Avatar of DruSM157


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Current Jokes on everyone I just look like a sad Travis Touchdown who has really really loud shits
2 yrs ago
You status bar people sure are a contentious bunch
2 yrs ago
Adding to that, unless you are exhibiting life threatening symptoms (unable to breathe, etc) go to a rapid test site in your area than going to the ER. Local ERs are swamped and overwhelmed here.
2 yrs ago
As someone who has been stabbed in the past knives are not kinky
2 yrs ago
I'd rather just...never take a lewd of myself.


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Location:The Laughing Warg Tavern - The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Benkei’s eyes widened. His heart rushed. His fist clenched and he was ready to punch that smug fucking gaijin in his stupid jaw. Every word that followed out of Graves’ stupid mouth just made Benkei’s heart pound. In the corner of his eye, he spied a glass of ale. Every instinct said to smash it in this ugly fucker’s face and-


Benkei stopped. "Stop. Please. He's--Graves is right. It is my fault."

No, that was wrong. What happened in that dungeon-

“Enough Kazuki.” Benkei looked around the room at the eyes focused on them. He met their cold gazes with the glare he’d done so well to define during his days yelling at shitty scrub players. ”I don’t know what the hell you two talked about to get so heated. And I don’t care.” Kazuki could have said the vilest shit and Benkei would have backed him up, even if he disagreed with it. Because he wasn’t going to watch his brother get yelled at, spat on, talked down to. That was what he had to deal with. The fights, the broken noses, the black eyes, the bruised ribs. That was his normal.

”What I do care about is your shitty insinuation that my brother caused Aaginim’s death.” Every word of that hurt. ”If you want to start throwing blame around, you’d best remember who agreed to go into that dungeon. We’re all to blame for going in there when everything felt off. Aaginim. Atlas. Enos. I killed them. You killed them. Every one of us killed them when we entered that fucking dungeon. Don't you dare imply that they're dead because of my brother. Because if you think you're high and mighty, remember that you would be dead before you even left the third room without him.”

What was Graves? Just another bigger guy. Just another person who fucking threw his weight about and beat up punks like himself. “And don’t you dare fucking think I’m going to sit around and watch someone stand over my brother and threaten him. I don’t care how strong you are or how big you think you are. If you have a problem with me or my family, we can take it somewhere else.”

Location:The Laughing Warg Tavern - The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Raised voices. And now Graves was on his feet, looking like he was prepared to deck Kazuki.

His brother.

“Excuse me-” he said quickly to Sif, realizing he had to act fast. Right now everything he’d worked for was going up in smoke, and he had no idea why. Honestly, he didn’t care why. Someone was being aggressive to his family, and there was no way in hell he was going to stand by and watch this.

He felt a tremor in his hands. He forced it down. He had to force it down because right now Kazuki was in trouble and he wasn’t going to be a coward. He wasn’t going to collapse.

“Hey!” His voice rose higher than he wanted as he approached Graves’ flank. ”The owners already said to keep things civil in here.” His voice was less calm and more tinged with anger and venom. The fact that Graves of all people was pulling an aggressive card with his brothers-his brother-of all people was already out of the question. ”You need to walk away and cool your head before you cause trouble for everyone. Benkei was serious. And not serious as he had been yesterday. This was a colder serious. The kind of attitude that followed with a thrown fist.

He’d been in enough fights. Lost enough too. But he’d be goddamned if he let someone push his family around.

Location:The Laughing Warg Tavern - The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

"Well, if we're discussing money and resources, I guess your brother would be useful as a pack mule. Almost as smart as one at least." Siegfried’s antics were met with the usual Benkei reaction: a muted response to the older man getting into worse trouble, as always.

“He’s smarter than he looks.” She remarked, giggling. “You should see him in the forge.”

