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2 yrs ago
I dropped a clear thumbtack on the floor and now my carpet is holding me hostage.
2 yrs ago
Remember: it's important to plug in the appliance you want to use.
4 yrs ago
bbcode and I about to throw hands.
4 yrs ago
Please stop inviting yourself to take lunch with me. I actually enjoy my thirty minutes of alone time.
6 yrs ago
Mahz mentioned me. I can die now.




baby laughter was super effective.


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..Palace · An LSF Collaboration · Part OnePalace · An LSF Collaboration · Part One
Both Zhen and XIaoxu took their time upon entering the gala. The slow pace allowed them to be seen in public, noticed by the important and also to absorb the information about who was sitting where. Each of them were dressed to the nines, Zhen in a slender black dress paired with a white coat and a smattering of jewelry, and Xiaoxu in a sharp white suit, clean and impeccably tailored. Finding their seat reminded Xiaoxu of the unfortunate error on the seating chart, listing him as merely Zhen’s plus one rather than granting him own seat. The conversation had already started when they sat down, and they came just as they heard Kaye refer to “Professor Lun and her husband”. Internally, Xiaoxu wanted to shout at her. Both of them were full professors, and he was not just any professor, but the 11th most cited legal scholar of all time. While he was distracted and fuming, Zhen started a conversation.

“Kaye, so nice to see you! I’m sorry to hear about your brother, I can only hope he will be found safe soon, moments like these remind us how the incident at the storage facility has taken a toll on all of us. I hope you’ve managing to recover well, I wanted to tell you about a monumental project that involved collaboration with some researchers from your R&D Department that my colleagues and I have just finished. The preprint of the paper was just published, the title is Pleasure and Pain Quantified: Population-scale Hedonic Calculus via Brain Computer Interface and Deep Reinforcement Learning. It was a true interdisciplinary effort. I worked with the best of the Neuroscience and Computer Science departments at the university, along with some researchers outside the academic world. The Ethics board was annoyingly persistent in their efforts to hamstring this research, but I think this will be the cornerstone of some truly great things in the future. I also must thank the Sato and Moon families for their generous grants, those also aided this greatly.”
”I appreciate it, Doctor Lin.” Kaye said. ”My family is holding out hope that he’ll turn up soon. I’m optimistic…” The blue in her eyes seemed to dull a bit. ”My brother is known to be quite resourceful, although I fear at times his thirst for knowledge and passion for what he does sometimes drowns out his reason. He can be very hands-on if given the opportunity. Putting himself in unnecessarily risky situations.” Her eyes flashed to Vyska. ”It’s true that the explosion has affected us all but I am glad we can still find moments like this.” She gestured back to Zhen. ”Such as helping each other continue to make discoveries like this. I’m thoroughly looking forward to reading the paper.”
“Sorry if I was grim earlier, I have no doubt you brother is quite capable. I think it might be because the university has seen too many lost too young this past week. I remember one, Huanyan. She was only in her first year and already showing remarkable potential, I was looking forward to mentoring her until she met a tragic end. It saddens me to see and I’m going to personally petition the department to award her posthumous degree, it’s a simple gesture but I feel anything we can do in this trying time will help.”
”That’s very kind of you.” Kaye said.

”I like to think it’s those gestures that make the difference. Money can only get one so far if the heart isn’t in the right place. It’s why we’re only too happy to fund your research. Advances like the ones you and the Xuoshi’s have discovered are necessary for a better tomorrow.” Vyska added. ”But besides all of that, It’s a pleasure to see you again. I know last time we met I was little more than a girl in my father’s shadow but he’s shown me much and taught me more. He’s been a huge fan of you and I look to continue as he did, funding your work in the future.”
“I am honored to hear that, Vyska. Your father is a true giant, a man of character whose donations have the whole city owing him a debt of gratitude. I don’t know if the Doing What We Can Foundation would exist without him, and it certainly wouldn’t have raised billions without people like the Moons. I have no doubt you’ll continue his legacy and improve countless lives.”
Vyska turned to An. ”Doctor Lun, the woman seated next to me is none other than An Tamura. Director of Operations at SynEn. An, Doctor Lun here is a professor at the University of Ba Sing Se. You might know her? And this is Professor Zhang. The man next to him is Taiichi Sato.”
During the conversation, Taiichi Sato was listening, not entirely comfortable enough to chime in. It didn’t help that he was watching his phone, trying to see if the energy shortage would interrupt the production line or not. Whoever worked in operations at Future Industries always had to be ready to drop everything and get to work solving production problems, even if they were a C-level executive and at the royal gala like Taiichi was. Not being willing to get your hands dirty wasn’t the Sato way. He looked up briefly to say

“Nice to meet you, An. Welcome to the Gala, I promise it’s more boring than the tabloids make it seem.”
“Very pleased to meet you,” An said to them both, smoothly extending her hand with a smile. Privately, she wanted to roll her eyes at how Vyska had introduced her, but she kept it to herself. What was this girl doing? She turned to Zhen. “You look too young to have taught me when I was there, but I graduated from the University of Ba Sing Se… six years ago, now? Your paper sounds intriguing. If I ever have the time, I might read it- but I have to admit I’m a bit more of a… paper-pushing girl these days. You’re a professor of… philosophy? And you, Dr. Zhang? I’m sorry to say I’m not very familiar with the faculty these days, but your name, Dr. Lun, has at least reached me. In the news and such.”
“I believe I was at the university when you were there, although my teaching load was sporadic at times. The research projects I was part of consumed a lot of energy, as did launching the foundation. I only got a more regular teaching schedule when I became a tenured professor, that was seven years ago. Of course, if your expertise is in Synergy that is a subject somewhat removed from philosophy, I know several professors from the hard sciences who never even set foot in the Philosophy department’s building, treating it as though it were haunted ground.”
An chuckled good-naturedly at Zhen’s comment and took a sip of her wine. “Don’t worry, I’m no scientist, even though Vyska likes to talk me up. I was actually a mathematics major, which is… probably not much better in your eyes, if I think about it. I mostly learned about synergy through my work, and I do know quite a bit about it but I also have many actual scientists under my employ who know more. Like I said, I’m a pencil-pusher and a manager, among other things. I won’t bore the whole table with the technical details.”
When she was done, Xiaoxu saw an opening. He tried to sound casual, almost a little folksy when he spoke.
“Oh Miss Tamura, you can call me Xiaoxu, I’m a law professor, we don’t do that doctor stuff. I’m just a kid from the middle ring who studied way too much and wrote some law journal articles people thought were pretty nice, somehow I ended up the eleventh most cited legal scholar of all time. Can’t complain, I’m just happy to be here with all of these incredible people and married to such a beautiful and intelligent woman. I heard about what’s happened this week, it’s hard not to, but I couldn’t help but think about how you’re been feeling, An. With all that’s been going on I’m sure it hasn’t been easy to talk about your experiences.”
She blinked at Xiaoxu’s comments, a bit confused… and then nervous. Damnit. He was hinting at knowing about hera dn Chu. It wasn’t exactly a very well-kept secret, but… she simply looked at him for a moment, before smoothly saying, “Well, it’s been a difficult few days for everyone. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, I’ve definitely been under a lot of pressure at work, but it doesn’t compare at all to what Vyska and especially Kaye went through during the explosion. So many people are dead or missing, chaos is still reigning with over half the city without power, and we still don’t know the cause of why all this happened. Excluding the obvious. I, for one, would like to find out why. I know a lot of people are working on it, but I’m anxious to find out. Aren’t you?”
Kaye chimed in next. ”I think what we really want to know is how long we have until we run out of power? You’ve diverted energy to our production facilities, as I’m sure you have to Sato…” She gestured toward him. “But eventually, it will not be enough. Not until the pipe is repaired. I imagine balancing power distribution with the ramifications of cutting power to others is no easy task.”

”If it eases some concern, reports from our plant say that they were not similarly affected the way we were here. No loss of life. No appearance of… Benders. All hands are available and repairs are happening apace. Completion is projected within the next few days. Repairs to the pipe will take a little longer. A week at the least, but we have reserve energy for exactly these type of emergency situations.”
“If you’d like to know more about the power situation in the city,” An chimed in after Vyska, leaning forward to face Kaye, “you should schedule a meeting with Vyska and me. I can tell you all about my distribution methodology. We’re trying to prioritize right now. It’s certainly not easy, but rest assured that we won’t run out of power any time soon if we use it wisely. We have other supplemental power sources and plenty of reserves.”
"I think I might do that. There are a few things I'd like to talk to you both about actually." Kaye was once again staring at Vyska.
At the designated table, Katakuri Soran glanced when he heard his name called out by a familiar voice in the room. First glance, he recognized who it was: Lani. Another prominent figure of the upper ring, and he put on a slight smile instantly within making eye contact. ”Why would I bring a plus one when I know I was going to surely see you here?” This question was more of a statement, but he purposefully let it linger in case she wanted to fire anything back.

Deciding to close the space in between them, he approached her, and noticed the wine glass which was hugged to her chest. Bowing in respect, ”I didn’t recognize you at first. I was almost disappointed when I thought you sent your daughter in your place tonight. Are you already enjoying yourself?” Katakuri’s words were spoken with a silver tongue. A waiter walked by, giving Soran a chance to snag a glass for himself. Taking a sip, he gestured to Lani.
”As best as one can surrounded by present company…” Lani began with no regard to those around her. Kaye rolled her eyes. ”...although the night is improving by the minute.” Lani looked Katakuri up and down momentarily before she gestured with a hand toward An.

