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Marshall largely ignored Amanita, as she spoke. He didn’t really think on the terms of what could have been, but, rather what was to be, and that was caring for the kitten that was savaging the fish. A chuckle escaped him, as she set her upon the table, and flipped off his shirt to bundle her up as a little kitten burrito; all but her shoulders and above exposed so she could eat, while being soaked in the linger warm of Marshall’s core, and the building warmth of her own self.

Due to the removal of his shirt, Marshall was reminded of a certain, overtly inquisitive Harvin; another pet of a beast, like himself. Funny, how she slipped into his thoughts; so insidious, like her serpentine master. “Selmia,” Marshall murmured, as drew her dagger, and admired it. “Astrals be damned, Primals be leashed,” he swore, “I am cursed with boundless greed and infinite obsession. If I want it, so shall I possess it, until it breaks or bores.” Marshall held the knife to the light, and his persona shifted; he called it, “Pleonexia,” the only word befitting its extremeness...

The sound of metal clinking against wood could be heard as Amanita and Oliver concluded their conversation, Amanita taking a seat in the room Cyll and Mushi were resting in. The harvin, rather than simply leaving, strode into the kitchen and with the lightest tap of his gauntlet covered finger, poked at Marshall’s back. ”Excuse me...have a moment for a few questions, sir?”

Marshall snarled, a moment’s lost of sanity, as he turnt the dagger against the Harvin, before his mind settled against the visage of the decidedly masculine figure before him; Selmia banished from his mind, for now. “Another round,” he says, shaking his head, “eh, Bart?” Marshall frowned, “No, no, think, focus...” Sheathing the dagger, Marshall tapped his head, and brought himself back. “Yes?

”Not here, if you’re looking for a fight. I’ve been looking for clues about a cure to a certain…”illness” a friend of mine has. Primal artifacts, or primals themselves carry this sort of “feeling” thats really easy to sniff out when you get close enough, if you know what it feels like.” Oliver said, eyes focused on Marshall. ”That isn’t your arm, is it? Or rather...that thing’s stuck to your arm, isn’t it?” the short individual would ask, pointing at the gauntlet on Marshall’s arm.

It’s far from stuck,” Marshall says, “It is my arm, has been for over 1,900 years. But, let’s press on...” he shifted, and looked over, “Illness, you say? I’m not doctor, but, unfortunately, I’ve been a guinea pig for too many, too much, too often for my liking. Immortality is too attractive for the twisted of thought.” Marshall scratched at Harliqueen’s ears, “So, what are you asking for? Blood? Flesh? Bone?

”No need for any of that. I just need words.” Oliver said as he pulled up a chair, struggling for a moment to actually pull himself up onto it, before he sat across from Marshall. ”Namely, the ones that could tell me the Primal Beast that gave you that arm.” he said, while the small cat in Marshall’s arms shifted around within the blanket burrito that enshrouded it, trying to stretch its legs a little.

Gave? You think too highly on that one,” Marshall says, loosing Harliqueen’s wrapping. “This is a punishment for my hubris. I stole this; one of seven pieces I intend to fully possess.” Flexing his right fingers, the old thief chuckled, “If you want to talk to the old hag, I could ask her. If she’s kind enough to deign to answer.

Oliver hummed, netting his armored fingers together. ”Hrm...I can’t really trust the words of a Primal Beast. Not like they’d sell out one of their own. Even if she did know, whoever this ‘hag’ is doesn’t seem to like you much. I can tell. Your ether is...sickly, to say the least. I can smell that underneath, your ether is the same as mine, but its like its being violently pushed back,” he would say, before tilting his head to the right ”So, why are you here? Looking for one of those other seven pieces? Or just here to adopt kittens?”

Six left,” Marshall corrects. “I couldn’t care less how the Lady of Virtue feels of me; just that she upholds her end of the bargain,” he says. “In any case, I escaped an undesired situation, crashed here, after taking a stowaway’s nap, rescued that child doctor, and, now, I’m here, immortal, and yet under her medical care.” Marshall sighed, “This cutie-pie is just a little bonus in my drab life of fan-splayed shit salad.

”Language. There are kids in the next room.” Oliver said, with a completely serious tone, before his expression lightened up a bit. Relaxing his posture, Oliver asked: ”So, you stowed away, huh? Funny...we just got telegrammed a report. A prisoner ship went down over the area between here and Ziggurat; Seemed like pirates from the report. That wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with you, would it?”

