Avatar of DracoLunaris


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7 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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It is done. The federation are here and they want you to put on their blue jeans and listen to their rock music.

Death of a Selka

Lekika and a small group from her tribe had traveled north, past the Kangjiang river, for a place free from the petty squabbling of their overcrowded home. They’d laughed at the warnings, old tales about giant lizards, but as she lay there, slumped against a tree with her blood rapidly pooling around her, she couldn’t remember what had been so funny.

The creatures that had ripped through the migrant party. Now monsters that walked on two legs and who where about 4 times the size of a Selka despite being about the same height, where in the process of devouring the corpses of her friends and family. High above them circled bright colorful birds circled like inappropriately festive vultures. They had tried to run for the safety of the sea, but the monsters caught them. Some had tried to fight, and had died where they stood. She’d tried to save her husband from the jaws of a beast as it shook him to pieces and been smashed into a tree for her trouble. The impact had broken something inside her. Her strength was gone, and now the light in her was fading. As she slipped over the precipice down into oblivion she wondered what the point of it all had been.

Lekika’s soul was pushed out of her body and from the painless bliss of death by an unseen force. She had a few brief moments where she could see her own body being devoured by an Alioramus before the pull of the vortex took hold, pulling the bewildered Selka upwards and westwards. As the ground fell away from her Lekika, understandably, panicked. As if drawn to her screaming and flailing form one of the Alma separated from the circling flock and chased after her till it was flying parallel with her. The opposing tug it generated wordlessly offered a choice, to grasp hold of the lifering she had been thrown, or to continue to be swept along by the current. Part of her knew where that current would end, in the fires these very same birds had shown her tribe several years ago, but most of her simply grasped at blindly for something, anything, that would end this utterly alien experience.

The connection was made, a pact sealed and then everything went dark.

It felt like a dream

“Tell me a little bit about who you were.” asked a voice in her mind

“I’m Lekika. I was a healer for our tribe, a good fisher-women and soon I’m going to… I was going to be a mother. I died trying to save my husband from a monster.”

“I see. Would you like to help me with something Lekika?”

With the memory of her failure to help crystallized in her mind she responded “However I can.”

The voice explained what it wanted and then everything went dark.

“Ah, your awake. Excellent!”

Lekika’s consciousness was abruptly returned as she surfaced from a dreamless sleep and found herself standing in an unfamiliar place. Everything felt wrong. She was cold. So cold. Her vision was wrong, to high above the ground, and her eyes where to close together. It took her several more moments to realize she could not see her nose. She brought her hands up, but they weren't her hands. She stumbled back in shock and thrust the offending limbs away from herself and ended up looking down. There were so many things wrong down there. Some kind of stone or metal or cartilage had replaced flesh and it wasn't even in the right shape. To lanky, utterly sexless and covered with odd ridges and spurs. Her feet had no toes. Hands grasped her face and found it a blank featureless mask.

She had no mouth, but she screamed anyway.

“Oh no no no no.” said the voice with concern. Moments later she found herself pressed against soft glowing feathers by a warm embrace.

“Shshshshshsh. Its ok. It’s going to be ok.” she was assured by a voice she recognized form the Alma’s broadcast. Even though she had no lungs, eventually Lekika got tired of screaming. It wasn’t actually helping anyway. Neither did the sobbing. Without a body’s natural coping mechanism she had to learn how to get a hold of herself on her own.

It wasn't entirely clear how long she spent coddled in the birds embrace, but Azura gave her all the time she needed. Eventually she half stepped, half stumbled back and away from the goddess and got to see her in full. The humongous parrot was both beautiful, terrifying and slightly ridiculous to behold in person as it loomed over her.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“no. no I’m not” she answered. The shock was gone but the sense of wrongness remained, even if it was down to a lower level of existential horror and uncomfortableness. She was so cold. “My body…It’s not… I can’t… What am I? Where am I?” she tried, “and where are my breasts!?”

The great bird blinked in surprise “Oh dear. I thought I explained?” she said. Then, seemingly sensing Lekika’s bewilderment, added. “I had one of the Alma bring some of the recently dead here and asked them if they would help me. You said you would, don’t you remember?”