”Have you met a Tamura?”
Katakuri couldn’t help the small laugh slip from his lips, ”I know what you mean,” his words were soft and maybe lower in volume than usual. There was one reason he was at the gala tonight, and that was to keep his only child safe. The LSF requested that he be here which meant his father wouldn’t be, and his father would have complained till he left the house in his place.

Watching the other’s eyes trace his figure, he smirked, and allowed his eyes to follow the older woman’s hand to a smaller figure. A woman with long raven black hair and dark eyes, his fading away from emotion. Approaching, slowly and gently, ”I do not think I haven,” he knew this face. The face of a significant other of a famous athlete that recently set themselves and a whole stadium on fire. He wouldn’t have been able to do it better himself, but he was keeping shady comments to himself tonight. ”It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Tamura. I’m Katakuri Soran.” his words leaked with mystery along with a sudden change of tone. A tone that was professional and impersonal. One that said, I do not care to get to know you, but I will be nice anyways. His eyes focused on hers, as if he was trying to read her or was he looking right through her? Dark eyes traveled to meet who she was near, Miss Moon. Then he lost interest and took a sip of his drink.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Soran. I’m An Tamura. I’m the Director of Operations at Syn-En.” An met his cool, disdainful stare with one of her own, one that was almost meaner. I dare you, it said. She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. The man in front of her felt threatening, almost analyzing, but An was sure it was because of his height and the way he looked at her like she was simply dirt on his shoe.
Katakuri Soran took note of An introducing herself with such a title: Director of Operations at Syn-En. Raising a brow at the thought, why would someone like the Moons keep this individual under their employment? Didn’t her fiance almost burn down a whole stadium with handfuls of people in it.
As for Lani… An simply let the comment slide off of her like water. She didn’t even look at Lani, didn’t indicate she had heard her. Frankly, she didn’t give a shit what Lani Butakha thought of her family. It made her a bit annoyed, sure, but it didn’t anger her. They had been ignored for years. Honestly, An took a sort of delight in the fact that her mother and father had fallen so far in society. She didn’t care. Plus, An pettily thought being ignored completely would spite the woman more than responding. She took a sip of her own wine and wished she could take shots in respectable company.

“I assume you’ve met Vyska, Mr. Soran?” She gestured to her boss, resting a hand on her shoulder.
”I do not think I have met Vyska Moon before,” he bowed his head in respect to both of the women.

”I’m Katakuri Soran. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Miss Moon.” Taking the last sip of his drink and setting it down on a server tray that was gliding by, he had to ask, ”I have to ask. How does a family like yours keep someone linked to such a devastating occurrence under their employment?” his voice was filled with curiosity while he glanced over to An. This look that An got from him was not the harsh one upon meeting, it was gentle, almost connected to a feeling of pity. It was the opposite of what he was asking her boss. His words might have been accusing, but he couldn’t help showing how he actually felt in his eyes: he felt bad for everyone that burst into flames or uncontrollable conditions because of the explosion. It was saddening that so many lives were ruined
”Miss Tamura is the only one keeping the devastation spreading to the other rings by keeping the power on…” Vyska stood again. ”...and the fuel in your car. And keeping your house warm at night for… guests. She understands the grid better than anyone in the city and without her, well… frankly, Benders would be the least of our problems. That is why she is here tonight, Mr. Soran. Why we’re lucky to have her at SynEn. So we can gather like this and enjoy conversation with such pleasant company.” Vyska extended a hand at the man.

”It’s nice to finally meet. My father has told me much about the Soran family… and about what happened. It’s good to see you were able to move on.” She then turned to An. ”As I understand it, Katakuri is the COO of Soran Enterprises. The life blood of the city’s economy dealing in finance and automatic banking.”

”That’s riiight…” Came Lani, finally peeling her focus away from Katakuri and turning to An with sudden interest. There was some light in her eyes as if a fog had been lifted off her ignorance. ”The Hua girl was… you were engaged to be married to that Firebender!” Although her voice was raised, it was not quite loud enough to reach the other tables.

...Oh you fucking bitch...
Katakuri titled his head and chuckled at how Vyska took him, ”I think you understood me all wrong, do not get defensive, because I do appreciate your associate.” shrugging his shoulders. He was only curious as to why An Tamura was in such a place and he had to guess, she didn’t like attention on how she pushed him off onto her boss. ”I think your and my definition of enjoyment are different, Miss Moon. I do not care to dress up all prettily for people to look at me like a doll.”

He seemed to completely change when his deceased fiance was brought up, anyone could tell he lost his cool when Vyska’s comment about him moving on was vocalized. His eyes lost all light and emotion. He was chewing on his cheek and he was projecting a dark atmosphere around him now. ”It’s not moving on when your significant other is brutally killed by a fire bender, Miss Moon. Maybe you should learn how to think before you talk, not the brightest moon out there, are you?” Katakuri was staring at Vyska. He was clearly pissed off. Everyone that knew Katakuri, knew that he was extremely sensitive about Eko being brought up. With this, he decided it was better if he found better company or a bar. A bar would be so much better.
An took a long sip of her wine. Then another. And another. Pretty soon, she had finished her first glass and had moved onto her second. She was trying to avoid talking about Chu for as long as possible- and drinking had allowed her to let Katakuri go on a long, glorious rant, drawing the attention off of her. A thick blush had settled on her cheeks and a rage had grown in her chest. What a fucking dumpster fire. Everyone looked mad and was either staring at Katakuri or her.

“How dare you call her stupid?” An snapped, drawing up a false indignancy. She stood. “You know nothing about her, Mr. Soran, and I’d advise you to watch your tone. She’s… what, 7 years your junior and has earned the equivalent of your position in that time? I’m sorry about your late wife, I really am, but you shouldn’t be so rude.”
Vyska continued to smile as Katakuri's poise collapsed and he began to berate her. It took some effort but she refused to show any emotional change during the short exchange, instead opting to keep to the professional outward appearance she’d been trained to hold. However, when she did break, it wasn’t because of what he was saying or how he was saying it, it was An. She’d stood up and defended her honor and out of surprise, her smile dropped and she turned to the other woman. With the way they were seated, An couldn’t see her and when An stood, she’d inadvertently placed herself between Vyska and Katakuri. Vyska’s surprise was visible only to a few and only grew more obvious when An refused to give the man any ground as he leaned into her space. It was impressive to say the least, especially when considering it was her first time surrounded by people very clearly more powerful than she was. Katakuri was physically taller, more intimidating looking given his sharper features and was also very rich. Enough money could back any threats given, spoken or otherwise.

What she felt in that moment was fleeting, but she suddenly understood why An was supposed to be married to a world class Stickball player. There hadn’t even been a question in the air and yet she found the answer.

Then she saw the empty wine glass in her hand.
Stopping in his tracks, he listened to Miss Tamura get defensive about her boss. Don’t fucking say a thing. Kata. Don’t… he started repeating those words or similar in his head. Don’t fucking do it, he whispered to hismelf, probably where no one else could hear.

Katakuri Soran could not help himself, An Tamura kept talking, and he turned right around. Dead stare. He was thinking about what he should and shouldn’t say, he was trying his best to not explode. Walking up to An, he got close, so close that he bent down with a few inches in between their faces. ”Don’t tell me false apologies, Miss Tamura. I know you and her, do not care,” he was staring An dead in the eyes, he was trying to keep his cool and not explode on An. An wasn’t the one that brought up Eko and he knew that she didn’t know him at all. ”There is something you need to know about me, Miss Tamura. When I have someone being rude to me. I do not give a fuck how I am back to them,” Katakuri stepped away from An, and he glared over at Vyska.

Instantly, his behavior changed, ”Good day ladies. It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintances. I hope you have a wonderful time at the Gala,” he didn’t care if they began to talk to him again. He stopped listening and walked as far away as he possibly could. He was going to go find a bar or at least another waiter who was carrying around alcohol. He was going to need it to get through this Gala tonight.
An stared at him dead back, not cowed or cowering. She glowered. When he walked away, though, An had to take a moment to compose herself. For a moment, her hands shook, and her eyes widened with fear. He truly looked like he had been about to kill her.

“Well,” she commented as he walked away, “Someone has anger issues. Perhaps a therapist is in order? I’m… very sorry you had to see that, Vyska. Some people just can’t hold their alcohol.”
”It’s fine.” Vyska had said after Katakuri left the table. ”He’s right. I touched on a sore subject and I shouldn’t have.” She shook her head. ”My father was always better at this stuff than I was.” She watched as Katakuri wandered to the bar. ”I should apologize to the man. It wouldn’t do to sour relations with the Soran house because…” She turned to An and threw her a playful wink. ”... because I don’t like him.” The last bit was almost whispered but she was sure the other probably overheard, not that it mattered.

”I think I like him more.” Lani muttered.

”Thank you, by the way.” She said before gesturing to the empty glass. ”Should… I get you another?” Before An could answer, she was waving down one of the servers wandering the tables
“No, no, you don’t have to. Please.” An waved over the server herself, getting another glass.

