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I dropped a clear thumbtack on the floor and now my carpet is holding me hostage.
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Remember: it's important to plug in the appliance you want to use.
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bbcode and I about to throw hands.
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Please stop inviting yourself to take lunch with me. I actually enjoy my thirty minutes of alone time.
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Mahz mentioned me. I can die now.




baby laughter was super effective.


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The Ruined City | Outskirts · Evening
In collaboration with: @Medili@Force and Fury@FunnyGuy


It was sometime after their departure from the city that the group arrived at a small cluster of buildings. Six to be exact, all roughly the same size and looking to have once belonged to each other like a family. One in particular had been of interest to Akaia, specifically as the home to some unknown thing she assumed Lysandra might like to get her hands on. Knowing full well that she was the type to tinker, the Sidhe had some time ago stumbled across the place and made a peculiar discovery that seemed to require a more... human touch. She could think of no one better.

A small discussion led to the party split again, this time with much less apprehension than before. With the danger long past and less than half the trek remaining on their journey home, the urgency in their travel had tapered off and most were agreeable to a short breather. Of the commune, it would be Erik, Cerise and of course Lysandra who would accompany Akaia to the building at the end of the chain. The others kept watch as they made their way over.

"In here." She had said once inside the doorway, gesturing for them to follow. She stood at the edge of a shadow where the day's fading light struggled to reach and where from outside it was little help in identifying what the place might have been in its past life. Besides encroaching flora and some debris that looked to have been recently displaced, the only other items of interest were a series of letters above the door. Starting slightly left of center was an "R" and an "E" followed by a gap and then a "D". Pieces of the alphabet that could be combined in any number of ways to form any number of words. But what had held so little significance to Akaia was more than enough to deduce something specific for another. As Erik and Cerise followed the girl through the door, Lysandra took a moment to study the letters.


Although said mostly to herself, it was enough for a Sidhe to confirm what she already knew and also enough to elicit a giggle out of a certain Cerise. "Curious indeed. I wonder what building this once was." She said, peering inside with the others.

Pitch black shadows peeled away to reveal a space that had once been used for retail. It was dirty and dry but mostly very empty. The counter directly across from them was covered in a thick layer of dust along with a number of objects of various sizes and degrees of neglect. Along most of the walls were shelves that looked to have once held magazines, or in this case, vinyl sleeves. Nearly all were missing but here and there were small piles of unwanted albums or broken records. Hanging on the back wall behind the counter were a number of sleeves still intact save for one that was very obviously missing. In its place was a dirt free square stain.

"Looks comfy.” Erik sarcastically commented with a grin, to which Lysandra replied with a warning. "Don’t get too comfortable." She said, rolling her neck and shoulders and stretching some as she looked around. Her more observant studying noticed the missing record from the wall. "Unless you wanna spend tonight sleeping beside the Lost."

"Hmm... At least I'd have company." He mumbled back. After a moment, all three found Akaia again.

"So, Flower Power, what was it that you wanted to show me?"

"If it's a record player…"

"Right, right, what did you want to show Lys, Kaia? Surely it’s something interesting, yes?"

Akaia looked at each of them in turn, her tired eyes regarding their question with the answer to their ask clear in her mind's eye. She wanted to sleep, but an anxious curiosity from Lysandra and the unmistakable excitement from Cerise kept her focused on what she truly wanted. What she'd always wanted. Despite her more materialistic losses that day, she knew temporary holes were easily filled with time and other things. Sleep too would find her soon enough. It was a fear she knew well that was harder to suppress and she only knew of one way to do it. So when she smiled in reply to their searching, it was a smile of genuine contentment. Exhaustion was pushed aside in favor of empathy and Akaia very quickly led them around the counter.

Tucked in the corner and on the ground was an object covered in a sheet that was oddly enough, less dusty than the junk surrounding it. Judging by the shape, it looked to be about a foot tall and a foot and a half wide at the base and as if nothing more than a simple box. But as she bent down to grab the corner of the fabric covering it and pulled it away, the gift underneath was anything but simple.

The wooden box was indeed plain on top but was also covered in a complicated layout of buttons and knobs on the front. In the center was a gauge of sorts; encased in glass was a red needle that seemed to follow a series of steadily increasing numbers. Underneath that needle was a digital number display that was currently grayed out. On both sides of the gauge were a series of buttons and below them were three knobs. Two of the above reliefs read "Volume" and "Tuning". Just below them was an elongated and thin rectangle that looked as though it could be opened and flanking on either side of the entire setup were two large recessed speakers. Everything but the speakers were framed in a gold-plated panel.