“No. no I died... and then woke up here,” she said, scouring her memory for this conversation yet finding no recollection of it. The great bird cocked her head in response to this and said “Curious. Perhaps there was a flaw with that method of communing with the dead? Hmmm. I’ll explain again then. After you died your soul was crystallized by an Alma, after which it was brought to the north pole, which is a secluded space at the very top of the world. You should have gone down into the vault with the others, but I’ve had an idea that I’ve been working on for some time for how to have people live after they are dead. I asked you if you’d want to help test it. You said yes.”

“I have taken your soul crystal and plugged it into an Armonia, which is a simple minded creature made out of air and song made physical that can be commanded to perform tasks. The one you are in’s task is to be your new body.” Azura then explained “And its working better than I could have hoped. You’re articulate, the limbs seem to be obeying you fairly well… you did scream quite a bit at first but you seem to be feeling better now right?”

“I…” she was so cold “I’d prefer it if it were more… me?” she tried to explain “why can’t you just put me back in my body. Or make a new one?”
“True resurrection is, at the moment, very difficult. I could, but it would be extremely taxing and as a result I’d never be able to bring back everyone even with all the time in the world. I can’t put your soul crystal in control of a new body because if I made one it would form its own soul. Its own Selka soul. Which you would need to replace or, bleh, dominate, in order to control the body. I don’t think I need to explain why that would be terrible. Does it feel bad to be in this kind of body/”

“The body… its numb. But it’s also the wrong…” she tried to explain, hands fidgeting as she failed to find the words “shape?”

“Like wearing clothes that don't fit” Azura suggested.

“Kind of. I think it would feel a bit better if it looked how I wanted it to look?” she tried before hurriedly adding “I’m sorry, I don't mean to say you made it look bad it’s… it’s just not me”

“I’m not offended” she sounded a little offended as she said it, just not angrily so, before returning to a more understanding tone “Do you think if you designed it it would suit better?”

“Maybe? But how would I do that? I’m not even sure how to describe what it should look like. More Selka and more me I guess?” Lekika respond

“Hmmm. I think I know how to do this. Armonia where made so mortals could create them after all. But you’ll need power, and musical accompaniment and a way to shape it exactly how you like around yourself and...” the bird trailed off into thoughtful muttering before moving away from Lekika and beginning to spin strange tools and instruments from thin air.

“I uh” Lekika begin before Azrua explained “oh. Sorry. I’m going to make a magical monument that will let you make your body just the way you want it. But this may take a while. Feel free to explore the sky bastion while I work, or ask any questions you like and I’ll try to answer them as best I can.”

After a few minutes of questioning Lekika had discovered that Azrua was not the best conversation partner while she was working, and so had wandered out into the halls. It was a strange experience, walking though perfectly square caves lit by a directionless light in her alien body. She kept misjudging how long her legs where, causing her to stumble every few steps. Eventually she found an exit, a massive cave that ended with a pair of open doors large as hills.

She had to walk up to the doors and stick her hand out before she could believe that she wasn’t underwater, because outside myriads of sea life could be seen, swimming though the skies as if it were the ocean.

“What is this?” she asked.

“It’s the Blue” said a voice

Lekika was startled, having not expected to be answered, and then fell over herself in fear when she saw what had spoken. A killer whale, one of the Selka’s main predators, floated up into view only a few meters away from her.

“Please don't eat me” she cried. In response the orca performed a slow spin, as if it had cocked its head and then kept going by accident, before responding “Why would I? God bird’s stone things don't taste good and greatest whale Luis gets mad when we try.” the orca completed its role before coming to a realization “oh! I should show you to Luis. I’ve never seen a stone thing that talked before. hmmm. But luis does not like us biting stone things… I know. I carry you, like luis carry Bruna!”

Before Lekika could say anything the orca had swum up to the side of the door “hop on.” It instructed.

“I really shouldn't. Azura wouldn't want me wandering off” she retorted.

“Luis and Azura are same pod. Will be fine.” the whale explained impatiently. Somewhat worried that it would drag her along either way Lekika gingerly boarded her natural predator. Then sat down with her back to its fin while her hands tried to grip its smooth skin. “Ok. but make sure I don’t fall!

“Ok ok. Here we go!” the orca responded, before heading out. Fortunately it seemed to grasp that it needed to be gentle and so the ride was relatively smooth.

“I’ve never met a whale that could talk before. How can you speak Selka?” she asked it.