So, Siegfried could do something other than stand around and complain while he got hit by enemies. Benkei actually felt a pang of surprise."Well, at least he could use that skill for some use. I wonder how many players focused on smithing." Benkei's brow furrowed. "I wonder what five hundred expert smiths would do to this world's economy."

“Before or after the inflation bubble bursts?”

Sif brought up a good question and something Bsnkei hadn't considered. Economics were far from his strong point, and it was nice to have someone else to discuss plans and theories with that wouldn't just nod or ignore him."You're right. Also, it's now even more mouths that will need to be fed." He thought back to her thoughts on their in-world needs. "Money scarcity is going to become a problem. Desperate players might resort to anything if they run out of gold."

“I suppose you don’t think many will take up farming.”

"My trade skill is in...uh...fishing, at least. But no, I don't think everyone's going to consider these factors like we are. A lot of people are going to think the game rules apply. They didn't see what we have." They needed to secure money, food and shelter. That was the first big hurdle. Kazuki was good at making money; something he didn’t put too much focus in. Not until now.

“That’s good in Thorinn. The Waking Sea is right there.” She said as she pulled out one of her books and opened it; an atlas. As she spoke she’d motion to each region on the map before them. “We’ll be able to survive here pretty easily. It’s not a desert like Iblenar or dense mountains like Theremia or Ktharia. Worst part about staying here is the humidity.”

He nodded and followed her as she discussed the various regions. “I agree we should focus on Thorinn first. But once we have ourselves established here, traveling to the other city states will be important; namely finding other players and also getting information that isn’t available here.” They were mapping out a plan, and everyone else was drinking, fighting and mumbling. At least he had Sif, Kazuki, and hopefully Alex and Graves on his side now. Seele also seemed to be someone he could count on, and with her, perhaps they could get Alja and Kalie on their side as well. Kalie would be enough of a carrot to bring Siegfried along, anyways.

“This might actually work,” he said, smiling at Sif.

Location:The Laughing Warg Tavern - The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

“Do you really think anyone is going to be the right state of mind to be consolidating knowledge like that?” Maybe not Mystic Prophecy. Maybe not those who were already broken and scared, crying to themselves that they were going to die. But they’d gone through tragedy and fear, and even if they struggled, they were still here, still working for something. That was worth...something, right? To just hide away and to pray that the glitch would be fixed was wishful thinking.

After all, how long would it take them in the real world? Hours? Days? Weeks? Time moved differently in Pariah. Hours in the real world were days in game. Would they have to wait in their perspective a month to be saved? Or a year?

“Maybe not everyone who has gone through a truly traumatic experience will want to help. I wouldn’t try and demand help from Luci, or Priscilica or Leaves. If you or your brother didn’t want to help, I would understand. But I think it’s a better plan than simply waiting around to be saved. Because...with things as dire as they are now, I don’t know when there could be a fix to get us out of the game. And i’d rather be proactive in learning what we can now before things get worse.”

Alja’s outburst, Rael’s comments, the others were already at each other’s throats. Sif’s words did strike him true; would anyone truly want to work together now? Especially after they were so easily brought to nearly attack each other? Benkei really wondered exactly how well his plans would work.

After all, his plans were good in theory but events like last night proved they weren’t perfect. Even the best plans were easily railroaded.

Location:The Laughing Warg Tavern - The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

“Just trying to figure out why… why Kazuki’s magic didn’t work.”

She’d had the same thought both he and Kazuki had. Of course she did. She was smart and that set her apart from many meathead players in Pariah. She went on to discuss her own theories and questions about why restorative magic didn’t work like it did before. Benkei was surprised that she’d even gone to look into similar books his brother had also invested in. Smart was too imprecise a word to describe her.

“You must think it’s stupid of me to think like this…” The self-flaggelation wasn’t uncommon for Benkei or his brother. They were Japanese, after all, and dishonor and shame were always on the tip of any serious parent’s tongues. Especially theirs.