Seating Chart

Evening · |@Exit] & |@Mistress Dizzy] CollaborationEvening · @Exit & @Mistress Dizzy Collaboration
There would be no guards, signs or warnings to tip off wanderers that they were entering the Underground. Just the understanding that the world beyond the steps cared little about who you were or where you came from. The law in the sewers was survival and those who called this maze of place home knew exactly how to do just that. Nelu himself had a taste of the life but knew there was a difference between visiting and having been born into it. Having to carve for yourself a space in a world that was already too crowded to begin with. Having to find for yourself a name that others could remember in a sea of unimportant faces. While he could put on an act, he would be relying on the former ‘Flying Frog’ to get him in and out of there in one piece.

The bottom of the stairs fed immediately into a large market, crowded and well lit. The bleak silence and colorless streets they had just escaped was suddenly replaced by the white noise of a lively crowd and lights dragged down here from the surface. Burning incandescents and blinking fluorescent neon colored the world in direct defiance of the darkness that tried to encroach. The shadows were pushed back by ambient hues that tainted the walls and stained the air. The people too were similarly distinctly vivid. Much like the world around them held together by chewed up wire, metal sheets and rotting wood, they too were dressed patchwork attire. Entire looks fashioned from parts and pieces of discarded and well worn clothing that no longer looked like trash but something new and unique.

And it didn’t stop there. The Underground was the place to get anything in the Lower Ring. From Zen and sex to spirit water and body modifications. Despite the danger inherent from some of the available services, the business that handled them still boomed and it was obvious that many ignored the warnings and took advantage. There were signs everywhere. Glowing hair and teeth and eyes. People using in the open. Flyers and ads as stickers covering every available surface. Merchants were less than patient with thieves and so it was not uncommon to see in their employ muscle, some of whom were also augmented or carrying odd weapons. And because they were not the only ones who were armed, the RSF knew that entering here, despite the obvious rampant crime, was dangerous.

Nelu ignored the danger, the stares and the people in his way as he pulled Jin into the crowd. Although dense, he knew it would not be enough to obscure their movement and they would have to deal with their pursuers directly.
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As the two entered the Underground proper, the pair were quickly swallowed by the chaotic neon sea, contrasting shadows, and press of bodies. Any other night, Jin would have inhaled it deep and drunk it down. After the militant rigidity of the LSF environment, and the bleak nature of the Lower Ring, the Underground felt realer than anything else.

The blue light show on Jin’s dress suddenly made sense. In the Lower Ring, they stuck out like a shiny new credit card. But down here? That brilliance blended with the crowd. If they hadn’t been followed in, no one would have been the wiser. Unfortunately, they were being tailed, and were outnumbered at that. Nelu wanted to lead, and Jin was happy to let him, for now.

As the pair pushed through the market, old instincts rose to the surface and dusted themselves off. Perhaps the LSF had Jin Takashi chipped and leashed. But the Flying Frog would never die.
Quickly looking around, he spotted a path to the left of the market that led away into a more secluded area. Letting go of Jin’s hand, he parted the crowd slightly creating for himself and them a path to easily thread themselves through and led them both out and to an exit.
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With a deft pair of hands, Jin plucked a few items from the open market stalls, and the nearby members of the thick crowd. Unfortunately, they didn’t have time or pocket space for more than three. They returned their full attention in time to see Nelu leading them into an alleyway. There wasn’t enough time to warn him, and even less to turn around. When they hit a dead end, Jin was less than surprised. The Underground was a natural maze even without the people and pop up shops.
The alley they entered was dirty, dark and damp but out of sight. Puddles of unknown liquid were collecting in corners. Elephant rats, bigger than the ones on the surface, didn't even bother to scamper away, welcoming the sudden intrusion and the possibility of another meal. There was a body in the corner didn’t move and, of course beyond that, there was a deadend. In the dark, the wall ahead of them was nothing more than a pile of long forgotten and rotting trash. Nelu was sure there was probably a door on the other side that lead out but there was no way they were going to reach it. Not to mention the smell was already horrible. He didn’t want to know what other fumes the trash wall was sealing.

He shook his head, looking at the filth around them both. ”...This doesn’t count. I can do better than this for a first d-”


Behind them at the entrance, a man flanked by three others entered the smaller space. Just like everything else in the Underground, they too looked hurriedly cobbled together. A band of misfits forced together in order to survive… or maybe to simply share in the thrill of what they were doing. The lead man was carrying a pipe in his metal grasp, not surprising considering where they were now. The machine work disappeared into the sleeve of his jacket and it was impossible to tell how much work he’d gotten done.
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Jin recognized the tone in Nelu’s voice as they both turned to face the quartet of idiots that had tracked them in. He was playing the Upper Ring hustle, and they’d have to give him props - it seemed to be working. Jin would just have to up the ante.
”Got a little lost did ya?” He chuckled. ”Ya’ll ain’t from ‘round here, huh? Dressin’ all fancy like. You too…” The man eyed Nelu before looking again at Jin. “Don’t worry… We ain’t gonna hurt ya.” He pointed at Jin with the pole in his hand. The others behind him spread out as best they could considering the limited space. They were similarly armed and now blocking the only way out. ”Just give us the girl.”


Nelu smacked his face, shook his head and sighed. ”Nope. They’re not a girl.”
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“Please…” Jin stepped forward, subtly leaving Nelu space to maneuver around. “Let us go.” Their voice was high and sweet, and hopefully the proper tone for the Upper Ring idiot girl Jin was dressed as. Jin’s hands were clasped in front of their chest. Only Nelu was at the proper angle to see their fingers moving rapidly on something hidden in their hands.
“I’ll give you anything you want.”
Nelu kept his eyes forward, not wanting to give away what Jin was doing in his periphery with a warning glance. The sudden shift in her tone of voice caught him off guard, however, as for a brief moment, he’d forgotten who he was standing behind. It seemed Jin had slipped right back into her old habits as the flying frog, disappearing completely into the woman she was pretending to be. It was flawless. Believable. More than enough to lure the men forward in a false sense of triumph and claim their prize. They each took a step toward the two, and were now only a few yards away. The metal pipe in the lead man’s hand hovered nearly within arms reach of Jin.

”Listen. I have money, okay? You can have whatever, ju-”

The pipe moved to point at Nelu. ”Yeah. We’ll take the money off ya hands after we’re done with her…” The man said, taking another step forward. Keeping the pipe on Nelu, he began to reach for the soft edge that was Jin’s cheek.
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Jin had long buried the reflexive urge to smile at a successful con. Still, the old rush came back, sharpening their senses. It was a high far better than any street drug.

There were certain unwritten rules that frequenters of the Underground learned quick. Don’t get caught stealing. Don’t go down an alley you ain’t been down before. Don’t bite a Glowworm and light up a cig. They’d already broken at least two rules in 5 minutes. Jin might as well break another.

As the first guy fell for the ploy like a Luna moth to a bug zapper, reaching out, Jin actually leaned forward, inhaling slow, as if to accept the touch like a charmed maiden.

Spreading their hands from their clasped position, Jin revealed two objects. A plastic open tube of Glowworm, used to create a neon effect on teeth and eyes. And a small, silver lighter. Three things happened in rapid succession. Jin flicked the lighter, and a teeny orange flame came to life. They exhaled their held breath, lips pursed and directed toward the fire. The flame hit the glowing liquid, and like an old circus trick, it caught, combusted, and followed the path of oxygen-

Directly into their opponent’s face.
The man reared back as soon as he saw Jin put the lighter to their lips, but he was too close and too slow. Flames erupted in the small space between himself and them, engulfing him in fire that wrapped around his entire body. His screams were swallowed by the sound of fire eating at the air and then further obscured by the screaming of those behind him.
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Two of the man's cohorts were equally burned. The last, however, reacted quick enough to shield himself from the attack by stepping behind one of the others.

”Fuck!” He screamed as both Jin and Nelu pushed by him, throwing him to the ground.

Nelu, still suffering from the earlier shock Jin had put him through, was reminded again why they had once been a prominent figure in the Lower Ring. He shouldn’t have been impressed, but he was. How they’d managed to pull that off was beyond him. He still wasn’t sure if they’d been carrying those items in their dress or had picked them off someone in the crowd. It was impossible to know and yet that was the law of the land down here. Moving in the shadows and in secret and using both as a shield and a weapon. This was Jin’s world and in their hands, Nelu remained but a passenger. His experience paled in comparison to theirs.

Without looking behind him, he could confirm that they were still being followed, this time by the one man who managed to survive the initial fire blast. ”Got one more.”

Like them, their pursuer was slipping through the crowd with ease as if he’d done this his entire life.
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“Yep.” Jin said simply. They had dropped the plastic tube of Glowworm before it decided to melt to their palm. As their legs pumped and half the dress flared, they made the lighter vanish into the dress. “The answer you’re looking for is-” They twisted gracefully around a zenned out woman dancing in the midst of the market, barely breaking stride. “The glowy shit on people’s hair and teeth? Highly fuckin’ flammable.” A beat. “Inflammable?” They shook their head. “Whichever, it lights up fast.”

The night was just beginning, and the market crowd was just getting started. The final pursuer seemed to have the most brains of the bunch. Between having sense and ruthlessness enough to use his cohorts as a shield, he clearly knew his way around the area. Nelu was out of his depth, Jin was out of practice. The pursuer was gaining ground, and fast. Something had to be done.

Jin’s eyes flickered across the area, trying to solve an equation with no numbers at all. “Don’t look back!” Jin instructed Nelu, then pivoted sideways toward one of the market tables. It seemed to be selling credit cards. From the hastily printed sign on the wall, it was quite clear they were all very much stolen. With a level of skill they hadn’t gotten to display since their training days, Jin tucked and rolled, vanishing under the black tablecloth.

