or too away from it.

At first Heliopolis was simply blinding light, the ray of sunshine emanating from the boxed star and projected by its lense dissuaded any closer inspection. The transition from that sunbeam and into the darkness beyond was a sudden one that took Azura by surprise. Once her eyes had adjusted she she got too take in the majestic city for the first time. It was, in a word, magnificent. She had seen creations of others down on Galbar and she had seen the ruins of a sphere before, but neither had prepared her for the beauty that her fellow gods were capable of when allowed to work without any constraints. Heliopolis was a vast metropolitan planetoid floated in the center of the sphere. It was a shining white cityscape, made of artisan carved marble that had been masoned into the finest architecture and then polished to an immaculate sheen. Stout columns stood in regimented rows along the sides of buildings, holding their great triangular roofs aloft. Yet despite its magnificence the city was empty of life, its pristine condition unmarred by the passage of the living. The emptiness of the lonely city spoiled its glory in a way, but perhaps, Azura thought, it was a home for those who had not yet been born.

It was certainly not what she had expected, but it did make landing a far easier task than it would have been on a giant super hot ball.

Azura had angled her launch so her flight would send her up, over and eventually around the sphere rather than straight into it, so she used some of the air she had brought with her to alter that trajectory, blasting some forwards to lower her speed so that when she began to descend she dropped onto the top of sphere. With far more grace than she had entered the Lustrous garden Azura breached Heliopolis’s outer barrier and was delighted to discover that there was air inside it, allowing her to cancel any left over momentum with just a few flaps of her wings.

In a matter of minutes, Azura’s feet landed on white marble and she was in the middle of Heliopolis proper. She stood in front of the central palace, from which the sun ray cascaded across the stars and to Galbar. She took a moment to marvel at the sight, when a voice from behind startled her.

“I know you to be Azura,” Aelius said. “Welcome to Heliopolis.” Asceal and Liana stood at his side.

Azura’s startled head twitched to the side to bring them all into view, but it quickly became clear that they weren’t overtly hostile to her intrusion she calmed down enough to strike up conversation, abit one that started rather clumsily.

“Hello! Yes, I am Azura. Love what you’ve done with the place by the way. Ah, If I’m remembering rightly you’re Aelius, Asceal and...” here the parrot paused, floundering monetarily as the architect given knowledge failed her “who might you be?” she concluded, her gentle inquiry directed at the unfamiliar figure made of vines who accompanied the two gods.

Liana, who had been busy admiring Azura’s multi coloured feathers and ignoring her words, jumped at the question and pointed to herself uncertainty as if seeking some confirmation before replying sheepishly, “I’m, uh, Liana. Hello.”

“Liana is still adjusting to her new form,” Aelius explained. “Asceal saved her and crafted her a body. The rest… could not be saved,” he said, suddenly sombre. “Forgive us if we seem out of sorts.”

Azura cocked her head to the side and, her voice touched by concern, asked “Saved her? From which disaster?”

“The only one that matters,” An expression of anger crossed Asceal’s face as she spoke, “Katharsos’s massacre of the souls that accompanied us to this universe.”

Azura was shocked by this information. The massive parrot’s beak opened and closed several times as she attempted to respond and failed to find the words each and every time. After a dozen or so attempts she finally managed to utter an almost uncomprehending “what?” followed moments later by a mournful “Why?” as the horror of such an act began to set in. Finally, after her mind had fully wrapped itself around the monstrous piece of information the same anger that had crossed Asceal’s face gripped her as she asked “how?”

“Asceal saw it for herself,” Aelius answered. “She told me Katharsos was pulling souls away from Galbar against their will. They were burning - billions of them.”

Part of Azura wanted to doubt, to reject the notion that she had been brought into a reality where such cruelty existed. If this was true however, then there was no time for doubt. “But can we save those that are left?”

Asceal felt some small measure of hope rise in her as Azura spoke. It was heartening to see another god feel as she and Aelius did, even if it didn’t change a thing in the moment. When she replied it was with a somber tone, “A few, but not enough.” She shook her head and hesitated, it was painful to admit her powerlessness, “Even saving one, saving Liana, it wasn’t easy. I’ve sworn to do whatever I can to help others, but until we know what Katharsos has done to ensnare and destroy so many I fear we can only pluck the occasional soul from his grasp.”