As the lid of the box was lifted, the others were treated to what appeared to be a large black circular disc and a peculiar looking arm sitting just above it. Lastly, on the side of the box was a barely visible rectangular shaped hole with a number of exposed wires sticking out.

Akaia looked at Lysandra with a hopeful, expectant look in her eyes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis scelerisque ipsum. Duis pretium eleifend mattis. Fusce rhoncus ante magna, eget cursus leo venenatis id. Nullam lacinia elementum augue. Ut euismod nisl vel malesuada iaculis. Nunc interdum mattis nisl, eget interdum mi efficitur eget. Sed blandit in augue sit amet mattis.

Pellentesque congue arcu dui, ac dapibus massa interdum at. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec dolor lorem, aliquam et tincidunt in, ullamcorper at ante. Nulla pretium velit sodales erat vestibulum scelerisque vel non elit. Sed lobortis tortor sed augue volutpat vestibulum. Sed tristique neque nibh. Vivamus vitae nisi a lectus tincidunt placerat. Curabitur volutpat pretium imperdiet. Nunc sit amet mauris ultrices nisi rutrum vehicula. Donec tempus quam non iaculis ullamcorper. Nullam lobortis dictum egestas. Proin accumsan lectus ac ex elementum, id tincidunt risus pharetra.

Praesent ullamcorper nulla pretium nisi dictum aliquam. Vestibulum luctus, orci sed sagittis tempor, ligula ex laoreet eros, eu pellentesque enim neque blandit nunc. Ut eros nibh, cursus at viverra vitae, vulputate vitae tellus. Etiam egestas auctor massa, quis laoreet nibh bibendum nec. Proin condimentum, mauris non placerat feugiat, risus tortor aliquam sem, at ullamcorper nunc tellus sit amet dolor. Ut gravida nisi vitae eros pellentesque, non hendrerit turpis congue. Fusce vel iaculis ligula, in pulvinar dolor. Fusce fermentum tortor ut massa feugiat, a interdum enim tristique.


Banner is an image with an invisible border on the left and right side. Fill is 885px wide. Entire banner is 900px. Edges filled with color code #2e2c2c.

Image wrap was done by eye.

Text boxes hold up on mobile but the image wrapping will not.



wet leg

wet leg
i bought some coasters.
Banned for emoting. >:D
Banned for emoting sideways. .-.


The Ruined City · Late Afternoon

Akaia kept pace with the others as best she could, relying on her natural agility to not fall too far behind, but as she continued to run, a combination of distractions saw to the gap in front of her widening. For one, she was now thirty-six hours into her day. Just the day before she was pushing herself to extremes to return home as fast as she could, taking advantage of numerous shortcuts and running when she could have been walking just to answer a feeling. Now, here she was again, this time running for her life. Her legs were screaming at her to stop. Her chest was tightening. Her vision blurring slightly around the edges. Adrenaline was doing most of the work keeping her awake but the temporary solution would only last so long and once she came down from its high, she knew how heavy she would feel. She knew how unfocused she would remain and how much more vulnerable she would be and whether she wanted to admit it or not, how much of a danger to herself she was already becoming. A sudden daydream she allowed herself to have in the middle of some long forgotten city had nearly gotten her killed and she knew the next dream could be permanent.

But while her body succumbed to the throws of fatigue, her mind was focused on one thing: Bobbing gently against her every step and cradled perfectly in the palms of her hands was their prize. Glowing leaves bounced as she ran, dancing to her retreat as if in celebration, although a rather sad one if the Sidhe was being honest. Some of the stems seemed to droop lower than it should compared to others. Plus, if memory served her correctly, and she couldn't be entirely sure given her exhausted state, mistle shed a brighter light. This one was dull and dying or was too damaged and a fear gripped her that if she were too rough with the way she moved, she'd shake the thing apart. And so she slowed her pace.

What caused her to stop however was the strange feeling of air on the exposed skin of her forearm. When she glanced over out of mild curiosity, it was only then that she realized that in her haste to extricate the mistle, she had left behind two of her prized possessions. She turned just in time to see the house she had been in only moments earlier crumbling to dust, burying her things with it.

A shout from Licorice interrupted a thought that escaped the girl's lips as a whimper and a second drowned out the impulse to turn back. Instead, she bit her lip and kept going, ignoring the pieces of her she was leaving behind.
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