“Stupid? No. Brilliant is a better word. It’s something Kazuki and I have also been discussing. Why do we now feel actual sensations, like hunger, pain, and our actual senses. Why is everyone suddenly able to get drunk?” Benkei had a wild look in his eye as he pondered these existential questions. “It’s like this world is a living system, but before the glitch we were only observers and casual manipulators of the world around us. Now after this glitch, we’re a part of the system too. The rules that governed our magic don’t apply anymore. At least, that’s my theory.

He looked around the room, nodding and glancing at those he knew. “How many players are still stuck in Pariah right now, I wonder. And of those players, how many of them have some useful skill or knowledge? I wonder how many players are in the medical field, or engineering field, or in a science field. We need to understand how this world works, but also we need to use the knowledge we have from the real world. If Pariah is a living system now, there are rules and laws. Laws for magic, but also laws for physics. Laws for biology. If we’re going to survive in this place until they can get us out, we need to use everything we have access to.”

Maybe he sounded stupid. Or crazy.

Location:The Laughing Warg Tavern - The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

He let Kazuki lead. It felt good, actually, having the heavy weight of leadership off his shoulders. It felt good to depend on someone else and lean on them. As they entered the tavern, there was a sense of tense calm. People had been drinking, been breaking down and talking. No one paid them much mind as they entered. Kazuki noticed Alex, and walked over to greet the man, while Benkei noticed Sif wave.

Sif. She’d been a good player when he’d run dungeons with her. Siegfried, the lazy older brother had been the problem. Hotheaded, loud and fussy, but also not as gifted at the game as his sister. She was someone that Benkei could depend on in a dungeon.

He walked over to her.

“Hey,” he said in a low voice. It carried a hoarseness with it. He didn’t notice it until now; and it made him sound older, sicker even. It shocked and scared him a little, as it reminded him of his own mortality. His pallid complexion did not help his image. “How are you holding up?”

The irony was lost on him, of course, as he’d been the one who collapsed. He’d been the one to show weakness. But here he was attempting to appear strong to someone who saw him at his weakest moment. If Kazuma could float away from his own body and watch himself as someone watching a television show, perhaps he would have laughed with gusto at the scene.

Location: Kazuki’s Home-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

It took him some time to compose himself. But he did. It was thanks to his older brother that Benkei felt that he had to keep going. After all, this world was now playing for keeps, and he had to make sure his brother survived. He would not let Kazuki die. He’d failed the others, but he could not fail his family.

“Come on,” he muttered to Kazuki, as he slowly got dressed. He wasn’t wearing his normal armor; though in the back of his mind, he thought he should. They’d also need to consider their health now. If they could die, it meant they could get sick. They could starve. Disease killed just as many people in the middle ages as wars did; and Benkei was certain that without proper hygiene, cleanliness and precautions, many of the wayfarers stuck in Pariah would perish within a year. “There’s a lot we need to do.”

He needed to meet with the others. Every wayfarer he met, he needed to talk to. Most of the players in Pariah were older. They were students and adults with different skills. And if they were going to be stuck here in this world, they’d need to use everything possible to their advantage. Doctors, nurses and pharmacologists could devise medicines, engineers and mechanics could build more advanced tools and machines. While they lacked the technology from their own world, they did not lack the knowledge. And the first group of people that would meet with him, that would talk these things out? They were his party members.

He failed Aaginim, Enos and Atlas. He failed Luci. But he wouldn’t fail everyone else. He was so obsessed with himself, that when he finally laid eyes on Kazuki’s books, he looked at his brother. “Kazuki, are you planning on studying medicine here?”

"My healing has its limits, apparently," Kazuki replied, lightly rubbing his temples. "The rules have changed, so at this point I've decided to cover all my bases. If I understand the human body and my magic better, I can be more effective."

“It looks like we both have the same idea then. I want to meet with the others, and other players as well. There's a lot of information here in this world, but we all have skills and knowledge from the real world as well. If this place is anything like the normal world, we’re going to need medical knowledge, engineering knowledge and other expertise.”