“Selka? What is Selka? We talk with the Verse, like all things made by Azura” it explained.

“I wasn't made by Azura. Selka where made by Father Kirrion… oh. Its the body. The body was made by her. huh.” she said, figuring it out on her own. An uncomfortable realization, but a useful one.

The rest of their journey was a rather relaxing affair. She traded rather simplistic small talk with the sea creature and watched the shoals of Tonnikala swish to and fro in the skies around her. Their destination was hard to miss, an absolutely titanic whale swam lazily through the Blue, accompanied by a pod of smaller whales of many different species. Once they were close enough the orca called out “Hay. Hay Luis. look what I found. A talking rock thing!”

Lekika waved and shouted “hello” at the great whale, who turned to face them both. Her captor/mount swam up in front of the whale, who then spoke to the orca.

”What an interesting find you have there Matías, I hope you did not seal them away. Luis said

“What? Noooo. I asked her to come. Right?” Lekika shook her palm from side to signal “kind of.” she realized afterwards that this was a stuid way of communicating with a bing with no hands, but Luis seemed to get it regardless as he let out a disappointed sigh directed at the Ocrca, who was apparently named Matías, before addressing her.

”Hello there. Who might you be, and where did you get stolen away from?” he asked.

“I’m Lekika. A migrant from the Mokala tribe. Or was. I died and then... uh” Lekika’s mind suddenly ran into a roadblock. She couldn't remember what happened after she died but before she left the sky bastion. “Well I uh. Died and then… I was in that big floating cave thing and this killer whale came and startled me and took me to you… but before that I was. I was.” Lekika’s speech became more and more erratic as she tried and failed to remember. “There was Azura and she. She was doing something? We spoke. Maybe we spoke?. I can't. Why can't I?” Lekika gripped her head with alien hands she no longer knew how she acquired “Why can’t I remember?!”

”Matías, drop her on my back, we’re taking her home!” the whale ordered. As the smaller whale moved to comply Luis assured her that. ”I’m going to get you help. Its ok. It’s going to be ok.” Lekika didn't even suffer deja vu at being comforted like this again.

Some time later a colorful mass of feathers landed in front of Lekika. She was sitting on the back of Luis, knees pulled in against her chest in a fetal position. She had spent the return journey trying to hold on to her oldest memories only for them to keep slipping away from her grasp. Soon she’d forget the moment where she realized it was happening, and then what?

“Do you know who I am?” asked the large parrot

“Your Azura. From the bird vision” she said, her voice dull and hopeless.

“oh dear, oh dear.” Azura muttered “I’m going to need to look in your mind to see what is going on. Is that ok Lekika?” she asked. Lekika simply nodded. She felt nothing as the goddess did whatever she was doing. She’d almost forgotten agreeing to the mind reading when Azura spoke up again.

“I’m so very sorry, but I’ve made a bit of an oversight in this design. Because soul crystals are usually static, they can't create new memories easily. I knew this was a problem, but I didn't realize just how bad it was. you seemed to be doing fine while we where together after all. The issue is your crystallized mind have no natural short term memory whatsoever. However the Armonia has been filling in for that role, but unfortunately it has a very small memory capacity, which is why you keep dropping memories as quickly as you are. I can make that longer in the next version, but that doesn’t solve long term memory.”

Azura sat down before the sad dead Selka and told her “I need you to relax, get your head out of your knees, close your eyes and to focus your mind on what I just said and what I am saying just now. Turn it over and over in your mind. If you do this you can force the crystal of your soul to grow, adding it to long term memory the same way your body used to do on its own.”

Lekika did as she was instructed. She crossed her legs and tried to repeat the memory over and over instead of clinging to the last one, till the entirety of her short term memory was filled with the explanation of why she was forgetting and how to remember.

Eventually Azura spoke startling Lekika. “Now stop.”

She did, and opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings and the presence of the goddess from the bird vision.

“Now we wait and see if the memory sticks. Try and not think about it until I ask.” she said, “Til then I imagine you have a lot of questions?”

Lekika did, though she’d probably asked them before. She asked and Azura answered, while the goddess periodically checking that the memory had stuck. The process was exhausting as she tried to speak with the bird and ignore that her memories were slipping away. Eventually, after goddess only knows how long, Azura concluded that it had stuck.