I’m a thief, not a pirate,” Marshall says, simply. “I couldn’t be bothered to be involved in piracy, unless my goal is involved,” he says, “As such,. I cannot say I would be involved. Maybe, my ship was a pirate ship, but, unfortunately for them, I was not such. If I was, they would have lived. Maybe.” Marshall grinned, a twisted half-grin, “If I was, though, what would that mean for me?

“Ah, it’d be a bit out of my jurisdiction, since this is Zweite territory, but…” Oliver would say, before for just the briefest of moments, Marshall would feel a sense of dread simply looking at the Harvin. ”I’d probably have to drag you back to Geste for a trial. he said, before snickering, then full out laughing. ”You’re no pirate, clear as day. Thievery’s a crime, but seeing as this is Zweite territory, I imagine its not from anything less than their coffers. Oliver said, back to his cheery self.

So we’ll leave it at that,” Marshall smiled back. “For the best.” Looking up, Marshall hummed, “Good to know where I am, though. Zweite...” his eyes closed, clearly looking at a map in his head. “There’s a village near, and an port to the northwest of it, going to it from this direction,” he says, opening his eyes, “There’s where I need to go.

”Sorry to say, any public airships aren’t able to leave right now. So unless you can get a private ship on an island that doesn’t sell them, you’re stuck here for a while.” Oliver explained. He had a point, that is, if one actually had the intention of booking a flight through a public channel. Marshall would know from experience that some islands had underground smugglers that could ferry passengers, but for a high cost given the secrecy of the business dealt.

I’ll just stowaway,” Marshall shrugged. “A corpse get flown fairly far, for free,” he says. “Unless things have changed.

”Oh, they haven’t, unless you’re planning to go all the way down to the bottom of the sky when they catch you.” Oliver joked, with just a hint of seriousness in his tone. ”This talk has been...informative, in its own way. I appreciate you giving me your time, Marshall.” he would say, leaving Marshall to what point did he learn that name that was not given to him? Oliver hadn’t asked, nor had he given his own name, yet in the end walked away with Marshall’s.

Marshall narrowed his eyes. ‘I didn’t pass my name. Not to the best of my knowledge. Amanita, perhaps? No... Maybe...’ he looked up. ‘... did he overhear it, or just...’ Standing, Marshall decided to follow Oliver, and ask.

Oliver would simply keep walking, passing by Amanita, Cyll, and Mushi before stopping in the doorway. ”Did you have a question for me, Marshall?” Oliver would ask, looking up at the human he’d just finished his conversation with.

How did you know my name,” Marshall asks.

Oliver would tilt his head a moment, before scratching the back of his head. ”I really let that slip, huh? Oh well. Its not important.” Oliver would say dismissively, before opening Amanita’s door to leave.

Marshall’s expression turned rather grim, but didn’t chase. He knew too much, too many... he didn’t... want to hurt again. If Oliver belonged to his past, the Harvin would show up again. They always did...

Stopping on one foot, Oliver looked back at Marshall, before saying: ”Ah, I forgot...its rude for me to leave out the introduction. My name is Oliver Vimmins.” as he looked back at Marshall, he could feel something sinister, from that name he knew. ”And if I ever see you again, may not be on pleasant terms.”

Marshall’s armor bulked up, and he nearly crushed the atmosphere with his sheer anger. “No...” he says, “I doubt it shall be. Such an uncommon surname. Unknown for many, many years.” Marshall inhaled, and exhaled, “Explains things...” he turned. “Try to avoid me, descendant.

Oliver looked over his shoulder at Marshall, at that armor, and for the briefest of moments, he fully considered killing Marshall where he stood, the ebony blade housed in his sheath revealing itself; And then, all at once, Marshall would feel the impact of not steel against flesh, but of memory against mind. That same exact sword...that had belonged to Bartholomew. ”I will, for a time. But should you show yourself to me again, not even immortality will be enough to keep me from avenging my grandfather.” he would say, clear and loud enough for those inside to hear before he walked off.