Azura tried to mull this over in her head, thoughts swirling around her mind like a hurricane but one thing stood clear in the eye of the storm: the memory of her conversation with Parvus. Though most of the discussion had been poisoned in her mind by the god’s manipulations he had spoken of the dangers of war with what she felt was sincerity. She had agreed with him that it should be avoided, for the time being at least, and yet here she stood on the precipice of divine conflict.

“If they are suffering and dying as you say, then I will do all I can to help them break free of his tyranny. If you don’t have answers I can help look for them and I can help spread word of this heinous act.“

Aelius nodded. “The more allies we have, the easier our task will be. The other gods must be made aware of this tragedy. In the meantime, we should investigate. The more we know about Katharsos’s methods, the easier it’ll be to stop him.”

“I agree. A good place to start investigations would be share what we already know? There is so much going on that I have not seen. So much destruction and chaos that could add to this crisis that I don't want to be blindsided by anymore. As things stand, i worry this sun might explode the moment I leave it.” Azura finally brought things back to why she had come here in the first place. She had learned of but one disaster. Greatest of them all it may be, but there were still so many others left to uncovered.

Aelius frowned at the mention of suns exploding. Heliopolis wouldn’t come to that, would it? As far as he was concerned, it was their last bastion of hope. No - he saved it once, from Mel. He’d do the same as many times as necessary.

“Agreed,” he said. “No more surprises. Come, we can talk more inside.” Aelius gestured to his citadel. The gods and their companion climbed the steps before disappearing into the hall. While they spoke of the past the unseen moon was born and shattered below them, the eye of desolation burned and conniving gods set traps for mortals yet to come.

I think i read to much into:

The heroes, however strong, could not find it in themselves to step forward, or to raise a weapon

and tried to avoid breaking that aura of dread to hard. Also I wandered of into crack theory territory before also just rejecting said theory before i even finished the post but wanted to get it out for people who where waiting.

defiantly not my best work but I guess I'll leave it as it stands to avoid disruption. maybe he's gone soft hanging around with heros for a whole 20 minuets lol.
<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

<Snipped quote by Super Mario Wiki>

That is completely irrelevant to my joke, however, when you consider:

<Snipped quote>

No other members of his species? When he's the King Koopa? You can't even say that he's the only member of some elite breed of Koopa on account of the Koopa Kids all being unique koopas themselves. Everything about that line just feels... Off.

the horns are unique to bowser and jr... maybe i should change that to focus on the horns. hang on.
edit: changed that, though honestly maybe i should remove that whole thing now that I am reflecting on it

wordcount: 1,003 (+2)
Level 3 EXP: ////////////////////////////// (16/30)
Location: Scrapyard - Endzone/Bridge to peach’s castle

before leaving to blow up a moat

Din decided to be a far more helpful and informative person than Bowser had been, telling Geno about the master of masters, the keyblade and kirby’s heart creation skill. This last bit was new to bowser and he actually took it in even as he responded with her suggestion to try it after she failed with: “NO WAY I’M DOING SOMETHING THAT SILLY LOOKING”

The Master of Masters added to this discussion a lot more mushy stuff that mostly went in one ear and out the other. The king was however quite certain he had a great deal of inner strength, certainly enough to to match his outer might and that he would, if necessary, be able to make a heart.

some claw tip based trigger pushing later

Bowser was unsurprisingly rather displeased that he only got two minion souls out of his explosive outburst. He was sure he had seen more when he got close to the moat after rescuing the master of masters, but it seemed they had all fled in the interim. Or just been smart and escaped the mines before they went of. Nonetheless the king berated them as cowards under his breath as he popped the two souls in the jar that had once held the hammer bros and stuffed them in the pocket of his now rather battered jacket.