“Well that's one problem solved. Now I just need to finish the machine that will make you a body exactly how you want it and with more memory this time.”

“Exactly how I want it?” Lekika asked “That would be good. This one, it doesn't fit right”

“You said as much the.. Ah. never mind.” Azura responded “It might be quite some time until I have a new body ready for you. Do you think you can hold out till then?”

“I.. no. no I can’t keep going like this. I can't live a life of forgetting and remembering. Even if you make my next body better what’s the point. I’m so cold and numb in here. It’s not a life worth living for the sake of living” she said, sorifuly. “I miss my tribe and my husband. But I don't want them to live like this either. You have them right? I want to go to where they are, because what's the point of living if it’s not begin happy with them?”

“But if you stay awake you can help people. Help the living! I have this idea for a...”

Lekika shook her head “the only people I cared about are dead now. I want to be with them”

Azura sighted. “Ok then”

There was a feeling of pressure where her heart was supposed to be, and then everything went dark.

Azura examined the soul crystal of Lekika as she floated in front of her. Her second body lay on its back before her, its chest cavity torn open from where she had ripped the Selka woman’s soul out of it. “of course it couldn't be that easy.” she said, before handing the soul over to an Alma to be sent down into the depths. Lekika would get to be with her friends and family, even if she would never know it.

”This thing you’ve been working on is a dead end then?” Luis asked.

“No. Not quite. We just need to recruit people who have everything left to live for.” Azura said.

wordcount: 304 (+1)
Level 4 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////// (35/40)
Location: Paved Wilderness

”IS ANYONE GOING TO DEAL WITH THAT?” Bowser asked, regarding the massive monster truck bearing down on their position ”HELLO? ANYONE?” The centurion, jr and poppy all grappled the truck in their own way, but none actually did anything that would alter its course.

The Rabbids, now healed of their ear pain, began to panic, running around like headless chickens while screaming their lungs out. They were joined in their concern by a rather more reserved ”Sire?” coming from the inside of the Bowser Mobile.

The situation was clear. It was stand here and be run over, flee like a coward and leave his minions loyal to die, or do something incredibly stupid. Boweser took the third option as naturally as he breathed.

”DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MYSELF!?” Bowser roared, before launching himself forward towards the brother’s grimm with an excellent jump. Mid flight he retracted his vulnerable body parts inside his shell, which became a spinning vertical disk that disdainfully plowed through the incoming mini-gun fire. The spinning disk of death was aimed to cleave into the right hand side of the car’s exposed steering axle in-order to smash it and force the monster truck to turn off course. The red hot claws of the mecah mit, which thirsted for it's first strike, poked out of one of the holes in the shell, adding a singular rapidly revolving fang to the massive projectile.

At the same time, back at the parked vehicles, Kamek shouted at anyone and everyone who would listen to ”Drive you idiots!” A pile of Rabbids obeyed as best they could, hurling themselves on the accelerator, causing the Browser mobile to roar away blindly. At the same time buckler Rabbid gunned the engine of the koopa king that was pulling the rabbids truck, doing their best to pull away from their now untenable defensive position.
count me in

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,463 (3+)
Bowser: Level 4 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////// (34/40)
Bowser Jr: Level 2 EXP: ////////////////////// (14/20)
Kamek: Level 2 EXP: //////////////////// (4/20)
Location: Peach’s Castle

”GAHAHAHA! THAT’S RIGHT, RUN YOU COWARDS!” Bowser shouted after the two retreating survivors after the team reduced their comrades to scrap metal.

”It’s already over?” Kamek asked as he poked his head over the side of the door just in time to spot the enemy reinforcements ”Oh. No. No it really isn't.” he said, before ducking back down into the car interior to continue buffing the centurion in relative safety.

Bowser meanwhile stepped out of the car upon seeing their new foes, his main focus on the massive monster truck.

”NOW THAT’S MORE LIKE IT!” he cackled as he activated the Mecha-Mit, is massive orange claws coming online. However it was the comparatively small ice cream truck that proved to be an immediate threat rather than the massive monster truck. The comically inappropriate battle wagon launched some kind of glowing orange clown faced projectile at the king. In response he took a defensive posture and clenched his fist, switching the power claw into a small energy shield that he brought up to block the massive shot. He was saved from the repercussions of this inadequate defense by Linkle, who shot and arrow from her pixly bow at the balloon, causing it to detonate prematurely. The explosion washed over the koopa king and his small shield in a far less dangerous fashion than it would have otherwise, but it still hurt a fair bit.