Marshall gritted his teeth. ‘Don’t. Don’t. Leave it. It was a gift. Don’t! Don’t! It was a gift! You made it! You gave it! Leave it!’ Marshall screamed at himself. ‘Just... leave it...’ Marshall inhaled deeply, then sighed, equally so. “At least... it’s not lost...” he says, with a sad smile, “Barty would be happy to know, I didn’t lose it, after all.

Amanita heard what Oliver had said, as well as Marshall’s sighs, rushing over to ask: ” everything okay, Mr. Marshall?” she would ask, wishing she could help in some way but...Oliver sounded less than pleased after that, and Marshall looked like he was in agony.

"Die young, kids, so you don’t make irreparable mistakes,” Marshall sighed, as he flopped onto the couch.

Collab with @The Irish Tree / Attn: @Ammokkx & @The 42nd Gecko

@The Irish Tree

I know the feeling... GM'ing is an up and down experience.

For the journey home, Annalise had been as quiet as a breeze, and yet bore forth sheer anger that better matched her Hellhound armor.


How long had she been asking herself that simply question? Why couldn’t she take back the horse? It was her mission, wasn’t it? Why did the Holstaur get to make all the decisions? Who was she to decide how they would handle their mission? More importantly, who was she to CORRECT Annalise in how to go about doing HER task? Was it even their mission, once she decided that she’d the right to take over at that point?

Why didn’t Magnus stop her? Why did he just let her did what she pleased? Would she get there reward, now? Surely, Jeb, whoever the hell he was, wouldn’t think about them, since someone else returned his horse to him.

Annalise dug her claws in the ground, as these questions burned in her head. It was burning through her time in her armor, yet equally binding her to it. However, it was not to last, as they trod back upon the grounds of the Guild. Her only memory of the cyclops that was looking things over was her leaving on her first day; they hadn’t spoken a word, hadn’t meet eyes, even. So...

Annalise resisted the urge to scream, as the cyclops’s tongue fumbled over the syllable, settling on the common tongue name, “Anna” -- which wasn’t even close to the only proper pronunciation, which would have been, something like, “Annal”. However, that wasn’t the point -- mostly -- at the moment. “Why? Metal Eater... But, you... shouldn’t... know...” she growled, as her flames started to increase with a hissing output of sulfur. “I DIDN’T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO CORRUPT NOR SPEAK MY NAME!

There was a sudden eruption, as her flaming accoutrements went from crimson with golden roots to sapphire with violet roots, and lost their shape; becoming mere spouts of flames. Even Magnus would be forced to a defensive side, as Annalise trembled in place. He could feel rage explosively rippling off her, and... an undercurrent of sadness? Before he could attempt to do anything, he heard a massive cracking, and a section of Annalise’s armor shattered like shrapnel, and fired at him -- only to return to slime at against his skin.

Calm down! Calm down!! Calm down!!!’ screamed the Mimic Slime at herself. ‘No! I won’t! Why does she know my name!?Who told her!? Find them! Silence them! Protect us!’ she screamed back, at herself. ‘I can’t! We can’t! I don’t wanna fight to survive anymore!’ Annalise cried back. ‘WE HAVE TO! THEY’LL KNOW! THEY’LL KNOW WHO WE ARE!’ Annalise barked. ‘No... let’s run away... relax... before we burn up in anger...’s so hot... my anger is.... calm down... need water... find food... need sleep... hide and survive... like always...

Instinct took over, and Annalise rushed down the cyclops -- only to launch beyond her, surging through the hole, and into the Guild. Her flames disappeared as she hit the ground, and rushed to the bathrooms; remembering where the dragoness, Nephele, had led her before, as her armor continued to shatter from the heat it was enshrouded in.

We... We... are Annalise Xing... Madame Lin Daw Zhou... Slime... Lich... Afraid... Again...

Terribly burned, emotionally, and psychically, Annalise reached out, and turned the cold water on full blast to douse her armor, and flood it.'s it going guys?

Jus' waitin' on posts, and bein' awake too early, so, the usge.

Annalise’s “stomach” grumbled; a twisted sound that reverberated in the armor, and came off as a deep-seated growl from her core. It sounded like a dog growling in anticipation of fighting. Really, she was just hungry as hell -- two full Reflects, and barely anything to snack on. Still, she needed to focus on the matter at hand... but, which matter; the fight with some washed-up nobody or the mission that she’d been sent on?