“Hey! What the fu-” The vendor scowled, reaching out to move the table aside. He never got the chance. The table burst upward into the air, and the cards went with it, scattering absolutely everywhere.

Everything was still for a split second. Then Jin shouted, that sweet, fake femme voice carrying surprisingly far.

Free yuans!”

It was like dropping a slice of meat in a cage of hungry rats. By the time Jin got to their feet, the crowd was pressing in. They squeezed through, yanking the end of their dress from under someone’s foot. Already, a fight was breaking out.
Nelu did as instructed and kept running forward, resisting the urge to look at the chaos he could hear unfolding behind him. Jin, who had left his side for only a moment was already back on his heel, he could feel, nearly pushing him forward through the surf of people pushing in the opposite direction. Already, the excited crowd had become so dense trying to clamber for the scattered cards that they were effectively now an impenetrable wall. Their pursuer had no hope of following.

The two of them continued through the market toward the other end where the crowd was already thinning. With Nelu still in front and some instruction from Jin, he made a left up ahead and then another right where the corridor led to a more open and mostly abandoned space. It looked to be a service tunnel for what must have been the subfloors of a building half buried in the streets and forgotten. There was a door that most likely led back to the surface; one of a myriad of entrances and exits to the Underground. He yanked it open and led Jin inside. On the other side of the door was a single fluorescent bulb screwed into a socket that was surprisingly still on and working. A broken metal staircase would have led to a trapdoor in the ceiling. It looked like it hadn’t been open in ages.

”The Flying Frog’s still got it.” Nelu said half out of breath. Down here, stretches of the world beneath the city suffered from poor airflow which heavily affected air quality, especially considering what fell down here from the upper rings and reamined. Breathing was often difficult but also meant that similar corridors were less likely to be occupied. A quick glance before they’d entered the room ensured that there were no prying eyes or ears to witness their flight. A second glance found Jin, her dress and hair and allure still intact despite the way she’d been moving. She didn’t even seem all that affected by the atmosphere.

He gestured toward them and nodded. ”That’s uh… effective.” He frowned, not liking the taste of the word or his lack of a better one. ”Doc Li?”
Mistress Dizzy   
Once it was clear they had gotten away clean, Jin leaned over and started to laugh. Soft, half-oxygenated, but absolutely pleased. "Still got it? Ain’t never lost it to start with." They peeked sideways at him, their pride obvious.

With Nelu’s impression of their getup, Jin shrugged. "I mean, yeah? Everything she makes is effective." They straightened up, fiddling with a silver clasp at the neck of the dress. "Though at first I thought she'd lost her fuckin mind when she showed me the kit. Guess I owe her an apology. And 50 yuans."
”50 yuans, huh…?” The amount sounded vaguely like a bet. He could hazard a guess about what.
Mistress Dizzy   
Jin nodded. "Yeah. She said, 'this disguise is so perfect, you could walk by your best friend and not get caught.'." Their head turned aside, watching in the direction of the door. "And by the way you looked at me back there, it was pretty obvious she won."
...Yeah… It was hard to admit but the accusation stuck. He had looked. He knew it. Far longer than he should have, and maybe it had only been for a couple of seconds but it was long enough for Jin to notice and that’s what mattered. It was getting harder and harder for him to keep the facade up and if they kept surprising him like they had, it wouldn’t be long before he had to make a decision.

The breath he took was laced with tainted oxygen and embarrassment. He snorted. ”Guess I was being really obvious.” He looked at them again, this time with less surprise and more intent. A curious, appreciative gaze. It wasn’t invasive or harsh, but soft. He tried not to let his eyes linger for too long but again, it was difficult. Sylara’s work was impeccable as always, a testament to her skill and an even bigger statement to her confidence in the bet they’d apparently made. It was no surprise really what a fool of him she’d made, and he’d promised he’d have words with her later… or at least he knew he’d hear about it later.

”So besides making me look like a complete idiot, I know Doctor Li always goes the extra mile with her work. What else can it do?”
Mistress Dizzy   
Jin snickered faintly. ”Like I said, I coulda shot you. And that was before I stepped out.” One hand was still in motion, the silver charm catching what little light there was. “I know this is… not the best time. But.” They turned, finally, meeting his eyes, their worry obvious. “Are you… okay, Cap? I mean, no way in hell would any disguise fool you, usually..."
”Hey… Jin...” Nelu tried to interrupt. However, the first attempt fell on distracted ears as they continued down a hole they didn’t need to go down. Was Nelu alright? Far from it and although he would never admit it, Jin had been spot on with the assessment. A disguise shouldn’t have worked and yet it did. But his inability to pick Jin out of the crowd paled to the situation Jin had just pulled them out of, at least to him. Nelu was still alive and well in a place he knew very little about, and whether Jin was aware of it or not in that moment, it was only because of them. Sure he would have been fine in a scrap, but then he’d also still be lost in this endless maze.

The brilliant blue in Jin’s eyes were fixed on him, but he could tell they were looking through him to some answer they couldn’t see. Their fingers were still fidgeting with the silver clasp that rested over where the sharp edge of their collarbone curved down toward their chest. That small spot of skin below their neck. The small spot of skin teasing at him from above their dress.
Mistress Dizzy   
"...And I know if I feel like shit from not sleepin’, you probably feel worse cause you have to do all the fuckin’ papers and-”
Their fingers continued to play with the small piece of metal, the physical tell of a person who was musing their worries. He reached for it and gently pressed his hand against theirs, interrupting the fidgeting and hoping his touch was enough to pull them from their thoughts and focus on the reassurance in his voice.

”Jin.” He tried again, this time choosing to say what he knew would calm them down. Unfortunately for him, his brain and his lips couldn’t agree on what that actually was and instead, the truth came out. ”You look beautiful.”
@Prisk I'm convinced your Avatar is just a really slow moving gif cycling through avatars.

Si Wong Desert · Night · A TLA CollabSi Wong Desert · Night · A TLA Collab
Chu stretched out in the sand against her duffel bag, a few yards from Sumire. She yawned. She had spent the better part of the last few hours napping in the truck, finally letting exhaustion take a hold of her, but she was still so tired. At this point, she didn’t know if it was emotional or physical exhaustion plaguing her. After she had buried Kanna with Vasra’s help, she had crawled in the back seat of the truck and fell into a fitful sleep. If she slept any deeper, she feared she’d have nightmares. But her eyes were heavy, and she couldn’t keep them open for long.

The cold had never bothered Chu. Whether she liked it or not, her latent abilities made it so that she’d always had warmth to spare. Even during the dead of winter, she had often eschewed puffy coats for light jackets. So the desert cold wasn’t too much of a burden. She found that, now, she could bend a bit more consciously. A satisfying heat spread from her core throughout her body, making it so she had little need for additional warmth. Seemingly in opposition to the cold, she shrugged off her jacket, once again revealing the dirty tank top underneath.

“Shouldn’t you know that, passenger princess?” Chu Hua joked, keeping her voice as light as she could muster. She had already started off on a bad foot with these people- better to be nice now. “I thought you were the navigator. ”

“My… friend said there was a settlement out here. Where benders could be safe. I don’t know its name or where it is, but I assumed that was where we were going, unless I’m wrong?”
There was a small snort as Jin Wei plopped himself against the rock next to Sumire, leaning more against her than the rock itself- much to the small woman’s chagrin. His hair was matted down with sweat, and cradled in the nook of his arm was his helmet- set with a bullet impact and cracks across its face plate. Joints popped and cracked as Jin stretched himself out in the desert sand. Sure, he was used to driving for hours a day, but a bit of a breather was always needed.

”Funny. Sure doesn’t act like a princess.” Jin quipped as he pulled a canteen from his belt. He only afforded himself a small sip of water- enough to keep himself going. They weren’t exactly short on supplies at the moment, but Jin definitely didn’t pack enough for a whole car full, and several of the people with them looked like they had barely brought anything along with them. More than likely, they’d have to share. Sumire scoffed as she elbowed him off of her. Jin rolled his eyes as he gestured towards Chu and tossed her the canteen. ”Drink.”

Jin looked up at the clear skies and stars above them. Admittedly a regular sight for him, but tonight their view felt more… earned. For the first time in what felt like days Jin had the luxury to calm down and think about what they were doing, and not run on nothing but adrenaline and instinct.

”Well, we can’t use the GPS,” Jin interjected, ”They’ll know where we are in no time if we do, so we’re sorta just driving blind right now. I think we’re heading to where you think we’re heading- I think.”
Chu caught the canteen in one hand deftly, barely having to look at it. She raised it to her mouth and took a small sip, just to wet her lips, and capped it and tossed it back to Jin. “Thanks, man.” She was slightly surprised he was being so kind now- he had threatened to leave her behind earlier, and that had left her with a bad impression of the man before her. Out of everyone here besides Reman, he was the one she knew least about.

“You don’t know where we’re going?” A minute bit of panic entered Chu’s voice, but then she laughed abruptly. Were they really just driving around the desert blind? It was just her luck. “Guess if I had to die anywhere, I’d pick the desert over whatever the Republic had in store for us. And if we get there… well. We’ll see, right?”
”Sure I do,” Jin quipped as he caught the canteen. ”We're going through the desert.” He took another sip before passing it to Sumire- who very quickly took several large gulps, leaning her back against Jin- much to his chagrin. The white haired girl held the canteen above her head for the next person to grab.