Kazuki scowled at the mention of engineering, albeit he seemed to agree with everything else. After a few seconds of pause, he let out a small sigh. "Banding together, huh?" He seemed to be looking far away, a small frown on his face. "Think they'll be open to the idea?"

“If they want to live, they’ll have to. The average lifespan of a person back in the 1800s was roughly 30 years. That was the average life span everywhere. If we want to avoid dying in this game, we’ll need all the help we can get. And right now the first place is with those that will listen: namely our party members.”

For a second, Kazuki was uncharacteristically quiet, even for him. He opened his mouth once or twice to talk, but he seemed to struggle with his words. Finally, he asked, "You don't think they'd be with Luci?"

“They could be. She may not listen. But I think some will. Alex, Graves, Rael, Seele, even Kalie. I think they’d be open to listen to us. I bet even Prisilica and Leaves would listen. Luci? Probably not.” He was unsure about Alja. If she stayed by Luci’s side, she could demand them leave. But he had to try and reach out to them. He needed all the help he could get.

The two brothers gathered their things and made their way to The Laughing Worg. Benkei hoped that people would listen. In his mind, working together was their only hope for survival.

Location: Kazuki’s Home-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

He woke up.

But he did not respond.

For hours, he stared out into empty space. Kazuki had no idea what was going on in his brother’s head, but he needed to give him time to heal. He had his own ideas and plans to consider as well, so in the morning he set out with his own goals.

But what was going on in Kazuma’s head?

He’d remembered every aspect of that dream. Perhaps it wasn’t really a dream then, but a fantasy so strong it just erupted through his mind. A desire for friends, for belonging, for understanding. For people who cared about him and treated him like a person and not just a...useless thing.
But fantasies don’t come true. They’re fantasies for a reason. Playful dreams and ideas those without power think of, and dream of. Kazuma thought that Pariah Online would let him feel powerful, like he belonged somewhere. But it was no different than home. It was cruel.
It was unfair.
And then Kazuma began to think. His mind racing about every minute detail of the past few days. Everything about the glitch. Their hunger, their pain, their senses. The death.

It was real.
And Kazuma expressed the first emotion he’d been able to, with the isolation of his brother’s house protecting him from the gaze of others.

He wept.

Location: The Dungeon -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

The way out was clear. “We should…” Benkei heaved, kneeling over his sword. His spell had taken a lot out of him, but even worse was the mental strain of everything he’d seen. It was too much. He could barely stay standing. “They don’t deserve to stay in this horrible place.” He meant the fallen. The dead. The people they’d lost.

All the hopes, the dreams, everything they hoped to share.

And then his heart erupted in pain. His lungs screamed out. Benkei grasped his chest, heaving and wheezing as the world spun. He fell to his knees. His vision shifted into darkness. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t do anything as the world began to cover into darkness. The darkness of his failure. He’d been too slow, too weak, not good enough. And now three people were dead.



“Hey, Benkei, what do you think of this dungeon?” Aaginim was pouring over a map, whilst other members of the guild went about their day. But over the few months he’d been admitted into Mystic Prophecy, Benkei had proven that he deserved his place at the table. He’d been a reliable member, and had become a good friend with the other players.

He belonged, for the first time in his life.

“Hey, I heard your brother has another concert tomorrow at Toraenis. We should all show up and support him.”

“I don’t know if he even needs our support anymore. He’s one of the most popular in-game musicians now. He might be worth more than the entire guild.”

The two laughed. “Hey, Benkei, I was wondering…”

“What’s up?”

“Well, you know...the big day for Luci and me is coming up.”

“It’s exciting! I wish Kazuki and I could make it, but we’ll attend virtually!”

“Yeah. With the honeymoon and things, I won’t be on much. Priscilica will be leading of course, but we’ll need someone to be a leader in the dungeons, someone to look after the other players. You’re the guy I can trust with that.”