Sitting back, her tail wagged lazily, as she thought about what order to go in... ‘Name... Name is a good place to start. So, my name is...’ Annalise scratched her her phantasmal right ear, “Madame Lin Daw.” There was something about that name, the way the words rolled off her “tongue”... they burned and distorted, warped around themselves, and became lost.

As if, they words were a labyrinth in and of themselves.

Unfortunately, unless one spent many a year in a dungeon, learning the oldest of langauges, there was little she could do to properly translate the word into the surface dwelling tongue. After a fair struggle, it would sound more like she’d said, “analyzing,” to fill the void she’d accidentally created. “Wait, why would anyone leave you? A Minotaur is invaluable upon any quest, against any foe,” she says, “Such power, presented and hidden. Only a fool would surrender it. This old woman won’t leave you.” Magnus could feel something of a gentle, kind smile behind the hellish visage.

Alright, next order of business... I addressed the name, and the worry, so, now...’ Annalise stood up, and stretched out; her back arching towards the floor. Sure, she’s no spine to relax, but the idle was incorporated into the spirit of the armor. “So, the horse is the target of the mission? How curious. At least, it should be...” she yawned, “In any case, shall we take it back? I have... equestrian training.

Annalise set up to walk out the room.

Pausing, she looked back. Nero was the warrior she was supposed to fight, right? He didn’t look like much. A normal adventurer; one of dozens that she’s seen, stripped of armor, and left to their devices at whatever level of Madame Lin Daw’s lost dungeon she’d ambushed them at. However, her stomach was the deciding judge in her future of combat, and Nero, dressed in nothing but a average, plain clothing, and armed with nothing more than a wooden bucket...

I doubt you have anything worth eating on you,” Annalise says, before turning away, and heading out of the room. “I’m going to go change, so I can ride the horse.” Her stomach growled sharply, and turned away. ‘Ugh.... I’m so hungry... I need something metal... jewels... something...’ Annalise’s tail fell flat, sad, and she spared a final look back; spying Magnus’s axe, and licking her “lips” with a flaming tongue. ‘Delicious...

Sighing, she went to find a much better hiding place to change.

@The Irish Tree & @PaulHaynek
It wasn’t the shouting from Amanita through the door, nor the fact that Micu broke its lock, but the pained noise that took Marshall out of his torment. He’d carefully tossed the bit and pieces of glass in his fingers into the sink, as he removed them, but he’d paid no mind to the glass that had shattered and scattered across the floor -- it was only human to think of oneself before others. Unfortunately, as he saw what that instinctive notion had accidentally wound brought the immoral nearly beside himself; throwing himself to the floor, he picked up the kitten, and looked it over extensively. “Oh, you poor thing!” he says, plaintively.

Marshall lifted the kitten above his head, and frowned, “Goodness, you are barely off the teat; not even near ready to be wandering so aimlessly, young lady,” before he held her by the nape of her neck, and cleared the sink out. “First thing you need, a good maintenance.

A hiss escaped the mouth of the kitten as it was picked up, weakly swatting at Marshall’s arm before she was plucked up by her neck. The golden fur lining her body was soft and thick, clearly made to insulate heat. Given that the creature scarcely resembled most forms of life on the island, it could be safe to assume it was brought here by someone. It was clearly reluctant to be held, especially since it thought Marshall was trying to eat it.

Marshall barely took notice of the action -- help that his right arm was mostly armor, even if it didn’t look it -- as he set the kitten in the sink, and ran the water aside her; it was warm from his own mistrations, as he’d been cleaning his left hand, and the glass had went and washed down the drain. As such, he was free to soak and soap her fur with a bar that he’d procured alongside a small cloth. “And, just who are you hissing at, hm,” he asks.

Another hiss escaped the cat as it attempted to leap away from the water cascading over it, held back by Marshall as it furiously scratched at him. It was pissed, for certain, and not at all pleased about receiving a bath. Thankfully no glass had gotten in its paw, making it just hurt a little as the tiny feline perched it back at an angle, to balance on one front paw after a time.

Nu,” Marshall says, bapping her nose. “Time to be good,” he scolded, “I’m sure, after a nice bath, and a bit of feeding, you’ll be far more agreeable,” he paused to look around for a moment, “To young for meat, and I’m too incapable of crossing the boundary of human and feline... Hrm...” Marshall took of moment to raise her upper lip with his left pointer, “How capable are your teeth?