Jin glanced over at the Kyoshi, a slight haze steamed from the hood of his car. The engine wasn't shot- yet, but it definitely wasn't designed for the punishment it just went through. Or well, it was, at least until Sumire set off the street booster she had apparently installed in his car. They still needed to talk about that. He hoped they wouldn't have to push the Kyoshi like that again, or they might have bigger problems.

”Reman knows where we're going.” Jin clarified. ”Said he knew of a settlement or something of the sort in this direction, Tu Shin or something like that.”
“Tu Zin,” Reman’s voice spoke up. He was leaning against the Kyoshi with his arms crossed and his steelcase was on the ground next to him. The two bullet holes in it was on display and the first time in hours he was not holding the thing. “Tu Zin is where we are heading and I have a general idea of where it is.” Reman made a small smile, “I know where we are going so do not worry about that.”

Reman though was hiding the fact that he was still a bit jumpy from the what has happened. He has calmed down but only mostly. Looking down at his steel case and if it were not for the fact that it caught the bullets meant for him. Or if they were not able to escape. Reman is trying to not think about that and focus on the now.

Then he looked up at the night sky and was amazed at the sight. It was so clear compared to back at the city. All of that light pollution and what not. So looking back at Chu after calming down a bit. “We will get there so how about we just relax a bit?”
Abstract Proxy   
Turning her attention from the quiet stars to her companions, Vasra felt oddly at ease. They were being chased. They were being hunted. They were enemies of the state, and yet, with the cold desert wind gently sifting sand against her, she felt content. She had loved the people of Ba Sing Se, she had loved the city, but the wrongness was inescapable. The inequality and suffering was unavoidable. And to Vasra, it had been unbearable.

The choice had been made for her, by who or what, she didn’t know, but was it really so different from what she would have chosen? Nelu would have understood, she thought. He would understand when she told him. Doing the right was never easy. It promised no rewards and no kindness. But it didn’t matter. It never did. Maybe it had been a mistake all along? To think that Ba Sing Se could be saved. To think that the system could be changed, could be guided to be better…kinder. She’d rather be a cast out in the desert, hunted by villains, than be complicit to the crimes of twisted minds, intent only on preserving their own rule.

Offering a smile, Vasra nodded at Reman, ”It is hard not to enjoy a view like this. The desert is a beautiful place, for all the perils it contains. Wherever this Tu Zin is, I am sure we will find it.”
Chu laid onto her back, taking a moment to stare at the starry sky above. She had never seen it like this before- all the lights in Ba Sing Se had washed out all but the brightest stars, and she had never dared to leave the bounds of the city. It was beautiful. She wished An could’ve been here to see it. Or even Kanna. She thought it with a kind of numb distance, but still felt the noose of her sorrow tighten around her heart. She spoke to escape it.

“How can you be so calm?” she asked, speaking to Reman and Vasra. “You just lost everything. How are you not angry?” Her voice simmered. “It’s not like we’ll get there when we get there or some shit. We need food. Water. How are we meant to survive?”
"She's right," Jin chimed in quietly, "We're not exactly flush with supplies at the moment."

Jin took a mental stock of their current supplies- the Kyoshi had enough supplies for a bit over a week or two for himself, Sumire and Reman. Unfortunately, the others didn't seem to carry as many in as significant quantities- the remaining athlete seemingly the only ones with any amount of food and water, so they'd likely have to share. They'd be fine splitting food, traveling in a car wasn't a process that required large amounts of calories, but water would run short fast between the six of them.

"We'll be fine with fuel for a while, but we'll need to find some way of resupplying eventually. Even if we find the settlement, that doesn't mean we'll be able to sustain ourselves… Unless anyone knows how to farm."
Abstract Proxy   
“They didn’t teach us much about farming in medical school,” Vasra said. “Still, I suppose there’s always a first time for everything, maybe being a farmer would be nice…”

“I’ve been angry for a long time,” Vasra mused, finding herself drawn back to Chu’s questions. “How could I not be? Ba Sing Se is dying.People are suffering. Many of them are dying. And no one cares. Oh, some will pretend, they’ll offer kind words, a handful of coins, but they don’t care, not really, not in a way that matters. You know, it’s funny, more than once I thought about burning down the royal palace. That would have shown them! But…I couldn’t, my anger worked differently. My clinic was my rebellion and well..now it’s rubble. And I’m a fugitive…being chased by the Avatar knows what and who…”

She coughed, rubbing the back of her neck wearily, “Sorry…We’ll need water first, we can survive for some time without food, but water will be a problem, and soon .”
Chu made a little snort- almost out of derision. Who didn’t think the city was fucked up? She had known since she was a little girl things were unfair. But things were always unfair. It was the way things were. “I’m sure burning down the royal palace would’ve been productive,” she said, trying not to snap in annoyance. Their supply situation concerned her more than Vasra being a bit of a dreamer. “I guess we’ll just have to hope we get there in time, then. That, or find some place in between.” Her voice was weary. Chu hated leaving things up to hope.

“You’re a pipe runner, right? Is there a map or some shit? You too, briefcase boy. Any maps?” Chu said to Reman and Jin.
"A map?" Jin asked quizzically. "Of what? The super secret mystery settlement that will be our supposed salvation?"

Jin chuckled to himself, "I’d hope such a map doesn’t exist- If such a map did exist, that would just mean there’s another way of finding us."
“Not of the settlement- of some place where we can get water. I’m not stupid.”
"I don't expect maps will show us any watering holes. If we're lucky the settlement might have a well." Jin responded, "These parts of the desert aren't very well explored anyhow."
”I have might have a solution to the water problem,” Reman chimed in, Kneeling down and he put up his case and placed it in front of him. He was a bit nervous opening it since he has yet to see the damage by those two bullets but, seeing how now Mova can be useful. He opened it and was partly relieved. Mova was intact but it looked like a bullet has clipped the control tablet. Reman sighed it needed to be repaired but, it was barely a setback, he can still use command Mova without it.

So, Reman spoke, ”Mova start voice command 1.” With that the drone started its start up sequence and made some sounds. Before fully activating and soon enough hovering in front of Reman’s face.

“Mova fully operational and what is your command Reman?” Then she looked around a bit, “I see we are in the desert and where is the pipeline?”

“Uhhhh….”, that is right she does not know about what has happened. “Well, Mova there has been a change in plans and right now I need you to scan for possible water sources in the area. Do the widest search perimeter as possible and come back once you are done.”

Mova made a responding chirp,“It will be done Reman.” So Mova went up slightly into the sky and went off.

Reman got up and spoke to the group. “Okay so it will take her time to find a possible water source and before you ask. No, she can not be tracked by anyone in the city. I made sure to that when I built her and since it will take time for her to finishing scanning and come back. Seeing how it is night, how about we all sleep and see what Mova has found in the morning?”


The cold night passed without incident as the group rested. Eventually, the lights in the sky shuffled over to make room for the coming dawn as violets and reds began to push the dark away. At such an early hour, first light was a blessing. A kiss of warmth on cold skin or a heat that cut through cold dry air like a hot knife and pierced to the bone. In the distance, the sun finished cresting the horizon and set the world around the group ablaze in bright orange hues. For anyone besides Jin, like the night before, it was a display of color and beaty like nothing witnessed before from within the city. For jin, it was just another morning in a place all too familiar to him.

Everything and everyone was right where they were the night before... for the most part. Sumire found herself standing a little ways away from where the group was resting, standing curiously over a small desert flower that had sprouted from the sand.

"Good morning!" She said to it. "Jin! Look!"
Weiyuan, regardless of how rested you are, you suddenly wake up to vibrations that are coming from the ground, the source of which is hard to pinpoint but you can make out a vague direction: Past you toward someone else.

These tremors are still too weak to be detected by the others.

Mova has not yet returned it seems.

DAY 1 《》 STEELWATER [RD-PRS] 《》 After Noon 《》 @Salsa Verde @Aeolian @Krash

Christina scratched her nose and then raised her hand. "Hi..."

She tapped her chest. "I am the Christina person. You can call me Thena. I don't have uh... whatever group chat you're all plugged into so I didn't get the homework. I'll just have to take your word for it, doc. I'm also letting you all know that I'm tagging along. Your friend..." She looked at everyone else in the room. "Wiped out my team and if what you're saying is true, that probably means they're not... where I left them."

Christina scratched at the back of her head as her emotions began to fight each other for control. There wasn't just the possibility of her facing her own team again and the sick twisted hand of fate she was being dealt, there was the more pressing worry of her own exposure. "I probably need to get myself checked out..." She muttered under her breath. "... Anyways, I'm not leaving my dirt around for you all to clean up yourselves. If it comes to it, I'll put them down myself. What I really want to know is this: if Benjamin's blood is tainted with this new strain, could he simply be infected too and not actually the source? Because if the answer is yes, then Aeon's can turn and I think we have a bigger problem on our hands. And not just in general, but for the task you're giving us." She turned to the man who had entered the room last and noticed he had put on his helmet. "I think I'm going to need one of those. You wouldn't happen to have another, would you?" She asked.