“You’re joking right? I’m the new guy!”

“And you’re a good player. Everyone agrees. People thought you were going to be a stuck-up punk when we invited you, but as we got to know you, we all learned you were a good dude. I don’t think anyone is against the idea.”

“Aag, I-”


“Come on! Let me open it!”

“Not yet. We need to wait for Sif to disable the trap.”

“But it could be some sweet loot!”

“Just wait!”

Siegfried did not wait. The floor around the chest began to spin, and suddenly a torrent of flame erupted around Benkei and Siegfried. Siegfried screamed and ran around the room, causing the blaze to expand more. “Aaahhh! Hot hot hot hot!” As Sif chased him with a bucket of water.

Atlas just stood staring at the group, shaking his head quietly.


“C’mon Benkei! It’s a hot springs! You’re Japanese! You know all about them!”

“I grew up in Tokyo. I’ve never even been to a hot springs.”

“But the ladies!” Enos poked at the younger boy. “All the ladies soaking their gorgeous bodies in warm wat-”

“Please stop.”

“What, are you interested in guys?”

“No, it’s not that! I’ve...never had any girls interested in me.”

“What? There’s tons of young girls that are interested in you. Do you need your old pal Enos to hook you up?”

“I’d rather not.”


“Aaginim and I just got the results today and we wanted to share it with you guys. We’re having a girl!” Everyone in the guild hall shouted and cheered. They wanted to know the name, the date, all the details. New life. Something beautiful.


“You can call me Kazuma. That’s my real name.”

“And your brother’s name is Kazuki? That’s a little too close!”

“It’s okay. Our parents weren’t the best.”

“You shouldn’t let your parents make you feel bad.” The girl smiled at him and poked him square in the chest. “You are you. And you’re great the way you are.”


“I think you’re pretty cool, Kazuma.”


“I can trust you Kazuma.”


”You’re my friend, Kazuma.”


“You’re a reliable guy, Kazuma.”


“Thanks for helping me out, Kazuma.”


“I guess you’re okay, Kazuma.”


“I’m proud you’re my brother.”


“Okay guys, gather around!” It was funny to see them all in normal clothes. No one was decked out in armor, no one was carrying weapons. How could they? This was the first time they’d all met up in real life. They’d all chatted and made plans, and finally they’d saved up money, used vacation time and wheeled and dealed so that Mystic Prophecy could all come together for real.

They’d settled on holding it in New York; it helped the non-American members to fly in to an international airport. Kazuma and Kazuki had been excited to see America for the first time; and it was an even more important day for Kazuki. He’d been asked to interview with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. This would be his big break. Kazuma knew it. His brother was incredible at the piano, and this would be the final leap to free them from their parents. Maybe with time, Kazuma could join his brother in America. Here, he could start over, free from all the stresses of his life in Japan.

“It is really pretty here, isn’t it?” The feminine voice came from behind them as they left the landing platform. Rael had traveled with them; she looked like her in-game self, only dressed more like a college girl her age, and with glasses. She matched the brother’s looks of wonderment, when suddenly they heard a voice.

“Over here you guys!” Alja stood among the crowd, waving excitedly for them to join her. “The rest of the guild is waiting for you slowpokes!”

They all took a cab; one of those big yellow New York taxi cabs that were in every movie about America. They drove around the city, taking pictures with their phones, excitedly chatting with each other about their trips. Everything was exciting. As the latecomers arrived, Leaves smiled and beckoned them over. "We've been waiting for you guys!" She said, rushing over to give Alja a hug.