The cat would answer by sinking them right into Marshall’s finger, the barely developed nubs managing to do little more than bruise the skin of his finger. Her jaw strength was weak as well, undeveloped from lack of hunting experience. Still, she had a degree of persistence, as she kept on shaking her head furiously to try and maim Marshall’s finger.

Marshall chuckled; although, it was almost sad in a way. “You are trying, so hard, and yet... you arrive at nothing,” he says, “It’s a pale reflection of myself. Doomed to suffer in an uncaring world.” Marshall focused on her efforts, on her lacking sharpness, and tried to weaken the barrier she worked to destroy. “I can’t find myself a redemption, but, maybe, I can find you a future...” he says, as she shook and struggled; instincts keeping her focus sharp, where all else failed to be.

A grumbling noise erupted from the feline’s stomach as she shuddered, her bite weakening as she started to realize the futility of biting. She was just wasting energy, and Marshall was far too intact to try and eat. As such, she just...felt like giving up. If it weren’t for Marshall holding her up, it was likely the kitten would just curl up, wanting to sleep away the pangs of starvation, perhaps dream of the mother it doesn’t have left to rely upon.

Marshall could almost sense her surrender, and he lifted her head with the finger being, now lamely, bitten, as if to make her face him; his fist still bled from his focus on the kitten, and not himself, but the kitten was dirty enough, as is, so he didn’t think a bit more blood would phase her in the slightest. “You aren’t going to end here,” he says, “I can feel your wanting, but, I’m greedy, and no-one can want their end more than I. So, I’m going to steal that feeling of surrender, whether you like it or not. Because, I’m a thief, and that’s what I do.

Sure, a boastful claim such as that would surely fall flat on a kitten, but, it wasn’t something loftly, nor lightly said, either.

The kitten let out a pathetic noise, before swatting a paw weakly once, missing and just resting her paw upon his arm as her head was forced to face his, only one eye open. It was weak, but Marshall could still see the fight left in her; He’d managed to piss off a dying cat enough to get it to stop giving up, as a start. Sadly his speech was lost to everyone save Amanita, who was peeking in through a crack in the door.

Marshall smirked. “Pissed you off, I see,” he didn’t shake his grin, “That’s a start. Now, do something about it. Let’s see you bring that fight up, front and center.

Marshall would see the feline beast open its mouth wide, before a small spark could be seen, shining light inside of her mouth before a small flicker of electricity tickled against Marshall’s skin, doubly harmless due to the size, and the Light affinity of his blood coursing through him. After that was just a puff of smoke as the kitten weakly coughed.

Marshall grinned, proudly. “Thattagirl,” he says, lifting her from the sink. “Now, let’s find you something to eat,” he dabbed at her smoky lips “clean’ with a his left pointer, “Er... I should probably heal my hand, and wash it, before I make you something. I can’t afford to lose but so much blood, and bleeding into food is bad.

Marshall would hear footsteps outside the door make a break for it, as Amanita went to the kitchen to prepare some food before he got there. Mucu just kind of didn’t get the memo, and stood there, very clearly visible in the doorway, looking in curiously. The kitten kept on trying to take potshots at Marshall as he carried her, swatting on occasion.

Smirking, the immortal simply handled the kitten as one would handle a swaddled babe; treating her with intense care, as if she were glass. He set to amusing himself with her teeny bolts and swats by playfully poking at her belly, in return, until he reached the kitchen. Surely, he would have had to pass by the other patient, but, like with the Myconid, unless they make themselves unignorably known to him... he’d just ignore them.

He really wasn’t a people person.

As he would walk towards the kitchen, Marshall would smell fish being cooked, as would the starved kitten. Amanita was at work crisping the skin on some trout of some kind, smiling as she saw him come in. He’d also be able to count that there were more fish frying than there were people there at the moment. “O-Oh, Marshall! I was just um...fixing up some dinner for everyone. Who’s your little friend?”

Harliqueen,” Marshall says, simply. “If she’s so obliging.

Collab with the @The Irish Tree
Apologies. I'm idling on my post, mostly because I'm waiting on Magnus, since Annalise's following him, atm, and I'm just legitimately busy as hell IRL with holiday work hours.

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