That plan might have not gone well, but it seemed that Geno had actually done some scouting while he was off on his own. Apparently, despite the exterior looking like it had the last time he had seen it, the castle had not escaped the twisted remaking of the world, and the fairy tail palace now featured wicked dungeons within which vile experiments were conducted. Definitely an improvement in Bowser’s opinion and he made a note to add just such a set of dungeons when he finally took over the mushroom kingdom. He was less enthused to hear about the presence of the mighty Donkey Kong. The king had replaced the rambunctious ape’s father and grandfather as Mario’s nemesis when the youngest kong had shown more interest in bananas than continuing the family feud. The two had met occasionally over the years, mainly in sporting events and also during that one time when he and Kamek traveled back in time to kidnap a bunch of babies, including his young self and baby dk, in an attempt to steal the stars of seven star children to become ruler of the universe. Speaking of Kamek, and ignoring the possibility of his kidnaping obsession being the result of a self inflicted stable time loop, he was very disappointed and a little hurt to find out that the koopa who had raised him was serving some new king. Sure, his minions got turned against him all the time but this was a new low.

“WHOEVER THIS WANNABE KING IS, THEY'RE IN FOR A WORLD OF HURT” the one true koopa king guaranteed.

All in all everyone looked like they were almost ready to get going into the castle to show the boss who was boss when its master decided to meet them prematurely. The herald of his arrival was rather impressive, their antagonist had wrecked some poor girl’s flying house and sent it carrening down towards them to announce his imminent arrival. Fortunately it did not crush anyone as it landed in the moat, but it did make an almighty splash that drenched those on the bridge. The people on the bridge mainly consisted of bowser, who was utterly soaked. It was somewhat deserved considering his bombing of said moat moments earlier. Then the cause of the calamity arrived, slamming down in between the castle’s front door and Bowser. Bowser recognised the winged beast as himself, while his Megabug possessed self showed no indication that the feeling was mutual and instead emanate an intimidating aura that stunned all before it.

Bowser was not a hero, but he was nonetheless unable to move forwards on account of a monetary headache resulting from confusion as to why there were two of him. Or rather that would have been his excuses if he could have read then narration. In truth he was briefly stunned by a combination of the same fear others felt in combined with the vietnam flashback memory of the time when he had looked just like the Bowser before them as a result of another mind control fiasco, namely that time he had come home from vacation early only to be possessed by a massive data bird thing that had been a result/cause of the rabbids rampage across the mushroom kingdom. Meanwhile his minions, who were already rather overworked as it was, where so spooked by megadragonbowser that they desummoned themselves, their items (the Necro Smasher, Slicer Cutter and Blazermate’s minigun) clattering to the ground around Bowser as they retreated inside his shell to cower.

The True King was brought back to his senses by the mutterings of the heros. Tora quiet defiance was one, driving him to push out of his dazed state for the sake of appearances. The other’s where direct questions at him. Bowser could not muster the courage/energy to explain that the suit was for a special occasion and question what was wrong with being naked anyway, but the first part about whether he had a brother did merit an answer.

“I don’t” the king’s voice was quieter than it had been all day and, even though it was normal speaking volume for others, it was clear that he was trying to whisper “No idea where the Bug on my back got another me from.” It was baffling. Sure he had had doppelgangers like dark bowser, but he there were none truly like the Koopa king. He had no brothers, no sisters, no mother, no father, no uncles, no aunts, no other members of species that sported those regal horns except for…


Bowser finished his train of thought out loud and at his normal volume, directing the question at the imposing possessed mirror image of himself. It something of a leap when it came to explanations, Galeem having power over time as well as space was more likely than the idea that Bowser Jr had suddenly grown up, yet this did not occurred to him mainly as a result of him mentally burying the consequences of such time shenanigans only moments earlier. The thought that Megadragonbowser was his beloved son stalled the True King’s hand far longer than the fear did as he awaited a response to his question.