Science was not Christina's forte but the curiosity instilled in her at birth by an overbearing father never left. It was especially potent now considering her life and the lives of those in the room were at stake. The mission was dangerous. She understood this better than most after having run into the target already. Any kind opportunity she could find to give them an advantage she had to take. Not to mention, she didn't know anyone on the team and wouldn't be given any time to jell with them. She found the idea of them putting a bullet in the back of her head with little to no sympathy after discovering she was infected, upsetting.

What was even more upsetting was the thought that the bodies of her brothers would not be allowed to rest. All of them were here for a reason, herself included. They believed in what they were doing despite being surrounded by ill intention and the allure of money in a dying world. Now, they were dead off a case of bad intel and a monster the UDF could not or would not control. That sad end should have been the conclusion to their story. Christina could have lived with that. Could have spun a tale for their families preserving some version of the truth and their heroism. But they couldn't rest, so neither could she.

Christina listens to the brief and considers a question of her own. Meanwhile, she ruminates on the state of her fallen teammates, considering the new information she's been given, and wonders if she too is in danger of becoming infected.

..Palace · |@Exit] & |@canaryrose] Collaboration · |@Katakuri] & |@Fiber]Palace · @Exit & @canaryrose Collaboration · @Katakuri & @Fiber
The ride to the palace saw Vyska acting as An’s chauffeur, mostly as an excuse to allow her some time with her Aerosato; the blacked out and sleek cruiser that had been parked outside her house. Because Jack was always driving her around, she never really got the chance to drive herself and so, whenever the chance to take her car out for a spin arose, she took it. It wasn’t often, and not just because of her shadow. Her life had been nothing but business even before she’d graduated from school. But every now and then, business and pleasure happened to align. A trip with her and one other in a two seater on their way to a gala was exactly what that looked like.

”I’ll eject you from my car if you throw up in here.” Vyska had said calmly when they’d gotten in. Both of them were greeted by comfortable leather seats, room to stretch their legs and an interior that sounded as if they’d stepped into a vacuum. As Vyska put them into the air, the world around them soundlessly began to fall away. So isolated were they from the outside that even the typical vibrations felt in other aerosatos were undetectable. Once they’d cleared take off height, A number of digital displays of information began to populate the air around them, telling the driver some small amount of information concerning their vehicle, their surroundings and the path ahead. However, even to the untrained eye, the information given seemed minimal.

When Vyska touched the wheel, the display suddenly changed. ‘Manual’ appeared in the top right space of the windshield along with additional numbers measuring elevation, speed and fuel. She took note of what she’d been given, flashed An a quick smile, and then pushed on the wheel throwing them forward.

While short, the ride there saw a rare moment of Vyska being herself. In the safety of that space thousands of feet in the sky, she allowed herself to be the young adult she was still growing into. A person who didn’t have to pretend to know what she was doing, because she didn’t. However, the Moon family demanded it. Her father demanded it.

She was to be taking his place at the Gala.


Vyska and An arrived somewhat early, thanks in part to Vyska’s unrestrained flying. It was obvious to them as they were stepping out that the crowd was still sparse. It also meant fewer eyes for the woman which was both good and bad in their case. Good because at least they wouldn’t have to address any rumors immediately upon arrival. Bad because they’d dressed up and if nothing else, Vyska did like to look good while she worked. She wore a loose black top that was tied off around her neck and traveled to above her thighs. Slits were cut into the sides that flirted with the edge of her lower hip. The mid section was crimped, tied about her waist by a sash that hung down to her heels and flowed loosely behind her. There was a gradient in the interior that was black fading to an almost green color. The edges of her were etched in gold to accentuate curves and draw peoples eyes too and around them. Hanging around her neck and slipping through the high cut over her chest was a green jewel that hung in the center of a golden circle. To finish off her look for the night, she had on a pair of black gloves and a black boater hat.

An was in a white top and a wide black dress that swept across the ground as she stepped. The large folds seemed to billow on their own, carrying on winds that found only her, and while the dress moved, the top remained confined to An’s shape. It seemed as if she were gliding along the ground.

The both of them entered the hall ahead of their assigned attendant and into the ballroom where it didn’t take long to find their seats. As they approached, the two women who were already sat looked up at them both. The younger one stood and gave a respectful nod in Vyska’s direction. ”Ms. Moon. I don’t know if you remember me. I-”

”Kaye Xuoshi. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Vyska quickly responded, eliciting a smile from the other woman. She then turned and gave a curt nod to the other who was still seated. ”Lani.”

”Vyska. Where’s Mynwa?”

”Personally overseeing repairs and improvements to our synergy plant. Ladies… I’d like to introduce An of the Tamura family. Recently promoted to Director of Operations of SynEn.” She turned to An. ”An, this is Kaye Xuoshi, heir to Xuoshi Enterprises, and the woman seated next to her is Lani Butakha. Director of the National Stickball League and owner of the Wolfbats.”
“Kaye, Lani. Very nice to meet you both.” An offered a handshake to both women, smiling genially.
”It’s nice to meet you as well.” Kaye replied.
An inclined her head as shook their hands. She knew who both were, of course, even if they didn’t know her. Kaye Xuoshi was a prominent public figure, and Chu Hua had been complaining about Lani Butakha being up her ass with offers for years. Unsurprisingly, she had come out as one of the staunchest condemners of her fiancee in the last few days.

An searched both of their faces, realizing they both truly didn’t recognize her. Huh. She had always tried to preserve a certain degree of anonymity for her own comfort, but it had apparently worked to her advantage. Thanks to Vyska, she knew that her arrest had not been reported in the news, lost in the chaos, but she still felt nervous as she looked to Vyska for the cue to sit. Her scandals, unfortunately, had not been limited to becoming a violent criminal. She carried no hope that she wouldn’t be recognized as Chu Hua’s fiancee by some discerning or nosy person, and things would likely unravel from there. She had taken off her engagement ring, a reality that made her deeply uncomfortable, but it was inevitable that someone would know of their engagement, ring or no. It would just be a matter of convincing them she hated Chu. She thought that that was maybe the hardest thing she’d ever have to do. Probably not, though, given all the treasonous bullshit Vyska was saddling her with.

She had been shocked when Vyska had told her she would be coming. She had thought Vyska would want to hide her, not trot her out for all to see. It had made more sense when she had explained her true purpose, but An still did not entirely get it nor feel confident in their goals here. Still, she kept a face of stone, a fake smile flitting across her lips.
”Hm… the Tamuras haven’t had a seat at the gala in years…” Lani took another sip of her wine glass.
“Ha. You sound just like my mother,” she told Lani, a jesting tone in her voice. “Fortunately, I’m not here as a representative for my family. I’m attending at Vyska’s behest as her friend and colleague. She was kind enough to extend me an invitation.”
"One earned, which can be said for few in this place." Vyska added.

"Yes. That's rather cute." Lani waved them off as they all took their seats, already having forgotten the pair when she noticed another arrival just walking in. "Quite like the tall and handsome Soran over there." Her eyes glinted when she noticed him taking a seat near their table.

"No 'plus one' for you tonight, Katakuri?" Lani was now leaned back in her seat, cradling her glass against her chest.

"And there is Professor Lun and her husband, Xiaoxu." Kaye was looking at the entrance.

Si Wong Desert · Night · @TLASi Wong Desert · Night · @TLA
Sumire was first to step out of the vehicle when they finally stopped again. She needed air. Lots of it. And room to stretch. They'd been couped up in the Kyoshi for hours now, stewing in the stink of sweat and blood and exhaustion, so when she'd finally tore off her helmet and inhaled that first breath of colder desert air, the relief she found was almost like a sip from a cold glass of water.

Almost. She realized then that she was also quite thirsty, but finding a drink would have to wait. As she took a few steps away from the truck and finally stretched, her exhausted body gave out and she collapsed against the rock formation they'd found. She didn't bother to right herself and instead simply sank lower into the shifting sand next to her helmet. For now, sitting with her arms and legs out and her fingers pushing into ice sand would be enough. All she needed now was to know what was the plan. They were no longer running and had been travelling at a steady pace for a while, but as far as she could tell, it didn't really look like they had moved at all. She couldn't tell if they'd made any progress without any obvious landmarks.

"Where are we going?" She said aloud to no one in particular.

The group had stopped for the night next to a rock outcropping and while nowhere near the size of the pillar that was still looming in the distant horizon, it did provide something solid to sit against that wasn't also occupied by five other bodies. It could also provide some cover from the chilled breeze that swept across the surrounding dunes. The rock itself had been the only visible object in the sand they had spotted and sitting around it seemed the better option than just sitting in the open.

Out here away from the filth and light pollution of the city, clear skies gave way to a sea of stars above. They glittered the sky, winking down at the group as they watched over them. The moon was suspended among the stars, not quite full but still bright enough to bask the desert in a soft white glow.
This is the groups opportunity to rest and take stock of what they have and what to do next.

While there is no danger and the weather is calm, the temperature has dropped from hot to an uncomfortable cold, making it difficult to sleep if without warmth.

Palace · Late Afternoon · |@Katakuri] & |@Fiber]Palace · Late Afternoon · @Katakuri & @Fiber
Arrival at the palace itself would have been an event for anyone who didn't live in the Upper Ring. For those who lived and breathed this life, the gilded scenery, flashing lights, and over-saturated self importance was just another day in the life. Personal airships arrived at a number of marked landing pads one at a time, offloading its precious cargo before being taken by valets to be parked elsewhere. Each one was an obvious representation of affluence and power. The men and women who exited these vehicles were similarly wrapped in opulence. Skin like porcelain, hair thick and lush. Their bodies adorned in jewels that glinted in the setting sun. The wealth on this day alone was worth more than all of the combined wealth of the rest of the world, and even then, they themselves paled in comparison to the palace.