They arrived at Central Park to find the guild all talking near a large fountain. Aaginim waved them over, wearing a colorful tropical shirt. The outfit contrasted with his cool and kind exterior, but Kazuma liked it. He was truly embracing being a father. Luci stood by a stroller with a baby nestled inside. Her hair was tied up and she wore a knit sweater. And Kazuma could see how different she’d become after marrying Aag. Her smile was so warm and vibrant. Prisilica was busy talking to Luci, laughing and smiling. Seele was carrying a picnic basket in her arms, looking bashful. Enos was busy hitting on women in the park, and getting slapped. All with a happy face. Alex sat on the stones of the fountain, smiling at the others, looking distinguished and handsome in a suit. Everyone was there, smiling and happy.

As they approached, a figure grabbed Kazuma, getting him in a headlock. “Did you think I’d pass up a chance to get one up on you, punk?” Siegfried said, laughing as Sif smacked her brother with a rolled up paper. They all laughed.

“Everyone, let’s get together for a photo!” Priscilica called the group over.

Each of them knelt in close with one another, basking in each other’s company. The guild began as players working together to clear content, but now they’d all grown as friends.

As family.

As they all gathered around, looking at the photo, Kazuma knew this was something he would frame. He would place it somewhere that he could gaze at it every day, and enjoy looking at the people he loved with all of his heart.

It was the final good dream Kazuma had.

Location: The Dungeon -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

This wasn’t happening. It was a-

-all a dream.

Kazuki opened his eyes to sunlight, birds and the warm rays on his face. “What’s going on?”

“Finally, he’s awake.” The snarky voice came from behind. Prisilica

“Kazuma, I was worried about you!” Kazuki smiled, kneeling down by his brother. “But it’s all okay now.”

Kazuma looked around him, and he saw everyone standing around. Aaginim and Luci, standing close to each other. Atlas, his arms crossed. Enos grinning, whilst eyeing up the various girls in the party. Leaves, Sif, Siegfried. Everyone was okay. And behind him, his party, all sitting around, eating and drinking as if they were on a picnic.

“The games moderators fixed the hack. Everyone’s okay now.” Aaginim smiled, and looked over the group. “And I’ve got to say. I’m impressed. Everyone did amazing today. I think this dungeon was a great test, and everyone passed with flying colors. Welcome to Mystic Prophecy.” Everyone cheered, and Aaginim offered Kazuma a hand to help him onto his feet. “You were a great leader.”

”Hey! Why don’t I get a compliment like that?” Siegfried yelled, crossing his arms. “I didn’t do too bad either!”

“You’ve got a long way to go before you can call yourself good, though,” Kazuma smirked. Seig yelled, and fussed, but everyone in the group laughed. The sun shined brightly, the wind blew a cool and calming breeze, and things were right.

Benkei opened his eyes to death. To pain. And to the anguish of his allies. Their formation broke quickly as Kazuki dashed to Prisilica’s aid. Benkei yelled, but it fell on deaf ears. Their healer was preoccupied. Graves was busy with Enos; who was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. They were all going to die. Graves then attacked, Alja charged, Seele raged.

Aaginim was limp on the ground. Enos was impaled. Atlas was...gone. Siegfried, Sif and Leaves fought. Priscilia was alive.

But Aaginim was dead.

Enos was dead.

You will die. Not your character. Not your avatar. You will die. The words of the moderators swirled in his head.


Benkei gripped his greatsword’s hilt with every ounce of strength.


He ran forward behind the group attacking. The world shook. It wasn’t from the monster. No, his own body was fighting him. His breath was labored. He struggled to keep in air. Everything was slowing down in his head.


He slammed his blade into the ground. “Earthen Sprites. Give me EVERYTHING you have." Every ounce of stamina he had, he poured into this strike. His body shook, his heart pounded. His muscles screamed in pain as he delved deep into every reserve he had.

It wouldn’t be multiple spikes. It wouldn’t be pointed at his allies. It came from beneath. From the earth and stone directly beneath the monster. A stone spire, pointed and aimed to pierce, came from beneath the boss. Benkei screamed. It was a scream of rage. It was a scream of pain. It was a scream of anguish.

This was real. And Benkei screamed because of how much it horrified him.

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