Also, I should take this chance to remind everyone (but especially @DracoLunaris) how Strikers work. Bonding with a spirit to make it a Striker creates a relationship where its spirit is linked to your main character's for sustenance. Strikers have a set amount of effort they can expend, whether attacking, healing, or whatever, before they have to de-manifest. Just being manifested slowly drains this energy, but actingtakes more. In combat they're meant to act like assists in team-based fighting games, popping in for a moment for an attack, support action, or string of attacks before vanishing again to recuperate. If you're not familiar with assists, thinking of them as temporary summons might help. In a noncombat situation they can manifest for longer, but regardless they can't be around all the time. In exchange, they can't take permanent damage, instead simply de-manifesting if hurt too much.

oh shoot, was I supposed to be handling their duration? I guess I'll be paying for that by not having them around for most of this boss battle then. or was that a warning that you'd be poofing them?
To keep things from being too convenient, I'm going to say that heroes and junk falling in the moat scared away most of the aquatic life, and the Lakelurks and Toads remained near the bottom. Two blooper spirits, three bombfish spirits, and a biri spirit were all that came up.

fair enough. also I think i might save the pocket souls for bowser jr if we find him soon ish seeing as the only game he is controllable in is a simple strategy game, so him being a mook leader works pretty well. better to have him level up, get them and then combo the two turtles' powers than try and get all the minion team-ups in one/the remaining Bowser levels.

wordcount: 840 (+2)
Level 3 EXP: ////////////////////////////// (14/30)
Location: Scrapyard - Endzone

“Hahah! If I didn't know better, I'd say you were the hero of this story!”

Bowser was not pleased with the thanks he got for saving the Master of Masters.

“YEAH, YOU DO KNOW BETTER. I... UH... JUST BE THANKFUL THAT YOUR USEFUL TO ME OK!” the king responded in a slightly flustered manner. Had Mario seen him do that he wondered. Even if he had not, he was concerned that Geno tell him. Bowser was so caught up in his concern for his own image that he almost missed the dog-piling of the bridges guards. Agoston had finally caught up with the party and wasted no time in engaging in a brawled with the engineer, while Michel had apparently decided to reduce the risk of friendly fire by targeting the mostly ignored sentry. Zer0 picked up where the sniper left off however, and managed to catch the cowboy as he was attacking bastion. Said omnic was acting as an excellent distraction carnifex, or would have been if his allies had not been taken down so easily by one on one fights. Nevertheless he showed himself to warrant the half a dozen people targeting it as cannon jumping let him rain explosions down upon his attackers. It was up to Tora and Miniko to save the day with their attacks on the engineer and bastion respectively, and together they put down the last of their foes. Victory had come at a price however, and several of Bowser’s troops had been wounded by bastion’s last ditch bombardment

A commiserative “OH THAT HAS GOT TO HURT” was all Bowser could really offer to the many wounded. Fortunately his minions could do more, heralding their arrival via coffin smasher. The wooden mallet sailed though the air and bonked into Blazermate, repairing her of any damage she had received from the explosive rain rather than hurting her even more as might be expected. The hammer’s flight was quickly followed by Heel, who also soared through the air after being thrown by Sledge to land in the middle of the wounded. With a flourish, a green pulse of energy emerging from his back back which radiated out through the group, lightly healing everyone. The Rabbid gave “baa bwaaa”, as if it had just performed a magic trick, as the lightly wounded where cured entirely, while the lethally wounded were at least stabilized, removing some of the pressure of target prioritization from the single target healers. A few moments later the two bro’s arrived, Sledge lugging the mini-gun with him while Mallet went to retrieve the coffin smasher.

Seeing/expecting everything to be well in hand and trying to avoid looking like he cared that much Bowser bypassed his squad and went directly to Geno. “SO NICE OF YOU TO REJOIN US SO SOON GENO” he told the doll sarcastically.

“I SEE YOU BROUGHT THAT PESKY PLUMBER WITH YOU AS WELL. YOUR NOT EXACTLY DOING YOUR BEST TO GET ON MY GOOD SIDE MATCHSTICK” he added, menace dripping from his words. After a tension filled pause however he relented to practicality and sighed, telling Geno in a resigned voice that “YOU SHOULD GO TALK TO THE GUY YOUR ASKING ABOUT ABOUT GETTING MARIO FREE FROM GALEEM’S BOGUS.” he pointed a thumb over his shoulder at the Master of Masters.

Left grumpy as a result what he had just done and wishing to head of any accusations of mercy or kindness Bowser stomped over to Ratchet plucked the Maniac's bombuilder off of him.