After the blast was past Bowser shook his head to clear the ringing and then glanced behind him. Despite not being hit by the blast the rabbids, and the rabbit eared Linkle, had all been pretty badly by the noise of the blast.

”Heal!” he ordered, quieter than usual, summoning the rabbid medic to do just that. Bowser had no idea if the bunny could help with their plight, but he did know he was a bit banged up from the near miss of the blast. Heel, happy that they had missed having his own eardrums shattered, did his thing, bouncing around and mashing the button on their back mounted healer pack to first top off the king’s hp and then to provide light healing for the rabbids and Linkle in an attempt to reduce their head pain.

Bowser meanwhile summoned mallet and sledge so that, if another shot came, they could try to pull of the same trick Linkle had with their hammers. Then he stood guard in case they failed. He could not afford to lose the Bowser mobile, because losing it meant walking. Also he was a touch worried Kamek might get hurt. The old turtle seemed to be both deaf enough and insulated enough behind the car door that the explosion had not done much, but if it suffered a direct hit? That would end poorly.

Jr meanwhile moved to get in on the action. He had expended his koopa troop for the time being, and was very sure that the goombas would be pretty worthless here, so it was time to show the team how the royal heir handled business personally. Splattershot stored and Gadbrush in hand he moved to attack the enemy cars for above in his clown car, only to be met by a hail of gunfire.

”wow wow wow” Jr cried as he jerked the controls of the clown car too and fro in order make the small inverse helicopter move erratically to avoid the gunfire. It seemed one of the wastelanders in this group had considered mounting non fixed weapons that could actually directions other than forwards on their vehicle. Atop the titanic monster truck a man with his muscular arms bare was using a swivel turret mounted machine gun as an anti air weapon. Fortunately, it looked like he was having to crouch awkwardly to get the gun to point upwards, reducing his aim a bit as the weapon was clearly meant to shoot targets around the truck’s wheels rather than above it.

After a bit of quick thinking jr ascertained that his Splattershot and paintbrush’s ink would not out-range the gun even with his height advantage, and getting in close enough to use them could prove deadly. As a result, he turned to his latest acquisition to solve the problem. A hand darted down into the bomb bay of the cart and retrieved a Pokeball, which he then tossed into the air. Then he used the Gadbrush like a baseball bat to punt the ball at the turret operator.

”Go Mimikyu” he cried, urge to do so by the universes demand that he stay on brand, as the ball soared forth and bonked the man harmlessly on the head. After impacting it split open and spilled a white energy out and onto the roof of the car, before snapping shut and flying back to its owner.

With one hand rubbing his head the gang member looked down at what the projectile had divulged, his eyes meeting those of some kind of yellow rodent. A few cm below where the man was staring Mimikyu’s actual eyes darted too and fro as it tried to work out where it was. It had a rather pleasant time in the ball all things considered, and had also had time to repair its outfit while Jr drove. Now it was standing on a horrible steel roof surrounded by loud noises and toxic fumes. It was not a pleasant place to be, particularly for the fairy side of its typing. Then the man tried to stomp on it. This did not amuse the specter one bit. It scooted out the way of the man’s boot and then used copycat to retaliate. A wooden mannequin leg shot out from the dark void that seeped out of the bottom of the Pikachu disguise and it’s foot struck the man in the groin. This amused the specter a great deal.

Enraged and with his pride hurt the man swiveled the gun turret around and opened fire on the tiny nimble target. The manikin leg was discarded and riddled with lead as the little spook darted in and around the man’s legs as he tried to shoot it while also avoiding shooting himself in the foot. Anger and gunfire deafened him to the sound of an approaching propeller blade.

Just as it seemed like the brother had gotten the Mimikyu tired out and pinned down Jr leapt from his clown car, paintbrush in hand. With a slash her cut it down the length of the man's body before landing on the truck roof and elbow barging the man’s leg. He stumbled back, his torso streaked with an thick line of neon blue goop that burns like acid where it touched, causing the gun to be pulled up and away from Mimikyu. Before he could recover jr grabbed the front end of the gun and forced it skyward so the man couldn't try and shoot or deafen him with it.