The palace itself was large, outlined in gold and embellished in flora. The shape had been heavily altered from the simple rectangular blocks that were its past. Instead of sharp edges, the building had been rounded and the size expanded greatly. The walls had been knocked down and redesigned and the surrounding grounds had been cleared and filled with acres of open land, some of which had been converted into a Chuiwan course that resembled a miniature scale replica of Ba Sing Se. It was also one of the tallest buildings in the Upper Ring and due to the elevation, the deck at the top enjoyed a view of the entire city stretching into the horizon.

Every path outside of the palace seemed carved into the surrounding greenery, lined on either side by various trees and bushes and waterways. Additionally, some of the flora found here could not be found anywhere else in the world, further adding to an illusion that had been so carefully crafted. A visit to the palace was a visit to an entirely different world, and when standing on top of it, it was often far too easy to forget the real one. In fact, many in attendance were ignorant of anything beyond the walls of the Upper Ring and happily remained so.

The list of guests, though quite exclusive, was still quite long. There were many families who held power in the city, though obviously some more than others. Families like the Varricks and Satos or the Moons and Sorans and Xuoshis; The faces of finance and technology having each had a hand in curating the city into what it was today. The Gan-Lans would be in attendance as well, owners of Cabbage Corp. Lani Butakha, director of the NSL and owner of the Wolfbats. Lana Cheng and her husband who was head of the largest banking concern. Lana herself had her hands in many charitable foundations. The Xus. The Keums, owners of the farming land to the North and Northeast of the city, and the Zoltas who were a prominent family having earned their place at the gala despite rumors abound of ties to the Triple Threat Triad. And these were just a few of the more well known names in attendance. There were many more and it was expected that the palace would be at capacity. Many had been looking forward to the anniversary gala while others were looking forward to what the King had to say about events unfolding in the city.

As each guest arrived, attendants who were standing by moved to receive them, offering to take any coats or jackets and bags for safe storage. Then, each person was led off the platform and toward the palace by a personal attendant. They would be ushered through large gilded archways that led into a hallway, decorated with portraits of Wu's past, and then through already open doors to the ballroom.

Inside, tables covered in black cloth had been placed in a half circle around a stage at the far end. Each one had been properly set with golden dinnerware and adorned with a bouquet centerpiece of red, greens, yellows and whites. Like the flora found in the Upper Ring and those around the palace, the flowers here were indeed real and the scent was sweet. Nestled in between some of the leaves were soft lights. On the stage, Jie Xiao was singing something pleasant into the crowd. She seemed lost in her own world but it was obvious that others in the room were being pulled into her daydream.

Other guests had found their assigned seats and were already striking up conversation with those around them. Weaving in and out between the tables were a number of servers who were offering wine or water and hors d'oeuvres. Near the front and closer to the stage were two tables that were a little off center. Two individuals were already seated and chatting away.

"...It's unthinkable. Can you believe it? I swear he picks those players wearing a blindfold. Thank the King he is not my manager. I'll be damned if there is a Bender ever allowed in the Wolfbats." An elderly woman with graying hair and subtle cracks around her dark eyes pulled a sip of her wine.

"What about the Wu girl." Came the woman seated next to her. She was shorter but only slightly and sported a head of dark hair that had been straightened and parted at the front. It seemed almost too simple in present company, but the stark blue in her eyes was piercing and far too distracting for anyone to notice.

"Now that is truly a shame. Lisa did so much for the good of the league and all her daughter did was drag her name through the dirt. And now, there are rumors that she was even involved in her mother's disappearance." The woman's eyes flicked toward the empty chair next to her. The Wu name had been crossed out and replaced with 'Tamura'. "That woman... She knew how to hold a conversation."

Entrance to the Underground · Late Afternoon · |@Mistress Dizzy]Entrance to the Underground · Late Afternoon · @Mistress Dizzy
The day was overcast. Light struggled to pierce the cloud cover over head and reach the city floor, leaving the streets darker than it typically was at the hour. Heavy smog hung thick in the air as it always did, making it difficult to breathe for some. Many wore masks to try and keep the dirt from their lungs. Others, those who'd lived in the filth all their life, learned to live with it. Besides the elderly and children, it was sometimes easier to see who did and did not belong on that distinction alone.

The streets were crowded as they always were. Throngs of people cloaked in black and grays pushed past each other on their way to somewhere else. All of them packed so close together and yet every single one isolated in their own worlds. Their crouched, hooded figures a sea colored bleak in stark contrast to the lights dancing above their heads. The murky air here was often tainted in hues of pink and blue and other odd hues, graced by neon lights and cracked street lamps. A half naked woman bound across the street above downcast heads, her hands opening and pointing toward her home where pleasures awaited any who entered. A convenience store cut into the neglected exterior of one of the many housing stacks advertised 'CCCXTRM' in neon letters and 'Spirits' underneath. Across from it, a food stall was open serving hot bowls of ramen. It was crowded at all times of the day with the limited seating around the one man operation. The menu was small and the options few but the pricing was somewhat reasonable, especially considering the addition of 'fresh' vegetables. A curious thing when fresh anything was hard to come by in the Lower Ring.

One of the pathways branching off the main road became a long flight of stairs that seemed to climb further down into the bowels of the city, sloping steeply before turning into the dark. There were more people here, loitering on the steps or sleeping in the little slice of Ba Sing Se they had cut for themselves and called home. They did their best to keep out of the wash that fell from the upper levels.

A man stood at the top against the wall seemingly minding his own business. He was wrapped in a black leather duster with neck lining that was taller than most. When folded up, it could cover past his chin and was at the moment open and loose, hanging almost like a scarf. Underneath he wore a plain gray thermal and pants, also dark and somewhat loose, with the hem of each leg gathered above his black boots.

On the wall behind him was a surprisingly well done mural of a helmeted female. White hair cascaded down her back from under a helmet that was also sporting two bunny ears.

At present, there are only two people seated at one of the two tables that we are focusing on. The names on table one are as follows: Lun marked for two spots, Moon, Wu Tamura, Butakha, Xuoshi and Sato. Names for table two are: Soran, Cheng for two spots, Xu, Gan-Lan, Varrick, Zolta and Kuem.

Despite being seated at separate tables, the two are close enough that conversations can be carried between both. Additionally, Zhen and Katakuri are seated in such a way that they can see each other and... Katakuri would be within arms reach of Zhen's husband.

As others arrive, your characters will be free to interact with any one they please. Of the prominent characters, some are open to visual and creative interpretation. The new NPCs that are off limits include, Xuoshi, Zolta, Butakha, both Chengs and Xu. If preferred, your character may also move around the ballroom to create interactions elsewhere. There are a number of food stations around the room, restrooms to the Northeast and west and the stage up front.

The mission from HQ is less of a mission and more of an opportunity to gather information about the more powerful families in the Upper Ring. Allegiances could be changing and some people may need to be dealt with in the future. Neither agent in the palace is authorized to take a life as LSF.

Age. 31
Gender. Male
Residence. Middle Ring
Occupation. RSF Officer

Element. Water
▅▅▅▅. ▅▅▅▅
Form. Water
Level. •••
Chi. •••

_______________________________.. . . . . .
______________________________________________________________________________..... . . . . . . . . . .
Who am I?
Captain of the Lotus Security Force.

Why are you here?
I was given to the state by parents fearful of the repercussions that would have been levied upon them had the Republic discovered their child a bender on their own. My ‘gift’ was revealed to me at a young age, and so the decision to hand me over was done early in my life. The LSF is all I’ve really known.

After completing the bulk of my training at a young age, I was allowed ample time to visit my family and watch my younger sister grow up. Vasra was a child of possibility from the start. A younger sister with a drive and hope in her eyes that out shined everyone around her and it showed. Not just at home but at school as well. She was smart. I would have preferred to remain by her side as she continued to grow but as I turned 18, my life would become a tool for the LSF. Time spent at home slowly declined until, to make things simpler for myself and those trying to create a life for me as a cover, I decided it was best to join the Republic Security Force. During the day, I patrol the Lower Ring, protecting what shred of civil order remains. My real job, however, is Captain of the main operations unit of the LSF where I am in charge of holding together a team made up of some of the most dangerous benders left in the world and making sure that the broken family they’ve been forced to create is one that is as secure for them as possible.

Despite what many believe, we are not all monsters. We care for the people of the Republic. We care about the future and protecting that future. We care about preserving the peace so carefully crafted by the Red Lotus and their promise of a better tomorrow. Most importantly, we care about each other, or at the very least the sentiment is something I try to reinforce with each member of my team. Some are more receptive to it than others but at the end of the day, as long as the job is getting done and everyone is still playing for the same team, that’s all that matters.

As one of the oldest members of this group, I was given the opportunity to train with many LSF hopefuls. We spent copious amounts of time learning together. Learning each other. Finding ways to push and to challenge the other so we can find a more perfect version of ourselves. Some of it was for a want of power. Others just wanted to make it out of the program. The rest simply didn’t want to die. The few that survived to graduation have garnered a respect from me that no one else has. There was no small amount of sacrifice necessary to complete the training we did, and there is no one else who’d I trust to have my back in the field than the people with me now.