Then he stomped over to the moat and pumped 4 proxy mines into it before turning his back on it and tossing the magic grenade launcher back to Ratchet. A few moments later the mines, along with a few bomb fish, detonated down in the water and the moat exploded behind Bowser, showering the party with a light rainfall and the souls of the various aquatic creatures that had been swimming below. The King had his most evil grin on his face while this happened, just to add to the moment and remind everyone that he was the baddest of bad dudes and not some wussy hero. After a few moments in reveling in the catharsis of this act ordered his minions to “GATHER UP THE BLOOPER SOULS FOR ME.” The two bros obeyed at once while Heel had to be given some indication as to what he was collecting. The souls of the monochrome squid like creatures were then quickly gathered up and brought to the king where they joined the spirits of his other minions in his now rather ragged coat pockets.

While they where doing this Bowser went and collected his hat again from where it had landed after hitting bastion at the start of the fight. Then he turned his attention to the castle itself, wondering what perils it might have in-store. None that could be more dangerous than Mario, that was for sure.

“SO WHAT’S IN THERE ANYWAY GENO?” He asked their supposed scout, refraining from actually looking at the wooden doll and keeping his eyes fixed squarely on the castle itself.

Captain Piper

level: 3
day/time: day 3 - evening
Location: The Forbidden Lands Temple Bridge
Tag: @Guardian Angel Haruki@Holy Soldier@ONL@DJAtomika@Tenma Tendo

“Looks clear” Piper announced after having a good ol look around with her scope. Too clear perhaps, there did not appear to be any life in the area whatsoever other than the plants. She reattached the scope to her sniper pistol as the others introduced themselves. To those that where polite she responded:

“Good to meet you Delsin. Tiz”

She simply rolled her eyes at Boss’s agorgant introduction and then set off towards the large building along with the others. She hung back with the other team as they walked because the less time spent in the company of the boss the better. Bentley was leading the pair of humans who had introduced themselves earlier who were dressed in what she judged to be far more casual clothing than the Boss, which gave her hope they were more her kind of scoundrel than they were the Boss’s. If they even where scoundrels. Based on the gang memberships of her, the boss and Bentley, Piper would not put it past this counsel to have sent all of their less upstanding volunteers together into the dark without support, information or guidance like the other team had gotten because they were less concerned with their safety. Perhaps they had decided that the criminals could go clear the path for a more upstanding team to follow. That was maybe a bit paranoid, they were trying to save the whole of reality after all, but Piper had low expectations of those who held power and authority.

Together they crossed the incredibly long bridge, during which piper tried to engage in some mostly superfluous smalltalk with the other team mostly to pass the time. After what seemed like an age they entered the temple. Intinaly the inside seemed as empty as the outside, filled with statues strange creatures and little else. With on hand on her holstered carrio pistol Piper stepped away to inspect one of the statue more closely, only to be taken aback when an unseen pa system to them. The fact that spoke in an unknown yet understandable language which, along with the duality of the voice, made her adjust her identification of the source of the voice from intercom to magic mumbo jumbo.

Bentley was the one who spoke up in response and he did so very diplomatically all things considered. Piper might have added her own words to his in other circumstances, but currently she had a far more important task. As bentley carefully chose his words she marched over to the Boss and raised a single finger to his lips and shushed him in a preemptive and probably vain attempt to stop him saying something brass and confrontational that would ruin their chances of opening a dialogue.

“We both know you're not good at making friends” she whispered “So don’t screw this up with that abrasive mouth of yours”

She’d much rather not make enemies with the mystery voice till it presented a head to shoot off.

ah. I never saw any kings so that explains that
So now that the Courier has the spirit of a lakelurk ready to use, who's up for finding out what happens if I make it fuse with Bowser? :D Dragon turtle crab!

lakelurk are snapping turtles aren't they? Mirleurks are the crabs I think. so it would be Turtle Dragon Turtle.

soul wise I am going to have bowser fish for some bloopers if given the time to add to the minion soul hoard. then I will need to think of a combo attack for em. maybe ink napalm or something. or they all the form up into a giant Splattershot. or they get used a missiles. so many possibilities.
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