The brother screamed with wordless anger and, after failing to wrench the gun from the prince hand or shoot him with it, punched the child in the face. Jr cried in pain and then jabbed the brush blindly at the man, one hand still clinging to the gun to avoid falling off. Ink stained the offender’s striking arm. The man shook it violently in an attempt to get the goop off while simultaneously kicking Jr’s shell ineffectively.

”Mimikyu help!” jr shouted. The ghost Pokemon tilted its false head in consideration as the man and boy struggled with one-another while trying to avoid falling off the car.

edit. and then Mimikyu clawed the guy's face off

Jr groped his way along the gun till he gripped the handle for support and possible future use. He now had a gun. A real ass gun. He was a boy with a god damned gun. ”Took you long enough.” he complained. “Kyu” responded the ghost noncommittally before petting the gun affectionately and then reeled the Synapse back into the mysterious shadow realm it had inside its disguise.

The pair then used the breathing room they had acquired to check how everyone else was doing.
Can Din buff Gogoat with the Spell of Spring? What would such a buff entail? Also, do I play Gogoat like a separate character with its own XP bar and such? Do you have 4 pokemon attacks that you wish to assign, or should I pick?

<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

Spell of Spring, judging by its description, has no buffing properties, so no. Gogoat can be treated like an NPC, and kept track of via its pokeball in your sheet's equipment section, without EXP. You can pick your pokemon's attacks.

On the other hand gogoat can have the ability grass pelt which raises it's defence on grassy terrain, which the spell of spring could create.

Luis bathed in the freezing cold ocean waters separating the ice sheet around the north pole from north Kalgrun. It was a refreshing change after the seemingly endless trip though the sky pyres and the silent bleakness of the north pole.

On the shore icy insects and white furred mammals frolicked in the snow in between the trunks of blue leaved trees. Down in the waters of the northern ocean teemed with life. It was a joyous feeling to be surrounded by the living again, rather than the soon to be doomed souls of the dead.

While the seals, walruses and penguins where nice, who Luis was really here for where the whales. New species of them had appeared since the last time he had been at the north pole, along with the entire ecosystem they lived in, and Luis was more than happy to get to know them. Some had heard tales of him from other, older,species who still sung of the day when the great sky whale blessed the southern sea with his presence and so it has been easy to engage with them without his vast size scaring them all off.

He’d got to hear about their lives down here in the ocean while he had spoken of his journeys with Azura and all the things that had happened to him with someone who wasn't, well, Azura. It was enjoyable, but soon enough he felt the urge to return to her side. He could never quite shake the feeling that if he stayed away for too long she’d run off somewhere while he wasn't looking.

After biding his farewells Luis rose up and out of the sea, water cascading off his back, and then headed north, flying just above the frozen sea. Over the ice he flew till it grew so think that nothing could break through and surface from the ocean below. The life from Kalkun faded from view. He passed over the sculpture fields, where Winter-Spirits frolicked and competed in their yearly contest, erecting new statues in the images of distant places, people and things. Then even they were gone and only the craggy ice sheet remained. As he traveled further the world bellow dimmed and Heliopolis sank towards the southern horizon. Only once it was setting did the isle of Twilight came into view.

A ring of mountains, that Azura had once called the broken crown, stabbed up out of the ice below. They, along with the spire like north peak they surrounded, where the only notable change in elevation for kms around. Luis had seen them before but there had been additions since he left. Atop the closest tall peak to his approach a faint light suddenly intensified, as if a distant spotlight had locked onto him. The echo of trumpets echoed from the peak, a low ominous almost alien tone, as the Titan of Winds raised the alarm. Down below on the slopes of the peak thousands of smaller lights lit up as Gusts and Armonia began to also awaken or emerge from hiding.

Luis reached out with his mind and, using his god given power over soul crystal constructs, turned off this new alarm system. As quickly as they had awoken the forces of the titan slept once more, while the roaming eye of the massive construct itself turned back to watching the ice beyond. Then he flew across the mountain range and pass over the valley below. In the valley itself was his armor, still being unloaded, a process now guarded by a number of awake Armonia who patrolled the crevasse and entrance to the vault and no doubt also stood watch within the vault itself.

