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In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bouncer’s shot down the stairwell like a nervous impulse, landing on some goon’s shoulders in the midst of a firing squad. There was a split instant before they registered her presence, double-masked and crouching on their buddy’s back before she disappeared again, popping back into existence at the top of the stairs over Kitsune’s head in a mist of electrical spider webs. Air rushed in to replace her in the next breath, followed by a CRACK as Bouncer hit the ground hard enough to splinter its foundation, shaking the ground and sending the cadre of guards stumbling as they lost their balance.

Bouncer took a deep breath, savoring the scent of sweat and violence as that glorious, all consuming music swelled through her nerves. This is what she was looking for.

Men whipped their guns through the air as they found their footing, casting around for the second intruder. She disappeared the instant each found her, flickering around the landing behind backs and over heads, legs and arms shooting out like gunshots. The men fell one after the next, quicker than their increasingly panicked brains could process what was happening.

Then Bouncer took off, sprinting full tilt down the hall of the underground facility, not so much searching as hunting. The hall pulsed with bodies, clamoring to respond to the invasion of their nest. Slow, barking drones with small caliber stingers they were all so terribly convinced made them strong. They had no idea what it meant to be strong, not like she did. She knew what it meant to be strong. Relished it.

She’d come here for a reason, with others, but that thought was distant and small. There was something far, far, far more urgent to attend to, and these grunting morons weren’t nearly enough. This place made monsters, didn’t it? Where they hell were they?

She stepped off the back of some witless croney, eyes darting around for some sign of direction. There were all sorts of little rooms, locked tight without windows. They were all marked by little plaques with pointless combinations of letters and numbers on them. How was she supposed to find the ones that would give her what she was looking for? She paced back and forth across the halls, growing increasingly frustrated. This one? No, this one?

She ran right past the dour fox woman, going one way, then another. If she recognized the other woman’s presence, she didn’t acknowledge it, stalking around with quick, urgent steps and mumbling constantly behind her masks.

Where the hell were all the monsters?! The music burned loud in her spine, angry and unsatisfied and demanding. They’d all gone somewhere else, they must have. Where would they even go? Out on the streets, some part of her mind whispered. Right, right, the ones running wild outside. That’s where they all went. Why the hell was she here then? This place sucked. Why did she even come here? There was nothing to do, all the bad guys were weak losers. What rat bastard tricked her into wasting her time in some shithole like-

Bouncer blinked once. Oh, right. There was- Some gay dude in cosplay wanted to find his boyfriend, or whatever. She was supposed to be- they were looking for that other guy.

Where the hell was she? What hall was this? She’d been- She’d come from over there, so- Right, right, she could find her way back from here. The stairwell shouldn’t be too far from- Oh right, Kitsune. They were- this was a team exercise, or whatever.

Bouncer called out for the fox hero, releasing the locked doorknob she hadn’t even realized she’d been gripping. Her feet glided over the polished linoleum floors of the facility, back the way she’d come. She should- no, the plan was for her to take point anyway. She was just doing her part of the teamwork. She’d done a good job, yeah.

She turned a corner, side-stepping another unconscious guard slumped face-first against the wall before stopping in her tracks. Had that door been open before? Or, well, been broken before. Wait, had there been a monster down here all along?! Bouncer hopped up and down on the ball of her feet, feeling giddy at her luck. Her leg swung forward and she vanished midstep, teleporting across the hall to the busted door frame, crouching down to see what she was working with-

Oh, it was Joel. A monster! But also just… Joel. Did he… make friends with it? Oh, there were others in the room. An old dude and some chick tied to the bed. Kay.
In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Just a passing samaritan," Dollar replied, waving his suspicion away with his hand like an old fart. "Girl looked like she had a knot in her back. Carrying too much tension in her shoulders, y'see. Somethin' you're familiar with, I'm sure."

The ground rumbled at the distant approach of machinery. The Forges sending out crews to hack the beast apart for meat, no doubt. Thry always were quick about these things. Inconveniently so, at times. Not that this was one of them.

"I'm not gonna step on your toes, big guy," she sighed, letting her hands fall to her hips. She paced around Alex's left side, face fixed ahead while her eyes never left his face. "I'll get goin' out of your hair now, 'kay? No fuss. Just thought I'd get a look at our guest of honor before the big party is all."
In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
oh i just figured they should regroup before i throw anything in there
In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
this posts a bit long, i hope no one minds
In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bouncer zipped through the back of the building, teleporting from hall end to hall end with increasing frustration. This place was supposed to be defended! Where the hell were all the guards?! Joel hadn’t really managed to hog them all to himsel- to distract them all so effectively, had he?! What gives!!

She was at Kitsune’s side the instant the hero called out to her. A suspicious staircase reaching down into the depths of the earth. Looks like they had a winner. “The underground cabal of evil scientists built their secret lair literally underground. How…” Bouncer turned to Kitsune, not quite sure she was using the right word. “Gauche?”
Dollar’s hand hovered over the baby-blue barrier as it shot into existence, lips slightly parted before coming together in a wry smile. She brought one finger to her lips, eyes sliding sideways to regard the Meathead Macedonian as he squared himself for a fight. ”Shhhhhh.” She rose slowly, hand fixed into position in front of her face. “The baby’s sleepin’,” she whispered, head slowly turning toward Alex as she stood.

Dollar took slow, deliberate steps away from Yue’s unconscious form, placing her feet carefully where she wouldn’t disturb any of the rubble as she moved over toward Alex. “Kids need their rest, you know,” she teased, crossing her arms and circling just out of arm’s reach before coming to a stop on his opposite side. “That’s why I didn’t disturb your nap. You looked so cozy, all bundled up and warm.”

Máire squinted at the spotlight fixing its gaze upon them, silver dust sliding across her eyes. She blinked, and her eyes adjusted to cut out the excess light. She got the distinct impression they weren’t the most welcome - an impression which was reinforced by another drone launching and taking aim at the shapeshifter.

Máire looked between both drones and the shapeshifter, holding Rat more firmly in place before sending the two of them shooting further up the side of the wall. Swords manifested from her back, slicing cleanly through the air and forming a defensive circle around their third companion. The spotlight drone followed after them without hesitation, and experience told Máire to expect immediate retribution from Shieldtown’s mechanical guardians. Shieldtown protects, after all, and as far as these drones were concerned, the three of them were yet more intruders.
In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
well maybe we need a second look
In HEROIC 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
coward! show us his insides!
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