What is your opinion on Benders?
They have to die, and eventually, when and if no more benders exist, I will go too. It’s what’s necessary for the world. What’s necessary to protect my family and to protect the fragile peace we have.

_______________________________.. . . . . .
??? · |@Exit] & |@KillamriX88] Collaboration??? · @Exit & @KillamriX88 Collaboration
______________________________________________________________________________..... . . . . . . . . . .
Chae-Won was confused. Either this was a dream, or everything else had been a nightmare. The cynic, however, told her this was all real and someone was fucking with her. Somehow.

Things just didn’t add up.

She moved to the side of the bed and picked up a slipper, shaking it and tentatively reaching inside. Nothing. No tacks or needles. OK, so it wasn’t something like that... so far. Being far too petty, she abandoned the slippers there and went to the dresser next.

Her goal was the potted plant of all things. She picked it up, put it under her arm, and… wait a minute. She stopped and held the plant out in front of her. Something felt wrong.

If she was being spied on, she figured they already knew what she could do, so there was no reason not to try. She tried to bend the soil in the pot.


“OK. What the fuck?

She scowled angrily at the pot, but took it with her anyway. She could still smash it over someone’s head if she had to. So, silly as she might look, she carried the potted plant in hand like an impromptu companion.
To her right, a darker hallway led to a door that was slightly ajar. There was a sound she could hear coming from that direction resembling cracking wood. The pops were soft and muted through the walls and there was no smell of burning material typical of a large scale fire. It was gentle, not unlike a fireplace.
Chae gripped the pot by its rim in one hand and carefully pushed the door open with her other, carefully peering inside to see what, or who, awaited her.
Through the door, the room opened up. A tall ceiling embedded with lights brightened the space beyond where a comfortable looking gray couch waited. It faced away from Chae toward a set of floor to ceiling windows overlooking trees standing too close together. It was impossible to see through the thick foliage to what was on the other side, especially considering the light layer of fog surrounding them.

The floor around the couch was made of concrete and seems cold to the touch, but the fireplace set in the wall to the left invited warmth. On the center of the couch was a head of short black hair. It bobbed side to side but remained facing forward and hadn't noticed anything was amiss. Chae narrowed her eyes and stepped into the room.
There wasn’t much use in avoiding a confrontation here. She hefted the potted plant as she approached the couch.

“OK, you have five seconds to convince me not to throw this at your head. Where the hell am I?” she asked the individual on the couch.
”Hu- WHA! HEY!”

From the other side of the couch, a small boy swung around to face Chae, his green eyes staring up at her in surprise. He scrambled back along the couch, but even as he began to retreat from her, the fear that had started to creep across his face turned to anger. ”WHUAT DA HECK, LADY?! Yuh got a few screws loose er whut?!

He was wearing a plain white shirt over white shorts and had on white slip one shoes. Besides that a skin that seemed slightly pale, little else stood out besides the emerald irises.
She had a moment of self doubt. What was a kid doing here? That said, she wasn’t about to start questioning herself just yet.

“Maybe I do! Now answer the question! Where the hell am I? I wasn’t here when I…” Saying she’d “gone to sleep” didn’t quite fit. “When I was last awake…”
”I dun know! Dun hit me cause YoURR da one confoosed!” He picked up a pillow and tossed it at her, aiming for her head. The throw was weak. ”Didn’t yuh see da paypa’?”
As the pillow landed at her feet after bouncing harmlessly off her, she pondered his response. Paper? Newspaper? No, but there had been something with a label on it. Dusty Hotel? That didn’t seem right.

“Dust… uh… Duster? Duster Hotel?” She blinked. “OK, great, that’s a name. What-?” She took a breath and sighed. This was going nowhere. She put the plant down, starting to feel really silly at this point, and instead put her hands on her hips. “Look, is there anyone else here? Someone clearly brought me here and I wanna know who. And why.”
The boy's eyes snapped to the left and the right of the room, still wide with surprise. ”Uh. Nope. Juss us here, crazy lady.”
Chae-Won pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. This was absurd. “Are you always alone? Did you even know I was here before now?” The hell kind of hotel was this?!
”I wusn’t always alone, but isss been a while…” The boy seemed to relax some, his wide eyes beginning to squint at Chae-Won as if he were studying her. ”Yurr actually da furst in a while.” His eyes slowly turned to confusion and his face twisted up at her. ”Why are yuh here?”
Chae-Won was beginning to get a very weird feeling about this place, but she couldn’t explain it. Something was very… wrong? Unusual? She couldn’t pick the word that fit best. Nothing quite sat right.

“I… lost a fight against some very bad people. I thought they’d taken me here. They must have, but then… that doesn’t make any sense. Um, my name is Chae-Won. Sorry I scared you. What’s your name, kid?” she asked him. Either something had happened while she was out, or this was a very elaborate prank and they had a fucked up sense of humor.
”Chaaaaay woooaaan.” The kid nodded his head. ”Nice tuh meet yuh, Chaywon. Thanks fuh not killin’ me with da plant. I’m…” He suddenly paused, his brow furrowing and his eyes drifting off momentarily as if he seemed lost or had forgotten what he wanted to say. Then he blinked and his eyes returned to Chae’s. ”Peng! Heh… almost forgot.”

”Yuh hungry? Yuh was out fuh a while.”
He’d almost forgotten his own name? What the hell was going on here? With everything that had happened, she couldn’t help but be on edge. Every little thing felt like a warning bell.

“Nah, I’m, uh, good for now…” she told him. “Hey, how about you give me a tour of the place, huh? Since I’m here, I might as well have a look around if that’s all right.”
”Sure!” Peng stood up and walked around the couch. He then spread his arms wide and did a spin. ”Da main room! Yuh can sit here and relax. Sumtimes they play movies.” He pointed toward the ceiling in front of the window where a small crease was visible. ”Da screen drops outta there… And ova here.” Peng began walking away from that side of the room, back in the direction of the door that led to the bedroom Chae had been in. Across from that door was a space that was very obviously a kitchen. There was a faucet and a basin sitting in a dark wood countertop with nothing else around it. The space above the counter was limited as well since the wall jutted out at an angle before climbing steeply toward the ceiling. A person of average height would have to bend down to place their head within the space. The design was slightly awkward. On either side of this sink were what looked to be cabinets. However, on closer inspection, these cabinets were sealed shut. In front of the sink was an island of similar wood make and in the center of the island was a rectangular depression.

”This da kitchen! Yuh can wash yur hands here…” He pointed at the faucet. ”...And yuh can get some food here.” He pointed at the depression in the island.

Walking around the island, he moved toward the hall. Along the left wall were a series of doors, five in total, all of them similar to each other and each one closed save for Chae’s. At the far end of the hall was a door that was different from the others. It was solid black and there was no obvious knob or handle. On the right, a long window that stretched the length of the wall to where the hall turned into the kitchen provided soft light to the more enclosed space.

”These are da rooms. This one is yurs now. Dat one next tuh it is mine.” He stepped in front of it and blocked it with his body. Yur... not allowed inside. The others are empty but are always locked. Trust meh, I’ve tried tuh get inside.”

”Anyways… that’sssss it! Any questions, Chaeyun?”
Chae-Won didn’t answer. She’d finally figured it out. She just wandered back into the main room and fell onto the couch, burying her face in her hands. Hotel her ass.

This was a prison.

She took a deep breath, letting her hands drop, folding them together between her knees.

“Hey, kid. Peng.” She almost didn’t want to ask. Maybe if she didn’t, she could try to live in denial. “How did you end up here?”
Peng followed Chae back toward the couch and eventually found a spot a few cushions away from the woman. ”Well… uh…” Again, the same lost look from before found the boy again. His eyes wandered to the windows. ”I… dun really remember. It’s been so long now. So long… so long…” He turned to Chae. ”Yuh said you were fightin’ some bad people? Why?”
He didn’t look that old, but she supposed that to a child that young even a few months might feel like a long time, and who knew how long he’d been in this place.

“There are people known as benders…” she said. For all she knew, this kid was one too. “Something happened, and it forced a lot of them out of hiding. Some of them didn’t even know they were one. Benders or not, they’re still just people, but the ones I was fighting… they say that’s wrong. They were willing to hurt people just because of that, including someone I care about. I didn’t let them, but it meant I couldn’t follow him. I had to stay behind, and then they got me,” she gave him the simplest version she could manage. “If I had to guess, there’s a similar story behind why you’re here.”
”Is he safe now?”
Well now that was the question wasn’t it? She was mostly certain he’d made it away, and that they’d had no method to follow him, but now what?

“I… don’t know,” she said, sounding distant.

He wasn’t ready.

“I was supposed to take care of him.”

A meek, mute boy with two personalities; they’d drop him the second they could get rid of him.

“He… needs me…” Her hands clutched tightly at her knees. “He won’t know… what to do out there…”

Had she really protected him at all?

”Well at least yur ina safe place.” Peng said, his voice slowly becoming warped. Suddenly, Chae began to feel sleepy.
She hadn’t eaten anything, drank anything, and Peng seemed fine, so she had no idea how or why. There was nothing she could do about it.

If anything, maybe it meant she’d get more answers soon.

“I… wouldn’t be so sure about that.” She just let her eyes close and… waited.

After a moment, another unfamiliar voice pierced the silence. "Thanks for coming." Nelu said."You can open your eyes now."
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