The Whale then turned his nose skyward, soaring up alongside the heaven piercing mountain the vault was built under. As he climbed light slowly returned, his accent bringing both Heliopolis and the Luminous Garden into view. At the top of the mountain sat the sky bastion, a fortress made of two wheels, one inside the other, that rotated around the mountain peak. It was functionally still on Galbar, as the two celestial lights in the sky where both still visible from here. The world below till cured away from them at its distant horizon rather than being rendered as an infinitely repeating map, but travel any higher, or even move out horizontally from the north peak, and he would enter the Blue proper.

Out there Luis spotted new creatures that had not been there when he left either. Here too Azura had been busy. Off in the distance a massive serpent like leviathan slithered through the sky, chasing after a herd of tusked manta rays, while nearby a long necked creature stabbed its head in and out of a shoal of sky slugs, snapping one or two up each time it struck.

Luis took a few moments to watch this rather limited ecosystem at work before the familiar voice of Azura asked “So. What do you think?”

The whale's gaze slowly rolled back to the sky bastion, where one of the doors had opened to reveal the avian goddess. She had been distracted from her experimentation on the red Armonia by Luis’s triggering of the alarm system and after checking the cause and seeing that it was him and not an army of death she had decided to take a break.

”They’re very different. What prompted this?” Luis asked. She’d never made an ecosystem before.

“I felt inspiration calling me and with the tyrant's slaughter thwarted I felt like I could indulge it a little. Plus they’ll be useful if anyone tries to come in though the Blue.” she explained

”and you were inspired to make... flying fish?” Luis asked doubtfully

“Muses work in mysterious ways Luis. Besides, you are basically a flying fish. Or fish shaped mammal anyway. Don’t judge.” Azura responded, her tone playful rather than offended.

“Is that one straight up just a tuna? Did you go down to the ocean and steal some while I was away?” he began upon spotting the quite literal flying fish, before realizing something “Can you do that with other species?”

“I didn’t, but I suppose I could? A healthy ecosystem needs variety after all and that would be a simple way to add it. Did you have something specific in mind with that question?” Azura asked

“Whales.” Luis responded with unprecedented speed.

“Whales? Oh. ohhh. Yes I can do that, it’s the least I can do in fact!” Azura responded before taking wing “I’ll be right back!” she called before blasting off down to the world below before Luis could get another word in.

Luis had some time to poke around while she was gone and he found her latest project, the red Armonia, with its back peeled open with various half finished magical contraptions built inside it that looks like the framework for holding soul crystals that Bruna and the Alma had. His best guess was that it was something like the Curators or Bruna, though why she was working on it when he had already seen them function down on the island below he could not say.

When Azura returned it was at the head of a huge shoal of Tonnikala. There were whales of all kinds, from Blue whales to Orcas, Beluga whales and Narwhals. Along with them where numinous pray species: Dozens of kinds of fish, small and large, where herded through the sky, as was where a number of kinds of squids, octopuses, turtles, seals, shrimp and krill. Along with all these, and almost invisible to the naked eye, where clouds of algae and plankton, the basis for most aquatic food chains, that had been modified to absorb water and nutrients from clouds and the Blue’s ubiquitous light.

The mass of Tonnikala soared up into the Blue and then burst out in every direction, flooding the sky with life far exceeding the limited specimens that Azura had originally introduced.

“So. What do you think?” Azura asked once more after landing atop the bastion next to Luis.

“It’s wonderful.” Luis responded. The land below was still desolate and cold, but, at last for Luis, up here didn't seem so lonely anymore.

These four, Rhyhorn, Kangaskhan, Tauros and snorlax are all un-evolved mon that can be canonically ridden in pokemon let's go

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,007 (2+)
Bowser: Level 4 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////// (31/40)
Bowser Jr: Level 2 EXP: ////////////////////// (11/20)
Kamek: Level 2 EXP: //////////////////// (1/20)
(New level up power for Kamek: Self teleportation)
Location: Peach’s Castle

It was a pleasant ride for Bowser, safe from the dust behind his windshield. Kamek, while also safe, did not enjoy the rather bumpy ride one bit, his old bones being shaken up something fierce by it, but it was at least preferable to driving in an exposed kart or riding a broomstick for several hours. Jr had the worst of it, buzzing along in the open topped clown car, bunny hood pulled down over his head to try and keep out the dust, while its cloak section flapping in the wind behind him. He’d overtaken the Bowser Mobile relatively early on, and anyone not wanting to eat the car’s dust would be advised to do the same. He ended up more or less leading the pack by virtue of being the second to move out and his intimate familiarity with his little car’s capabilities.

Along with them was the Rabbids’ scrappy supply truck, its trailer pulled along by Koopa King kart that was driven by the Buckler. Its cargo was a shed load of basic bunny brawlers who ‘entertained’ the convoy by singing various poor interpretations of music appropriate for road trips, along with some basic supplies like rations from Peach’s castles’ kitchen, more fuel for the karts and spare parts from the junkyard. It would make a half decent bus for anyone who didn’t want to drive themselves if they didn’t mind the traveling companions they’d need to share it with to much.

Together they all rolled on forwards while up above them the sun slowly crept its way upwards towards the peak of mid day. Most hoped they’d get to this inn/shop place before noon, because the country roads they were traveling did not seem like a good place to stop for a picnic. Unfortunately there was a bit of a speed bump in the way of that, namely the hostile vehicles Kamek had spotted earlier.

Upon sighting their expected foes Bowser sped up, getting the Bowser Mobile to the front of the convoy before jerking the steering wheel of his car to the side and performing handbrake turn. The Bowser Mobile skidded to a stop in front of the rest of the team, its side presented to the attacking vehicles in order to form a barrier the team could take cover behind. It also presented the rear mounted sentry with an angle to let loose its devastating firepower. Bowser himself stepped one foot up onto the door of the car and let out a deafening roar that briefly drowned out the enemies' terrible music.

Jr meanwhile took to the skies via clown car propeller, taking him up and above the fire arcs of the vehicle's fixed guns. Kamek stayed in the car, his body still shaken by the ride. He’d do what he could from there.

With their initial defensive position set up, the koopa troop set to work making approaching it as hard as possible.

Bowser let loose a slow but steady fwump fwump fwump of fireballs aimed at their opponents approach vector. The slow speed of the projectiles meant they were easily dodge-able, but their size meant that getting hit by even one would likely be devastating and they left burning patches on the ground wherever they struck.

Jr meanwhile summoned his koopa army, causing a few dozen of the turtle troopers to spawn beneath his floating command car. ”Koopa corp, shell blitz attack!” he ordered, resulting in the koopas briefly running towards the vehicles in a counter charge before they withdrew their vulnerable parts into their shells and began skimming along the surface of the terrain. This green shell onslaught would have been a terrifying barrage for any Mario karter and would, hopefully, be at least somewhat disruptive to their enemies proper cars.

Jr himself meanwhile got out his splatter shot and began spraying it in the general direction of the cars. The ink shooter’s shots fell well short of their target initially, but the black puddles each shot left on the ground would make a dangerous oil slick like slipping hazard for any car that crossed it.

Odds where the royal’s attacks wouldn’t inflict much if any actual damage, but the sheer volume of hazards they had created would make their attacker’s approach a treacherous one if they stuck together, and make aiming at anything in particular very difficult as they swerved to avoid the entry hazards. Hopefully disrupting this suppressing fire would make shooting back a damn sight less dangerous for people actually capable of hitting stuff. Some of Rabbids did just that, hopping off of their parked lorry, which would probably fall apart if it took any damage, and onto the Bowser Mobile. There they used its door and driver as heavy cover while occasionally popping up to take pot shots at the oncoming vehicles with their blasters.

Anyone brave enough to sally out from behind the Bowser mobile to fight them meanwhile could semi safely flank round the royal’s cone of fire to strike their foes from the side or could get the jump on any who turned away from the initial charge.

Kamek meanwhile looked out over the left hand side door at the rest of the team while using Bowser’s body as cover to avoid being shot in the back of the head.

”Lets see here” he muttered to himself ”which one of you makes the best...” his eyes fell on the Centurion ”Hehe yes, you’ll do.” he said before pointing his wand at the man ”up and at em big guy!” he cried, as magical energy burst from the want and empowered the ancient warrior, increasing his size several times over till he was as large as the Koopa King himself.

His magic cast, the magi-koopa slid back down into the car’s interior to continue channeling the spell in relative safety.
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